8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds

Eight of 10 black Americans have IQs of 80 or less. Coincidence?

It is only a coincidence, if it is also a coincidence that 80% of Blacks [since 1865] get confined to lives within American ghettos ---thanks to racial-profiling in home-loans (redlining?) and especially in jobs and of course in law enforcement practices. Yes. Same ghettos with education systems that are indeed "ghetto" because the ghetto schools gets sent those faculty members who are unmotivated and/or barely-certified. Same ghetto education systems which do not produce the scholars who write the questions we see on reputable IQ tests.

Now sure, you can take the easy route and blame the products of such a horrid system ---when decade after decade, they score low on that IQ test. But then most intelligent, fairminded humans won't dare join you in blaming them.
Eight of 10 black Americans have IQs of 80 or less. Coincidence?

It is only a coincidence, if it is also a coincidence that 80% of Blacks [since 1865] get confined to lives within American ghettos ---thanks to racial-profiling in home-loans (redlining?) and especially in jobs and of course in law enforcement practices. Yes. Same ghettos with education systems that are indeed "ghetto" because the ghetto schools gets sent those faculty members who are unmotivated and/or barely-certified. Same ghetto education systems which do not produce the scholars who write the questions we see on reputable IQ tests.

Now sure, you can take the easy route and blame the products of such a horrid system ---when decade after decade, they score low on that IQ test. But then most intelligent, fairminded humans won't dare join you in blaming them.
Really? Then why are American blacks such failures and why are blacks failure the world over?

BTW, I would ask you who is more "fair-mined", you or me?
Folks, when we blacks tell you how blacks see things, learn to listen.

8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds

Lisette Voytko

Topline: A Washington Post/Ipsos poll found that more than eight in ten black Americans view President Trump as “a racist,” with nine in ten respondents disapproving of his job performance⁠—and with the election still ten months away, former vice president Joe Biden is (so far) black Democrats’ candidate of choice.

  • The poll was conducted January 2 to January 8, and painted a largely pessimistic outlook by black Americans, 65% of whom said it was a bad time to be black in America.
  • Despite Trump touting his presidency as being good for black Americans, 77% of respondents said the president should get “only some” or “hardly any” credit for the 5.5% unemployment rate among their community..
  • While the black unemployment rate is at its lowest point in years, it stood at 16.8% in 2010, during Barack Obama’s first term as president, and was at 7.5% when he left office.
  • In terms of their personal financial situations, 54% report no change during Trump’s presidency, even though the stock market has reached record highs.
  • Black Americans who believe Trump to be racist also tend to believe he’s made racism worse in the country and that white Americans do not understand the discrimination they experience.
  • The poll did find, however, that 65% of respondents feel optimistic about their own lives, a belief that crosses political divides and age groups.
8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds


What's your solution? What should President Trump say to convince African Americans he's cool?
If 80% of blacks think president Trump is a raysis...why are 65% voting for him?

Are these the same polls that told us hillary would win in a landslide? :lol:
An overwhelming majority of black voters — 85 percent — said in a new Hill-HarrisX poll that they would choose any Democratic presidential candidate over President Trump

Ninety-eight percent of black voters who identify as Democrat, and 72 percent of those who identify as independent said they would back whoever ultimately becomes the Democratic nominee over Trump. Just 12 percent of black voters who identify as Republican said the same.

Poll: Overwhelming majority of black voters back any 2020 Democrat over Trump

In 2020 I believe the Democratic Party is in for a rude awakening when a growing population of RESPONSIBLE Americans of African descent use their voting power to denounce the HATEFUL, Anti-American values practicing Democrat Party.

_KOWTOW, Nancy Pelosi, Tariq Nasheed, Mechee X.png
_SENSIBLE Citizens Ben Carson, Republican, Democrat.999.png

#TheLargerIssue #EndIntraRacialDiscrimination #PreventHate

"Look into the #DemocraticParty...these are the true #racist." ~Lee Green

"Black Democrat #WalkAway after Discovering Truth Of Democratic Party" by Lee Green 149,046 views


white paternalism

White paternalism is the belief that whites know what is best for people of other races, viewing them pretty much as overgrown children. It is racist since it assumes that whites know better than other races.

Hi, IM2. Is this man treating apparent emotionally troubled adults like they are overgrown children?

