8 dead, including gunman, at multiple homes in Missouri

Who is anti-gun? I'm just saying something needs to be done about these white savages that are shooting up 8 - 10 people at a time. I just want to know why the white community isn't focusing on this issue.

Hmmm...and yet the 8-9,000 dead people, mostly from inner city, minority gangs isn't a problem for you...............typical liberal superiority complex....minorities to you are primitives who you don't expect much from......if they actually kill each other in large numbers you don't care....you figure they can't help themselves...right? Besides to you...they are just minorities and don't matter...as long as they show up on election days to vote you power....who cares what they do the rest of the time....right?
1. I am not a liberal
2. We aren't talking about minorities. We are talking about white savages. I am trying to think of the last time a minority shot up a school or went on a mass killing spree.
3. Inner city life is an inner city life issue...not a minority issue.
4. Nice diversion. Why don't you want to discuss the violence in the white community?

As a typical lefty/lib...hide it if you want...you react to what you see on television not the reality. The democrat minions in the media don't care about minorities killing each other...because they are the true racists.....and as long as minorities stay sealed off from the rich, white democrat parts of theses cities, and come out to vote the rich, white democrats political power, they don't have a problem with minority violence........so they can then push their anti gun agenda by focusing on the rare case of a white guy killing people where they can get the bodies in front of cameras......

.......most of the killing is done in inner cities controlled by democrats, who undermine, under fund, and under staff the police, create policies that create joblessness, and single, female led families, which create the soldiers for inner city gangs....they are the ones who commit almost all of the gun murder problem in the country.......yet that is not where these lefties focus their anti gun attention.......

They focus on AR-15s...the least likely weapon to be used by inner city gangs.....

But....the democrat minions in the media don't focus on this real problem....because it would shine a light on the fact that democrat policies have decimated minority lives....and created the very gun violence problem they bitch and moan about.....can't have that.......

But you want to focus on the smallest part of the problem.......
BLah, blah, blah...deflect, blah, blah blah. Evil media, blah, blah, blah.

:lol: You idiots are so predictable.

Yes....and you guys are so mysterious.......

8-9,000 gun murders a year, mostly committed by minority gangs....and the rare event where a non minority kills people is what you focus on....why do you hate blacks so much....oh...that's right...you are a lefty......racism is just in your genes.......well, in truth...racism is just one aspect of your desire to control all people........controlling blacks was what the old democrats did in the south.....you guys have now branched out and want to control everyone......

If you cared about gun violence...you would seek to change the lives of the poor, especially poor minorities living in your lefty controlled hell holes....you call them democrat led cities.......but you only care about white gun violence....why.....because that allows you to push your anti gun agenda....while ignoring helping the real victims of gun crime.....the innocent, law abiding minorities in your cities.........
Yes....you lefty moron.....tell this guy he is a pussy........

General s story a warning about use of painkillers - USATODAY.com

Be careful about handing out narcotic pain relievers, Lt. Gen. David Fridovich told the audience last month. "What we don't want is that next generation of veterans coming out with some bad habits."

What Fridovich didn't say was that he was talking as much about himself as anyone.

For nearly five years, the Green Beret general quietly has been hooked on narcotics he has taken for chronic pain — a reflection of an addiction problem that is spreading across the military. Hospitalizations and diagnoses for substance abuse doubled among members of U.S. forces in recent years. This week, nurses and case managers at Army wounded care units reported that one in three of their patients are addicted or dependent on drugs.
Who is anti-gun? I'm just saying something needs to be done about these white savages that are shooting up 8 - 10 people at a time. I just want to know why the white community isn't focusing on this issue.

Hmmm...and yet the 8-9,000 dead people, mostly from inner city, minority gangs isn't a problem for you...............typical liberal superiority complex....minorities to you are primitives who you don't expect much from......if they actually kill each other in large numbers you don't care....you figure they can't help themselves...right? Besides to you...they are just minorities and don't matter...as long as they show up on election days to vote you power....who cares what they do the rest of the time....right?
1. I am not a liberal
2. We aren't talking about minorities. We are talking about white savages. I am trying to think of the last time a minority shot up a school or went on a mass killing spree.
3. Inner city life is an inner city life issue...not a minority issue.
4. Nice diversion. Why don't you want to discuss the violence in the white community?

