8 year old girl climbs Trump wall in 40 seconds

Do you think you could climb Trump's wall?

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Thermite weakens the concrete (heat weakens concrete), sledge hammers…. The wall is coming down. Can’t wait to open my first stand. LOL

Heat weakens steel reinforced concrete?

You can make sledge hammers that don't set off vibrations?

Wow! You are really fucking stupid!

Go right ahead and open that stand! They don't allow access to message boards in federal prisons.

Yes indeed. She's going to open up a stand where there are very few if any customers, and get hazardous material delivered to her in Mexico.

Isn't it amazing how more leftists are not business people? :laughing0301:

You keep calling Bulldog a "she". It is readily apparent that it is a guy who had his penis and testicles removed by a car accident while receiving oral sex from his boyfriend.

I know Bulldog is a male, but I'm pretty sure CandyCorn is a female, although I may be wrong. If Candy is a male, it's a pretty feminine screen name for a guy. I don't know many guys who want to be called Candy. LOL!

My bad! They are both idiots of the highest order and I got them confused.

CandyCorn is a guy and chose his name because he's sweet, if you know what I am saying. His boyfriend likes it too!

You're kidding!!!!! :gay:
You do understand that the immigrants don't need to actually touch the wall. They use a ladder (all supplies provided by the paid coyotes at the border) for the 18' walls. They prop the ladder against the wall on the MX side, climb to the top, tie a rope to the ladder and let themselves down to the US side.

I've also seen video of coyotes driving a box truck, with a ladder and immigrants already on top of the truck. Makes for a shorter, quicker climb. Probably works especially well on the 30' walls.

This is a couple of methods for those who choose to go over the top. Others go under, and still others go through.

Yeah, that will work well 200 miles out in the desert where the fine, interstate quality highways will make it easy to get the box truck to the wall. Also, if using a ladder, they will enjoy that very comfortable half-inch wide ledge in which to perch while hauling a ladder up and over the wall.

Some of you people are incomparable dumbasses!

They don't need to haul the ladder over the wall! You kidder! All they have to do is tie the rope to the top of the ladder and let themselves down the rope. Only a dumbass would haul the ladder over the wall. I guess that makes them smarter than you?

And fwiw, strong young Meemaw raper/killers do not go 200 miles into the desert to cross the border. They do it where it's easier to cross. And boy are they quick. Some cross back and forth on a regular basis.

I though it was those violent, killer rapers that were such a concern. You won't stop them with a wall. You'll only stop the old, sick, and poor. Are those the folks you are so afraid of?

So, you admit that there are rapists and killers among the flow of illegals, but oppose doing anything to hinder their access to our citizens?

Well, thanks for your honesty.

Why are you like this?
Oh no, I don't oppose border security. I oppose a ridiculous vanity wall shrine to Trump the Twit.

I am all for making judicious use of current technology and focusing on the legal border crossings (where the drugs are coming in) and focusing on those who overstay their visas (where the vast majority of illegals come from.

This stupid wall solution is only discussed because it's the only thing Trump the Moron can understand. And he's got his simpleton fans thinking it will make a difference,

Why do you hate technology?

1. Walls work. Everyone knows that. Anyone that says otherwise is lying.

2. Nothing about building a wall, that says that other actions cannot be taken. Anyone that says otherwise is lying.

Anyone that claims a wall can't be effective need only look at what Israel did on their borders. Be honest for once, liberals...if it were future conservative voters pouring in over the border...you'd be calling for walls, moats and the National Guard to stop it! You only oppose a real wall because making the border more secure means your "base" won't keep growing!
The wall was designed wrong. It is for show, but will not be a deterrent. A double wall, flimsy and flexible on both sides, and electrified would be much better. Climb one side, the walls flex and bend, but when the person touches the other side, it become a giant bug zapper. THAT would be a better wall.
I support President Trump, and I do not want to embarrass him, but it would be so damned easy to simply walk over that wall with just a bit of redneck engineering and several wooden planks.
You don't need a grappling hook since the bottom is open and you can tie off the rope you throw over.

Tie it off to what? A vertical beam? While that may hold, it would also be really dangerous in the event it slipped even a little when someone was 20 feet off the ground while climbing up, causing them to lose their grip and fall (and the resulting broken bones/severe sprains).

You don't know much about tying things off with a rope, do you?

So you also claim to be an expert in BDSM? Good for you! It will give you a career to fall back on when your boss discovers how stupid you are!

Not much on BDSM, but I spent a summer working on a tugboat, and I was a cub scout. I know a couple of knots. As far as work, fuck that, I'm retired.
Yeah, that will work well 200 miles out in the desert where the fine, interstate quality highways will make it easy to get the box truck to the wall. Also, if using a ladder, they will enjoy that very comfortable half-inch wide ledge in which to perch while hauling a ladder up and over the wall.

Some of you people are incomparable dumbasses!

They don't need to haul the ladder over the wall! You kidder! All they have to do is tie the rope to the top of the ladder and let themselves down the rope. Only a dumbass would haul the ladder over the wall. I guess that makes them smarter than you?

And fwiw, strong young Meemaw raper/killers do not go 200 miles into the desert to cross the border. They do it where it's easier to cross. And boy are they quick. Some cross back and forth on a regular basis.

I though it was those violent, killer rapers that were such a concern. You won't stop them with a wall. You'll only stop the old, sick, and poor. Are those the folks you are so afraid of?

So, you admit that there are rapists and killers among the flow of illegals, but oppose doing anything to hinder their access to our citizens?

Well, thanks for your honesty.

Why are you like this?
Oh no, I don't oppose border security. I oppose a ridiculous vanity wall shrine to Trump the Twit.

