8 times the Obama intelligence agencies set people up to fabricate the Russia Story

if so - be fair across the board. if meeting to dig up dirt is what you're now saying is a no no -

Dem group trying to dig up dirt on Trump
Hillary Clinton is Still Paying Private Spies to Dig Up Dirt on Trump
Fusion GPS, hired by Hillary for dirt on Trump, also paid 3 journalists

suddenly i'll bet there's a good reason for this.

fellowship of the minds?

are you shitting me?


Well, ice is having trouble finding any instance where the Clintons invited Russians into a meeting room with them because they said “they have dirt on Trump” so he’s trying to draw false equivalence, cut him some slack. Also, Obama forced Trump to take the meeting—incredible.

No the bitch laundered money through a law firm to pay third parties to do that for her. There's no disputing that.


The dossier broke no laws. Conspiracy loons like yourself just make it up.

Creating it...did.

So you say. Trouble is it is not true.
Oh my fucking god.

Did Obama force Jeff Sessions to lie about the meeting during his confirmation hearings?

Is Jeff Sessions some sort of ventriloquist doll and said whatever he was told to say? Funny, I didn’t see him sitting on anyone’s lap during the hearings.

Well…what reason did Sessions have for lying to Congress?

He didn't. the question as asked was retarded and convoluted. Sessions didn't lie when he said he had no meeting with the russian. He didn't, he engaged in pleasantries at a gathering of Senators and he was not alone with the russian. it wasn't a "meeting", it was a "hello, how are you".

Fox news reported:

Sessions acknowledged his two other meetings with Kislyak—one on the sidelines of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio in July 2016, and one in his Senate office in September. He did not initially disclose them in his confirmation hearing, but defended that omission as an honest lapse on Tuesday.

Jeff Sessions denies 3rd meeting with Russian ambassador

Have some more kool aid.
How many "meetings" can you remember over just the past year? Get a clue.

Okay so now it goes from "he didn't" to making excuses for why he did....Did it hurt your back when you moved the goalposts like that? LOL
You're carrying the water for an administration that has turned lying into an art form.

Why are you doing it?

Not at all. You silly people move the goal posts all of the time. There is a huge dif between lying, and mis remembering. I'm only a few years shy of Sessions and i can guarantee you that my memory is shit. I can remember things from decades ago, but I can't tell you what I had for lunch most of the time. Getting old sucks.
fellowship of the minds?

are you shitting me?


Well, ice is having trouble finding any instance where the Clintons invited Russians into a meeting room with them because they said “they have dirt on Trump” so he’s trying to draw false equivalence, cut him some slack. Also, Obama forced Trump to take the meeting—incredible.

No the bitch laundered money through a law firm to pay third parties to do that for her. There's no disputing that.


The dossier broke no laws. Conspiracy loons like yourself just make it up.

Creating it...did.

So you say. Trouble is it is not true.

Ahhhh, but it is true grasshopper. Look it up and be educated.

Clinton's payments for the Russia dossier were legal, but hiding them was not

Clinton's payments for the Russia dossier were legal, but hiding them was not
Well…what reason did Sessions have for lying to Congress?

He didn't. the question as asked was retarded and convoluted. Sessions didn't lie when he said he had no meeting with the russian. He didn't, he engaged in pleasantries at a gathering of Senators and he was not alone with the russian. it wasn't a "meeting", it was a "hello, how are you".

Fox news reported:

Sessions acknowledged his two other meetings with Kislyak—one on the sidelines of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio in July 2016, and one in his Senate office in September. He did not initially disclose them in his confirmation hearing, but defended that omission as an honest lapse on Tuesday.

Jeff Sessions denies 3rd meeting with Russian ambassador

Have some more kool aid.
How many "meetings" can you remember over just the past year? Get a clue.

Okay so now it goes from "he didn't" to making excuses for why he did....Did it hurt your back when you moved the goalposts like that? LOL
You're carrying the water for an administration that has turned lying into an art form.

Why are you doing it?

Not at all. You silly people move the goal posts all of the time. There is a huge dif between lying, and mis remembering. I'm only a few years shy of Sessions and i can guarantee you that my memory is shit. I can remember things from decades ago, but I can't tell you what I had for lunch most of the time. Getting old sucks.