Black American Men 'Take Control of Emotionally Troubled Women'

If 80% of blacks think president Trump is a raysis...why are 65% voting for him?

Are these the same polls that told us hillary would win in a landslide? :lol:
An overwhelming majority of black voters — 85 percent — said in a new Hill-HarrisX poll that they would choose any Democratic presidential candidate over President Trump

Ninety-eight percent of black voters who identify as Democrat, and 72 percent of those who identify as independent said they would back whoever ultimately becomes the Democratic nominee over Trump. Just 12 percent of black voters who identify as Republican said the same.

Poll: Overwhelming majority of black voters back any 2020 Democrat over Trump

In 2020 I believe the Democratic Party is in for a rude awakening when a growing population of RESPONSIBLE Americans of African descent use their voting power to denounce the HATEFUL, Anti-American values practicing Democrat Party.

View attachment 301314 View attachment 301315
#TheLargerIssue #EndIntraRacialDiscrimination #PreventHate

"Look into the #DemocraticParty...these are the true #racist." ~Lee Green

"Black Democrat #WalkAway after Discovering Truth Of Democratic Party" by Lee Green 149,046 views


You're dealing with a ding-bat.
Folks, when we blacks tell you how blacks see things, learn to listen.

8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds

Lisette Voytko

Topline: A Washington Post/Ipsos poll found that more than eight in ten black Americans view President Trump as “a racist,” with nine in ten respondents disapproving of his job performance⁠—and with the election still ten months away, former vice president Joe Biden is (so far) black Democrats’ candidate of choice.

  • The poll was conducted January 2 to January 8, and painted a largely pessimistic outlook by black Americans, 65% of whom said it was a bad time to be black in America.
  • Despite Trump touting his presidency as being good for black Americans, 77% of respondents said the president should get “only some” or “hardly any” credit for the 5.5% unemployment rate among their community..
  • While the black unemployment rate is at its lowest point in years, it stood at 16.8% in 2010, during Barack Obama’s first term as president, and was at 7.5% when he left office.
  • In terms of their personal financial situations, 54% report no change during Trump’s presidency, even though the stock market has reached record highs.
  • Black Americans who believe Trump to be racist also tend to believe he’s made racism worse in the country and that white Americans do not understand the discrimination they experience.
  • The poll did find, however, that 65% of respondents feel optimistic about their own lives, a belief that crosses political divides and age groups.
8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds

I don't think he's any more racist than your average white in the Democrat party. I don't know if he is but yes, we have all been told so. As soon as he became president, the Democrats went to their war room with their friends in the media and started checking all the boxes to begin their war to take the office back, discredit him, and prevent him from moving forward with any policy. They were devastated that Hillary would not be able to continue with the policies that Obama had started, undoubtedly from their perspective they see the Trump presidency as being a huge set back. Painting him as an extreme racist, somewheres close to Adolf Hitler is a necessary distortion. To bad if its true 8 out of 10 black people believe this.

They were careful not to show questionnaire.
Missy likely leading questions.

Folks, when we blacks tell you how blacks see things, learn to listen.

8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds

Lisette Voytko

Topline: A Washington Post/Ipsos poll found that more than eight in ten black Americans view President Trump as “a racist,” with nine in ten respondents disapproving of his job performance⁠—and with the election still ten months away, former vice president Joe Biden is (so far) black Democrats’ candidate of choice.

  • The poll was conducted January 2 to January 8, and painted a largely pessimistic outlook by black Americans, 65% of whom said it was a bad time to be black in America.
  • Despite Trump touting his presidency as being good for black Americans, 77% of respondents said the president should get “only some” or “hardly any” credit for the 5.5% unemployment rate among their community..
  • While the black unemployment rate is at its lowest point in years, it stood at 16.8% in 2010, during Barack Obama’s first term as president, and was at 7.5% when he left office.
  • In terms of their personal financial situations, 54% report no change during Trump’s presidency, even though the stock market has reached record highs.
  • Black Americans who believe Trump to be racist also tend to believe he’s made racism worse in the country and that white Americans do not understand the discrimination they experience.
  • The poll did find, however, that 65% of respondents feel optimistic about their own lives, a belief that crosses political divides and age groups.
8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds
59% of blacks voted in 2016. 66% showed up for Obama.

