8 times the Obama intelligence agencies set people up to fabricate the Russia Story

So colluding isn’t a crime....ok....is that admission that it took place?

Yes, meetings took place. Yes, collusion is not a crime. if it were ted kennedy would have been arrested as would your hero the shrilary who definitely did collude with foreign powers.

Can you name the people who supposedly claimed 'collusion' was or is a crime? Your thingy about Kennedy is laughable if you know the facts, and Hillary Clinton did not collude with a foreign power ? LOL

Every defense of Trump begins with “what about _________” as if it justifies anything Trump does. Incredible.
First of all it's the MSM that spun the Sessions meeting, leaving out that it was his job, so you made fun of the left while ignoring it was used to spy on the campaign and then lie about it.
Remember first they said they didn't spy on Sessions.
That kind of abuse of power is not funny, it's worse then the Nixon scandal and far more problematic to the election process and democracy then you are grasping.

First, Sessions lied about the meeting in his confirmation hearing. Why did he do that if he was “ordered” to take the meeting?

Secondly, as far as I understand…it would incredibly improper for the WH to order a Senator to do anything since, you know, we have that separation of powers thingy

Thirdly, this entire “entrapment” bullshit you’re passing off is moronic. Nobody forced the Trumps to take a meeting.
He didn't lie, it was word play semantics that seem to be tripping you up as well.
Notice when you forget what slant helps your narrative that you accidentally expose and agree with your opponents former argument (that it was Sessions job to meet the Russian Ambassador.)

Yes he did lie…just like you did when you said the WH ordered Sessions to meet with the Russian Ambassador.
Obama was the one who set up his meeting, that is a fact. You calling a fact a lie is very telling. Your excuses for abuse of power is disturbing unless you are an enemy combatant then your attitude against the proper function of the gov't would be explained.

Oh my fucking god.

Did Obama force Jeff Sessions to lie about the meeting during his confirmation hearings?

Is Jeff Sessions some sort of ventriloquist doll and said whatever he was told to say? Funny, I didn’t see him sitting on anyone’s lap during the hearings.

Well…what reason did Sessions have for lying to Congress?
First, Sessions lied about the meeting in his confirmation hearing. Why did he do that if he was “ordered” to take the meeting?

Secondly, as far as I understand…it would incredibly improper for the WH to order a Senator to do anything since, you know, we have that separation of powers thingy

Thirdly, this entire “entrapment” bullshit you’re passing off is moronic. Nobody forced the Trumps to take a meeting.
He didn't lie, it was word play semantics that seem to be tripping you up as well.
Notice when you forget what slant helps your narrative that you accidentally expose and agree with your opponents former argument (that it was Sessions job to meet the Russian Ambassador.)

Yes he did lie…just like you did when you said the WH ordered Sessions to meet with the Russian Ambassador.
Obama was the one who set up his meeting, that is a fact. You calling a fact a lie is very telling. Your excuses for abuse of power is disturbing unless you are an enemy combatant then your attitude against the proper function of the gov't would be explained.

Oh my fucking god.

Did Obama force Jeff Sessions to lie about the meeting during his confirmation hearings?

Is Jeff Sessions some sort of ventriloquist doll and said whatever he was told to say? Funny, I didn’t see him sitting on anyone’s lap during the hearings.

Well…what reason did Sessions have for lying to Congress?
He's another old man?
8 Times U.S. Intelligence Set People Up To Fabricate The Russia Story

Its ALL starting to come to light! I can't wait for Thursday and the IG report!
The Federalist :lol:

You may as well have titled the thread, ‘8 times I just make shit up’

Maybe your time would have been better spent by trying to refute what was said in the article instead of just attacking the people who published it. Of course that would have required some serious thought, something you're not know for. Run along troll, unless you have something constructive to add.

Last edited:
So colluding isn’t a crime....ok....is that admission that it took place?
if so - be fair across the board. if meeting to dig up dirt is what you're now saying is a no no -

Dem group trying to dig up dirt on Trump
Hillary Clinton is Still Paying Private Spies to Dig Up Dirt on Trump
Fusion GPS, hired by Hillary for dirt on Trump, also paid 3 journalists

suddenly i'll bet there's a good reason for this.

fellowship of the minds?

are you shitting me?


Well, ice is having trouble finding any instance where the Clintons invited Russians into a meeting room with them because they said “they have dirt on Trump” so he’s trying to draw false equivalence, cut him some slack. Also, Obama forced Trump to take the meeting—incredible.

No the bitch laundered money through a law firm to pay third parties to do that for her. There's no disputing that.

