8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds

Sounds like Trump is doomed in Nov.


I'm just fucking with you. Nobody believes your Fake News 'poll'. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
What you don't want to believe is irrelevant to the reality that is. The vast majority of blacks don't like trump.

DO YOU SUPPORT THE RACIST BIDEN? Black libs only like whites if their lib.
Is that the same racist who took orders from the black man most of you here still think is a Kenyan for 8 years?
Is the black half of this kenyan guy the only half that has any political value?
Folks, when we blacks tell you how blacks see things, learn to listen.

8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds

Lisette Voytko

Topline: A Washington Post/Ipsos poll found that more than eight in ten black Americans view President Trump as “a racist,” with nine in ten respondents disapproving of his job performance⁠—and with the election still ten months away, former vice president Joe Biden is (so far) black Democrats’ candidate of choice.

  • The poll was conducted January 2 to January 8, and painted a largely pessimistic outlook by black Americans, 65% of whom said it was a bad time to be black in America.
  • Despite Trump touting his presidency as being good for black Americans, 77% of respondents said the president should get “only some” or “hardly any” credit for the 5.5% unemployment rate among their community..
  • While the black unemployment rate is at its lowest point in years, it stood at 16.8% in 2010, during Barack Obama’s first term as president, and was at 7.5% when he left office.
  • In terms of their personal financial situations, 54% report no change during Trump’s presidency, even though the stock market has reached record highs.
  • Black Americans who believe Trump to be racist also tend to believe he’s made racism worse in the country and that white Americans do not understand the discrimination they experience.
  • The poll did find, however, that 65% of respondents feel optimistic about their own lives, a belief that crosses political divides and age groups.
8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds
Poll: Clinton by a landslide.
Trump is a racist. A bunch of white deniers who have never faced racism and call opposition to the racism of whites racism, have no words to offer on our conclusion about trump that are worthy of merit.
Feel free to post whatever you like, but remember that you, nor any other lefty, will EVER post a shred of evidence that proves Trump is a racist. The most you will EVER do is post allegations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, secondhand quotes, or propaganda.
You've been shown multiple examples of his racism.
You can can claim to have shown me as many examples of evidence of Trump's racism as you like, but you will NEVER be able to show me or anybody else where you did this, and you most certainly will NEVER be able to re quote any of them. This is because you are only able to post allegations, dismissed cases, gish gallup, secondhand quotes, or propaganda.
Trump is a racist. You've been shown that. End of discussion.

You are a racist. You've shown that too. That was never a discussion.
the latest poll shows 9 out of 10 posters here think i am 2 is a racist....
man0man I sure do hope that IM2 ---or others who have claimed President Trump is a racist--- would come speak in intelligent truths/help me comprehend their way of thinking regarding why acts like these I listed (below) help make Trump a racist.


*Trump embraced legislation that gave $$$$ to agricultural HBCU and to negro Farmers: Trump signs bill restoring funding for black colleges
*In December 2016 he let the world know that his Admin would initially include a darkskinned negro as head of a Cabinet, and another one as a member of his private, six (6) member elite economists team.
*Trump worked with KimK (on First Step Act) to let thousands of negros out of prison during 2018-'19
*Trump included Blacks in his jobs frontier so now the Black unemployment rate down to its lowest in 50yrs whereas Obama couldn't get it down that low, so quickly.
*When Trump once told 'the squad' to go back and help their native countries, then come back home to the USA and teach us that success ---did you help remind people of that? Or did you help exclude that part, in order to deem Trump as a racist?
*Trump called Sweden's President and ordered him to release a darkskinned Negro rapper (A$AP Rocky) from jail last year. 2 days after Trump called, A$AP was on a flight home to the USA. Trump tweeted him while he was being released, "it's been a Rocky week, so get home A$AP!"
*What about last year, when the Dayton OH shooter/terrorist supported the Dem's Presidential candidate Liz Warren??...did you treat Warren like we are brainwashed to treat Trump? whenever neo-Nazi's chant Trump's name ---without his endorsement??