As a typical lefty/lib...hide it if you want...you react to what you see on television not the reality. The democrat minions in the media don't care about minorities killing each other...because they are the true racists.....and as long as minorities stay sealed off from the rich, white democrat parts of theses cities, and come out to vote the rich, white democrats political power, they don't have a problem with minority violence........so they can then push their anti gun agenda by focusing on the rare case of a white guy killing people where they can get the bodies in front of cameras......

.......most of the killing is done in inner cities controlled by democrats, who undermine, under fund, and under staff the police, create policies that create joblessness, and single, female led families, which create the soldiers for inner city gangs....they are the ones who commit almost all of the gun murder problem in the country.......yet that is not where these lefties focus their anti gun attention.......

They focus on AR-15s...the least likely weapon to be used by inner city gangs.....

But....the democrat minions in the media don't focus on this real problem....because it would shine a light on the fact that democrat policies have decimated minority lives....and created the very gun violence problem they bitch and moan about.....can't have that.......

But you want to focus on the smallest part of the problem.......
BLah, blah, blah...deflect, blah, blah blah. Evil media, blah, blah, blah.

:lol: You idiots are so predictable.

Yes....and you guys are so mysterious.......

8-9,000 gun murders a year, mostly committed by minority gangs....and the rare event where a non minority kills people is what you focus on....why do you hate blacks so much....oh...that's right...you are a lefty......racism is just in your genes.......well, in truth...racism is just one aspect of your desire to control all people........controlling blacks was what the old democrats did in the south.....you guys have now branched out and want to control everyone......

If you cared about gun violence...you would seek to change the lives of the poor, especially poor minorities living in your lefty controlled hell holes....you call them democrat led cities.......but you only care about white gun violence....why.....because that allows you to push your anti gun agenda....while ignoring helping the real victims of gun crime.....the innocent, law abiding minorities in your cities.........
:LOL: Again, you are trying to assign an argument that I never made. Who said I care about gun violence?

I take great pleasure when savages kill one another.
Yes....you lefty moron.....tell this guy he is a pussy........

General s story a warning about use of painkillers - USATODAY.com
He is a weak minded pussy. That simple. YOu are trying to excuse drug abuse by race. How fucking pathetic.

I know....you graduated at the bottom of your class at whatever government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat party that you went to......but how the f**k do you get race out of that............typical lefty....can't see the truth if you tripped over it.....
Yes....you lefty moron.....tell this guy he is a pussy........

General s story a warning about use of painkillers - USATODAY.com
He is a weak minded pussy. That simple. YOu are trying to excuse drug abuse by race. How fucking pathetic.

I know....you graduated at the bottom of your class at whatever government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat party that you went to......but how the f**k do you get race out of that............typical lefty....can't see the truth if you tripped over it.....
Typical drug addict...can't remember prior posts he made.
Hmmm...and yet the 8-9,000 dead people, mostly from inner city, minority gangs isn't a problem for you...............typical liberal superiority complex....minorities to you are primitives who you don't expect much from......if they actually kill each other in large numbers you don't care....you figure they can't help themselves...right? Besides to you...they are just minorities and don't matter...as long as they show up on election days to vote you power....who cares what they do the rest of the time....right?
1. I am not a liberal
2. We aren't talking about minorities. We are talking about white savages. I am trying to think of the last time a minority shot up a school or went on a mass killing spree.
3. Inner city life is an inner city life issue...not a minority issue.
4. Nice diversion. Why don't you want to discuss the violence in the white community?

As a typical lefty/lib...hide it if you want...you react to what you see on television not the reality. The democrat minions in the media don't care about minorities killing each other...because they are the true racists.....and as long as minorities stay sealed off from the rich, white democrat parts of theses cities, and come out to vote the rich, white democrats political power, they don't have a problem with minority violence........so they can then push their anti gun agenda by focusing on the rare case of a white guy killing people where they can get the bodies in front of cameras......