8 Times U.S. Intelligence Set People Up To Fabricate The Russia Story

Its ALL starting to come to light! I can't wait for Thursday and the IG report!

Every point they make is bullshit. This is another corrupt organization that has sold its soul to the devil aka Trump.

1. Everyone who has been briefed on what happened agreed that there was nothing wrong with what the FBI did in using a informant. We have to have the crazy conspiracy theory that someone else is hiding and fearing for his life because the government might kill him. That wouldn't make a good Hollywood movie.

2. The Trump campaign agreed to a meeting to get dirt on Clinton. That is collusion. They did not inform the FBI of the meeting.

3. A nothingburger. Flynn was acting as a foreign agent by lobbying for a foreign power aka the Islamic President of Turkey. They could have nailed him to the wall for his lobbying activities and filed much more serious charges.

4. McCabe set up no one. The campaign did have multiple contacts with the Russians.

5. Reid was the minority leader so he had every right to know. Briefing Reid is no crime. The minority leader in the Senate is one of eight that has authority to access intelligence information.

6. No setup here either. Comey briefed Trump on the contents of the dossier. Trump was not entitled to know how the FBI was using it since it involved a investigation into Trump.

7. There were 2 reasons why Sessions had to recuse himself. The first was his meeting with the Russian ambassador which even Republicans like Jason Chaffetz admitted Sessions' answers were not satisfactory. Also Sessions played a major role in Trump's campaign by endorsing him and representing Trump at several campaign events. That is a violation of Justice Department guidelines.

8. Rosenstein covered Trump's ass by giving him a reason for firing Comey. Helping Trump is setting him up. That is a good one. Trump himself blew it by admitting the Russia investigation was the reason why he fired Comey. Did Rosenstein make him do it.

This article is garbage. The author is Trump trash and a crazy conspiracy loon. Emblematic of the so-called conservative movement.
8 Times U.S. Intelligence Set People Up To Fabricate The Russia Story

Its ALL starting to come to light! I can't wait for Thursday and the IG report!
Hello dum dum,
Trump Tower meeting with:
Don Jr.
Trump Son in law
Trump campaign manager
A bunch of Russians
Looking for dirt on Hillary.

The very definition of "collusion".
Tsk Tsk. Should actually READ the article before making your self look even dumber than you already do.

Reading the article makes me realize how dumb you and the author is. Nothing but crazy conspiracy theories.
8 Times U.S. Intelligence Set People Up To Fabricate The Russia Story

Its ALL starting to come to light! I can't wait for Thursday and the IG report!
Hello dum dum,
Trump Tower meeting with:
Don Jr.
Trump Son in law
Trump campaign manager
A bunch of Russians
Looking for dirt on Hillary.

The very definition of "collusion".
with a lawyer who at the time was not allowed in the country. who let her in again?
A judge.
Why did Obama's DOJ let Natalia Veselnitskaya into U.S.?

"Denied a visa, a frustrated Veselnitskaya was eventually able to secure permission from the Justice Department to enter the country outside the normal visa process under a designation known as "immigration parole," court records show. "

so obama's DOJ let her in. if trump did this the left would be shitting themselves over real evidence but since obama did it, it's good.

all good.

nothing to see here... LOOK COLLUSION!!!

Another crazy conspiracy theory. She was supposed to be working on a court case. There is no evidence anyone in the DOJ even knew who she was. Of course that is not required in crazy conspiracy theories.
So colluding isn’t a crime....ok....is that admission that it took place?
if so - be fair across the board. if meeting to dig up dirt is what you're now saying is a no no -

Dem group trying to dig up dirt on Trump
Hillary Clinton is Still Paying Private Spies to Dig Up Dirt on Trump
Fusion GPS, hired by Hillary for dirt on Trump, also paid 3 journalists

suddenly i'll bet there's a good reason for this.

fellowship of the minds?

are you shitting me?


Well, ice is having trouble finding any instance where the Clintons invited Russians into a meeting room with them because they said “they have dirt on Trump” so he’s trying to draw false equivalence, cut him some slack. Also, Obama forced Trump to take the meeting—incredible.

No the bitch laundered money through a law firm to pay third parties to do that for her. There's no disputing that.


The dossier broke no laws. Conspiracy loons like yourself just make it up.
8 Times U.S. Intelligence Set People Up To Fabricate The Russia Story

Its ALL starting to come to light! I can't wait for Thursday and the IG report!
The Federalist :lol:

You may as well have titled the thread, ‘8 times I just make shit up’

Maybe your time would have been better spent by trying to refute what was said in the article instead of just attacking the people who published it. Of course that would have required some serious thought, something you're not know for. Run along troll, unless you have something constructive to add.