Trump Thinks It's Racist To Give Federal Funding To Historically Black College and Universities
How Trump speaks to black Americans says a lot about his vision for this country - CNNPolitics
Trump Administration Quietly Rolls Back Civil Rights Efforts Across Federal Government — ProPublica
BREAKING: Trump Administration Launches Attack on Core Civil Rights Protection | National Fair Housing Alliance
Trump Primed On Gutting Agencies of Civil Rights Authority - The New Journal and Guide
Donald Trump’s war on civil rights is intensifying.

His top advisor is a white supremacist.

Leaked emails from Stephen Miller to Breitbart bathed in racism, white nationalism, Nazi literature
The Creepy Racist Network Behind Trump Aide Stephen Miller
Leaked emails reveal Trump aide Stephen Miller's white nationalist views
Stephen Miller's private emails just got leaked. And they're explosive.

His friends Steve Bannon and Roger Stone are racists.

Steve Bannon Racism Accusations: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com
Is Steve Bannon racist? Let's find out!

Steve Bannon: 'Let them call you racist ... Wear it as a badge of honor'

Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon on Saturday told a crowd of far-right French politicians to let people label them as "racist," and to consider it "a badge of honor."

Bannon, a senior advisor to U.S. President Donald Trump, attended the party congress of France's far-right National Front in the French city of Lille, where he also met with the political party's leader, Marine Le Pen.

Clad in his usual field coat and khakis, Bannon stood on stage to address the seated crowd of party elites, who were dressed in suits.

"Let them call you racist. Let them call you xenophobes. Let them call you nativists," he said. “Wear it as a badge of honor. Because every day, we get stronger and they get weaker.”

Steve Bannon: 'Let them call you racist ... Wear it as a badge of honor'
7 Steve Bannon Quotes On Race That Are Seriously Concerning

A comprehensive guide to Trump ally Roger Stone, a racist, sexist conspiracy theorist
Roger Stone, Riot Organizer and Unapologetic Racist, Is the Trump Campaign’s Best Friend – Alternet.org
Trump Ally Roger Stone's Scrubbed Tweets: "Stupid Negro," "Fat Negro," "Muff-Diver," "Elitist C*nt," "DIE BITCH"

trump is appointing racist judges to federal courts.

Trump Is Appointing Racist Fake-News Purveyors to the Federal Bench

Then there is this.

In context: Trump's racial comments about federal judge
Mexico furious after Trump brands immigrants as | Daily Mail Online
Donald Trump: calling Mexicans ‘rapists’ was ‘peanuts’ next to the ‘truth’ | Watch News Videos Online

Birtherism, Central Park 5, DOJ racism case...

Thanks for replying and especially, for posting exhibits to try to solidify your stance on Trump.

You cool with discussing your Links, one by one? For example, reflect on the first link you posted. It's from 2017. Whereas I posted a link that is 4 weeks old, and my link included this excerpt:

President Donald Trump on Thursday signed a bipartisan bill that will permanently provide more than $250 million a year to the nation’s historically black colleges and universities...In signing the bill, Trump said historically black schools have “never had better champions in the White House.”...“When I took office, I promised to fight for HBCUs, and my administration continues to deliver,” Trump said. “A few months ago, funding for HBCUs was in jeopardy. But the White House and Congress came together and reached a historic agreement.”

So it's ordeals like that example, which cause me to want to delve into your links you posted to experience your reasoning & rationale which steer you down anti-Trump paths.

trump has a record of racist behavior that spans 50 years. His father was a racist and when Donald took over the company the rules didn't change. There are testimonies from people working for him who say so. Whites such as yourself want to cite singular occurrences like him basically being forced to sign a funding bill for HBCU's as some example of his not being racist. Meanwhile he has appointed over 150 right wing racists onto federal benches.
So there is evidence of racism out there somewhere, but you can't post a single example here? The reason why you will NEVER be posting any evidence here that proves Trump is a racist is because the only things out there are allegations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, secondhand quotes, and propaganda. As long as you never isolate a specific example to post here, you can continue to ALLEGE that there is evidence out there somewhere, but you will NEVER be able to post a shred of evidence here.

