8 times the Obama intelligence agencies set people up to fabricate the Russia Story

So colluding isn’t a crime....ok....is that admission that it took place?

Yes, meetings took place. Yes, collusion is not a crime. if it were ted kennedy would have been arrested as would your hero the shrilary who definitely did collude with foreign powers.

Hmmm…that sounds like a fairy tale.

Meanwhile, Trump’s kids and campaign manager met with Russians
Meanwhile, Trump’s National Security advisor met with Russians
Meanwhile, Trump’s AG met with Russians.

All during the campaign.
All lied about doing it.

On top of that, Trump’s top advisor tweeted knowledge of HRC’s campaign manager getting hacked and support for Guccifer 2.0; the hacker who hacked the DNC.

And we haven’t gotten to the obstruction of justice where he fired the FBI director for not dropping the investigation….the money laundering (which involved Russians) of Trump’s personal lawyer, etc…

I’m surprised they only had to have one special counsel to investigate the Lake Powell-like volume of sleaze coming out of Trump Tower.

Yes, and none of what they did is illegal. The shrilary's campaign though, by PAYING for steele to concoct his fake dossier though....that is illegal..

"Before Chinagate, Sen. Ted Kennedy, thinking of running for president in 1988, reportedly offered to help the Soviets influence the 1984 election. Desperate to stop President Ronald Reagan's re-election, Kennedy, as first reported in The London Times in 1992, reached out via an intermediary to the Soviet KGB.

The London Times revealed a 1983 KGB document from KGB chief Viktor Chebrikov to the then-leader of the USSR, Yuri Andropov. Chebrikov relayed an offer presented to the Soviet leaders from Kennedy, delivered in person by "Sen. Edward Kennedy's close friend and trusted confidant" John Tunney, a former Democratic senator who was Kennedy's law school roommate.

Kennedy, according to the memo, offered to help the Soviets deal with Reagan, whom Kennedy perceived as a warmonger. Kennedy would "arm Soviet officials with explanations regarding problems of nuclear disarmament so they may be better prepared and more convincing during appearances in the USA." In exchange, Kennedy wanted Soviet aid in challenging Reagan's re-election. Kennedy offered to use his influential friends in liberal American media to arrange television interviews for Andropov. This would soften the Soviets' image, Kennedy suggested, and help brand Reagan as reckless and dangerous."

Collusion? What About Chinagate and Ted Kennedy's Outreach to the USSR? | RealClearPolitics

So you can lie to Congress, lie to investigators, work with hackers, fire whomever is investigating you when they don’t “drop it”….

Cool story bro.

Feel free to provide legit evidence for any of your claims. So far all you have is MSM lies, and the only people that we know lied to Congress are comey, clapper, and the rest of the obummer crime family.

You do know Sessions had to amend his congressional testimony during his confirmation hearing…don’t you?
You do know about Stone’s tweets…don’t you?
You do know that Manafort is under indictment by SC Mueller, don’t you?
So colluding isn’t a crime....ok....is that admission that it took place?

Yes, meetings took place. Yes, collusion is not a crime. if it were ted kennedy would have been arrested as would your hero the shrilary who definitely did collude with foreign powers.

Hmmm…that sounds like a fairy tale.

Meanwhile, Trump’s kids and campaign manager met with Russians
Meanwhile, Trump’s National Security advisor met with Russians
Meanwhile, Trump’s AG met with Russians.

All during the campaign.
All lied about doing it.

On top of that, Trump’s top advisor tweeted knowledge of HRC’s campaign manager getting hacked and support for Guccifer 2.0; the hacker who hacked the DNC.

And we haven’t gotten to the obstruction of justice where he fired the FBI director for not dropping the investigation….the money laundering (which involved Russians) of Trump’s personal lawyer, etc…

I’m surprised they only had to have one special counsel to investigate the Lake Powell-like volume of sleaze coming out of Trump Tower.

Yes, and none of what they did is illegal. The shrilary's campaign though, by PAYING for steele to concoct his fake dossier though....that is illegal..

"Before Chinagate, Sen. Ted Kennedy, thinking of running for president in 1988, reportedly offered to help the Soviets influence the 1984 election. Desperate to stop President Ronald Reagan's re-election, Kennedy, as first reported in The London Times in 1992, reached out via an intermediary to the Soviet KGB.

