76% of GOP now 'conservative,' pick Cruz for 2016 nomination

So it's 2016, Cruz is the nominee. Let's give him all the states Romney won, which is a stretch,

but anyway,

someone name the additional states that he could win in order to win the presidency.

Here, maybe this will help:


Ted Cruz would have to move 64 electoral votes from blue to red.

New Mexico, Colorado, Iowa, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Nevada.

That's +86.

I can see Florida and Ohio flipping (they are purple states).

What flips NM, CO, IA, VA, or NV? Don't get me wrong, I think the Obama Fatigue factor is in play and it will help the GOP.

I can't see VA or IA going. If you guys would nominate Scott Walker; WI should fall into the GOP column but you probably lose Ohio.
Here, maybe this will help:


Ted Cruz would have to move 64 electoral votes from blue to red.

It really depends on who the Dems run but the 40% between the hard left and the hard right are what swings blue to red and vice versa....

A nomination of Cruz would be basically a sacrificing of a whole lot of that 40%.

Who else is there but Hillary?

A Hillary candidacy would be nearly insurmountable by any Republican candidate.

If she runs, I would be tempted to back Jeb Bush. :D

But behind Hillary, the bench is pretty shallow.

Biden is a loss...I'd put money on that.

Cuomo, I'm not seeing it.

O'Malley...Mondale revisited.

I can't even think of anyone else...Holder? Booker?

I'd back my Democratic Governor, Jay Nixon, but liberal democrats likely would not.

I actually think Hillary is a loss. Which is why you guys should run a big-tent campaign.
No, it is GREAT news! Cruz stands ZERO chance of becoming president.

Apparently there are many rightwing extremists who’d rather run a ‘true’ hard-core conservative such as Cruz and lose rather than having a ‘RINO’ in the WH.

Which is fine provided conservatives understand the GOP will slide even further into irrelevance.

And of course American society will continue to grow more enlightened, diverse, and inclusive, where the hate and ignorance manifested by most on the right will be marginalized even further, along with republicans and other aspects of social conservative dogma.

All we've been doing is running moderates the last eight years.

That certainly isn't working.

Time for a change.

Maybe Cruz is the guy, maybe not...I'd prefer a candidate with so executive experience...but the fact that the party is ready to turn it's back on these milquetoast conservatives is certainly encouraging to me.

Give Americans a true choice...not Democrat and Democrat-lite.
:thup: Rep-worthy -- but outta rep.
The consummate douchebag Terry McAuliffe may win the governor's race in Virginia,

that's how sorry the Republican party is at this point if they can't beat him.
I'm surprised the number isn't higher. But it's still encouraging. I think most Republicans have had it with the the Karl Rove philosophy...'Be Democrats, but call yourselves Republicans/Conservatives.' I know i'm completely sick of Rove and the other Neocons/Progressives screeching about you can only win Elections if you be more like Democrats.

It's that philosophy that has allowed the phony cowards to seize control of the Party. Boehner and McConnel are sad embarrassments. Weak milquetoast leaders just going along. Not to be too ghetto, but Obama has made Boehner & McConnel his little bitches. It's time for Revolutionary change in the Party. Karl Rove and the rest of the Neocons/Progressives gotta go. Period, end of story.
Apparently there are many rightwing extremists who’d rather run a ‘true’ hard-core conservative such as Cruz and lose rather than having a ‘RINO’ in the WH.

Which is fine provided conservatives understand the GOP will slide even further into irrelevance.

And of course American society will continue to grow more enlightened, diverse, and inclusive, where the hate and ignorance manifested by most on the right will be marginalized even further, along with republicans and other aspects of social conservative dogma.

All we've been doing is running moderates the last eight years.

That certainly isn't working.

Time for a change.

Maybe Cruz is the guy, maybe not...I'd prefer a candidate with so executive experience...but the fact that the party is ready to turn it's back on these milquetoast conservatives is certainly encouraging to me.

