76% of GOP now 'conservative,' pick Cruz for 2016 nomination

When Cruz becomes president I hope bed wetters like you take the Jim Jones route to " ultimate freedom".

You don't even need the Kool-Aid mixture, just use a gun like that "messiah" did.


Now that's fucking PRICELESS!!!

He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.”

—Luke 22:36, NIV

I love the bed wetter myth that Jesus was some pinko commie pacifist like the assholes who hate Him, and want to destroy the religion He inspired.

Yeah, i still don't get the Left's weird fascination with hating Christians. They certainly don't express the same vial hate for other religions like Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism etc etc... They seem to reserve all their hate for Christians and Jews. I guess i'll never get it.
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A new PPP poll came out with these numbers. For those that don't know PPP is a D oriented polling company but are pretty accurate. They always are up front with their methodology which I respect. I don't have to go hunting for it.

And compared to the bullshit Gallup poll that libs were creaming themselves over yesterday, this poll is based on Republican primary voters, not a generic across the board poll of 18 to what evers.

This is specific. Thank you PPP for this. yay!

Eat dirt McCain and other RINO's! :lol:

This won’t surprise Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid or GOP old bull Sen. John McCain -- the largest chunk of the Republican Party is now very conservative.

According to a new PPP poll, which has Sen. Ted Cruz the top choice for the 2016 Republican nomination, those who describe themselves as “very conservative” make up 39 percent of the splintered party.

Add in those who consider themselves “somewhat conservative,” and the right-leaning voters comprise 76 percent of the party.:eusa_angel:

In the new poll of 743 Republican primary voters, 1 percent called themselves “very liberal,” 4 percent “somewhat liberal,” and just 18 percent as “moderate.”

Among the conservative voters, Cruz is the leading choice for the GOP nomination. He won 34 percent of that group.

But he also shows remarkable crossover as 32 percent of the “very liberal” crowd also prefer him.

His likely rival, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, wins just 4 percent of the “very conservative crowd” and 38 percent of the “very liberal” group.

76% of GOP now 'conservative,' pick Cruz for 2016 nomination | WashingtonExaminer.com

""""PPP surveyed 743 Republican primary voters on September 25th and 26th. The margin of error is +/-3.6%. This poll was not authorized or paid for by any campaign or political organization. PPP’s surveys are conducted through automated telephone interviews.""""

And I bet all 743 of these people live in the same neighborhood as your national, well-known PPP folks....Raleigh, North Carolina.

I could find 743 people who live within a mile of us here in central New Jersey and they would all say Christie is their choice.

God you folks are gullible. You won't read past a headline to save your sorry asses.
'very liberal' GOP, YOU JEST...

Yup- 76 per cent of the GOP is now brainwashed functional morons and getting irrelevant next year...but only 34 per cent, including most on here, are actual whack jobs LOL.
If the Dem's (Obama & Reid) refuse to put the New Health bill on hold for a year in order to work out the many bugs in it, to get it to work for all Americans, the left may find themselves in real trouble in 2014.
The young who voted for Obama are really upset with this bill as well as the Dem's refusing to cut back government. They know they are the ones who have to pay big time for both.

I think that the voters themselves, especially Republicans and Independents are angry with the Dem's big government policies and refusing to cut anything.
Dem's need the young & independent voters.

The blame game with the Tea Party (22%) is not working any more.
Latest polls show that 60% of Americans think that the Government is too big.
Democrats need to ask themselves who the other 38% are, because it sure isn't just the Tea Party.

There is no evidence that independents are angry but you do conjure up an interesting scenario on how the Dems could lose seats in 2014.
When Cruz becomes president I hope bed wetters like you take the Jim Jones route to " ultimate freedom".

You don't even need the Kool-Aid mixture, just use a gun like that "messiah" did.


Now that's fucking PRICELESS!!!

He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.”

—Luke 22:36, NIV

I love the bed wetter myth that Jesus was some pinko commie pacifist like the assholes who hate Him, and want to destroy the religion He inspired.

Fuck, yeah!

It won’t matter regardless who is on the ticket.
Kind of ARROGANT, aren't you? Just like yer boss Obama.

nothing is as arrogant as you claiming posters of being on welfare, boy is that a good argument position.
Not as good as claiming people are voting against their own best interests.

Of course, I'm sure it's just coincidence that liberals claim it's in everyone's best interests to keep liberals in power.


