76% of GOP now 'conservative,' pick Cruz for 2016 nomination

I am as conservative as they come. I have yet to see a good reason to vote for Cruz for President.

It is FAR TOO EARLY to start talking about 2016.

I disagree.You ever heard his father? A refugee from Communist CUBA. Ted was taught well, and IS a defender of The Constitution.

YES it might be a schoche early at this juncture?

However IF he decides to run...? I am in his corner.

And WHAT haven't you seen from Cruz that Defends the Constitution?

And PLEASE don't say "GREEN EGGS AND HAM"? THAT was targeted at his daughters that were watching, and I found it amusing, charming...
Yes, but that does not discount the Christie factor.

I liked a lot of what Chris Christie has to say too. Look at what a sell out he actually is.

I'll withhold judgement on Cruz. Fighting for the destruction of Obamacare is the right thing to do, but it is not the only issue we face.

Running a pure Tea Party Conservative ticket would do more than clarify the validity of that movement; it would also do the same for Limbaugh and Hannity and Beck and Levin, all of whom are solidly pro-Tea Party.

One hell of a lot would be on the line for the Right with such a ticket. This is as good a time as any, do it and let's see how it goes. A very entertaining campaign, that would be.


Obama was so strong that McCain suspended his campaign.

Cruz would assume the fetal position

I'm sure the poll is wrong but shit this would be the best news ever.

Keep it up guys.

Well then, let's do it. The Republicans need a true blue, all conservative ticket. No more RINO's, no more moderates. Go full bore right and let's get on with it. Cruz & Paul, Cruz/Paul/Santorum & Palin/Bachmann, whatever. Let's go.

This would be a good time to answer the Republican vs. Conservative debate once and for all. It would also make for a wild campaign.

I agree. Lets do this.

Take the media out of it. They are permitted to report on the candidates ""EXACT WORDS ONLY"" with no editorializing. On both sides.

Let the Candidates speak to the people without the filters of the media.

Let the left AND right speak ONLY on the issues and allow NO attacks on character or the past.

For those who think that Hilary would wipe the floor with Cruz....I'd have to laugh in their face.

They said the same thing about Obama.

If the Dem's (Obama & Reid) refuse to put the New Health bill on hold for a year in order to work out the many bugs in it, to get it to work for all Americans, the left may find themselves in real trouble in 2014.
The young who voted for Obama are really upset with this bill as well as the Dem's refusing to cut back government. They know they are the ones who have to pay big time for both.

I think that the voters themselves, especially Republicans and Independents are angry with the Dem's big government policies and refusing to cut anything.
Dem's need the young & independent voters.

The blame game with the Tea Party (22%) is not working any more.
Latest polls show that 60% of Americans think that the Government is too big.
Democrats need to ask themselves who the other 38% are, because it sure isn't just the Tea Party.
More democrat wackiness. Not long ago it was Rand Paul that democrats picked to early-bash. No matter who the eventual nominee is, we all know that the democrats have all their little bash arguments already lined up.

I doubt Cruz will run. His trajectory isn't pointing toward the presidency.
Good news.

No, it is GREAT news! Cruz stands ZERO chance of becoming president.

Apparently there are many rightwing extremists who’d rather run a ‘true’ hard-core conservative such as Cruz and lose rather than having a ‘RINO’ in the WH.

Which is fine provided conservatives understand the GOP will slide even further into irrelevance.

And of course American society will continue to grow more enlightened, diverse, and inclusive, where the hate and ignorance manifested by most on the right will be marginalized even further, along with republicans and other aspects of social conservative dogma.

All we've been doing is running moderates the last eight years.

That certainly isn't working.

Time for a change.

Maybe Cruz is the guy, maybe not...I'd prefer a candidate with so executive experience...but the fact that the party is ready to turn it's back on these milquetoast conservatives is certainly encouraging to me.

Give Americans a true choice...not Democrat and Democrat-lite.

Running a pure Tea Party Conservative ticket would do more than clarify the validity of that movement; it would also do the same for Limbaugh and Hannity and Beck and Levin, all of whom are solidly pro-Tea Party.

One hell of a lot would be on the line for the Right with such a ticket. This is as good a time as any, do it and let's see how it goes. A very entertaining campaign, that would be.


Obama was so strong that McCain suspended his campaign.

Cruz would assume the fetal position

I'm sure the poll is wrong but shit this would be the best news ever.

Keep it up guys.

So you are going to support Cruz for president?
Just so I get this right, the PPP and others are shocked that 70+% of republicans consider themselves conservative?
What are the Dem's going to do if Hillary decides not to run?
She might actually put her health before party. I think she would like to live to see grandbabies.

Martin O'Malley, ANdrew Cuomo or any other Democratic Candidate will equaly mop the floor with Cruz.

Not seeing it.

A race between these choices and Cruz held today would be a squeaker, but cruz would prevail.
So it's 2016, Cruz is the nominee. Let's give him all the states Romney won, which is a stretch,

but anyway,

someone name the additional states that he could win in order to win the presidency.

So it’s 2016, the ACA has been in full effect for over a year and a half, there was no ‘train wreck,’ and millions of Americans have health insurance and access to healthcare for the first time.

And democrats play the faux filibuster over and over…

I was thinking about that the other day. The Republicans will look like fools if they're still running to repeal Obamacare,

and they'll look like even bigger flip flopping fools if they aren't.
So it's 2016, Cruz is the nominee. Let's give him all the states Romney won, which is a stretch,

but anyway,

someone name the additional states that he could win in order to win the presidency.