So 6 of the 8 will vote. We need the other two to show up
Do you think they can find their way to the polls, since the Democrats say they are too stupid (or lazy) to even go get a FREE ID???
Do we offer free ids?
If 80% of blacks think president Trump is a raysis...why are 65% voting for him?

Are these the same polls that told us hillary would win in a landslide? :lol:
An overwhelming majority of black voters — 85 percent — said in a new Hill-HarrisX poll that they would choose any Democratic presidential candidate over President Trump

Ninety-eight percent of black voters who identify as Democrat, and 72 percent of those who identify as independent said they would back whoever ultimately becomes the Democratic nominee over Trump. Just 12 percent of black voters who identify as Republican said the same.

Poll: Overwhelming majority of black voters back any 2020 Democrat over Trump

In 2020 I believe the Democratic Party is in for a rude awakening when a growing population of RESPONSIBLE Americans of African descent use their voting power to denounce the HATEFUL, Anti-American values practicing Democrat Party.

View attachment 301314 View attachment 301315
#TheLargerIssue #EndIntraRacialDiscrimination #PreventHate

"Look into the #DemocraticParty...these are the true #racist." ~Lee Green

"Black Democrat #WalkAway after Discovering Truth Of Democratic Party" by Lee Green 149,046 views



If you think blacks will vote for Trump in any large number, you are living in la la land. It is not going to happen. Stop deceiving yourself.
Folks, when we blacks tell you how blacks see things, learn to listen.

8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds

Lisette Voytko

Topline: A Washington Post/Ipsos poll found that more than eight in ten black Americans view President Trump as “a racist,” with nine in ten respondents disapproving of his job performance⁠—and with the election still ten months away, former vice president Joe Biden is (so far) black Democrats’ candidate of choice.

  • The poll was conducted January 2 to January 8, and painted a largely pessimistic outlook by black Americans, 65% of whom said it was a bad time to be black in America.
  • Despite Trump touting his presidency as being good for black Americans, 77% of respondents said the president should get “only some” or “hardly any” credit for the 5.5% unemployment rate among their community..
  • While the black unemployment rate is at its lowest point in years, it stood at 16.8% in 2010, during Barack Obama’s first term as president, and was at 7.5% when he left office.
  • In terms of their personal financial situations, 54% report no change during Trump’s presidency, even though the stock market has reached record highs.
  • Black Americans who believe Trump to be racist also tend to believe he’s made racism worse in the country and that white Americans do not understand the discrimination they experience.
  • The poll did find, however, that 65% of respondents feel optimistic about their own lives, a belief that crosses political divides and age groups.
8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds

So, the fact that Trumps policies have helped that 65% who feel good about their lives doesn't matter. Got it. Orange man bad. The fact that his policies have brought more black people out of poverty than ANY of their so called leaders (who require a continuous poor underclass to further feather their own nests) is immaterial.

Got it.

Come back when you have something a little more balanced.

The poll was conducted January 2 to January 8, and painted a largely pessimistic outlook by black Americans, 65% of whom said it was a bad time to be black in America.

What part of this comment did you miss?

77% of respondents said the president should get “only some” or “hardly any” credit for the 5.5% unemployment rate among their community..

What part of this comment did you miss?

In terms of their personal financial situations, 54% report no change during Trump’s presidency, even though the stock market has reached record highs.

What part of this comment did you miss?

Black Americans who believe Trump to be racist also tend to believe he’s made racism worse in the country and that white Americans do not understand the discrimination they experience.

What part of this comment did you miss?

And the 65 percent you mention did not give trump credit for their optimism.
I don't like Trump, but what has changed for Black Americans since Trump took office? How has he made it worse?
To you deniers:

When will trump show us his birth certificate and college transcripts? Why did he never ask Clinton or Bush to do that? The answer is simple.

What does a birth certificate and college transcripts have to do with race?
white paternalism

White paternalism is the belief that whites know what is best for people of other races, viewing them pretty much as overgrown children. It is racist since it assumes that whites know better than other races.