.......most of the killing is done in inner cities controlled by democrats, who undermine, under fund, and under staff the police, create policies that create joblessness, and single, female led families, which create the soldiers for inner city gangs....they are the ones who commit almost all of the gun murder problem in the country.......yet that is not where these lefties focus their anti gun attention.......

They focus on AR-15s...the least likely weapon to be used by inner city gangs.....

But....the democrat minions in the media don't focus on this real problem....because it would shine a light on the fact that democrat policies have decimated minority lives....and created the very gun violence problem they bitch and moan about.....can't have that.......

But you want to focus on the smallest part of the problem.......
BLah, blah, blah...deflect, blah, blah blah. Evil media, blah, blah, blah.

:lol: You idiots are so predictable.

Yes....and you guys are so mysterious.......

8-9,000 gun murders a year, mostly committed by minority gangs....and the rare event where a non minority kills people is what you focus on....why do you hate blacks so much....oh...that's right...you are a lefty......racism is just in your genes.......well, in truth...racism is just one aspect of your desire to control all people........controlling blacks was what the old democrats did in the south.....you guys have now branched out and want to control everyone......

If you cared about gun violence...you would seek to change the lives of the poor, especially poor minorities living in your lefty controlled hell holes....you call them democrat led cities.......but you only care about white gun violence....why.....because that allows you to push your anti gun agenda....while ignoring helping the real victims of gun crime.....the innocent, law abiding minorities in your cities.........
:LOL: Again, you are trying to assign an argument that I never made. Who said I care about gun violence?

I take great pleasure when savages kill one another.

Wow.......you are a breath of fresh air.....a lefty who actually tells the truth about their agenda.........you guys normally hide your racist hate and your desire to control other people behind lies about "caring" for the little guy.....you have my respect....now we can actually deal with your real agenda........
From the article...

An unrelenting pain

Narcotics entered Fridovich's life in May 2006, after he severely injured his back exercising between trips to war zones. At the time he was a two-star general in command of all special operations forces — Green Berets, Navy Seals and Army Rangers — operating in the Pacific.

Fresh from a trip to Iraq and slated to go to the Philippines, he was in a Marine base gymnasium on Oahu leg-pressing 400 pounds when lower vertebrae shattered. Doctors later said his back was brittle from decades of soldiering and scores of parachute drops.

He said he felt a twinge at the time and worked through it, continuing a regimen of weight-lifting, handball and racquetball for several days.

But by Memorial Day, he awoke barely able to stand. "All I could do was just lie in bed and writhe," Fridovich recalls, describing pain radiating from his lower back down his left leg.

"It felt like someone had taken a baseball bat from here to here," Fridovich says, gesturing from waist to kneecap.

In the emergency room at Tripler Army Medical Center in Honolulu, X-rays showed shattered bones and pinched nerves. Motrin and morphine were the first medications, followed by fistfuls of fast-acting roxicet and longer-lasting Oxycontin, both listed by the federal government as highly addictive with significant potential for abuse.

Doctors wanted him to wait on surgery to gauge progress. "That was a little bit more than wishful thinking," Fridovich says now.

Eager to quell pain and resume command, Fridovich during one 24-hour period swallowed five dozen Oxycontin pills. His calculus was simple, he says: If the drugs were for pain relief, more drugs must equal more relief.
1. I am not a liberal
2. We aren't talking about minorities. We are talking about white savages. I am trying to think of the last time a minority shot up a school or went on a mass killing spree.
3. Inner city life is an inner city life issue...not a minority issue.
4. Nice diversion. Why don't you want to discuss the violence in the white community?

As a typical lefty/lib...hide it if you want...you react to what you see on television not the reality. The democrat minions in the media don't care about minorities killing each other...because they are the true racists.....and as long as minorities stay sealed off from the rich, white democrat parts of theses cities, and come out to vote the rich, white democrats political power, they don't have a problem with minority violence........so they can then push their anti gun agenda by focusing on the rare case of a white guy killing people where they can get the bodies in front of cameras......