Give Americans a true choice...not Democrat and Democrat-lite.

Much like saying that your small car has been out of gas for the last 8 years so instead of buying gas, you decided to get a bigger car.

Your ideas are dead; the candidates are basically the master of ceremonies for a party (small p) fewer and fewer are attending.

-More entitlements for the already entitled (keeping dividend income taxes below what wage earners make)
-Spending even more on the military eventhough we spend nearly 1/2 of all defense dollars in the planet already.
-Going to great lengths to subvert Roe V. Wade.
-Bringing the government to the brink of default every 6 months under Obama but somehow never worrying about it under Bush
-Wanting to invade and intervene in countries that never attacked us

The candidate him/her (aw who am I kidding) HIMself will put their own spin on the parameters above but that is basically the hand the Party (upper case P) is dealing to their candidate and telling them to try to win the pot.

I say bring Cruz on. Because it will take the "We didn't get our guy" BS argument out of the throats of you guys. But, seriously, the Speaker, McCain, and Romney were all RINOs? Really? Usually those who are the leaders of whatever group are the reflections of the will of the group; not the outliers. Why is it different in the GOP?

Let me guess...the media....right?

Candyass, I only got to the part where you said:

candyass said:
Your ideas are dead

Has it not occurred to any of you liberals that YOUR ideas have caused the deaths of millions of people? Has it escaped your attention that despotic leftist regimes have systematically purged untold millions of "surplus people"? You politics promote infanticide as "reproductive rights". Your side promotes disarming the people out of "security" when history has shown what happens to disarmed people.

Your ideas ARE DEATH.
I think John Stossel can help people understand current Republican Leadership a bit more. The subject of the video is War, but it shows you why so many Republicans & Democrats agree on so much. Do the Socialists/Progressives really control both Political Parties?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYLftg-tIlE]John Stossel - Progressives And War - YouTube[/ame]
New Mexico, Colorado, Iowa, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Nevada.

That's +86.

LOL....New Mexico and Nevada aren't swing states anymore sorry.

And yeah, Cruz winning Colorado or Iowa? please.

This is so funny hearing right wingers thinking Cruz can possible win 2016...seriously every year more and more hispanics and young voters are going to get into the voters booths and each year more and more of your good ol'white and elderly voting block are passing away.

Demographics are against you on BOTH ENDS and your answer is to run a MORE CONSERVATIVE candidate....ROFL!!!!!

Oh but no please...just keep living in your GOP fantasy world LA-LA land where you're only two problems in elections are voter fraud and the left wing media. I'm sure that'll get you places....no really, go for it!! :)
I'm surprised the number isn't higher. But it's still encouraging. I think most Republicans have had it with the the Karl Rove philosophy...'Be Democrats, but call yourselves Republicans/Conservatives.' I know i'm completely sick of Rove and the other Neocons/Progressives screeching about you can only win Elections if you be more like Democrats.

It's that philosophy that has allowed the phony cowards to seize control of the Party. Boehner and McConnel are sad embarrassments. Weak milquetoast leaders just going along. Not to be too ghetto, but Obama has made Boehner & McConnel his little bitches. It's time for Revolutionary change in the Party. Karl Rove and the rest of the Neocons/Progressives gotta go. Period, end of story.

I've been inching closer to that opinion myself.

I don't totally side with Ron Paul's anti-war ideas or the philosophy that we need to completely withdraw from the world, because we do some good things and there are some bad people who need to be opposed effectively.

Sucks when we have a "president" who couldn't lead lemmings off a cliff though.

Anyway the republicrats need to reject the Karl Rove standard and embrace a more libertarian agenda. It's not about winning elections anymore, it's about doing what is right.
New Mexico, Colorado, Iowa, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Nevada.

That's +86.

LOL....New Mexico and Nevada aren't swing states anymore sorry.

And yeah, Cruz winning Colorado or Iowa? please.