The London Times revealed a 1983 KGB document from KGB chief Viktor Chebrikov to the then-leader of the USSR, Yuri Andropov. Chebrikov relayed an offer presented to the Soviet leaders from Kennedy, delivered in person by "Sen. Edward Kennedy's close friend and trusted confidant" John Tunney, a former Democratic senator who was Kennedy's law school roommate.

Kennedy, according to the memo, offered to help the Soviets deal with Reagan, whom Kennedy perceived as a warmonger. Kennedy would "arm Soviet officials with explanations regarding problems of nuclear disarmament so they may be better prepared and more convincing during appearances in the USA." In exchange, Kennedy wanted Soviet aid in challenging Reagan's re-election. Kennedy offered to use his influential friends in liberal American media to arrange television interviews for Andropov. This would soften the Soviets' image, Kennedy suggested, and help brand Reagan as reckless and dangerous."

Collusion? What About Chinagate and Ted Kennedy's Outreach to the USSR? | RealClearPolitics

So you can lie to Congress, lie to investigators, work with hackers, fire whomever is investigating you when they don’t “drop it”….

Cool story bro.

Feel free to provide legit evidence for any of your claims. So far all you have is MSM lies, and the only people that we know lied to Congress are comey, clapper, and the rest of the obummer crime family.
Nitwit. Session recused himself because he admitted he lied.
Flynn admitted guilt because he lied.
That was not intellectually honest of you.
FACT: the 3 agencies have repeated said there was no collusion by the Trumps.
We now know the whole concept was fabricated to spy (cheat/manipulate) on the campaign.
Fact: Obama was the one who ordered Sessions to meet the Russian Ambassador (setup to recuse him, but also spy on the campaign)
Fact; on the WH log book the same Russian Ambassador visited the WH a whopping 22 times and being that the Russian Ambassador was the one who set up Kushners meeting with the Russian banker that he never took the bait on, it's clear that Obama used the Russian diplomat as his own double agent, thus setup trap.
Even the Resist movement connects back to Obama in 2 ways. FORMER PRESIDENTS ARE NOT TO INTERFERE, MANIPULATE, ABUSE POWER to cheat or slant an election, OR COMMITT TREASON, AS IN A SOFT COUPE when they lose or have hurt egos.

The White House ordered a Senator to meet with the Russian Ambassador.

Oh, that explains it.

The Soft Coupe…..is it like a convertible Sonata or something….

Thanks for the chuckle.
First of all it's the MSM that spun the Sessions meeting, leaving out that it was his job, so you made fun of the left while ignoring it was used to spy on the campaign and then lie about it.
Remember first they said they didn't spy on Sessions.
That kind of abuse of power is not funny, it's worse then the Nixon scandal and far more problematic to the election process and democracy then you are grasping.

First, Sessions lied about the meeting in his confirmation hearing. Why did he do that if he was “ordered” to take the meeting?

Secondly, as far as I understand…it would incredibly improper for the WH to order a Senator to do anything since, you know, we have that separation of powers thingy

Thirdly, this entire “entrapment” bullshit you’re passing off is moronic. Nobody forced the Trumps to take a meeting.
He didn't lie, it was word play semantics that seem to be tripping you up as well.
Notice when you forget what slant helps your narrative that you accidentally expose and agree with your opponents former argument (that it was Sessions job to meet the Russian Ambassador.)

Yes he did lie…just like you did when you said the WH ordered Sessions to meet with the Russian Ambassador.
Obama was the one who set up his meeting, that is a fact. You calling a fact a lie is very telling. Your excuses for abuse of power is disturbing unless you are an enemy combatant then your attitude against the proper function of the gov't would be explained.
The White House ordered a Senator to meet with the Russian Ambassador.

Oh, that explains it.

The Soft Coupe…..is it like a convertible Sonata or something….

Thanks for the chuckle.
First of all it's the MSM that spun the Sessions meeting, leaving out that it was his job, so you made fun of the left while ignoring it was used to spy on the campaign and then lie about it.
Remember first they said they didn't spy on Sessions.
That kind of abuse of power is not funny, it's worse then the Nixon scandal and far more problematic to the election process and democracy then you are grasping.