8 Times U.S. Intelligence Set People Up To Fabricate The Russia Story

Its ALL starting to come to light! I can't wait for Thursday and the IG report!
The Federalist :lol:

You may as well have titled the thread, ‘8 times I just make shit up’

Maybe your time would have been better spent by trying to refute what was said in the article instead of just attacking the people who published it. Of course that would have required some serious thought, something you're not know for. Run along troll, unless you have something constructive to add.



Typical regressive, good job. LMAO

The dirt the adoption lawyer

Idiot, she is not an "adoption lawyer" she was a "how can we get rid of sanctions on Russia and it's oligarchs" lawyer.

Boy oh boy, you're sharp today.
Report: Obama's DOJ Let Russian Lawyer Into US

....wtf is your point??? Lawyers have to come and go to represent their clients.

Idiot Jr. was drooling over colluding with her and Kremlin and your great retort is that Obama’s DOJ ok’ed her entry into the country? :rolleyes:
The dirt the adoption lawyer

Idiot, she is not an "adoption lawyer" she was a "how can we get rid of sanctions on Russia and it's oligarchs" lawyer.

Boy oh boy, you're sharp today.
Report: Obama's DOJ Let Russian Lawyer Into US

....wtf is your point??? Lawyers have to come and go to represent their clients.

Idiot Jr. was drooling over colluding with her and Kremlin and your great retort is that Obama’s DOJ ok’ed her entry into the country? :rolleyes:

Yup, sure, that's it...dumbass.
First, Sessions lied about the meeting in his confirmation hearing. Why did he do that if he was “ordered” to take the meeting?

Secondly, as far as I understand…it would incredibly improper for the WH to order a Senator to do anything since, you know, we have that separation of powers thingy

Thirdly, this entire “entrapment” bullshit you’re passing off is moronic. Nobody forced the Trumps to take a meeting.
He didn't lie, it was word play semantics that seem to be tripping you up as well.
Notice when you forget what slant helps your narrative that you accidentally expose and agree with your opponents former argument (that it was Sessions job to meet the Russian Ambassador.)

Yes he did lie…just like you did when you said the WH ordered Sessions to meet with the Russian Ambassador.
Obama was the one who set up his meeting, that is a fact. You calling a fact a lie is very telling. Your excuses for abuse of power is disturbing unless you are an enemy combatant then your attitude against the proper function of the gov't would be explained.

Oh my fucking god.

Did Obama force Jeff Sessions to lie about the meeting during his confirmation hearings?

Is Jeff Sessions some sort of ventriloquist doll and said whatever he was told to say? Funny, I didn’t see him sitting on anyone’s lap during the hearings.

Well…what reason did Sessions have for lying to Congress?

He didn't. the question as asked was retarded and convoluted. Sessions didn't lie when he said he had no meeting with the russian. He didn't, he engaged in pleasantries at a gathering of Senators and he was not alone with the russian. it wasn't a "meeting", it was a "hello, how are you".
So colluding isn’t a crime....ok....is that admission that it took place?
if so - be fair across the board. if meeting to dig up dirt is what you're now saying is a no no -

Dem group trying to dig up dirt on Trump
Hillary Clinton is Still Paying Private Spies to Dig Up Dirt on Trump
Fusion GPS, hired by Hillary for dirt on Trump, also paid 3 journalists

suddenly i'll bet there's a good reason for this.

fellowship of the minds?

are you shitting me?


Well, ice is having trouble finding any instance where the Clintons invited Russians into a meeting room with them because they said “they have dirt on Trump” so he’s trying to draw false equivalence, cut him some slack. Also, Obama forced Trump to take the meeting—incredible.

No the bitch laundered money through a law firm to pay third parties to do that for her. There's no disputing that.


The dossier broke no laws. Conspiracy loons like yourself just make it up.

Creating it...did.
The dirt the adoption lawyer

Idiot, she is not an "adoption lawyer" she was a "how can we get rid of sanctions on Russia and it's oligarchs" lawyer.
She said she worked for the Kremlin.

And amazingly enough she also "worked' for Fusion GPS. You know the shrilary's hit squad. Funny how you neglect to mention that little fact.


Glenn Simpson, one of the firm's founders, met with Veselnitskaya before and after her 2016 meeting at Trump Tower with Trump Jr., Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner, according to the report. But Simpson was unaware that the meeting had taken place, according to a source familiar with his testimony in the special counsel probe.

