8 year old girl climbs Trump wall in 40 seconds

Do you think you could climb Trump's wall?

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Mexicans must be geniuses. Five million voted without getting caught.

And here they are, employing incredibly advanced technology to defeat Trump's fence:


Breaking: Illegal dies after falling 30 feet off the American side of the border wall.
Yeah, they're as dumb as Trumptards and didn't think to bring a ladder to climb down.


You mean the ladder that broke in half under the weight of that liberal on the 2nd step?

You mean that 24 foot ladder on an 18 foot wall? Not the 30 foot wall?
Whether you have time to climb it or not.

This is why my thermite business I plan to open just on the other side of the border is going to be so big...

Thermite won't burn through concrete, moron....the rails are filled with rebar concrete. next?

Heat weakens the concrete…a few swipes with a sledge hammer and it’s
Bienvenido a América

Obviously you don't know much about concrete. Trust me, I'm the son of a bricklayer and worked construction with my father growing up as a teen. You don't know what you're talking about.

With plenty of summer left, New Orleans area drivers need to beware roads buckling under heat

They buckle because of inward pressure, not the heat. If you really think that's the case, why do road workers not use it to bust up concrete?

Here's a little experiment for ya. Get yourself a street brick and a torch, and heat one side of the brick for about ten or fifteen minutes. Then take your finger and touch the other side of the brick. It's still the same temperature. Why? Because it doesn't conduct heat like metal can.

Concrete can only be broken up with the proper equipment like the road workers use. Smaller concrete areas can be broken up with a sledge hammer, but it's a hell of a lot of work, trust me. Concrete also comes in different grades. The higher the grade, the higher the cost.
I would bet a portapower would easily bend a nice wide gap between bars.
A Harbor Freight portapower is less than $100, and can be reused thousands of times.

Reinforced concrete with 4 sticks of rebar inside each slat....a portapower would burn out before it bent a slat, much less two slats.

You mean the steel slats are filled with concrete and rebar?
Because you can see the slats are steel, and not concrete.
But a portapower is just hydraulic and can be hand pumped.
The slats are not wide enough to pose that much resistance if the portapower is put in the widest space between slat mounts.
Success would depend upon how thick the steel was, and how wide the concrete fill was.
The wider the slat, the harder it would be to bend an opening.

The "slats" as you call them incorrectly are filled with rebar and concrete. They are square tubes. Now, do you wish to revise your remarks since you have been educated?

Did you read your own link?...the concrete buckled mostly because of water, not heat....how much water do you think is under the fence in the Sonoran Desert? I swear....I've never run into so many morons in one thread and I've been at this since 2002.

Thermite weakens the concrete (heat weakens concrete), sledge hammers…. The wall is coming down. Can’t wait to open my first stand. LOL

Heat weakens steel reinforced concrete?

You can make sledge hammers that don't set off vibrations?

Wow! You are really fucking stupid!

Go right ahead and open that stand! They don't allow access to message boards in federal prisons.

Yes indeed. She's going to open up a stand where there are very few if any customers, and get hazardous material delivered to her in Mexico.

Isn't it amazing how more leftists are not business people? :laughing0301:
Five million Mexicans voted in the 2016 election without a single one getting caught.

You think they aren't smart enough to climb a fence?!?

Nothing 25000 volts wouldn't stop!.Do solar power electric fence and the enviroweenies will be happy as we knock the invaders to the ground!
20 years ago could have probably done it with no gear

Are you Tarzan?

nope, just very agile. though it is hard to judge how think the solid part is at the top, that could change things

It's 6 feet of solid steel at the top. No one I know could do a dynamic over that. No one in the world.

except those guys



I don't see him on top. Got a view of that?

Also, how are they going to get down? Freefall?
You don't need a grappling hook since the bottom is open and you can tie off the rope you throw over.

Tie it off to what? A vertical beam? While that may hold, it would also be really dangerous in the event it slipped even a little when someone was 20 feet off the ground while climbing up, causing them to lose their grip and fall (and the resulting broken bones/severe sprains).

You don't know much about tying things off with a rope, do you?

So you also claim to be an expert in BDSM? Good for you! It will give you a career to fall back on when your boss discovers how stupid you are!
Daryl Hunt
Golfing Gator

You have all voted that you would be able to scale the wall without gear. You either misunderstood the question, underestimate the design of the wall or you're completely full of shit. I am pretty sure that no human could make the jump from the vertical bars to the top of the wall. That is a 6 foot lunge into the air off bars that will not be easy to get a good grip on. Do you really think you're capable of that? Only a fucking maniac would even try.

Oh right, not without gear. I voted yes as well using some sort of gear. Well, the fence at least is a barrier and better than what there was before but with a concerted effort including help from cartels there are bound to be some breaches.