First, Sessions lied about the meeting in his confirmation hearing. Why did he do that if he was “ordered” to take the meeting?

Secondly, as far as I understand…it would incredibly improper for the WH to order a Senator to do anything since, you know, we have that separation of powers thingy

Thirdly, this entire “entrapment” bullshit you’re passing off is moronic. Nobody forced the Trumps to take a meeting.
He didn't lie, it was word play semantics that seem to be tripping you up as well.
Notice when you forget what slant helps your narrative that you accidentally expose and agree with your opponents former argument (that it was Sessions job to meet the Russian Ambassador.)

Yes he did lie…just like you did when you said the WH ordered Sessions to meet with the Russian Ambassador.
Obama was the one who set up his meeting, that is a fact. You calling a fact a lie is very telling. Your excuses for abuse of power is disturbing unless you are an enemy combatant then your attitude against the proper function of the gov't would be explained.

Oh my fucking god.

Did Obama force Jeff Sessions to lie about the meeting during his confirmation hearings?

Is Jeff Sessions some sort of ventriloquist doll and said whatever he was told to say? Funny, I didn’t see him sitting on anyone’s lap during the hearings.
8 Times U.S. Intelligence Set People Up To Fabricate The Russia Story

Its ALL starting to come to light! I can't wait for Thursday and the IG report!
Hello dum dum,
Trump Tower meeting with:
Don Jr.
Trump Son in law
Trump campaign manager
A bunch of Russians
Looking for dirt on Hillary.

The very definition of "collusion".

The definition of running a campaign, nitwit.

Show us on the doll where Vlad touched you to make you flip your vote
8 Times U.S. Intelligence Set People Up To Fabricate The Russia Story

Its ALL starting to come to light! I can't wait for Thursday and the IG report!
Hello dum dum,
Trump Tower meeting with:
Don Jr.
Trump Son in law
Trump campaign manager
A bunch of Russians
Looking for dirt on Hillary.

The very definition of "collusion".
Before you call people dumb, you should check to see if your commentary is stupid.
The dirt the adoption lawyer was offering was that Russia was helping Hillary=collusion, the very thing you are claiming on the opponent thus making your post backfire.
Furthermore the DNC and Hillary's campaign people met the very same Russian lawyer.
Which means you just validated the OP post on SETTING PEOPLE UP. By the MSM leaving out and changing words through word play, they change the bad exposure for them &
displace it onto their opponent.
If you stop taking the medias slant and read the original email yourself you'd know this.

The Left is absolutely suicidal: they want an all powerful North Korean US Federal Government that spies on people 24/7/365 AND they want us to be unarmed.

How do you talk sense to such people?
Check out this link. Picture surfaces of Trump family meeting with Russians this weekend. Twitter


"The Mule Team spend over a year investigating, shredded attorney/client privilege, listened in on all of Trump's attorney cell phones and this is still the only tie between me and Donald Trump" -- Uncle Vlad, Savior of the American Republic, Defeater of St. Hillary the Inevitable
The dirt the adoption lawyer

Idiot, she is not an "adoption lawyer" she was a "how can we get rid of sanctions on Russia and it's oligarchs" lawyer.
She said she worked for the Kremlin.
That's a false statement opposite of her saying she didn't. She represented a guy who had I think. That's like saying I work for the Kremlin because I am 3 degrees from Putin.
1)Former Mayor of Philly and Gov of PA Ed Rendell who I did work for that helped elevate his political career.
he knew 2) Hillary
who knew Putin=3 degrees thanks to Hillary.
According to your post Hillary works for the Kremlin, which she acts like she does.

*in my best Fez voice* "oooh ahh Burnnn!"
The dirt the adoption lawyer

Idiot, she is not an "adoption lawyer" she was a "how can we get rid of sanctions on Russia and it's oligarchs" lawyer.
She said she worked for the Kremlin.

And amazingly enough she also "worked' for Fusion GPS. You know the shrilary's hit squad. Funny how you neglect to mention that little fact.
And the British tabloid guy who "set up" the meeting used to hang out with Bill/Hillary and Gores press room people. That fits the premise of the OP especially knowing she met a few times with Hillary's campaign staffers first.
Last edited:
The dirt the adoption lawyer

Idiot, she is not an "adoption lawyer" she was a "how can we get rid of sanctions on Russia and it's oligarchs" lawyer.
She said she worked for the Kremlin.