.......most of the killing is done in inner cities controlled by democrats, who undermine, under fund, and under staff the police, create policies that create joblessness, and single, female led families, which create the soldiers for inner city gangs....they are the ones who commit almost all of the gun murder problem in the country.......yet that is not where these lefties focus their anti gun attention.......

They focus on AR-15s...the least likely weapon to be used by inner city gangs.....

But....the democrat minions in the media don't focus on this real problem....because it would shine a light on the fact that democrat policies have decimated minority lives....and created the very gun violence problem they bitch and moan about.....can't have that.......

But you want to focus on the smallest part of the problem.......
BLah, blah, blah...deflect, blah, blah blah. Evil media, blah, blah, blah.

:lol: You idiots are so predictable.

Yes....and you guys are so mysterious.......

8-9,000 gun murders a year, mostly committed by minority gangs....and the rare event where a non minority kills people is what you focus on....why do you hate blacks so much....oh...that's right...you are a lefty......racism is just in your genes.......well, in truth...racism is just one aspect of your desire to control all people........controlling blacks was what the old democrats did in the south.....you guys have now branched out and want to control everyone......

If you cared about gun violence...you would seek to change the lives of the poor, especially poor minorities living in your lefty controlled hell holes....you call them democrat led cities.......but you only care about white gun violence....why.....because that allows you to push your anti gun agenda....while ignoring helping the real victims of gun crime.....the innocent, law abiding minorities in your cities.........
:LOL: Again, you are trying to assign an argument that I never made. Who said I care about gun violence?

I take great pleasure when savages kill one another.

Wow.......you are a breath of fresh air.....a lefty who actually tells the truth about their agenda.........you guys normally hide your racist hate and your desire to control other people behind lies about "caring" for the little guy.....you have my respect....now we can actually deal with your real agenda........
:lol: you know nothing except what you are programmed to think. NO original thought at all.
As a typical lefty/lib...hide it if you want...you react to what you see on television not the reality. The democrat minions in the media don't care about minorities killing each other...because they are the true racists.....and as long as minorities stay sealed off from the rich, white democrat parts of theses cities, and come out to vote the rich, white democrats political power, they don't have a problem with minority violence........so they can then push their anti gun agenda by focusing on the rare case of a white guy killing people where they can get the bodies in front of cameras......

.......most of the killing is done in inner cities controlled by democrats, who undermine, under fund, and under staff the police, create policies that create joblessness, and single, female led families, which create the soldiers for inner city gangs....they are the ones who commit almost all of the gun murder problem in the country.......yet that is not where these lefties focus their anti gun attention.......

They focus on AR-15s...the least likely weapon to be used by inner city gangs.....

But....the democrat minions in the media don't focus on this real problem....because it would shine a light on the fact that democrat policies have decimated minority lives....and created the very gun violence problem they bitch and moan about.....can't have that.......

But you want to focus on the smallest part of the problem.......
BLah, blah, blah...deflect, blah, blah blah. Evil media, blah, blah, blah.

:lol: You idiots are so predictable.

Yes....and you guys are so mysterious.......

8-9,000 gun murders a year, mostly committed by minority gangs....and the rare event where a non minority kills people is what you focus on....why do you hate blacks so much....oh...that's right...you are a lefty......racism is just in your genes.......well, in truth...racism is just one aspect of your desire to control all people........controlling blacks was what the old democrats did in the south.....you guys have now branched out and want to control everyone......

If you cared about gun violence...you would seek to change the lives of the poor, especially poor minorities living in your lefty controlled hell holes....you call them democrat led cities.......but you only care about white gun violence....why.....because that allows you to push your anti gun agenda....while ignoring helping the real victims of gun crime.....the innocent, law abiding minorities in your cities.........
:LOL: Again, you are trying to assign an argument that I never made. Who said I care about gun violence?

I take great pleasure when savages kill one another.

Wow.......you are a breath of fresh air.....a lefty who actually tells the truth about their agenda.........you guys normally hide your racist hate and your desire to control other people behind lies about "caring" for the little guy.....you have my respect....now we can actually deal with your real agenda........
:lol: you know nothing except what you are programmed to think. NO original thought at all.

