8 year old girl climbs Trump wall in 40 seconds

Do you think you could climb Trump's wall?

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Doesn't matter if I can climb it. It was sold as unclimbable. That just isn't the case.
So if one person out of 10,000 can climb it, that means it doesn't work?

That orange fool said it couldn't be climbed, even by a team of professional climbers. He lied.

So what you are saying is we shouldn't build a wall because Trump lied about who could get over?

We shouldn't build the wall because it's stupid and won't do what you expect. Trump lied because he is a liar.

It is not stupid, because you are.

It will do exactly what we expect, not what we expect you to do which is obstruct, lie, and fabricate stories.

Trump did not lie. You did repeatedly.
Whether you have time to climb it or not.

This is why my thermite business I plan to open just on the other side of the border is going to be so big...

Thermite won't burn through concrete, moron....the rails are filled with rebar concrete. next?

Heat weakens the concrete…a few swipes with a sledge hammer and it’s
Bienvenido a América

How are you going to hit the concrete inside the tubes with a sledgehammer?
Probably be a lot of these made:

Sure thing...I mean who would notice a trojan horse, right? right?
Even people in medieval times figured out how to defeat walls...

People in medieval times didn't have cameras, heat sensors, drones, and ground sensors to help stop them.

Border barriers have worked every place they are tried in the world, and here in the US as well.

How does one define "worked"?
In dictatorships, they keep out information and keep in underpaid workers.
But is that "good"?
What is wrong with people attempting to gain employment with the highest pay?
Isn't that an inherent individual right?

And think about the 8 states we purchased from Mexico?
Those states were supposed to retain full Mexican citizenship rights if the people wanted to.
They were contractually protected by specific treaty language, that they did not have to become US citizens, lose any land or transportation rights, etc.

Exactly what is the purpose of building a wall?

The purpose of having a wall is that IF you dont have a wall, then people can drive across in vehicles to the point the border patrol cant keep up with it at all, and people can run across at the same time. Point is your not only talking about Mexican citizens as well, but every other nationality of the world including central and south america, who wants to walk across the Mexican border.

If you only have a fence, it can be cut through in seconds or pulled over, so for the reason that no one respects the border, you need to have a wall.

Did you read your own link?...the concrete buckled mostly because of water, not heat....how much water do you think is under the fence in the Sonoran Desert? I swear....I've never run into so many morons in one thread and I've been at this since 2002.

Thermite weakens the concrete (heat weakens concrete), sledge hammers…. The wall is coming down. Can’t wait to open my first stand. LOL

Heat weakens steel reinforced concrete?

You can make sledge hammers that don't set off vibrations?

Wow! You are really fucking stupid!

Go right ahead and open that stand! They don't allow access to message boards in federal prisons.

I kinda started it as a joke. But seeing you guys head’s explode…I’m beginning to think of putting together some investors and looking into it.
Daryl Hunt
Golfing Gator

You have all voted that you would be able to scale the wall without gear. You either misunderstood the question, underestimate the design of the wall or you're completely full of shit. I am pretty sure that no human could make the jump from the vertical bars to the top of the wall. That is a 6 foot lunge into the air off bars that will not be easy to get a good grip on. Do you really think you're capable of that? Only a fucking maniac would even try.

Are you going to put a sign on the Great Wall of Trump that says.....”No Gear Allowed”?

Mexicans will know what kind of wall they are facing and will bring a rope, rope ladder or wire cutters if needed

All the more reason to pick up a bucket of my patented wall-buster thermite on the way to the wall

You have decided to abandon all attempts at a reasoned response and have gone stone-cold stupid.

I hope someone eats you for Halloween!
Probably be a lot of these made:

Sure thing...I mean who would notice a trojan horse, right? right?
Even people in medieval times figured out how to defeat walls...

People in medieval times didn't have cameras, heat sensors, drones, and ground sensors to help stop them.

Border barriers have worked every place they are tried in the world, and here in the US as well.

How does one define "worked"?
In dictatorships, they keep out information and keep in underpaid workers.
But is that "good"?
What is wrong with people attempting to gain employment with the highest pay?
Isn't that an inherent individual right?

And think about the 8 states we purchased from Mexico?
Those states were supposed to retain full Mexican citizenship rights if the people wanted to.
They were contractually protected by specific treaty language, that they did not have to become US citizens, lose any land or transportation rights, etc.

Exactly what is the purpose of building a wall?

The purpose of having a wall is that IF you dont have a wall, then people can drive across in vehicles to the point the border patrol cant keep up with it at all, and people can run across at the same time. Point is your not only talking about Mexican citizens as well, but every other nationality of the world including central and south america, who wants to walk across the Mexican border.

