7th kingdom: The son of perdition FINALLY steps on stage to pull the curtain


Senior Member
Apr 26, 2014
The 7th and final kingdom of the beast and the end times
It was prophesized (is not yet come) in Revelation 17:10-11, after five had already fallen, during the 6th kingdom of the beast (Rome).
The son of perdition was prophesized to appear at the end times, during a simulated 8th kingdom.

Revelation 17:10-11
And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

The anti-bible v the Bible: the son of perdition
1789: the seventh kingdom prophesized in Revelation 17:10-11 is established.
Adolf Hitler could not yet become the son of perdition: Babel was not yet PERFECTLY recreated.
It was his great nephew who was meant to be "the beast that carrieth the woman" (Revelation 17:7).
No wonder that he scripted his anti-bible role literally accordingly.

March 3, 2017 - The son of perdition FINALLY steps on stage to pull the curtain

Grand Master of the Ordo Illuminatus: Son of perdition FINALLY steps on stage to pull the curtain

To get your Age, the End Times, you MUST get the Illuminati Matrix since 1789
Illuminati World Wars and Illuminati Matrix all basic facts exposed worldwide first by Last Prophet Matt, one of only two members of the Web of Truth.
In other words: same goes for the Illuminati Web of Disinformation.
2009 article, last updated Nov 2016
Illuminati matrix: unchallenged from the start, 1789
It was established 600 years after the illuminati stepped on stage as "crusaders".
Not even those who played a KEY role opposing and even defeating the illuminati in major battles were able to recognize AND expose KEY pieces of the matrix, let alone its totality.
The list of those who could have shaken the illuminati matrix includes: ...
Who are the Illuminati exposed: Goal, Tactics: Illuminati matrix: unchallenged from the start, 1789

Anti-bible by the Illuminati: Son of perdition 7th kingdom of beast
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I think we'll all be fine as long as Donald Trump doesn't start a nuclear war.
I think we'll all be fine as long as Donald Trump doesn't start a nuclear war.
Maybe the herd needs to be thinned.

Please note that Eusebius tells us in his book that both the book (scroll) of Hebrews and the book (scroll) of Revelation are a fraud and not authentic.

You need to know that if you want to be a Bible scholar.

You need to know who Eusebius is too.
Please note that Eusebius tells us in his book that both the book (scroll) of Hebrews and the book (scroll) of Revelation are a fraud and not authentic.

You need to know that if you want to be a Bible scholar.

You need to know who Eusebius is too.

fascinating information. ----however-----I do not trust Eusebius. What does
"FRAUD" mean in terms of the scriptural writings of the NT? Is he suggesting
that the jerk PAUL ---did not write the book called "Hebrews" or that Paul was
pixilated at the time-------as to the book of Revulsions-----some mythical character named "JOHN" (doe) did not exist either?-----someone must have
written that crap--------
Please note that Eusebius tells us in his book that both the book (scroll) of Hebrews and the book (scroll) of Revelation are a fraud and not authentic.

You need to know that if you want to be a Bible scholar.

You need to know who Eusebius is too.

fascinating information. ----however-----I do not trust Eusebius. What does
"FRAUD" mean in terms of the scriptural writings of the NT? Is he suggesting
that the jerk PAUL ---did not write the book called "Hebrews" or that Paul was
pixilated at the time-------as to the book of Revulsions-----some mythical character named "JOHN" (doe) did not exist either?-----someone must have
written that crap--------
The best thing is to get a copy of Eusebius' book at your local Barnes & Noble (that's where I got mine -- it was even on the shelf in the Religion/Philosophy section) and read it.

He is the first Christian historian that we know of.

And he was there and an eye witness when Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.
Please note that Eusebius tells us in his book that both the book (scroll) of Hebrews and the book (scroll) of Revelation are a fraud and not authentic.

You need to know that if you want to be a Bible scholar.

You need to know who Eusebius is too.

fascinating information. ----however-----I do not trust Eusebius. What does
"FRAUD" mean in terms of the scriptural writings of the NT? Is he suggesting
that the jerk PAUL ---did not write the book called "Hebrews" or that Paul was
pixilated at the time-------as to the book of Revulsions-----some mythical character named "JOHN" (doe) did not exist either?-----someone must have
written that crap--------
The best thing is to get a copy of Eusebius' book at your local Barnes & Noble (that's where I got mine -- it was even on the shelf in the Religion/Philosophy section) and read it.

He is the first Christian historian that we know of.

And he was there and an eye witness when Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.

thanks but no thanks-----I kinda already knew that Eusebius was THE EXPERT---for Constantine----which to me----means that he is ---by that fact---utterly discredited
Please note that Eusebius tells us in his book that both the book (scroll) of Hebrews and the book (scroll) of Revelation are a fraud and not authentic.

You need to know that if you want to be a Bible scholar.