It's a stock move in politics to move goalposts. I'll cop to that I guess. But really--you're going to sit there and tell us that you cannot see a pattern between Sessions temporary amnesia, Flynn's "mischaracterization" of his meeting with the rooskies....Trump Jr. and Manafort meeting with Russians who "got dirt"...Stone's tweet in support of Russian Hacker Guccifer 2.0 who took credit for hacking the DNC....

An awlful lot of meetings with one nation happening there....

This came out after Hope Hicks--WH Communications Director--not some coffee boy--

Hope Hicks: “It never happened. There was no communication between the campaign and any foreign entity during the campaign.”

Kremlin says Russian experts met with Trump staff; campaign denies it
The dirt the adoption lawyer

Idiot, she is not an "adoption lawyer" she was a "how can we get rid of sanctions on Russia and it's oligarchs" lawyer.

Boy oh boy, you're sharp today.
Report: Obama's DOJ Let Russian Lawyer Into US

....wtf is your point??? Lawyers have to come and go to represent their clients.

Idiot Jr. was drooling over colluding with her and Kremlin and your great retort is that Obama’s DOJ ok’ed her entry into the country? :rolleyes:
So then you are saying you cheated on your spouse or significant other for drooling over an encounter that never materialized? That is what you are saying, everyones parent has cheated on each other, guilty for not doing the thing you are charging them of doing anyway. Brilliant!

By the way once again you inadvertantly admited Hillary's campaign colluded with the Kremlin by calling the lawyer an agent of the Jremlin and the campaign met with her many times, in fact she sat at a congressional event for a Dem senator? or something to that affect, see pictures attached below. What is a Dem politician inviting what you fallaciously deem a Kremlin agent to our Congressionals proceedings?
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Yes he did lie…just like you did when you said the WH ordered Sessions to meet with the Russian Ambassador.
Obama was the one who set up his meeting, that is a fact. You calling a fact a lie is very telling. Your excuses for abuse of power is disturbing unless you are an enemy combatant then your attitude against the proper function of the gov't would be explained.

Oh my fucking god.

Did Obama force Jeff Sessions to lie about the meeting during his confirmation hearings?

Is Jeff Sessions some sort of ventriloquist doll and said whatever he was told to say? Funny, I didn’t see him sitting on anyone’s lap during the hearings.

Well…what reason did Sessions have for lying to Congress?

He didn't. the question as asked was retarded and convoluted. Sessions didn't lie when he said he had no meeting with the russian. He didn't, he engaged in pleasantries at a gathering of Senators and he was not alone with the russian. it wasn't a "meeting", it was a "hello, how are you".

Fox news reported:

Sessions acknowledged his two other meetings with Kislyak—one on the sidelines of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio in July 2016, and one in his Senate office in September. He did not initially disclose them in his confirmation hearing, but defended that omission as an honest lapse on Tuesday.

Jeff Sessions denies 3rd meeting with Russian ambassador

Have some more kool aid.
Sitting at a banquet in the same hall as someone you might not account was there is not a meeting. Nice try to deceive through dishonest word play. According to your logic, Hillary had a meeting with the father of the Orlando nightclub terrorist attacker.
Obama was the one who set up his meeting, that is a fact. You calling a fact a lie is very telling. Your excuses for abuse of power is disturbing unless you are an enemy combatant then your attitude against the proper function of the gov't would be explained.

Oh my fucking god.

Did Obama force Jeff Sessions to lie about the meeting during his confirmation hearings?

Is Jeff Sessions some sort of ventriloquist doll and said whatever he was told to say? Funny, I didn’t see him sitting on anyone’s lap during the hearings.

Well…what reason did Sessions have for lying to Congress?

He didn't. the question as asked was retarded and convoluted. Sessions didn't lie when he said he had no meeting with the russian. He didn't, he engaged in pleasantries at a gathering of Senators and he was not alone with the russian. it wasn't a "meeting", it was a "hello, how are you".

Fox news reported:

Sessions acknowledged his two other meetings with Kislyak—one on the sidelines of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio in July 2016, and one in his Senate office in September. He did not initially disclose them in his confirmation hearing, but defended that omission as an honest lapse on Tuesday.