If you only have a fence, it can be cut through in seconds or pulled over, so for the reason that no one respects the border, you need to have a wall.

The left will always claim walls don't work. They've been programmed to believe it. Well if walls don't work, why do all prisons have them?

There is no wall that can't be breached, but reducing crossings by 90% or better makes the structures well worth the investment; an investment that will pay for itself in just a couple of years.
Daryl Hunt
Golfing Gator

You have all voted that you would be able to scale the wall without gear. You either misunderstood the question, underestimate the design of the wall or you're completely full of shit. I am pretty sure that no human could make the jump from the vertical bars to the top of the wall. That is a 6 foot lunge into the air off bars that will not be easy to get a good grip on. Do you really think you're capable of that? Only a fucking maniac would even try.

Oh right, not without gear. I voted yes as well using some sort of gear. Well, the fence at least is a barrier and better than what there was before but with a concerted effort including help from cartels there are bound to be some breaches.

I could imagine them lining up several dump trucks full of dirt, dropping it off and then using a bull dozer to quickly build a dirt ramp that could allow hundreds of people to walk close to the top. It's all going to depend on how good the sensors are.

Then, we will have to pick up the mangled bodies on the American side where they fell to their deaths!

Well, there is that. However I guess they would probably use a slide or a rope to go down the other side. Dont get me wrong though, I think the wall is a good idea. Its better than having nothing. it will also require some technology like sensors or drones.
Whether you have time to climb it or not.

This is why my thermite business I plan to open just on the other side of the border is going to be so big...

Thermite won't burn through concrete, moron....the rails are filled with rebar concrete. next?

Heat weakens the concrete…a few swipes with a sledge hammer and it’s
Bienvenido a América

Obviously you don't know much about concrete. Trust me, I'm the son of a bricklayer and worked construction with my father growing up as a teen. You don't know what you're talking about.

With plenty of summer left, New Orleans area drivers need to beware roads buckling under heat

You just had to provide proof that you didn't read your own link! Concrete expands. It doesn't weaken, dumbass!

You are a real piece of shit!
At my age my climbing days are over. But I could afford the rent on a cherry picker along with the purchase of a grappling hook and some rope.

Did you read your own link?...the concrete buckled mostly because of water, not heat....how much water do you think is under the fence in the Sonoran Desert? I swear....I've never run into so many morons in one thread and I've been at this since 2002.

Thermite weakens the concrete (heat weakens concrete), sledge hammers…. The wall is coming down. Can’t wait to open my first stand. LOL

Heat weakens steel reinforced concrete?

You can make sledge hammers that don't set off vibrations?

Wow! You are really fucking stupid!

Go right ahead and open that stand! They don't allow access to message boards in federal prisons.

Yes indeed. She's going to open up a stand where there are very few if any customers, and get hazardous material delivered to her in Mexico.

Isn't it amazing how more leftists are not business people? :laughing0301:

You keep calling Bulldog a "she". It is readily apparent that it is a guy who had his penis and testicles removed by a car accident while receiving oral sex from his boyfriend.
Daryl Hunt
Golfing Gator

You have all voted that you would be able to scale the wall without gear. You either misunderstood the question, underestimate the design of the wall or you're completely full of shit. I am pretty sure that no human could make the jump from the vertical bars to the top of the wall. That is a 6 foot lunge into the air off bars that will not be easy to get a good grip on. Do you really think you're capable of that? Only a fucking maniac would even try.

Oh right, not without gear. I voted yes as well using some sort of gear. Well, the fence at least is a barrier and better than what there was before but with a concerted effort including help from cartels there are bound to be some breaches.

I could imagine them lining up several dump trucks full of dirt, dropping it off and then using a bull dozer to quickly build a dirt ramp that could allow hundreds of people to walk close to the top. It's all going to depend on how good the sensors are.

You are talking a major construction project here, and the wall is designed to be transparent so we can see what's happening on the other side.

You can't build a 30 foot ramp one or two cars wide to the top without side supports. Otherwise when dump trucks or coal buckets (dump trailers for tractors) go up, the dirt will simply move to the sides. The tractor-trailer I drive at work weighs about 75,000 lbs when loaded, and those coal buckets have more axles than I do, so I know they are carrying more weight as well.

Did you read your own link?...the concrete buckled mostly because of water, not heat....how much water do you think is under the fence in the Sonoran Desert? I swear....I've never run into so many morons in one thread and I've been at this since 2002.