Well then, let's do it. The Republicans need a true blue, all conservative ticket. No more RINO's, no more moderates. Go full bore right and let's get on with it. Cruz & Paul, Cruz/Paul/Santorum & Palin/Bachmann, whatever. Let's go.

This would be a good time to answer the Republican vs. Conservative debate once and for all. It would also make for a wild campaign.

I agree. Lets do this.

Take the media out of it. They are permitted to report on the candidates ""EXACT WORDS ONLY"" with no editorializing. On both sides.

Let the Candidates speak to the people without the filters of the media.

Let the left AND right speak ONLY on the issues and allow NO attacks on character or the past.

For those who think that Hilary would wipe the floor with Cruz....I'd have to laugh in their face.

They said the same thing about Obama.


Since that obviously is not going to happen, and because the election obviously is going to happen, the party can't be surprised when the media does what the media does.

If the party picks a hardcore conservative Presidential candidate and he or she picks a similar running mate, the media is going to be as biased as ever, even more so if Hillary runs for the Dems.

So, knowing all of this, what does the party do?

That's the question you're facing.

Cruz is too honest to ever win the Presidency, it's a different world today folks......

Now that's fucking PRICELESS!!!

He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.”

—Luke 22:36, NIV

I love the bed wetter myth that Jesus was some pinko commie pacifist like the assholes who hate Him, and want to destroy the religion He inspired.

Yeah, i still don't get the Left's weird fascination with hating Christians. They certainly don't express the same vial hate for other religions like Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism etc etc... They seem to reserve all their hate for Christians and Jews. I guess i'll never get it.
They know that the worst thing Christians and Jews will do to them is pray for them.

Muslim extremists will saw their heads off with a rusty knife.

Now that's fucking PRICELESS!!!

He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.”

—Luke 22:36, NIV

I love the bed wetter myth that Jesus was some pinko commie pacifist like the assholes who hate Him, and want to destroy the religion He inspired.

Fuck, yeah!

You can rest assured that Jesus wouldn't carry a Kalashnikov.
And I bet all 743 of these people live in the same neighborhood as your national, well-known PPP folks....Raleigh, North Carolina.

I could find 743 people who live within a mile of us here in central New Jersey and they would all say Christie is their choice.

God you folks are gullible. You won't read past a headline to save your sorry asses.

You didn't read that the respondents all live in the same neighborhood. You made that up.

You lie to yourself, and you believe it...and you call US gullible?

Here, maybe this will help:


Ted Cruz would have to move 64 electoral votes from blue to red.

New Mexico, Colorado, Iowa, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Nevada.

That's +86.

I can see Florida and Ohio flipping (they are purple states).

What flips NM, CO, IA, VA, or NV? Don't get me wrong, I think the Obama Fatigue factor is in play and it will help the GOP.

I can't see VA or IA going. If you guys would nominate Scott Walker; WI should fall into the GOP column but you probably lose Ohio.

I picked the states based on my opinion, by I when back to the 2012 election, and they were all states that were Obama state 52/46 or less with Massachusetts Mitt.

The only exception is New Mexico.

Bush won New Mexico in 2004...not by much, but he took it.

I think Cruz, Senator from Texas, can flip it again.
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Now that's fucking PRICELESS!!!

I love the bed wetter myth that Jesus was some pinko commie pacifist like the assholes who hate Him, and want to destroy the religion He inspired.

Yeah, i still don't get the Left's weird fascination with hating Christians. They certainly don't express the same vial hate for other religions like Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism etc etc... They seem to reserve all their hate for Christians and Jews. I guess i'll never get it.
They know that the worst thing Christians and Jews will do to them is pray for them.

Muslim extremists will saw their heads off with a rusty knife.

I'm to a point where I would watch it happen through my scope before I send muhamed's "salvation" down range.
Yeah, i still don't get the Left's weird fascination with hating Christians. They certainly don't express the same vial hate for other religions like Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism etc etc... They seem to reserve all their hate for Christians and Jews. I guess i'll never get it.
They know that the worst thing Christians and Jews will do to them is pray for them.

Muslim extremists will saw their heads off with a rusty knife.

I'm to a point where I would watch it happen through my scope before I send muhamed's "salvation" down range.