Your next post on this thread absolutely will not contain the evidence. I will quote this prediction if you post anything else on this thread. Go on now, post your next allegation, dismissed case, gush gallop, secondhand quote, or propaganda.
So IM2 is actually just a Cracker Snowflake troll who hates Donald Trump and is posing as a black man? Much like "RightWinger" actually IS a "RightWinger".

Typical of the hateful, deceptive Left.

Yes, it makes sense. Whoever pointed it out....good job.
"...769 Democrat-leaning registered voters..."

Pretty much kills any notion of a "random sample," doesn't it? What if it were a sample among "Republican-leaning registered voters"? Would that also be a "random sample"?

Whites such as yourself want to cite singular occurrences like him basically being forced to sign a funding bill for HBCU's as some example of his not being racist...

Since I cited more than just one single occurrence, then is that fair of you to say? And please, can you show proof that he was forced to sign it?

Also, can we discuss the articles you posted?
trump has a record of racist behavior that spans 50 years. His father was a racist and when Donald took over the company the rules didn't change. There are testimonies from people working for him who say so.

What is it with lefties and hearsay? I hope you don't need to rely on hearsay or secondhand quotes to paint Trump as a racist.

Congrats though, for seeing that one needs to go back 50 years just to find actual race related allegations and dismissed cases. This means you are not going to try making mexicans, women, and muslims into races like most lefties do.
Too bad white boys. Pictures of trump posing with black people don't prove anything. Most of us know trump is a racist.

Years later after DNA and a confession proved their innocence


The police and death penalty are RACIST??? I thought white folks had issues with these things also?

You're not ever gonna fix Friday Night Fights in Chicago without the police dude...

Or with black folks urging their 4 ft children to attack police and dump liquids on them....
trump and pigpence are racists,

z.tupac trump RACIST_01.png

Mechee x, Vicki Dillard, Kanye West, candace owens.png

#WalkAway #EndHate #EndIntraRacialDiscrimination

Hi. No doubt Donald Trump & the GOP welcomes & appreciates the support this sensible, loving, free-thinking American chooses to offer.

“The Left Has Become So Extremely Dehumanizing” 34,374 views

Folks, when we blacks tell you how blacks see things, learn to listen.

8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds

Lisette Voytko

Topline: A Washington Post/Ipsos poll found that more than eight in ten black Americans view President Trump as “a racist,” with nine in ten respondents disapproving of his job performance⁠—and with the election still ten months away, former vice president Joe Biden is (so far) black Democrats’ candidate of choice.

  • The poll was conducted January 2 to January 8, and painted a largely pessimistic outlook by black Americans, 65% of whom said it was a bad time to be black in America.
  • Despite Trump touting his presidency as being good for black Americans, 77% of respondents said the president should get “only some” or “hardly any” credit for the 5.5% unemployment rate among their community..
  • While the black unemployment rate is at its lowest point in years, it stood at 16.8% in 2010, during Barack Obama’s first term as president, and was at 7.5% when he left office.
  • In terms of their personal financial situations, 54% report no change during Trump’s presidency, even though the stock market has reached record highs.
  • Black Americans who believe Trump to be racist also tend to believe he’s made racism worse in the country and that white Americans do not understand the discrimination they experience.
  • The poll did find, however, that 65% of respondents feel optimistic about their own lives, a belief that crosses political divides and age groups.
8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds
I wouldnt have thought you would be the guy to point out black stupidity. Thats an embarrassing stat! :laugh:
trump and pigpence are racists,

View attachment 301928
View attachment 301929
#WalkAway #EndHate #EndIntraRacialDiscrimination

Hi. No doubt Donald Trump & the GOP welcomes & appreciates the support this sensible, loving, free-thinking American chooses to offer.