Wow....good come back...that was a real zinger.........is that all you have.....?
From the article...

An unrelenting pain

Narcotics entered Fridovich's life in May 2006, after he severely injured his back exercising between trips to war zones. At the time he was a two-star general in command of all special operations forces — Green Berets, Navy Seals and Army Rangers — operating in the Pacific.

Fresh from a trip to Iraq and slated to go to the Philippines, he was in a Marine base gymnasium on Oahu leg-pressing 400 pounds when lower vertebrae shattered. Doctors later said his back was brittle from decades of soldiering and scores of parachute drops.

He said he felt a twinge at the time and worked through it, continuing a regimen of weight-lifting, handball and racquetball for several days.

But by Memorial Day, he awoke barely able to stand. "All I could do was just lie in bed and writhe," Fridovich recalls, describing pain radiating from his lower back down his left leg.

"It felt like someone had taken a baseball bat from here to here," Fridovich says, gesturing from waist to kneecap.

In the emergency room at Tripler Army Medical Center in Honolulu, X-rays showed shattered bones and pinched nerves. Motrin and morphine were the first medications, followed by fistfuls of fast-acting roxicet and longer-lasting Oxycontin, both listed by the federal government as highly addictive with significant potential for abuse.

Doctors wanted him to wait on surgery to gauge progress. "That was a little bit more than wishful thinking," Fridovich says now.

Eager to quell pain and resume command, Fridovich during one 24-hour period swallowed five dozen Oxycontin pills. His calculus was simple, he says: If the drugs were for pain relief, more drugs must equal more relief.
Rusg Limbaugh suffered an accident in the military?

Oh, you are trying to use the military angle to justify white people abusing pain pills.
BLah, blah, blah...deflect, blah, blah blah. Evil media, blah, blah, blah.

:lol: You idiots are so predictable.

Yes....and you guys are so mysterious.......

8-9,000 gun murders a year, mostly committed by minority gangs....and the rare event where a non minority kills people is what you focus on....why do you hate blacks so much....oh...that's right...you are a lefty......racism is just in your genes.......well, in truth...racism is just one aspect of your desire to control all people........controlling blacks was what the old democrats did in the south.....you guys have now branched out and want to control everyone......

If you cared about gun violence...you would seek to change the lives of the poor, especially poor minorities living in your lefty controlled hell holes....you call them democrat led cities.......but you only care about white gun violence....why.....because that allows you to push your anti gun agenda....while ignoring helping the real victims of gun crime.....the innocent, law abiding minorities in your cities.........
:LOL: Again, you are trying to assign an argument that I never made. Who said I care about gun violence?

I take great pleasure when savages kill one another.

Wow.......you are a breath of fresh air.....a lefty who actually tells the truth about their agenda.........you guys normally hide your racist hate and your desire to control other people behind lies about "caring" for the little guy.....you have my respect....now we can actually deal with your real agenda........
:lol: you know nothing except what you are programmed to think. NO original thought at all.

Wow....good come back...that was a real zinger.........is that all you have.....?
Compared to your programmed...."you are a lefty because you disagree with me" nonsense. What I said will suffice, you idiot. Maybe you can present another red herring.
From the article...

An unrelenting pain

Narcotics entered Fridovich's life in May 2006, after he severely injured his back exercising between trips to war zones. At the time he was a two-star general in command of all special operations forces — Green Berets, Navy Seals and Army Rangers — operating in the Pacific.

Fresh from a trip to Iraq and slated to go to the Philippines, he was in a Marine base gymnasium on Oahu leg-pressing 400 pounds when lower vertebrae shattered. Doctors later said his back was brittle from decades of soldiering and scores of parachute drops.

He said he felt a twinge at the time and worked through it, continuing a regimen of weight-lifting, handball and racquetball for several days.

But by Memorial Day, he awoke barely able to stand. "All I could do was just lie in bed and writhe," Fridovich recalls, describing pain radiating from his lower back down his left leg.

"It felt like someone had taken a baseball bat from here to here," Fridovich says, gesturing from waist to kneecap.