Jeff Sessions denies 3rd meeting with Russian ambassador

Have some more kool aid.
Sitting at a banquet in the same hall as someone you might not account was there is not a meeting. Nice try to deceive through dishonest word play. According to your logic, Hillary had a meeting with the father of the Orlando nightclub terrorist attacker.

Did Sessions not know the Russian Ambassador was in his Senatorial office?
8 Times U.S. Intelligence Set People Up To Fabricate The Russia Story

Its ALL starting to come to light! I can't wait for Thursday and the IG report!

Well it will probably stimulate a few conspiracies on FOX NEWS that will immediately be debunked, as all the others have.

But 19 Federal Grand jury indictments, 5 guilty plea's & 90 Federal Grand jury charges aren't going to disappear over it.

To read one article, watch 2 FOX NEWS videos with another video of Trump admitting to Obstruction Of Justice on National TV

This link then scroll down to post # 56.
It’s Russia, Russia, Russia
NONE of which involve collusion with Russia. They involve LYING to the FBI,Colluding with Ukraine,Hiding money,and not paying taxes!
Oh my fucking god.

Did Obama force Jeff Sessions to lie about the meeting during his confirmation hearings?

Is Jeff Sessions some sort of ventriloquist doll and said whatever he was told to say? Funny, I didn’t see him sitting on anyone’s lap during the hearings.

Well…what reason did Sessions have for lying to Congress?

He didn't. the question as asked was retarded and convoluted. Sessions didn't lie when he said he had no meeting with the russian. He didn't, he engaged in pleasantries at a gathering of Senators and he was not alone with the russian. it wasn't a "meeting", it was a "hello, how are you".

Fox news reported:

Sessions acknowledged his two other meetings with Kislyak—one on the sidelines of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio in July 2016, and one in his Senate office in September. He did not initially disclose them in his confirmation hearing, but defended that omission as an honest lapse on Tuesday.

Jeff Sessions denies 3rd meeting with Russian ambassador

Have some more kool aid.
Sitting at a banquet in the same hall as someone you might not account was there is not a meeting. Nice try to deceive through dishonest word play. According to your logic, Hillary had a meeting with the father of the Orlando nightclub terrorist attacker.

Did Sessions not know the Russian Ambassador was in his Senatorial office?
You are being deceptive again in ad hominem tactic, the snag is your claim a banquet gathering was a meeting.
You can't admit you lied and now you protect the lie with more sneaky behavior.
Don't know and don't care if Sessions remembers what he had for breakfast let alone MEETING THE MANY Ambassadors, because the trick question by Al Franken was about campaign discussions SPECIFICALLY, which he said no he had not met with any Russian about campaign, Al Franken didn't dare ask about meeting Russians in behalf of Obama *wink wink* NOW:
-Regarding the Banquet - have you not been in a crowded club and your own friend says Twenty minutes to an hour latwr they
didn't see you there or vice versa?
NOW BY YOUR STANDARD: HOW COME OBAMA FORGOT HE MET THE SAME AMBASSADOR A WHOPPING 22 TIMES, THEN placed in hiding the already outted WH logs in archives so we couldn't see all the other gems he had openly revealed in those logs? His archive act should send red flags all over the place.
Well…what reason did Sessions have for lying to Congress?

He didn't. the question as asked was retarded and convoluted. Sessions didn't lie when he said he had no meeting with the russian. He didn't, he engaged in pleasantries at a gathering of Senators and he was not alone with the russian. it wasn't a "meeting", it was a "hello, how are you".

Fox news reported:

Sessions acknowledged his two other meetings with Kislyak—one on the sidelines of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio in July 2016, and one in his Senate office in September. He did not initially disclose them in his confirmation hearing, but defended that omission as an honest lapse on Tuesday.

Jeff Sessions denies 3rd meeting with Russian ambassador

Have some more kool aid.
Sitting at a banquet in the same hall as someone you might not account was there is not a meeting. Nice try to deceive through dishonest word play. According to your logic, Hillary had a meeting with the father of the Orlando nightclub terrorist attacker.