“The Left Has Become So Extremely Dehumanizing” 34,374 views


Your posts fucking suck. You must be a real loser to make the same post over and over again for the last 5 years. Youre a weak ass debater and a complete imbecile. Your memes are some real serial killer inspired shit too. The FBI needs to keep an eye on your crazy ass.
Your posts fucking suck. You must be a real loser to make the same post over and over again for the last 5 years. Youre a weak ass debater and a complete imbecile. Your memes are some real serial killer inspired shit too. The FBI needs to keep an eye on your crazy ass.

Hi, Godboy. I'm sorry you feel that way.

Your posts fucking suck. You must be a real loser to make the same post over and over again for the last 5 years. Youre a weak ass debater and a complete imbecile. Your memes are some real serial killer inspired shit too. The FBI needs to keep an eye on your crazy ass.

Hi, Godboy. I'm sorry you feel that way.

That doesnt cut it. Stop being a complete weirdo, and never post those lunatic crafted memes again.
Eight in ten, huh? Wow, that’s 80%. Which means 20% don’t think Trump is a racist. First go-round Trump got more black votes than expected, 8%. If he comes anywhere near 20% of the black vote the dims are fucked and they know it.
Folks, when we blacks tell you how blacks see things, learn to listen.

8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds

Lisette Voytko

Topline: A Washington Post/Ipsos poll found that more than eight in ten black Americans view President Trump as “a racist,” with nine in ten respondents disapproving of his job performance⁠—and with the election still ten months away, former vice president Joe Biden is (so far) black Democrats’ candidate of choice.

  • The poll was conducted January 2 to January 8, and painted a largely pessimistic outlook by black Americans, 65% of whom said it was a bad time to be black in America.
  • Despite Trump touting his presidency as being good for black Americans, 77% of respondents said the president should get “only some” or “hardly any” credit for the 5.5% unemployment rate among their community..
  • While the black unemployment rate is at its lowest point in years, it stood at 16.8% in 2010, during Barack Obama’s first term as president, and was at 7.5% when he left office.
  • In terms of their personal financial situations, 54% report no change during Trump’s presidency, even though the stock market has reached record highs.
  • Black Americans who believe Trump to be racist also tend to believe he’s made racism worse in the country and that white Americans do not understand the discrimination they experience.
  • The poll did find, however, that 65% of respondents feel optimistic about their own lives, a belief that crosses political divides and age groups.
8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds

So, the fact that Trumps policies have helped that 65% who feel good about their lives doesn't matter. Got it. Orange man bad. The fact that his policies have brought more black people out of poverty than ANY of their so called leaders (who require a continuous poor underclass to further feather their own nests) is immaterial.

Got it.

Come back when you have something a little more balanced.

The poll was conducted January 2 to January 8, and painted a largely pessimistic outlook by black Americans, 65% of whom said it was a bad time to be black in America.

What part of this comment did you miss?

77% of respondents said the president should get “only some” or “hardly any” credit for the 5.5% unemployment rate among their community..

What part of this comment did you miss?

In terms of their personal financial situations, 54% report no change during Trump’s presidency, even though the stock market has reached record highs.

What part of this comment did you miss?

Black Americans who believe Trump to be racist also tend to believe he’s made racism worse in the country and that white Americans do not understand the discrimination they experience.

What part of this comment did you miss?

And the 65 percent you mention did not give trump credit for their optimism.
I don't like Trump, but what has changed for Black Americans since Trump took office? How has he made it worse?

What don't you like about Trump?
Folks, when we blacks tell you how blacks see things, learn to listen.

8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds

Lisette Voytko

Topline: A Washington Post/Ipsos poll found that more than eight in ten black Americans view President Trump as “a racist,” with nine in ten respondents disapproving of his job performance⁠—and with the election still ten months away, former vice president Joe Biden is (so far) black Democrats’ candidate of choice.