In the emergency room at Tripler Army Medical Center in Honolulu, X-rays showed shattered bones and pinched nerves. Motrin and morphine were the first medications, followed by fistfuls of fast-acting roxicet and longer-lasting Oxycontin, both listed by the federal government as highly addictive with significant potential for abuse.

Doctors wanted him to wait on surgery to gauge progress. "That was a little bit more than wishful thinking," Fridovich says now.

Eager to quell pain and resume command, Fridovich during one 24-hour period swallowed five dozen Oxycontin pills. His calculus was simple, he says: If the drugs were for pain relief, more drugs must equal more relief.
Rusg Limbaugh suffered an accident in the military?

Oh, you are trying to use the military angle to justify white people abusing pain pills.

Okay....I'll walk you through it....you are a lefty after all....you are the idiot who said only pussies get addicted to drugs used to control pain.......obviously this Special Forces General is not a pussy, in any sense of the word........so you are an idiot for even suggesting that.....
If you think like a lefty, post like a lefty, and push an anti gun agenda.....you are a lefty........
You aren't really worth my effort...have a nice weekend.....
From the article...

An unrelenting pain

Narcotics entered Fridovich's life in May 2006, after he severely injured his back exercising between trips to war zones. At the time he was a two-star general in command of all special operations forces — Green Berets, Navy Seals and Army Rangers — operating in the Pacific.

Fresh from a trip to Iraq and slated to go to the Philippines, he was in a Marine base gymnasium on Oahu leg-pressing 400 pounds when lower vertebrae shattered. Doctors later said his back was brittle from decades of soldiering and scores of parachute drops.

He said he felt a twinge at the time and worked through it, continuing a regimen of weight-lifting, handball and racquetball for several days.

But by Memorial Day, he awoke barely able to stand. "All I could do was just lie in bed and writhe," Fridovich recalls, describing pain radiating from his lower back down his left leg.

"It felt like someone had taken a baseball bat from here to here," Fridovich says, gesturing from waist to kneecap.

In the emergency room at Tripler Army Medical Center in Honolulu, X-rays showed shattered bones and pinched nerves. Motrin and morphine were the first medications, followed by fistfuls of fast-acting roxicet and longer-lasting Oxycontin, both listed by the federal government as highly addictive with significant potential for abuse.

Doctors wanted him to wait on surgery to gauge progress. "That was a little bit more than wishful thinking," Fridovich says now.

Eager to quell pain and resume command, Fridovich during one 24-hour period swallowed five dozen Oxycontin pills. His calculus was simple, he says: If the drugs were for pain relief, more drugs must equal more relief.
Rusg Limbaugh suffered an accident in the military?

Oh, you are trying to use the military angle to justify white people abusing pain pills.

Okay....I'll walk you through it....you are a lefty after all....you are the idiot who said only pussies get addicted to drugs used to control pain.......obviously this Special Forces General is not a pussy, in any sense of the word........so you are an idiot for even suggesting that.....
Real men don't resort to abusing drugs as an excuse for managing pain. He self medicated. He felt good. He is a drug addict that needs help.
I still haven't heard why Guano or any other progressive racist on this board isn't making preparations to migrate to Africa, where they won't have to worry about white Christian gun fanatics at all.
Well.........irrational anti gun nuts just want police to have guns......that worked here didn't it? hmmmm...where were the police as he was murdering all these people?

But...it sounds like the anti gunners got their wish.....it seems as if no law abiding, innocent person who was murdered had a gun to stop it....yay gun grabbers...you got your wish for no guns......congratulations........

doubly good for you guys....you have plenty of bodies to drag in front of the cameras......wear old shoes, the blood you have to wade through to get your propaganda shots will ruin your shoes.....

Sadly for you guys.....your best tool for pushing your anti gun phobia....dead kids....didn't't happen here.......but the story is still developing...you may get your wish as the story develops.....
Do gun nuts just sit around with their guns by their sides hoping someone attacks them? How do you take a piss or cook?
Do thugs like you stand on a street corner hoping a little old lady with a fat purse walks by while dealing your crack?

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