Did Sessions not know the Russian Ambassador was in his Senatorial office?
You are being deceptive again in ad hominem tactic, the snag is your claim a banquet gathering was a meeting.
You can't admit you lied and now you protect the lie with more sneaky behavior.
Don't know and don't care if Sessions remembers what he had for breakfast let alone MEETING THE MANY Ambassadors, because the trick question by Al Franken was about campaign discussions SPECIFICALLY, which he said no he had not met with any Russian about campaign, Al Franken didn't dare ask about meeting Russians in behalf of Obama *wink wink* NOW:
-Regarding the Banquet - have you not been in a crowded club and your own friend says Twenty minutes to an hour latwr they
didn't see you there or vice versa?
NOW BY YOUR STANDARD: HOW COME OBAMA FORGOT HE MET THE SAME AMBASSADOR A WHOPPING 22 TIMES, THEN placed in hiding the already outted WH logs in archives so we couldn't see all the other gems he had openly revealed in those logs? His archive act should send red flags all over the place.

Fox News--yes that fox news--puts the Ambassador in Session's office. Sessions lied about it. Why you continue to deny that is something you need to go on Oprah and hash out whatever mental issues you have.

Obama wasn't running for President. He had already won the popular and electoral college votes; twice. Something no Republican has done since Reagan.
8 Times U.S. Intelligence Set People Up To Fabricate The Russia Story

Its ALL starting to come to light! I can't wait for Thursday and the IG report!

Well it will probably stimulate a few conspiracies on FOX NEWS that will immediately be debunked, as all the others have.

But 19 Federal Grand jury indictments, 5 guilty plea's & 90 Federal Grand jury charges aren't going to disappear over it.

To read one article, watch 2 FOX NEWS videos with another video of Trump admitting to Obstruction Of Justice on National TV

This link then scroll down to post # 56.
It’s Russia, Russia, Russia
NONE of which involve collusion with Russia. They involve LYING to the FBI,Colluding with Ukraine,Hiding money,and not paying taxes!

No there was definitely collusion.
Carter Page-Trump campaign adviser-testifies he met with Russian government officials in July 2016.
Most damaging evidence of Russian collusion with Trump campaign released today

The below article was confirmed under sworn testimony by James Clapper over a year ago.
FEINSTEIN: The Guardian has reported that Britain's intelligence service first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious interactions between Trump advisers and Russian intelligence agents. This information was passed on to U.S. intelligence agencies.Over the spring of 2016, multiple European allies passed on additional information to the United States about contacts between the Trump campaign and Russians. Is this accurate? YATES: I -- I can't answer that FEINSTEIN: General Clapper, is that accurate? CLAPPER: Yes, it is and it's also quite sensitive.FEINSTEIN: OK. Let me ask you this.CLAPPER: The specifics are -- are --- are quite sensitive.
Full transcript: Sally Yates and James Clapper testify on Russian election interference

This is the article that James Clapper was confirming. Basically Trump surrogates were being picked up in normal routine spying operations of Russian assets since 2015. That information was being relayed back to the FBI. The Christopher Steele Dossier file wasn't given to John McCain who then handed over to FBI director James Comey until late December 2016, early January 2017. At that point Comey already knew what was going on.

"GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."

British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

They weren't talking to Russian intelligence agents to trade cookie recipes.

A great book to read. This book follows the time line and reporting from all other credible news sources over the last year. The things FOX NEWS has refused to report on & or built conspiracies around.


Very well written, easy to follow & hard to put down.
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So colluding isn’t a crime....ok....is that admission that it took place?
if so - be fair across the board. if meeting to dig up dirt is what you're now saying is a no no -

Dem group trying to dig up dirt on Trump
Hillary Clinton is Still Paying Private Spies to Dig Up Dirt on Trump
Fusion GPS, hired by Hillary for dirt on Trump, also paid 3 journalists

suddenly i'll bet there's a good reason for this.
It's not equivalent, though. Opposition research is normal politics. It does seem to be a grey area when it's facilitated by a foreign entity but so long as funds are reported and no laws are broken maybe it's ok. Where the Trump campaign and Russia's involvement took a hard right turn is Russia's cyber warfare on the election linked with relations to the campaign, a few instances of quid pro quo, an evidenced preference for trump. It's wrong. Idk what specific laws were broken but I've seen enough public record to comfortably understand that Russia essentially waged cyber war on our sovereignty and appears to have coordinated to some degree with Trump's campaign. It matters little who Russia decided to help. What matters is that it happened, the help was received and possibly coordinated, and the help was effective. That we cannot allow to happen.
So colluding isn’t a crime....ok....is that admission that it took place?
if so - be fair across the board. if meeting to dig up dirt is what you're now saying is a no no -