  • White man’s burden – the duty of whites to help the lesser races. Used in the early 1900s to excuse imperialism.
  • White saviour films – where a white hero saves people of colour. “The Blind Side” (2009), “Dangerous Minds” (1995), etc
  • Western imperialism – which seeks not just control of land, trade and taxes like most empires, but goes beyond that to remaking subjects in its own image – Westernization.
  • American and Australian policy on natives – separating children from their parents to make them white; controlling what little land they have left.
  • Whites adopting African children – like Madonna and Angelina Jolie.
  • White allies – when they go beyond merely helping anti-racist causes to telling people of colour what to do, trying to take over.
White paternalists love to:

  1. Point out the success of whites and the failures of blacks – Mugabe, Detroit, white inventions.
  2. See blacks screw up or act like fools.
  3. Talk down to blacks.
  4. Tell blacks that they treat them better than anyone else would.
  5. Tell blacks, in so many words, that they “saved” them from Africa.
White paternalists hate it when:

  1. Blacks are not grateful to them.
  2. Blacks get angry or say anything bad about whites.
You see that not just from white commenters on this blog, you see it in how they show blacks on American television. Black crime. Black buffoons. Black pathologies. Screwed-up or helpless black countries.

White paternalists do not see:

  1. Their failed record at handling the affairs of people of colour: genocide, slavery, Jim Crow, apartheid, taking their land, taking their children, screwing up their countries – Vietnam, El Salvador, Chile, Gaza, Congo and on and on. They do not see that the most successful non-white country was one of the few countries they were not able to screw up: Japan, which shut out the West for hundreds of years.
  2. That much of their “success” was based on screwing up the very people they are now supposedly trying to “help”. America was built on Indian land and black slave labour. The West was built on robbing the world through the Spanish, Portuguese, French and British empires. They do not see that they got to where they are through the barrel of a gun. They think it was through “values” or “institutions” or culture or genes.
  3. That just as whites know what is in their own best interest, so do blacks and Indians and Vietnamese and everyone else. There is nothing special about white people. They point to Mugabe but not to Hitler or Stalin. They point to the black illegitimacy rate when it went over 20%, but not to the white illegitimacy rate when it went over 20%. They point to black street crime but not to Wall Street crime. Etc.
Whites say, “Where would you be without us?” Wrong: where would they be without us!

white paternalism
So, you belong to black paternalism. Always telling whites what we do or should do, what we don't do or shouldn't do,
Panel erupts over conversation of race, Trump

The lady in the middle is a black conservative republican. There are black republicans who are not blind, stupid white butt kissing sellouts. Many of them recognize trumps racism and do not go to the lengths people like Ben Carson does to deny and excuse it.

It' great we have people like you to help us remember that blacks can be racist too.

.....ignorant racists.

Since nothing I am saying is racist, it means you're trying to call me one because I oppose racism. Whites who use this tactic are generally racists.

You post articles of blacks calling Trump racist, but where is the proof that he actually is racist? Saying so doesn't make it so, like you do.
Folks, when we blacks tell you how blacks see things, learn to listen.

8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds

Lisette Voytko

Topline: A Washington Post/Ipsos poll found that more than eight in ten black Americans view President Trump as “a racist,” with nine in ten respondents disapproving of his job performance⁠—and with the election still ten months away, former vice president Joe Biden is (so far) black Democrats’ candidate of choice.

  • The poll was conducted January 2 to January 8, and painted a largely pessimistic outlook by black Americans, 65% of whom said it was a bad time to be black in America.
  • Despite Trump touting his presidency as being good for black Americans, 77% of respondents said the president should get “only some” or “hardly any” credit for the 5.5% unemployment rate among their community..
  • While the black unemployment rate is at its lowest point in years, it stood at 16.8% in 2010, during Barack Obama’s first term as president, and was at 7.5% when he left office.
  • In terms of their personal financial situations, 54% report no change during Trump’s presidency, even though the stock market has reached record highs.
  • Black Americans who believe Trump to be racist also tend to believe he’s made racism worse in the country and that white Americans do not understand the discrimination they experience.
  • The poll did find, however, that 65% of respondents feel optimistic about their own lives, a belief that crosses political divides and age groups.
8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds

If there were ever a Racist President it was Obama
Folks, when we blacks tell you how blacks see things, learn to listen.

