76% of GOP now 'conservative,' pick Cruz for 2016 nomination

I agree. Lets do this.

Take the media out of it. They are permitted to report on the candidates ""EXACT WORDS ONLY"" with no editorializing. On both sides.

Let the Candidates speak to the people without the filters of the media.

Let the left AND right speak ONLY on the issues and allow NO attacks on character or the past.

For those who think that Hilary would wipe the floor with Cruz....I'd have to laugh in their face.

They said the same thing about Obama.


Since that obviously is not going to happen, and because the election obviously is going to happen, the party can't be surprised when the media does what the media does.

If the party picks a hardcore conservative Presidential candidate and he or she picks a similar running mate, the media is going to be as biased as ever, even more so if Hillary runs for the Dems.

So, knowing all of this, what does the party do?

That's the question you're facing.


The media is not biased. That is an unsubstantiated myth turned talking point.

I wouldn't drop support for Rubio as a senator yet. Other than illegal immigration he's been reliable. I wouldn't prefer him for a presidential slot though, so we agree on that. Christie is a political whore, no question about that. He's the guy Edge and I do not agree on.

The time for "compromise" is over. This country needs it's own modern day Augusto Pinochet.

Hero, Patriot and Warrior Against Marxism. God Rest Him.


WOW, what a far right wing authoritarian asshole you are...

Hey moron...just how far to the right should America go? Should we start digging the trenches for the mass graves???

Or what?

Wait for you assholes to force us to dig our own graves? How far left do you want us to go?


Liberals are not murderers...never have been, and never will be.

You are one fucked up excuse for a human being...your 'hero', Gen. Augusto Pinochet whose government murdered and tortured thousands during his repressive 17-year rule.

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer - The Authoritarians
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Since that obviously is not going to happen, and because the election obviously is going to happen, the party can't be surprised when the media does what the media does.

If the party picks a hardcore conservative Presidential candidate and he or she picks a similar running mate, the media is going to be as biased as ever, even more so if Hillary runs for the Dems.

So, knowing all of this, what does the party do?

That's the question you're facing.


The media is not biased. That is an unsubstantiated myth turned talking point.


Prove it.
Since that obviously is not going to happen, and because the election obviously is going to happen, the party can't be surprised when the media does what the media does.

If the party picks a hardcore conservative Presidential candidate and he or she picks a similar running mate, the media is going to be as biased as ever, even more so if Hillary runs for the Dems.

So, knowing all of this, what does the party do?

That's the question you're facing.


The media is not biased. That is an unsubstantiated myth turned talking point.


Incredibly thick headed lol not biased lolololol
76% of GOP now 'conservative,' pick Cruz for 2016 nomination

Good news for democrats, who will keep the WH come 2017 if Cruz is indeed the nominee.
As Cruz gave voice to the REAL AMERICANS and NOT the 20% that are moochers like you?

Keep thinking that.

so that voice is whine about something but vote for it anyways.
yeah i guess you are right after all.
I am as conservative as they come. I have yet to see a good reason to vote for Cruz for President.

It is FAR TOO EARLY to start talking about 2016.

I disagree.You ever heard his father? A refugee from Communist CUBA. Ted was taught well, and IS a defender of The Constitution.

YES it might be a schoche early at this juncture?

However IF he decides to run...? I am in his corner.

And WHAT haven't you seen from Cruz that Defends the Constitution?

And PLEASE don't say "GREEN EGGS AND HAM"? THAT was targeted at his daughters that were watching, and I found it amusing, charming...

you are in his corner regardless because he is on the right.
As if your support even matters.
WOW, what a far right wing authoritarian asshole you are...

Hey moron...just how far to the right should America go? Should we start digging the trenches for the mass graves???

Or what?

Wait for you assholes to force us to dig our own graves? How far left do you want us to go?


Liberals are not murderers...never have been, and never will be.

You are one fucked up excuse for a human being...your 'hero', Gen. Augusto Pinochet whose government murdered and tortured thousands during his repressive 17-year rule.

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer - The Authoritarians

You are the sort of bed wetting idiot that criminally insane authoritarian sociopathic despots use to get into power.

Mindless, servile and vapid.
How predictable.

If Cruz, the son of a commie revolutionary that fought with Castro, he will be part of a long line of foreign born Candidates put up by conservatives for the highest office in this land.

He follows:
Barry Goldwater (Born in Arizona prior to statehood).
George Romney (Born in Mexico)
John McCain (Born in Panama).