I could imagine them lining up several dump trucks full of dirt, dropping it off and then using a bull dozer to quickly build a dirt ramp that could allow hundreds of people to walk close to the top. It's all going to depend on how good the sensors are.
I can't believe people actually think they could climb that shit with no gear.

A lot of people never climbed a ladder nearly that high before. I have, and let me tell you, it's pretty frightening when you get up there. That's besides the fact that on top of technology that we have, the wall is transparent so it's easy for border patrol to see who is approaching and with what.

It's funny to see them nonchalantly talk about pulling themselves up and over with a rope too, as if that shit is just a walk in the park for people that aren't in great shape. It's too obvious they have no real context at all. Buncha candy ass lefties talking shit from their computers.

The best thing about the internet is you can be anybody you wish you were. I guess that's why I"ve never seen any leftist here claim they were a blue collar worker. They are all wealthy, own their own business, retired, or work from home.

When I was younger I was in outstanding shape. I worked out with weights, and I studied martial arts for about six years. Even then I would never make a claim like I could climb that wall effortlessly.

You don't care that your president lied like he always does and said it was unclimbable.

Special operations troops tried unsuccessfully to climb that wall. FACT. I am sure you have video of someone actually doing it, right?
Probably be a lot of these made:

Sure thing...I mean who would notice a trojan horse, right? right?
Even people in medieval times figured out how to defeat walls...

People in medieval times didn't have cameras, heat sensors, drones, and ground sensors to help stop them.

Border barriers have worked every place they are tried in the world, and here in the US as well.

How does one define "worked"?
In dictatorships, they keep out information and keep in underpaid workers.
But is that "good"?
What is wrong with people attempting to gain employment with the highest pay?
Isn't that an inherent individual right?

And think about the 8 states we purchased from Mexico?
Those states were supposed to retain full Mexican citizenship rights if the people wanted to.
They were contractually protected by specific treaty language, that they did not have to become US citizens, lose any land or transportation rights, etc.

Exactly what is the purpose of building a wall?

None of those people are alive anymore, dumbass!
Daryl Hunt
Golfing Gator

You have all voted that you would be able to scale the wall without gear. You either misunderstood the question, underestimate the design of the wall or you're completely full of shit. I am pretty sure that no human could make the jump from the vertical bars to the top of the wall. That is a 6 foot lunge into the air off bars that will not be easy to get a good grip on. Do you really think you're capable of that? Only a fucking maniac would even try.

Oh right, not without gear. I voted yes as well using some sort of gear. Well, the fence at least is a barrier and better than what there was before but with a concerted effort including help from cartels there are bound to be some breaches.

I could imagine them lining up several dump trucks full of dirt, dropping it off and then using a bull dozer to quickly build a dirt ramp that could allow hundreds of people to walk close to the top. It's all going to depend on how good the sensors are.

Then, we will have to pick up the mangled bodies on the American side where they fell to their deaths!

1. We don't have razor wire on the fence, and Hungary uses water cannons and teargas as part of their fence strategy
2 ElPaso was not a dangerous town before. I don't know why crazy right wingers keep repeating that lie.
3. If the Yuma fence works so well, how do you explain the 376 that tunneled under it in one day, and then waited for US authorities to show up so they could surrender and ask for asylum?
4. No idea what this link might show. Wasn't available.

I just went to it. The link works fine on my 10 year old Apple computer.

Are you saying El Paso didn't have people crossing their border before????

376 people tunneled under the Yuma fence in one day? Any link to that claim?

I reread the Hungry article. As I remembered, it said nothing about tear gas or water cannons. What it said is the government attributes their great success to the border fence.

Was that under a new or replacement wall? My money says no to both.

1. We don't have razor wire on the fence, and Hungary uses water cannons and teargas as part of their fence strategy
2 ElPaso was not a dangerous town before. I don't know why crazy right wingers keep repeating that lie.
3. If the Yuma fence works so well, how do you explain the 376 that tunneled under it in one day, and then waited for US authorities to show up so they could surrender and ask for asylum?
4. No idea what this link might show. Wasn't available.

I just went to it. The link works fine on my 10 year old Apple computer.

Are you saying El Paso didn't have people crossing their border before????

376 people tunneled under the Yuma fence in one day? Any link to that claim?

I reread the Hungry article. As I remembered, it said nothing about tear gas or water cannons. What it said is the government attributes their great success to the border fence.

The title of it was "tried to cross" so obviously they were sent back or something.

Now tell me, without a wall, how many do you think would have crossed that area prior to this???

Like I repeatedly said, some will find a way around anything, but the reduction of them will make any solid border wall an investment.

376 in one day at that one location doesn't sound like much reduction.
Don't care what is written over the video. They were obviously on the US side waiting for the border patrol so they could surrender and file for refugee status. The voice over said they were on the US side.

So if we change the law to limit asylum, which is is the proper term you should have used, would they have stuck around waiting to be picked up?
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