8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds

Lisette Voytko

Topline: A Washington Post/Ipsos poll found that more than eight in ten black Americans view President Trump as “a racist,” with nine in ten respondents disapproving of his job performance⁠—and with the election still ten months away, former vice president Joe Biden is (so far) black Democrats’ candidate of choice.

  • The poll was conducted January 2 to January 8, and painted a largely pessimistic outlook by black Americans, 65% of whom said it was a bad time to be black in America.
  • Despite Trump touting his presidency as being good for black Americans, 77% of respondents said the president should get “only some” or “hardly any” credit for the 5.5% unemployment rate among their community..
  • While the black unemployment rate is at its lowest point in years, it stood at 16.8% in 2010, during Barack Obama’s first term as president, and was at 7.5% when he left office.
  • In terms of their personal financial situations, 54% report no change during Trump’s presidency, even though the stock market has reached record highs.
  • Black Americans who believe Trump to be racist also tend to believe he’s made racism worse in the country and that white Americans do not understand the discrimination they experience.
  • The poll did find, however, that 65% of respondents feel optimistic about their own lives, a belief that crosses political divides and age groups.
8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds

Got a feeling he's actually not deep enough racist for them to turn out and vote for a marginal Socialist with no Administrative experience who wants to make a "tear down" of the US economy and have folks like AOC making life decisions for everyone...

Being called a racist has so little meaning anymore.. But folks FIXATED on taking away your economic choices or jobs kinda matters more...

Joe Biden thinks EVEN you can be "a coder" after reading your post here at USMB.. You think HE'S gonna get black people to the polls... It's the comparison that matters..

So the only polls that matter would ask people CHOOSE between the 2 evils... Which is all Americans get anymore from the 2 inept sorry ass parties...

Trump had no administrative experience and his management of this administration is terrible.

You believe a lie. Whites like you would like to believe that people calling somebody a racist isn't serious but that's not true. trumps racism is going to cause a record number of blacks to turn out to vote against him. And right now all this talk is based on trumps lies that are being unopposed. When the democrats finally pick their nominee, you will then be made to understand what the real choice is.

You're not logical... Unless a NEW candidate flies in on Angel wings to rescue this lemming herd, I've already ASSESSED every match-up... They are all doomed to hell... BECAUSE -- they've given up nearly the ENTIRE political spectrum and are hiding out in the darkest leftmost corner...

WHY they all RAN to that corner is fairly obvious.. They don't want to agree with Trump ON ANYTHING.. So they chose the "path least taken"... And that has them LEAVING THE FIELD of competition and playing behind their end zone...

Just even 6 years ago, most of what Trump is doing was MAINSTREAM CENTER... You're knights have never BEEN in mainstream center of America psyche... They might as well be aliens or illegal aliens...

I love your opening line... It's the kind of sound you'd expect to hear from a cornered lemming...


Trump has not been mainstream center. You're so far to the right that you think that. I am in the mainstream center bud. We oppose racism and other REAL injustices. We oppose the made up false oppression created by your side. You're so stupid that you are the one walking straight into the ocean while calling somebody else a lemming.

Than you really don't have a candidate that speaks to mainstream center and YOUR views.. Let's cut to the nub here since this is really politics and not race...

Which one of the pandering clowns juggling catch phrases on the list of Dem Candidates speaks for YOU????

You really into hobbling Daymon John or Oprah as Millionaires?? Charles Barkley or Ursula Jones or Ken Chenault??? Making them into hosts for blood sucking socialism ????
You have no VIAble candidates anywhere on the political spectrum that is NOT the deepest leftmost dark corner..

Trump's got 91 yards of the 100 yard field of play to himself... And he's using most of it to win people over by EXECUTING plays quite expertly.. He'll be fixing the homeless problem right after letting folks buy appliances tthat work right....

Panel erupts over conversation of race, Trump

The lady in the middle is a black conservative republican. There are black republicans who are not blind, stupid white butt kissing sellouts. Many of them recognize trumps racism and do not go to the lengths people like Ben Carson does to deny and excuse it.

It' great we have people like you to help us remember that blacks can be racist too.

.....ignorant racists.

Since nothing I am saying is racist, it means you're trying to call me one because I oppose racism. Whites who use this tactic are generally racists.

You are always using racist terms when it comes to white people.

Face it, you are a racist. You hate white people for some reason.

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