News anchor Dan Rather, The Reverend Jesse Jackson, NPR reporter Cokie Roberts, and an American Marine were hiking through the jungle one day when they were captured by cannibals.
They were tied up, led to the village and brought before the chief. The chief said, "I am familiar with your Western custom of granting the condemned a last wish. Before we kill and eat you, do you have any last requests?"

Dan Rather said, "Well, I'm a Texan; so I'd like one last bowlful of hot, spicy chili." The chief nodded to an underling, who left and returned with the chili. Rather ate it all and said, "Now I can die content."

Jesse Jackson said, "You know, the thing in this life I am proudest of is my work on behalf of the poor and oppressed. So before I go, I want to sing "We Shall Overcome" one last time." The chief said, "Go right ahead, we're listening." Jackson sang the song, and then said, "Now I can die in peace."

Cokie Roberts said, "I'm a reporter to the end. I want to take out my tape recorder and describe the scene here and what's about to happen. Maybe someday someone will hear it and know that I was on the job til the end." The chief directed an aide to hand over the tape recorder, and Roberts dictated some comments. She then said, "Now I can die happy."

The chief turned and said, "And now, Mr. Marine, what is your final wish?"

"Kick me in the ass," said the Marine.

"What?" said the chief. "Will you mock us in your last hour?"

"No, I'm not kidding. I want you to kick me in the ass," insisted the Marine.

So the chief shoved him into the open, and kicked him in the ass. The Marine went sprawling, but rolled to his knees, pulled a 9mm pistol from his waistband, and shot the chief dead. In the resulting confusion, he leapt to his knapsack, pulled out his M4 carbine, and sprayed the cannibals with gunfire. In a flash, the cannibals were dead or fleeing for their lives.

As the Marine was untying the others, they asked him, "Why didn't you just shoot them? Why did you ask them to kick you in the ass?"

"What!?" said the Marine, "And have you jerks call ME the aggressor?!"
LOL....New Mexico and Nevada aren't swing states anymore sorry.

And yeah, Cruz winning Colorado or Iowa? please.

This is so funny hearing right wingers thinking Cruz can possible win 2016...seriously every year more and more hispanics and young voters are going to get into the voters booths and each year more and more of your good ol'white and elderly voting block are passing away.

Demographics are against you on BOTH ENDS and your answer is to run a MORE CONSERVATIVE candidate....ROFL!!!!!

Oh but no please...just keep living in your GOP fantasy world LA-LA land where you're only two problems in elections are voter fraud and the left wing media. I'm sure that'll get you places....no really, go for it!! :)

When Cruz becomes president I hope bed wetters like you take the Jim Jones route to " ultimate freedom".

You don't even need the Kool-Aid mixture, just use a gun like that "messiah" did.


"Then said [Jesus] unto them, “But now, he that hath a money belt, let him take it and likewise his pack; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one." Luke 22:36
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I've been inching closer to that opinion myself.

I don't totally side with Ron Paul's anti-war ideas or the philosophy that we need to completely withdraw from the world, because we do some good things and there are some bad people who need to be opposed effectively.

Sucks when we have a "president" who couldn't lead lemmings off a cliff though.

Anyway the republicrats need to reject the Karl Rove standard and embrace a more libertarian agenda. It's not about winning elections anymore, it's about doing what is right.

Well said. It's been a big sham for years. Now they're trying to force more Socialist/Progressive Democrats like Chris Christie and Marco Rubio on us. They're the candidates being supported by Republican leadership. I mean come on, what's the difference between Hillary Clinton and Christie/Rubio? The answer is, there is none. So i'm with you, i'd rather lose Elections with honor & dignity. Losing Elections with more fraud Candidates, just makes it hurt so much more. Time to dump the Karl Rove rules.

I wouldn't drop support for Rubio as a senator yet. Other than illegal immigration he's been reliable. I wouldn't prefer him for a presidential slot though, so we agree on that. Christie is a political whore, no question about that. He's the guy Edge and I do not agree on.

The time for "compromise" is over. This country needs it's own modern day Augusto Pinochet.

Hero, Patriot and Warrior Against Marxism. God Rest Him.


WOW, what a far right wing authoritarian asshole you are...