Dem group trying to dig up dirt on Trump
Hillary Clinton is Still Paying Private Spies to Dig Up Dirt on Trump
Fusion GPS, hired by Hillary for dirt on Trump, also paid 3 journalists

suddenly i'll bet there's a good reason for this.
It's not equivalent, though. Opposition research is normal politics. It does seem to be a grey area when it's facilitated by a foreign entity but so long as funds are reported and no laws are broken maybe it's ok. Where the Trump campaign and Russia's involvement took a hard right turn is Russia's cyber warfare on the election linked with relations to the campaign, a few instances of quid pro quo, an evidenced preference for trump. It's wrong. Idk what specific laws were broken but I've seen enough public record to comfortably understand that Russia essentially waged cyber war on our sovereignty and appears to have coordinated to some degree with Trump's campaign. It matters little who Russia decided to help. What matters is that it happened, the help was received and possibly coordinated, and the help was effective. That we cannot allow to happen.

Hacking computers is a crime.
Roger Stone had foreknowledge of a crime.
I think it is a very small jump in logic to say that Trump knew about it as well.
Either that or your believe Roger Stone was just out there acting on his own.

Trump's own people acknowledge that Russia hacked the DNC, that Podesta was hacked, and that Russia tried to influence our elections.
The response of the administration? Nothing. Zilch. Zero. Nada.

Trump has never looked so guilty of colluding with Russia.

Now quick; cue the "what about ______________" counter arguments.
He didn't. the question as asked was retarded and convoluted. Sessions didn't lie when he said he had no meeting with the russian. He didn't, he engaged in pleasantries at a gathering of Senators and he was not alone with the russian. it wasn't a "meeting", it was a "hello, how are you".

Fox news reported:

Sessions acknowledged his two other meetings with Kislyak—one on the sidelines of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio in July 2016, and one in his Senate office in September. He did not initially disclose them in his confirmation hearing, but defended that omission as an honest lapse on Tuesday.

Jeff Sessions denies 3rd meeting with Russian ambassador

Have some more kool aid.
Sitting at a banquet in the same hall as someone you might not account was there is not a meeting. Nice try to deceive through dishonest word play. According to your logic, Hillary had a meeting with the father of the Orlando nightclub terrorist attacker.

Did Sessions not know the Russian Ambassador was in his Senatorial office?
You are being deceptive again in ad hominem tactic, the snag is your claim a banquet gathering was a meeting.
You can't admit you lied and now you protect the lie with more sneaky behavior.
Don't know and don't care if Sessions remembers what he had for breakfast let alone MEETING THE MANY Ambassadors, because the trick question by Al Franken was about campaign discussions SPECIFICALLY, which he said no he had not met with any Russian about campaign, Al Franken didn't dare ask about meeting Russians in behalf of Obama *wink wink* NOW:
-Regarding the Banquet - have you not been in a crowded club and your own friend says Twenty minutes to an hour latwr they
didn't see you there or vice versa?
NOW BY YOUR STANDARD: HOW COME OBAMA FORGOT HE MET THE SAME AMBASSADOR A WHOPPING 22 TIMES, THEN placed in hiding the already outted WH logs in archives so we couldn't see all the other gems he had openly revealed in those logs? His archive act should send red flags all over the place.

Fox News--yes that fox news--puts the Ambassador in Session's office. Sessions lied about it. Why you continue to deny that is something you need to go on Oprah and hash out whatever mental issues you have.