This is so funny hearing right wingers thinking Cruz can possible win 2016...seriously every year more and more hispanics and young voters are going to get into the voters booths and each year more and more of your good ol'white and elderly voting block are passing away.

Demographics are against you on BOTH ENDS and your answer is to run a MORE CONSERVATIVE candidate....ROFL!!!!!

Oh but no please...just keep living in your GOP fantasy world LA-LA land where you're only two problems in elections are voter fraud and the left wing media. I'm sure that'll get you places....no really, go for it!! :)

When Cruz becomes president I hope bed wetters like you take the Jim Jones route to " ultimate freedom".

You don't even need the Kool-Aid mixture, just use a gun like that "messiah" did.
I'm surprised the number isn't higher. But it's still encouraging. I think most Republicans have had it with the the Karl Rove philosophy...'Be Democrats, but call yourselves Republicans/Conservatives.' I know i'm completely sick of Rove and the other Neocons/Progressives screeching about you can only win Elections if you be more like Democrats.

It's that philosophy that has allowed the phony cowards to seize control of the Party. Boehner and McConnel are sad embarrassments. Weak milquetoast leaders just going along. Not to be too ghetto, but Obama has made Boehner & McConnel his little bitches. It's time for Revolutionary change in the Party. Karl Rove and the rest of the Neocons/Progressives gotta go. Period, end of story.

I've been inching closer to that opinion myself.

I don't totally side with Ron Paul's anti-war ideas or the philosophy that we need to completely withdraw from the world, because we do some good things and there are some bad people who need to be opposed effectively.

Sucks when we have a "president" who couldn't lead lemmings off a cliff though.

Anyway the republicrats need to reject the Karl Rove standard and embrace a more libertarian agenda. It's not about winning elections anymore, it's about doing what is right.

Well said. It's been a big sham for years. Now they're trying to force more Socialist/Progressive Democrats like Chris Christie and Marco Rubio on us. They're the candidates being supported by Republican leadership. I mean come on, what's the difference between Hillary Clinton and Christie/Rubio? The answer is, there is none. So i'm with you, i'd rather lose Elections with honor & dignity. Losing Elections with more fraud Candidates, just makes it hurt so much more. Time to dump the Karl Rove rules.
I think John Stossel can help people understand current Republican Leadership a bit more. The subject of the video is War, but it shows you why so many Republicans & Democrats agree on so much. Do the Socialists/Progressives really control both Political Parties?

John Stossel - Progressives And War - YouTube

"start a war".....funny.

Yes, we're "starting" a war in Syria, I mean, not like they've been at one already going on 3 years now.
Here, maybe this will help:


Ted Cruz would have to move 64 electoral votes from blue to red.

It really depends on who the Dems run but the 40% between the hard left and the hard right are what swings blue to red and vice versa....

A nomination of Cruz would be basically a sacrificing of a whole lot of that 40%.

Who else is there but Hillary?

A Hillary candidacy would be nearly insurmountable by any Republican candidate.

If she runs, I would be tempted to back Jeb Bush. :D

But behind Hillary, the bench is pretty shallow.

Biden is a loss...I'd put money on that.

Cuomo, I'm not seeing it.

O'Malley...Mondale revisited.

I can't even think of anyone else...Holder? Booker?

I'd back my Democratic Governor, Jay Nixon, but liberal democrats likely would not.

That's why leftists have a hard time in actual republics that have elections.

Bed wetters get into cults of personality that usually lead to despotic regimes. stalin, hitler, kim jung un are good example. So when obozo is gone, these imbeciles have to select a new fuhrer, and the current offerings are a complete joke. Obozo was too though, but he had no history to expose.
New Mexico, Colorado, Iowa, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Nevada.

That's +86.

LOL....New Mexico and Nevada aren't swing states anymore sorry.

And yeah, Cruz winning Colorado or Iowa? please.

This is so funny hearing right wingers thinking Cruz can possible win 2016...seriously every year more and more hispanics and young voters are going to get into the voters booths and each year more and more of your good ol'white and elderly voting block are passing away.