Hey moron...just how far to the right should America go? Should we start digging the trenches for the mass graves???
Well said. It's been a big sham for years. Now they're trying to force more Socialist/Progressive Democrats like Chris Christie and Marco Rubio on us. They're the candidates being supported by Republican leadership. I mean come on, what's the difference between Hillary Clinton and Christie/Rubio? The answer is, there is none. So i'm with you, i'd rather lose Elections with honor & dignity. Losing Elections with more fraud Candidates, just makes it hurt so much more. Time to dump the Karl Rove rules.

I wouldn't drop support for Rubio as a senator yet. Other than illegal immigration he's been reliable. I wouldn't prefer him for a presidential slot though, so we agree on that. Christie is a political whore, no question about that. He's the guy Edge and I do not agree on.

The time for "compromise" is over. This country needs it's own modern day Augusto Pinochet.

Hero, Patriot and Warrior Against Marxism. God Rest Him.


WOW, what a far right wing authoritarian asshole you are...

Hey moron...just how far to the right should America go? Should we start digging the trenches for the mass graves???

Or what?

Wait for you assholes to force us to dig our own graves? How far left do you want us to go?

New Mexico, Colorado, Iowa, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Nevada.

That's +86.

LOL....New Mexico and Nevada aren't swing states anymore sorry.

And yeah, Cruz winning Colorado or Iowa? please.

This is so funny hearing right wingers thinking Cruz can possible win 2016...seriously every year more and more hispanics and young voters are going to get into the voters booths and each year more and more of your good ol'white and elderly voting block are passing away.

Demographics are against you on BOTH ENDS and your answer is to run a MORE CONSERVATIVE candidate....ROFL!!!!!

Oh but no please...just keep living in your GOP fantasy world LA-LA land where you're only two problems in elections are voter fraud and the left wing media. I'm sure that'll get you places....no really, go for it!! :)

When Cruz becomes president I hope bed wetters like you take the Jim Jones route to " ultimate freedom".

You don't even need the Kool-Aid mixture, just use a gun like that "messiah" did.

I live here in colorado and the only thing I've heard about him is "what a nut case" ... nobody around me or in restaurants have I've ever heard them say Boy that Cruz he's got a lot going on ... all I've ever heard is "what a nut case"
LOL....New Mexico and Nevada aren't swing states anymore sorry.

And yeah, Cruz winning Colorado or Iowa? please.

This is so funny hearing right wingers thinking Cruz can possible win 2016...seriously every year more and more hispanics and young voters are going to get into the voters booths and each year more and more of your good ol'white and elderly voting block are passing away.

Demographics are against you on BOTH ENDS and your answer is to run a MORE CONSERVATIVE candidate....ROFL!!!!!

Oh but no please...just keep living in your GOP fantasy world LA-LA land where you're only two problems in elections are voter fraud and the left wing media. I'm sure that'll get you places....no really, go for it!! :)

When Cruz becomes president I hope bed wetters like you take the Jim Jones route to " ultimate freedom".

You don't even need the Kool-Aid mixture, just use a gun like that "messiah" did.

I live here in colorado and the only thing I've heard about him is "what a nut case" ... nobody around me or in restaurants have I've ever heard them say Boy that Cruz he's got a lot going on ... all I've ever heard is "what a nut case"

In between sucking cocks in Boulder, pay no attention to the opinions of the rest of the country. Just keep swallowing the goo bed wetter.

Well then, let's do it. The Republicans need a true blue, all conservative ticket. No more RINO's, no more moderates. Go full bore right and let's get on with it. Cruz & Paul, Cruz/Paul/Santorum & Palin/Bachmann, whatever. Let's go.

This would be a good time to answer the Republican vs. Conservative debate once and for all. It would also make for a wild campaign.

I agree. Lets do this.

Take the media out of it. They are permitted to report on the candidates ""EXACT WORDS ONLY"" with no editorializing. On both sides.

Let the Candidates speak to the people without the filters of the media.

Let the left AND right speak ONLY on the issues and allow NO attacks on character or the past.

For those who think that Hilary would wipe the floor with Cruz....I'd have to laugh in their face.

They said the same thing about Obama.


Since that obviously is not going to happen, and because the election obviously is going to happen, the party can't be surprised when the media does what the media does.

If the party picks a hardcore conservative Presidential candidate and he or she picks a similar running mate, the media is going to be as biased as ever, even more so if Hillary runs for the Dems.

So, knowing all of this, what does the party do?

That's the question you're facing.


The media is not biased. That is an unsubstantiated myth turned talking point.

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