Russian lawyer who met with Trump Jr. offered him info from firm behind Trump dossier: report
He didn't lie, it was word play semantics that seem to be tripping you up as well.
Notice when you forget what slant helps your narrative that you accidentally expose and agree with your opponents former argument (that it was Sessions job to meet the Russian Ambassador.)

Yes he did lie…just like you did when you said the WH ordered Sessions to meet with the Russian Ambassador.
Obama was the one who set up his meeting, that is a fact. You calling a fact a lie is very telling. Your excuses for abuse of power is disturbing unless you are an enemy combatant then your attitude against the proper function of the gov't would be explained.

Oh my fucking god.

Did Obama force Jeff Sessions to lie about the meeting during his confirmation hearings?

Is Jeff Sessions some sort of ventriloquist doll and said whatever he was told to say? Funny, I didn’t see him sitting on anyone’s lap during the hearings.

Well…what reason did Sessions have for lying to Congress?

He didn't. the question as asked was retarded and convoluted. Sessions didn't lie when he said he had no meeting with the russian. He didn't, he engaged in pleasantries at a gathering of Senators and he was not alone with the russian. it wasn't a "meeting", it was a "hello, how are you".

Fox news reported:

Sessions acknowledged his two other meetings with Kislyak—one on the sidelines of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio in July 2016, and one in his Senate office in September. He did not initially disclose them in his confirmation hearing, but defended that omission as an honest lapse on Tuesday.

Jeff Sessions denies 3rd meeting with Russian ambassador

Have some more kool aid.
Yes he did lie…just like you did when you said the WH ordered Sessions to meet with the Russian Ambassador.
Obama was the one who set up his meeting, that is a fact. You calling a fact a lie is very telling. Your excuses for abuse of power is disturbing unless you are an enemy combatant then your attitude against the proper function of the gov't would be explained.

Oh my fucking god.

Did Obama force Jeff Sessions to lie about the meeting during his confirmation hearings?

Is Jeff Sessions some sort of ventriloquist doll and said whatever he was told to say? Funny, I didn’t see him sitting on anyone’s lap during the hearings.

Well…what reason did Sessions have for lying to Congress?

He didn't. the question as asked was retarded and convoluted. Sessions didn't lie when he said he had no meeting with the russian. He didn't, he engaged in pleasantries at a gathering of Senators and he was not alone with the russian. it wasn't a "meeting", it was a "hello, how are you".

Fox news reported:

Sessions acknowledged his two other meetings with Kislyak—one on the sidelines of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio in July 2016, and one in his Senate office in September. He did not initially disclose them in his confirmation hearing, but defended that omission as an honest lapse on Tuesday.

Jeff Sessions denies 3rd meeting with Russian ambassador

Have some more kool aid.

How many "meetings" can you remember over just the past year? Get a clue.
Obama was the one who set up his meeting, that is a fact. You calling a fact a lie is very telling. Your excuses for abuse of power is disturbing unless you are an enemy combatant then your attitude against the proper function of the gov't would be explained.

Oh my fucking god.

Did Obama force Jeff Sessions to lie about the meeting during his confirmation hearings?

Is Jeff Sessions some sort of ventriloquist doll and said whatever he was told to say? Funny, I didn’t see him sitting on anyone’s lap during the hearings.

Well…what reason did Sessions have for lying to Congress?

He didn't. the question as asked was retarded and convoluted. Sessions didn't lie when he said he had no meeting with the russian. He didn't, he engaged in pleasantries at a gathering of Senators and he was not alone with the russian. it wasn't a "meeting", it was a "hello, how are you".

Fox news reported:

Sessions acknowledged his two other meetings with Kislyak—one on the sidelines of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio in July 2016, and one in his Senate office in September. He did not initially disclose them in his confirmation hearing, but defended that omission as an honest lapse on Tuesday.

Jeff Sessions denies 3rd meeting with Russian ambassador

Have some more kool aid.
How many "meetings" can you remember over just the past year? Get a clue.

Okay so now it goes from "he didn't" to making excuses for why he did....Did it hurt your back when you moved the goalposts like that? LOL
You're carrying the water for an administration that has turned lying into an art form.

Why are you doing it?
8 Times U.S. Intelligence Set People Up To Fabricate The Russia Story

Its ALL starting to come to light! I can't wait for Thursday and the IG report!

Well it will probably stimulate a few conspiracies on FOX NEWS that will immediately be debunked, as all the others have.

But 19 Federal Grand jury indictments, 5 guilty plea's & 90 Federal Grand jury charges aren't going to disappear over it.

To read one article, watch 2 FOX NEWS videos with another video of Trump admitting to Obstruction Of Justice on National TV

This link then scroll down to post # 56.
It’s Russia, Russia, Russia

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