And amazingly enough she also "worked' for Fusion GPS. You know the shrilary's hit squad. Funny how you neglect to mention that little fact.

8 Times U.S. Intelligence Set People Up To Fabricate The Russia Story

Its ALL starting to come to light! I can't wait for Thursday and the IG report!
Not one mention of Manafort; i'm crestfallen.

Willis L. Krumholz is a fellow at Defense Priorities. He holds a JD and MBA degree from the University of St. Thomas, and works in the financial services industry. The views expressed are those of the author only. You can follow Willis on

Twitter @WillKrumholz.

Lawyer & MBA. Christian. Conservative. Love the USA. 'Unus sed Leo.

Defense Priorities is a Koch brothers think tank aka lobbying arm.
So colluding isn’t a crime....ok....is that admission that it took place?

Yes, meetings took place. Yes, collusion is not a crime. if it were ted kennedy would have been arrested as would your hero the shrilary who definitely did collude with foreign powers.

Can you name the people who supposedly claimed 'collusion' was or is a crime? Your thingy about Kennedy is laughable if you know the facts, and Hillary Clinton did not collude with a foreign power ? LOL
Yes, meetings took place. Yes, collusion is not a crime. if it were ted kennedy would have been arrested as would your hero the shrilary who definitely did collude with foreign powers.

Hmmm…that sounds like a fairy tale.

Meanwhile, Trump’s kids and campaign manager met with Russians
Meanwhile, Trump’s National Security advisor met with Russians
Meanwhile, Trump’s AG met with Russians.

All during the campaign.
All lied about doing it.

On top of that, Trump’s top advisor tweeted knowledge of HRC’s campaign manager getting hacked and support for Guccifer 2.0; the hacker who hacked the DNC.

And we haven’t gotten to the obstruction of justice where he fired the FBI director for not dropping the investigation….the money laundering (which involved Russians) of Trump’s personal lawyer, etc…

I’m surprised they only had to have one special counsel to investigate the Lake Powell-like volume of sleaze coming out of Trump Tower.

Yes, and none of what they did is illegal. The shrilary's campaign though, by PAYING for steele to concoct his fake dossier though....that is illegal..

"Before Chinagate, Sen. Ted Kennedy, thinking of running for president in 1988, reportedly offered to help the Soviets influence the 1984 election. Desperate to stop President Ronald Reagan's re-election, Kennedy, as first reported in The London Times in 1992, reached out via an intermediary to the Soviet KGB.

The London Times revealed a 1983 KGB document from KGB chief Viktor Chebrikov to the then-leader of the USSR, Yuri Andropov. Chebrikov relayed an offer presented to the Soviet leaders from Kennedy, delivered in person by "Sen. Edward Kennedy's close friend and trusted confidant" John Tunney, a former Democratic senator who was Kennedy's law school roommate.

Kennedy, according to the memo, offered to help the Soviets deal with Reagan, whom Kennedy perceived as a warmonger. Kennedy would "arm Soviet officials with explanations regarding problems of nuclear disarmament so they may be better prepared and more convincing during appearances in the USA." In exchange, Kennedy wanted Soviet aid in challenging Reagan's re-election. Kennedy offered to use his influential friends in liberal American media to arrange television interviews for Andropov. This would soften the Soviets' image, Kennedy suggested, and help brand Reagan as reckless and dangerous."

Collusion? What About Chinagate and Ted Kennedy's Outreach to the USSR? | RealClearPolitics

So you can lie to Congress, lie to investigators, work with hackers, fire whomever is investigating you when they don’t “drop it”….

Cool story bro.

Feel free to provide legit evidence for any of your claims. So far all you have is MSM lies, and the only people that we know lied to Congress are comey, clapper, and the rest of the obummer crime family.

You do know Sessions had to amend his congressional testimony during his confirmation hearing…don’t you?
You do know about Stone’s tweets…don’t you?
You do know that Manafort is under indictment by SC Mueller, don’t you?

Apparently you do not…educate yourself.

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