Obama wasn't running for President. He had already won the popular and electoral college votes; twice. Something no Republican has done since Reagan.
You keep changing the subject to smokescreen and are unable to listen. Al Franken is the one who worded his question to later claim Session lied, he did so deceptively by context of the question was about in explicitely asking was there a campaign meeting when Sessions was ordered to meet for Obama he said there was no such meeting ( about camapaign )not no meeting at all. So you were lied to now are lying about it, because I cleared that up for you 3x now and you still insist on lying. Secondly the topic is your lie about the banquet as a meeting which it was not. So you canct admit you lied, instead you start changing the subject to the Al Franken lie.
Third, sometimes people can't discuss classified meetings, like if it involved quick strikes against Isis and the need to orchestrate it with allies, and that's
why sometimes they say in private they can discuss it, but not in the open public
questioning, in this case you are inadvertantly saying congress was helping Hillary spy on the campaign by insisting on knowing the strategy of the campaign (remember hitting Isis so quickly after election took organization/planning/oermissions prior to assure not accidentally hitting foreign ally troops or equipment).
SESSIONS didn't lie about not talking about campaign but could have met with anyone he wanted for U.S. security and strategic reasons and if classified itcs none of our business.
OTHERWISE, ANSWER THIS: What was it Obama wanted Sessions to do as A Liaison in meeting the Russian? You'd be saying Obama conspired something. IN CONCLUSION: your Russia Russia Russia xenophobic paranoia is a ruse you bought hook line and sinker and ypur posts and ad hominem smokescreens have proven it.
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You keep changing the subject to smokescreen and are unable to listen. Al Franken is the one who worded his question to later claim Session lied, he did so deceptively by context of the question was about in explicitely asking was there a campaign meeting when Sessions was ordered to meet for Obama he said there was no such meeting ( about camapaign )not no meeting at all.

Sessions was ordered to meet for Obama? What in the world are you talking about?

Secondly the topic is your lie about the banquet as a meeting which it was not. So you canct admit you lied, instead you start changing the subject to the Al Franken lie.
Fox news has Sessions meeting in his office with the Ruskie. Sorry.

Third, sometimes people can't discuss classified meetings, like if it involved quick strikes against Isis and the need to orchestrate it with allies, and that's
why sometimes they say in private they can discuss it, but not in the open public
questioning, in this case you are inadvertantly saying congress was helping Hillary spy on the campaign by insisting on knowing the strategy of the campaign (remember hitting Isis so quickly after election took organization/planning/oermissions prior to assure not accidentally hitting foreign ally troops or equipment).
SESSIONS didn’t lie about not talking about campaign but could have met with anyone he wanted for U.S. security and strategic reasons and if classified itcs none of our business.
Pure nonsense.

If you’re asked about confidential matters, you say you’ll take it up in closed session. You don’t lie to the Senate. As Sessions did.

OTHERWISE, ANSWER THIS: What was it Obama wanted Sessions to do as A Liaison in meeting the Russian? You'd be saying Obama conspired something. IN CONCLUSION: your Russia Russia Russia xenophobic paranoia is a ruse you bought hook line and sinker and ypur posts and ad hominem smokescreens have proven it.

The president of the US cannot order a Senator to do anything at all. It violates separation of powers.
Sessions can and did meet with the Ambassador as part of his job.

The issue is that he lied about it to Senator Franken at the hearing as well as on a Questionnaire and amended his testimony later on.
You keep changing the subject to smokescreen and are unable to listen. Al Franken is the one who worded his question to later claim Session lied, he did so deceptively by context of the question was about in explicitely asking was there a campaign meeting when Sessions was ordered to meet for Obama he said there was no such meeting ( about camapaign )not no meeting at all.

Sessions was ordered to meet for Obama? What in the world are you talking about?

Secondly the topic is your lie about the banquet as a meeting which it was not. So you canct admit you lied, instead you start changing the subject to the Al Franken lie.
Fox news has Sessions meeting in his office with the Ruskie. Sorry.

Third, sometimes people can't discuss classified meetings, like if it involved quick strikes against Isis and the need to orchestrate it with allies, and that's
why sometimes they say in private they can discuss it, but not in the open public
questioning, in this case you are inadvertantly saying congress was helping Hillary spy on the campaign by insisting on knowing the strategy of the campaign (remember hitting Isis so quickly after election took organization/planning/oermissions prior to assure not accidentally hitting foreign ally troops or equipment).
SESSIONS didn’t lie about not talking about campaign but could have met with anyone he wanted for U.S. security and strategic reasons and if classified itcs none of our business.
Pure nonsense.