You need to know who Eusebius is too.

fascinating information. ----however-----I do not trust Eusebius. What does
"FRAUD" mean in terms of the scriptural writings of the NT? Is he suggesting
that the jerk PAUL ---did not write the book called "Hebrews" or that Paul was
pixilated at the time-------as to the book of Revulsions-----some mythical character named "JOHN" (doe) did not exist either?-----someone must have
written that crap--------
The best thing is to get a copy of Eusebius' book at your local Barnes & Noble (that's where I got mine -- it was even on the shelf in the Religion/Philosophy section) and read it.

He is the first Christian historian that we know of.

And he was there and an eye witness when Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.

thanks but no thanks-----I kinda already knew that Eusebius was THE EXPERT---for Constantine----which to me----means that he is ---by that fact---utterly discredited
Constantine has done more for Christianity than anyone else save Jesus himself.
Please note that Eusebius tells us in his book that both the book (scroll) of Hebrews and the book (scroll) of Revelation are a fraud and not authentic.

You need to know that if you want to be a Bible scholar.

You need to know who Eusebius is too.

fascinating information. ----however-----I do not trust Eusebius. What does
"FRAUD" mean in terms of the scriptural writings of the NT? Is he suggesting
that the jerk PAUL ---did not write the book called "Hebrews" or that Paul was
pixilated at the time-------as to the book of Revulsions-----some mythical character named "JOHN" (doe) did not exist either?-----someone must have
written that crap--------
The best thing is to get a copy of Eusebius' book at your local Barnes & Noble (that's where I got mine -- it was even on the shelf in the Religion/Philosophy section) and read it.

He is the first Christian historian that we know of.

And he was there and an eye witness when Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.

thanks but no thanks-----I kinda already knew that Eusebius was THE EXPERT---for Constantine----which to me----means that he is ---by that fact---utterly discredited
Constantine has done more for Christianity than anyone else save Jesus himself.

he did quite a bit-------mostly really bad.
Please note that Eusebius tells us in his book that both the book (scroll) of Hebrews and the book (scroll) of Revelation are a fraud and not authentic.

You need to know that if you want to be a Bible scholar.

You need to know who Eusebius is too.

fascinating information. ----however-----I do not trust Eusebius. What does
"FRAUD" mean in terms of the scriptural writings of the NT? Is he suggesting
that the jerk PAUL ---did not write the book called "Hebrews" or that Paul was
pixilated at the time-------as to the book of Revulsions-----some mythical character named "JOHN" (doe) did not exist either?-----someone must have
written that crap--------
The best thing is to get a copy of Eusebius' book at your local Barnes & Noble (that's where I got mine -- it was even on the shelf in the Religion/Philosophy section) and read it.

He is the first Christian historian that we know of.

And he was there and an eye witness when Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.

thanks but no thanks-----I kinda already knew that Eusebius was THE EXPERT---for Constantine----which to me----means that he is ---by that fact---utterly discredited
Constantine has done more for Christianity than anyone else save Jesus himself.

he did quite a bit-------mostly really bad.
You cannot possibly know any of that until you read Eusebius yourself.
fascinating information. ----however-----I do not trust Eusebius. What does
"FRAUD" mean in terms of the scriptural writings of the NT? Is he suggesting
that the jerk PAUL ---did not write the book called "Hebrews" or that Paul was
pixilated at the time-------as to the book of Revulsions-----some mythical character named "JOHN" (doe) did not exist either?-----someone must have
written that crap--------
The best thing is to get a copy of Eusebius' book at your local Barnes & Noble (that's where I got mine -- it was even on the shelf in the Religion/Philosophy section) and read it.

He is the first Christian historian that we know of.

And he was there and an eye witness when Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.

thanks but no thanks-----I kinda already knew that Eusebius was THE EXPERT---for Constantine----which to me----means that he is ---by that fact---utterly discredited
Constantine has done more for Christianity than anyone else save Jesus himself.

he did quite a bit-------mostly really bad.
You cannot possibly know any of that until you read Eusebius yourself.

He wrote in English? A cheer leader for oppression and genocide?
Please note that Eusebius tells us in his book that both the book (scroll) of Hebrews and the book (scroll) of Revelation are a fraud and not authentic.

You need to know that if you want to be a Bible scholar.

You need to know who Eusebius is too.

fascinating information. ----however-----I do not trust Eusebius. What does
"FRAUD" mean in terms of the scriptural writings of the NT? Is he suggesting
that the jerk PAUL ---did not write the book called "Hebrews" or that Paul was
pixilated at the time-------as to the book of Revulsions-----some mythical character named "JOHN" (doe) did not exist either?-----someone must have
written that crap--------
The best thing is to get a copy of Eusebius' book at your local Barnes & Noble (that's where I got mine -- it was even on the shelf in the Religion/Philosophy section) and read it.

He is the first Christian historian that we know of.

And he was there and an eye witness when Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.

thanks but no thanks-----I kinda already knew that Eusebius was THE EXPERT---for Constantine----which to me----means that he is ---by that fact---utterly discredited
Constantine has done more for Christianity than anyone else save Jesus himself.
Constantine was a pagan sun god worshiper until the day he died! Who are you trying to kid? While he may be credited with creating Catholicism, what has that got to do with Christianity? Catholicism doesn't even take the Holy Bible literally!