  • The poll was conducted January 2 to January 8, and painted a largely pessimistic outlook by black Americans, 65% of whom said it was a bad time to be black in America.
  • Despite Trump touting his presidency as being good for black Americans, 77% of respondents said the president should get “only some” or “hardly any” credit for the 5.5% unemployment rate among their community..
  • While the black unemployment rate is at its lowest point in years, it stood at 16.8% in 2010, during Barack Obama’s first term as president, and was at 7.5% when he left office.
  • In terms of their personal financial situations, 54% report no change during Trump’s presidency, even though the stock market has reached record highs.
  • Black Americans who believe Trump to be racist also tend to believe he’s made racism worse in the country and that white Americans do not understand the discrimination they experience.
  • The poll did find, however, that 65% of respondents feel optimistic about their own lives, a belief that crosses political divides and age groups.
8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds
I wouldnt have thought you would be the guy to point out black stupidity. Thats an embarrassing stat! :laugh:

The truth is not embarrassing.
Eight in ten, huh? Wow, that’s 80%. Which means 20% don’t think Trump is a racist. First go-round Trump got more black votes than expected, 8%. If he comes anywhere near 20% of the black vote the dims are fucked and they know it.
Just because some blacks don't think he's a racist means they are going to vote for him. trump won't get close to 20 percent. You guys all fail to remember that trump lost the popular vote in 2016. He did not get into office with an overwhelming victory. He lost by 3 million votes and was given the office by a fluke rare occurrence.
Folks, when we blacks tell you how blacks see things, learn to listen.

8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds

Lisette Voytko

Topline: A Washington Post/Ipsos poll found that more than eight in ten black Americans view President Trump as “a racist,” with nine in ten respondents disapproving of his job performance⁠—and with the election still ten months away, former vice president Joe Biden is (so far) black Democrats’ candidate of choice.

  • The poll was conducted January 2 to January 8, and painted a largely pessimistic outlook by black Americans, 65% of whom said it was a bad time to be black in America.
  • Despite Trump touting his presidency as being good for black Americans, 77% of respondents said the president should get “only some” or “hardly any” credit for the 5.5% unemployment rate among their community..
  • While the black unemployment rate is at its lowest point in years, it stood at 16.8% in 2010, during Barack Obama’s first term as president, and was at 7.5% when he left office.
  • In terms of their personal financial situations, 54% report no change during Trump’s presidency, even though the stock market has reached record highs.
  • Black Americans who believe Trump to be racist also tend to believe he’s made racism worse in the country and that white Americans do not understand the discrimination they experience.
  • The poll did find, however, that 65% of respondents feel optimistic about their own lives, a belief that crosses political divides and age groups.
8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds
I wouldnt have thought you would be the guy to point out black stupidity. Thats an embarrassing stat! :laugh:

The truth is not embarrassing.
It is in this case.
Folks, when we blacks tell you how blacks see things, learn to listen.

8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds

Lisette Voytko

Topline: A Washington Post/Ipsos poll found that more than eight in ten black Americans view President Trump as “a racist,” with nine in ten respondents disapproving of his job performance⁠—and with the election still ten months away, former vice president Joe Biden is (so far) black Democrats’ candidate of choice.

  • The poll was conducted January 2 to January 8, and painted a largely pessimistic outlook by black Americans, 65% of whom said it was a bad time to be black in America.
  • Despite Trump touting his presidency as being good for black Americans, 77% of respondents said the president should get “only some” or “hardly any” credit for the 5.5% unemployment rate among their community..
  • While the black unemployment rate is at its lowest point in years, it stood at 16.8% in 2010, during Barack Obama’s first term as president, and was at 7.5% when he left office.
  • In terms of their personal financial situations, 54% report no change during Trump’s presidency, even though the stock market has reached record highs.
  • Black Americans who believe Trump to be racist also tend to believe he’s made racism worse in the country and that white Americans do not understand the discrimination they experience.
  • The poll did find, however, that 65% of respondents feel optimistic about their own lives, a belief that crosses political divides and age groups.
8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds

If there were ever a Racist President it was Obama
Ffing hell you guys are funny.

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