Demographics are against you on BOTH ENDS and your answer is to run a MORE CONSERVATIVE candidate....ROFL!!!!!

Oh but no please...just keep living in your GOP fantasy world LA-LA land where you're only two problems in elections are voter fraud and the left wing media. I'm sure that'll get you places....no really, go for it!! :)

When Cruz becomes president I hope bed wetters like you take the Jim Jones route to " ultimate freedom".

You don't even need the Kool-Aid mixture, just use a gun like that "messiah" did.

I think John Stossel can help people understand current Republican Leadership a bit more. The subject of the video is War, but it shows you why so many Republicans & Democrats agree on so much. Do the Socialists/Progressives really control both Political Parties?

John Stossel - Progressives And War - YouTube

"start a war".....funny.

Yes, we're "starting" a war in Syria, I mean, not like they've been at one already going on 3 years now.

'Start', meaning beginning our involvement in War.
I'm surprised the number isn't higher. But it's still encouraging. I think most Republicans have had it with the the Karl Rove philosophy...'Be Democrats, but call yourselves Republicans/Conservatives.' I know i'm completely sick of Rove and the other Neocons/Progressives screeching about you can only win Elections if you be more like Democrats.

It's that philosophy that has allowed the phony cowards to seize control of the Party. Boehner and McConnel are sad embarrassments. Weak milquetoast leaders just going along. Not to be too ghetto, but Obama has made Boehner & McConnel his little bitches. It's time for Revolutionary change in the Party. Karl Rove and the rest of the Neocons/Progressives gotta go. Period, end of story.

I've been inching closer to that opinion myself.

I don't totally side with Ron Paul's anti-war ideas or the philosophy that we need to completely withdraw from the world, because we do some good things and there are some bad people who need to be opposed effectively.

Sucks when we have a "president" who couldn't lead lemmings off a cliff though.

Anyway the republicrats need to reject the Karl Rove standard and embrace a more libertarian agenda. It's not about winning elections anymore, it's about doing what is right.

Well said. It's been a big sham for years. Now they're trying to force more Socialist/Progressive Democrats like Chris Christie and Marco Rubio on us. They're the candidates being supported by Republican leadership. I mean come on, what's the difference between Hillary Clinton and Christie/Rubio? The answer is, there is none. So i'm with you, i'd rather lose Elections with honor & dignity. Losing Elections with more fraud Candidates, just makes it hurt so much more. Time to dump the Karl Rove rules.

I wouldn't drop support for Rubio as a senator yet. Other than illegal immigration he's been reliable. I wouldn't prefer him for a presidential slot though, so we agree on that. Christie is a political whore, no question about that. He's the guy Edge and I do not agree on.

The time for "compromise" is over. This country needs it's own modern day Augusto Pinochet.

Hero, Patriot and Warrior Against Marxism. God Rest Him.

LOL....New Mexico and Nevada aren't swing states anymore sorry.

And yeah, Cruz winning Colorado or Iowa? please.

This is so funny hearing right wingers thinking Cruz can possible win 2016...seriously every year more and more hispanics and young voters are going to get into the voters booths and each year more and more of your good ol'white and elderly voting block are passing away.

Demographics are against you on BOTH ENDS and your answer is to run a MORE CONSERVATIVE candidate....ROFL!!!!!

Oh but no please...just keep living in your GOP fantasy world LA-LA land where you're only two problems in elections are voter fraud and the left wing media. I'm sure that'll get you places....no really, go for it!! :)

When Cruz becomes president I hope bed wetters like you take the Jim Jones route to " ultimate freedom".

You don't even need the Kool-Aid mixture, just use a gun like that "messiah" did.


Now that's fucking PRICELESS!!!

He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.”

—Luke 22:36, NIV

I love the bed wetter myth that Jesus was some pinko commie pacifist like the assholes who hate Him, and want to destroy the religion He inspired.
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