Thermite weakens the concrete (heat weakens concrete), sledge hammers…. The wall is coming down. Can’t wait to open my first stand. LOL

Heat weakens steel reinforced concrete?

You can make sledge hammers that don't set off vibrations?

Wow! You are really fucking stupid!

Go right ahead and open that stand! They don't allow access to message boards in federal prisons.

Yes indeed. She's going to open up a stand where there are very few if any customers, and get hazardous material delivered to her in Mexico.

Isn't it amazing how more leftists are not business people? :laughing0301:

You keep calling Bulldog a "she". It is readily apparent that it is a guy who had his penis and testicles removed by a car accident while receiving oral sex from his boyfriend.

I know Bulldog is a male, but I'm pretty sure CandyCorn is a female, although I may be wrong. If Candy is a male, it's a pretty feminine screen name for a guy. I don't know many guys who want to be called Candy. LOL!

Did you read your own link?...the concrete buckled mostly because of water, not heat....how much water do you think is under the fence in the Sonoran Desert? I swear....I've never run into so many morons in one thread and I've been at this since 2002.

Thermite weakens the concrete (heat weakens concrete), sledge hammers…. The wall is coming down. Can’t wait to open my first stand. LOL

Heat weakens steel reinforced concrete?

You can make sledge hammers that don't set off vibrations?

Wow! You are really fucking stupid!

Go right ahead and open that stand! They don't allow access to message boards in federal prisons.

I kinda started it as a joke. But seeing you guys head’s explode…I’m beginning to think of putting together some investors and looking into it.

Please do, but get someone to post your Mexican prison's address so we can continue to laugh at your stupid ass!
Did you read your own link?...the concrete buckled mostly because of water, not heat....how much water do you think is under the fence in the Sonoran Desert? I swear....I've never run into so many morons in one thread and I've been at this since 2002.

Thermite weakens the concrete (heat weakens concrete), sledge hammers…. The wall is coming down. Can’t wait to open my first stand. LOL

Heat weakens steel reinforced concrete?

You can make sledge hammers that don't set off vibrations?

Wow! You are really fucking stupid!

Go right ahead and open that stand! They don't allow access to message boards in federal prisons.

Yes indeed. She's going to open up a stand where there are very few if any customers, and get hazardous material delivered to her in Mexico.

Isn't it amazing how more leftists are not business people? :laughing0301:

You keep calling Bulldog a "she". It is readily apparent that it is a guy who had his penis and testicles removed by a car accident while receiving oral sex from his boyfriend.

I know Bulldog is a male, but I'm pretty sure CandyCorn is a female, although I may be wrong. If Candy is a male, it's a pretty feminine screen name for a guy. I don't know many guys who want to be called Candy. LOL!

My bad! They are both idiots of the highest order and I got them confused.

CandyCorn is a guy and chose his name because he's sweet, if you know what I am saying. His boyfriend likes it too!
Daryl Hunt
Golfing Gator

You have all voted that you would be able to scale the wall without gear. You either misunderstood the question, underestimate the design of the wall or you're completely full of shit. I am pretty sure that no human could make the jump from the vertical bars to the top of the wall. That is a 6 foot lunge into the air off bars that will not be easy to get a good grip on. Do you really think you're capable of that? Only a fucking maniac would even try.

Oh right, not without gear. I voted yes as well using some sort of gear. Well, the fence at least is a barrier and better than what there was before but with a concerted effort including help from cartels there are bound to be some breaches.

I could imagine them lining up several dump trucks full of dirt, dropping it off and then using a bull dozer to quickly build a dirt ramp that could allow hundreds of people to walk close to the top. It's all going to depend on how good the sensors are.

Then, we will have to pick up the mangled bodies on the American side where they fell to their deaths!

Well, there is that. However I guess they would probably use a slide or a rope to go down the other side. Dont get me wrong though, I think the wall is a good idea. Its better than having nothing. it will also require some technology like sensors or drones.

You still would have to be young enough and in shape enough to go down that rope. But walls and barriers have worked everyplace they are tried, either here or in other countries.

My property borders an apartment complex. At the end of their garage, there was a six foot gap where kids (or whoever) would get into my property, destroy or steal things. The apartment company finally erected a seven foot wooden picket fence between my property and theirs. Never had a problem since. it's not that they couldn't get over it, it's that it's too much trouble and too difficult to get back over the fence if I see them and the cops show up.

i have a suspicion that these anti-Trump, anti-wall people have no idea just how high 30 feet actually is. But then again, most of these leftists get their education from Hollywood movies.

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