Look at you trying to discredit the Apostle John and the Book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ - last book of the Holy Bible which you accuse of being false! What kind of Christian are you? Have you ever compared what you believe to the KJV Holy Bible? If you ever bother to do it you'll find you are an enemy of Jesus Christ and by denying His Holy Word before men? You have denied Him before men. You need to repent and be saved according to Romans 10:9,10.

The church of Babylon (Catholicism) cannot save you. It has no power to save anyone's soul. Only Jesus Christ can save. Mary was a sinner just like you albeit she believed on Christ and repented whereas I find no evidence of your having done that.
Yios wrote that Eusebius discredited the Book of Revelation------as to taking the bible LITERALLY----the Book of Revelation would be quite a stretch
Extended version of first post;
7th kingdom of the Beast, son of perdition: When does he step on stage?

When did End Times start? During the 7th kingdom of the Beast
It was prophesized in the Book of Revelation 17:10-11:
- (is not yet come), after five had already (are) fallen, during the 6th kingdom of the Beast (Rome, is) (Rev 17:10).
- to share a basic feature of one of the five fallen kingdoms (the beast that was, Babel), a feature not present in the sixth kingdom (the beast that ... is not, Rome).
The son of perdition would appear at the last days, during a simulated 8th kingdom (Rev 17:11).

Revelation 17:10-11
And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

The 7th kingdom fulfilled
Simulation, Babylon again and the son of perdition.

Simulated reality
Unlike the other basic feature of the 7th kingdom this one is present from the start, 1789.
But there's a specific reason for the exact fulfillment of Revelation 17:12, simulating a 8th kingdom, after the fall of the III Reich: the Beast HAD TO make the beasts believe that they would not still be living in the 7th kingdom.

The anti-bible v the Bible: Babel again and the son of perdition
1789: the seventh kingdom prophesized in Revelation 17:10-11 is established.
Adolf Hitler could not yet become the son of perdition: Babel was not yet PERFECTLY recreated.
It was his great nephew who was meant to be "the beast that carrieth the woman" (Revelation 17:7).
No wonder that he scripted his anti-bible role literally accordingly.
All in Blog
Anti-bible by the Illuminati: 7th kingdom of the beast, son of perdition: When does he step on stage?
Last edited:
The best thing is to get a copy of Eusebius' book at your local Barnes & Noble (that's where I got mine -- it was even on the shelf in the Religion/Philosophy section) and read it.

He is the first Christian historian that we know of.

And he was there and an eye witness when Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.

thanks but no thanks-----I kinda already knew that Eusebius was THE EXPERT---for Constantine----which to me----means that he is ---by that fact---utterly discredited
Constantine has done more for Christianity than anyone else save Jesus himself.

he did quite a bit-------mostly really bad.
You cannot possibly know any of that until you read Eusebius yourself.

He wrote in English? A cheer leader for oppression and genocide?
Eusebius wrote in Latin.

But his book has been translated into every modern language.

My copy from Barnes & Noble is in English obviously.
Talk of "the beast that carrieth the woman"
March 8, 2017 - ‘Day Without a Woman’ strike seeks to continue legacy of massive D.C. march

Last Prophet's words hours after Trump's inauguration, extended 2 days later with Clinton's tweets after the Women's March

Suppress protest while advancing other agendas: How totally ignorant you are of illuminati tactics
It was the same illuminati who marketed the 40,000 attending Trump's inauguration as "nearly one million" who also organized these two acts:
- the masked police acting as "anarchist protesters", same act served ad nauseum since 2004 by each "protest" covered by illuminati media.
- the anti-Trump Women's March who will rally millions across the USA tomorrow.

Women's march after Trump's inauguration - for dummies
1. The "safety valve" psy-op technique to suppress protest. How effectively it worked: no more mass protests afterwards despite Trump's role as classic bomber pushed to new limits each day
2. Literally applying the "divide and reign" tactic to suppress protest: keep men out of it.
3. The "feminist" agenda, part of the destruction of the family agenda, where "divide and conquer" is obviously one of the underlying tactics.
4. Marketing terminator Clinton, who will be proclaimed the real 44th president after the staged arrests of the two actors casted as "married to a TRANS": "black Obama" and "billionaire Trump".

Added 2 days later: Clinton (re)tweets the Women's March
Terminator Hitlery (Hitler's oldest daughter, Merkel's half sister):
How she reached average rally audiences of 300 during the "head to head" race with Sanders: a group of 200 was always ordered to attend, to prevent the media-only "crowd" that prevents empty rooms in the first place.
23 Jan 2017 - Clinton (re)tweets a photoshopped image multiplying Trump's crowd and reducing the women's march captioned as:
"Scrolling through images of the #womensmarch is awe-inspiring. Hope it brought joy to others as it did to me." ...

All in Blog
Protest Suppression Techniques, by the Illuminati: Women's march after Trump's inauguration for dummies

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