THIS! After they have the audacity to question the citizenship and veracity of President Obama when he was a candidate, and STILL do so to this very day.

Hypocrisy is no insult to a conservative.

They wear it proudly!
The media is not biased. That is an unsubstantiated myth turned talking point.


Prove it.


Almost 90% of Americans Think Media Helped Get Obama Elected | NewsBusters

Poll results found 83.6% saw national news media organizations as very or somewhat biased while just 14.1% viewed them as somewhat unbiased or not at all biased. Some, 2.4%, were unsure.

A large majority, 89.3%, suggested the national media played a very or somewhat strong role in helping to elect President Obama. Just 10.0% suggested the national media played little or no role. Further, 69.9% agreed the national news media are intent on promoting the Obama presidency while 26.5% disagreed. Some, 3.6% were unsure.

Over half of Americans surveyed, 56.4%, said they agreed that the news media are promoting President Obama's healthcare reform without objective criticism. Another 39.3% disagreed and 4.3% were unsure. Further, a majority, 57.6% of those surveyed agreed that the news media appear to be coordinating efforts to diminish the record of former Alaska Governor, Sarah Palin. One third, 34.6%, disagreed and 7.9% were unsure.​

Media Bias Is Real, Finds UCLA Political Scientist / UCLA Newsroom
While the editorial page of The Wall Street Journal is conservative, the newspaper's news pages are liberal, even more liberal than The New York Times. The Drudge Report may have a right-wing reputation, but it leans left. Coverage by public television and radio is conservative compared to the rest of the mainstream media. Meanwhile, almost all major media outlets tilt to the left.

These are just a few of the surprising findings from a UCLA-led study, which is believed to be the first successful attempt at objectively quantifying bias in a range of media outlets and ranking them accordingly.

"I suspected that many media outlets would tilt to the left because surveys have shown that reporters tend to vote more Democrat than Republican," said Tim Groseclose, a UCLA political scientist and the study's lead author. "But I was surprised at just how pronounced the distinctions are."


Of the 20 major media outlets studied, 18 scored left of center, with CBS' "Evening News," The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times ranking second, third and fourth most liberal behind the news pages of The Wall Street Journal.

Only Fox News' "Special Report With Brit Hume" and The Washington Times scored right of the average U.S. voter.

The most centrist outlet proved to be the "NewsHour With Jim Lehrer." CNN's "NewsNight With Aaron Brown" and ABC's "Good Morning America" were a close second and third.​
The media are biased. It is not a myth.

Running a pure Tea Party Conservative ticket would do more than clarify the validity of that movement; it would also do the same for Limbaugh and Hannity and Beck and Levin, all of whom are solidly pro-Tea Party.

One hell of a lot would be on the line for the Right with such a ticket. This is as good a time as any, do it and let's see how it goes. A very entertaining campaign, that would be.


they are only pro-tea party because of money.
The media is not biased. That is an unsubstantiated myth turned talking point.


Prove it.

Dem Wendy Davis report from CNN on her Filibuster.
They talked about You Tube and Twitter how much support she had.
CNN did not mention that the abortion clinics would have to be made better for emergency care for women. Wider doors so that gurneys from the ambulance could get though. must be close to hospitals. Things that would make abortions that went wrong better for Women.
Texas filibuster on abortion bill rivets online - CNN.com

CNN report on Cruz's filibuster
Not one word on the e-mails and twitters that were coming in telling the Senators of the harm that bill is doing to them. They read e-mails and twitters on the floor about losing full time jobs, losing their Doctors.
Cruz says he'll talk until 'I am no longer able to stand' - CNN.com

This is just CNN let alone all of the others who mocked his bedtime story to his children because he wasn't there that night to read to them.
His wife put up a picture of his little girls standing in front of the TV listening to their dad reading Green Eggs & Ham on her facebook page. Not one mainstream media reported it or put the picture up.
And the scathing reports of fake filibuster and wanting to shut the Government down.
Liberals are not murderers...never have been, and never will be.
Reality says otherwise.



What happened to America?

Didn't make the list?

What, enslaving the Africans don't count? Millions died.

How about the genocide of the American Indian?

The nearly million that died in the Philippines? What about the wars in Korea and Vietnam? That's about 5 million or so. To smalls?

How about the Middle East? That's a good 300K.

Sheesh..what do you have to do to make that list? :eusa_shifty:

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