Here, maybe this will help:


Ted Cruz would have to move 64 electoral votes from blue to red.
So it's 2016, Cruz is the nominee. Let's give him all the states Romney won, which is a stretch,

but anyway,

someone name the additional states that he could win in order to win the presidency.

Here, maybe this will help:


Ted Cruz would have to move 64 electoral votes from blue to red.

It really depends on who the Dems run but the 40% between the hard left and the hard right are what swings blue to red and vice versa....

A nomination of Cruz would be basically a sacrificing of a whole lot of that 40%.

Running a pure Tea Party Conservative ticket would do more than clarify the validity of that movement; it would also do the same for Limbaugh and Hannity and Beck and Levin, all of whom are solidly pro-Tea Party.

One hell of a lot would be on the line for the Right with such a ticket. This is as good a time as any, do it and let's see how it goes. A very entertaining campaign, that would be.


Obama was so strong that McCain suspended his campaign.

Cruz would assume the fetal position

I'm sure the poll is wrong but shit this would be the best news ever.

Keep it up guys.

So you are going to support Cruz for president?

For the GOP nomination if he decides to run as it stands now; yes.

I would perfer someone like Huntsmann run because I would really like to have 2 legitimate choices (at least) in the ballot box. I haven't had that since 1996.
So it's 2016, Cruz is the nominee. Let's give him all the states Romney won, which is a stretch,

but anyway,

someone name the additional states that he could win in order to win the presidency.

Here, maybe this will help:


Ted Cruz would have to move 64 electoral votes from blue to red.

New Mexico, Colorado, Iowa, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Nevada.

That's +86.
No, it is GREAT news! Cruz stands ZERO chance of becoming president.

Apparently there are many rightwing extremists who’d rather run a ‘true’ hard-core conservative such as Cruz and lose rather than having a ‘RINO’ in the WH.

Which is fine provided conservatives understand the GOP will slide even further into irrelevance.

And of course American society will continue to grow more enlightened, diverse, and inclusive, where the hate and ignorance manifested by most on the right will be marginalized even further, along with republicans and other aspects of social conservative dogma.

All we've been doing is running moderates the last eight years.

That certainly isn't working.

Time for a change.

Maybe Cruz is the guy, maybe not...I'd prefer a candidate with so executive experience...but the fact that the party is ready to turn it's back on these milquetoast conservatives is certainly encouraging to me.

Give Americans a true choice...not Democrat and Democrat-lite.

Much like saying that your small car has been out of gas for the last 8 years so instead of buying gas, you decided to get a bigger car.

Your ideas are dead; the candidates are basically the master of ceremonies for a party (small p) fewer and fewer are attending.

-More entitlements for the already entitled (keeping dividend income taxes below what wage earners make)
-Spending even more on the military eventhough we spend nearly 1/2 of all defense dollars in the planet already.
-Going to great lengths to subvert Roe V. Wade.
-Bringing the government to the brink of default every 6 months under Obama but somehow never worrying about it under Bush
-Wanting to invade and intervene in countries that never attacked us

The candidate him/her (aw who am I kidding) HIMself will put their own spin on the parameters above but that is basically the hand the Party (upper case P) is dealing to their candidate and telling them to try to win the pot.

I say bring Cruz on. Because it will take the "We didn't get our guy" BS argument out of the throats of you guys. But, seriously, the Speaker, McCain, and Romney were all RINOs? Really? Usually those who are the leaders of whatever group are the reflections of the will of the group; not the outliers. Why is it different in the GOP?

Let me guess...the media....right?
If he doesn't put Rand Paul on the ticket, it won't matter.
Rand is another one...He'd make a great running mate. FORGET RUBIO. Rubio gave up the ghost in the Amnesty debate.

I question his voracity.

No man is perfect. Rubio made a decision a lot of us don't agree with but I won't totally write him off YET. On every other issue he's been reliable.
So it's 2016, Cruz is the nominee. Let's give him all the states Romney won, which is a stretch,

but anyway,

someone name the additional states that he could win in order to win the presidency.

Here, maybe this will help:


Ted Cruz would have to move 64 electoral votes from blue to red.

It really depends on who the Dems run but the 40% between the hard left and the hard right are what swings blue to red and vice versa....

A nomination of Cruz would be basically a sacrificing of a whole lot of that 40%.

Who else is there but Hillary?

A Hillary candidacy would be nearly insurmountable by any Republican candidate.

If she runs, I would be tempted to back Jeb Bush. :D

But behind Hillary, the bench is pretty shallow.

Biden is a loss...I'd put money on that.

Cuomo, I'm not seeing it.

O'Malley...Mondale revisited.

I can't even think of anyone else...Holder? Booker?

I'd back my Democratic Governor, Jay Nixon, but liberal democrats likely would not.

Well then, let's do it. The Republicans need a true blue, all conservative ticket. No more RINO's, no more moderates. Go full bore right and let's get on with it. Cruz & Paul, Cruz/Paul/Santorum & Palin/Bachmann, whatever. Let's go.

This would be a good time to answer the Republican vs. Conservative debate once and for all. It would also make for a wild campaign.

I agree. Lets do this.

Take the media out of it. They are permitted to report on the candidates ""EXACT WORDS ONLY"" with no editorializing. On both sides.

Let the Candidates speak to the people without the filters of the media.

Let the left AND right speak ONLY on the issues and allow NO attacks on character or the past.

For those who think that Hilary would wipe the floor with Cruz....I'd have to laugh in their face.

They said the same thing about Obama.

Never happen. The liberal media has a self-appointed role to define reality for the proles.

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