If you’re asked about confidential matters, you say you’ll take it up in closed session. You don’t lie to the Senate. As Sessions did.

OTHERWISE, ANSWER THIS: What was it Obama wanted Sessions to do as A Liaison in meeting the Russian? You'd be saying Obama conspired something. IN CONCLUSION: your Russia Russia Russia xenophobic paranoia is a ruse you bought hook line and sinker and ypur posts and ad hominem smokescreens have proven it.

The president of the US cannot order a Senator to do anything at all. It violates separation of powers.
Sessions can and did meet with the Ambassador as part of his job.

The issue is that he lied about it to Senator Franken at the hearing as well as on a Questionnaire and amended his testimony later on.
There you go, you just admitted you didn't know that Sessions as a Senator was working for the Obama WH and was asked by Obama who set up the meeting then Obama played dumb (because he knew about the spying through it and lied about that). Avoided info throughout the MSM new narrative, that forgot to tell you that part.
Research it, the surveillance of Sessions was illegal this is why Obama changes his story and Rice covered for him got outted.
You keep changing the subject to smokescreen and are unable to listen. Al Franken is the one who worded his question to later claim Session lied, he did so deceptively by context of the question was about in explicitely asking was there a campaign meeting when Sessions was ordered to meet for Obama he said there was no such meeting ( about camapaign )not no meeting at all.

Sessions was ordered to meet for Obama? What in the world are you talking about?

Secondly the topic is your lie about the banquet as a meeting which it was not. So you canct admit you lied, instead you start changing the subject to the Al Franken lie.
Fox news has Sessions meeting in his office with the Ruskie. Sorry.

Third, sometimes people can't discuss classified meetings, like if it involved quick strikes against Isis and the need to orchestrate it with allies, and that's
why sometimes they say in private they can discuss it, but not in the open public
questioning, in this case you are inadvertantly saying congress was helping Hillary spy on the campaign by insisting on knowing the strategy of the campaign (remember hitting Isis so quickly after election took organization/planning/oermissions prior to assure not accidentally hitting foreign ally troops or equipment).
SESSIONS didn’t lie about not talking about campaign but could have met with anyone he wanted for U.S. security and strategic reasons and if classified itcs none of our business.
Pure nonsense.

If you’re asked about confidential matters, you say you’ll take it up in closed session. You don’t lie to the Senate. As Sessions did.

OTHERWISE, ANSWER THIS: What was it Obama wanted Sessions to do as A Liaison in meeting the Russian? You'd be saying Obama conspired something. IN CONCLUSION: your Russia Russia Russia xenophobic paranoia is a ruse you bought hook line and sinker and ypur posts and ad hominem smokescreens have proven it.

The president of the US cannot order a Senator to do anything at all. It violates separation of powers.
Sessions can and did meet with the Ambassador as part of his job.

The issue is that he lied about it to Senator Franken at the hearing as well as on a Questionnaire and amended his testimony later on.
There you go, you just admitted you didn't know that Sessions as a Senator was working for the Obama WH and was asked by Obama who set up the meeting then Obama played dumb (because he knew about the spying through it and lied about that). Avoided info throughout the MSM new narrative, that forgot to tell you that part.
Research it, the surveillance of Sessions was illegal this is why Obama changes his story and Rice covered for him got outted.

Well, it is against the law to work for two branches of government at the same time. So not only are you full of crap in saying Obama ordered Sessions to do anything, you are even fuller of crap to suggest Sessions was working for Obama.

At any rate, he lied in his testimony. Why you’re including Obama in this is clearly a way of trying to cloud the issue
Does your MSM source tell you the time Sessions met the Ambassador? He was not yet an official member of the Trump team, and not yet chosen for his position....get your timelines straight.
Now ypu spent more time denying facts then researching them, which means you LET the MSM tell you what they want you to know not what you need to know. YOU HAVE ALLOWED YOURSELF TO BE A PUPPET. Your performance posts are them making you the puppet dance.... Try researching and cutting those strings and be your own voice for a change.

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