I am all for making judicious use of current technology and focusing on the legal border crossings (where the drugs are coming in) and focusing on those who overstay their visas (where the vast majority of illegals come from.

This stupid wall solution is only discussed because it's the only thing Trump the Moron can understand. And he's got his simpleton fans thinking it will make a difference,

Why do you hate technology?

1. Walls work. Everyone knows that. Anyone that says otherwise is lying.

2. Nothing about building a wall, that says that other actions cannot be taken. Anyone that says otherwise is lying.

Anyone that claims a wall can't be effective need only look at what Israel did on their borders. Be honest for once, liberals...if it were future conservative voters pouring in over the border...you'd be calling for walls, moats and the National Guard to stop it! You only oppose a real wall because making the border more secure means your "base" won't keep growing!

Somebody convinced you that is what was happening, and you fell for it.
You don't need a grappling hook since the bottom is open and you can tie off the rope you throw over.

Tie it off to what? A vertical beam? While that may hold, it would also be really dangerous in the event it slipped even a little when someone was 20 feet off the ground while climbing up, causing them to lose their grip and fall (and the resulting broken bones/severe sprains).

You don't know much about tying things off with a rope, do you?

I was an Eagle Scout (achieved Eagle in 1997)--I know every knot there is, and I have a lot experience mountain climbing and rappelling sheer rock faces. The circumference of the rope you'd need as the sole climbing apparatus is too thick to tightly tie off on a vertical metal post (most readily available ropes that thick are nylon and not flexible enough for knot tying like that), and would be extremely large and heavy at the necessary length of 40 feet or more. If you tried to use a slightly smaller circumference rope with periodic knots every few feet for grip/footholds, the rope would be at risk of fraying and breaking due to cutting/friction at the top of the wall, and would still be heavy.

In short, a person would have to be VERY determined as well as physically capable in order to scale this type of wall (up one side and down the other) using just a rope, as most ropes would not work, and it would be extremely difficult and dangerous.
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You do understand that the immigrants don't need to actually touch the wall. They use a ladder (all supplies provided by the paid coyotes at the border) for the 18' walls. They prop the ladder against the wall on the MX side, climb to the top, tie a rope to the ladder and let themselves down to the US side.

I've also seen video of coyotes driving a box truck, with a ladder and immigrants already on top of the truck. Makes for a shorter, quicker climb. Probably works especially well on the 30' walls.

This is a couple of methods for those who choose to go over the top. Others go under, and still others go through.

Yep, I see all the 35 ft ladders and charged reciprocating saws. They must have a Home Depot along the route! :D

You don't need a grappling hook since the bottom is open and you can tie off the rope you throw over.

Tie it off to what? A vertical beam? While that may hold, it would also be really dangerous in the event it slipped even a little when someone was 20 feet off the ground while climbing up, causing them to lose their grip and fall (and the resulting broken bones/severe sprains).

You don't know much about tying things off with a rope, do you?

I was an Eagle Scout--I know every knot there is, and I have a lot experience mountain climbing and rappelling sheer rock faces. The circumference of the rope you'd need as the sole climbing apparatus is too thick to tightly tie off on a vertical post (most readily available ropes that thick are nylon and not flexible enough for knot tying like that), and would be extremely large and heavy at the necessary length of 40 feet or more. If you tried to used a slightly smaller circumference rope with periodic knots every few feet for grip/footholds, the rope would be at risk of fraying and breaking from cutting/friction at the top of the wall, and would still be heavy.

What a silly post. I suppose any rope could wear through eventually after rubbing against a sharp edge, but the part about not holding on a vertical pole is wrong. You don't even have to tie a complete knot. Throw a couple of half hitched on it, and it will be there forever.
You do understand that the immigrants don't need to actually touch the wall. They use a ladder (all supplies provided by the paid coyotes at the border) for the 18' walls. They prop the ladder against the wall on the MX side, climb to the top, tie a rope to the ladder and let themselves down to the US side.

I've also seen video of coyotes driving a box truck, with a ladder and immigrants already on top of the truck. Makes for a shorter, quicker climb. Probably works especially well on the 30' walls.

This is a couple of methods for those who choose to go over the top. Others go under, and still others go through.

Yep, I see all the 35 ft ladders and charged reciprocating saws. They must have a Home Depot along the route! :D


You really don't think they each have their own ladder or saw do you?
Oh no, I don't oppose border security. I oppose a ridiculous vanity wall shrine to Trump the Twit.

I am all for making judicious use of current technology and focusing on the legal border crossings (where the drugs are coming in) and focusing on those who overstay their visas (where the vast majority of illegals come from.

This stupid wall solution is only discussed because it's the only thing Trump the Moron can understand. And he's got his simpleton fans thinking it will make a difference,

Why do you hate technology?

Rope is not necessary at all to climb over this wall. A simple shoe accessory carried in a backpack, properly designed and welded will allow a person to easily cross the barrier, up one side and down the other.
Walls DO NOT work. Show me the wall that can be built on our border that cannot be gone over, under or through.

Not the goal is it? The goal is to deter and force illegal immigrants to specific areas established for crossing.

Why is that difficult for you to comprehend? I mean other than the fact that it was promised by President Donald Trump and he is fulfilling his promises.

What a silly post. I suppose any rope could wear through eventually after rubbing against a sharp edge, but the part about not holding on a vertical pole is wrong. You don't even have to tie a complete knot. Throw a couple of half hitched on it, and it will be there forever.

You think you can tie a half hitch in a 2-inch diameter nylon rope on a square vertical steel pole? And even assuming you could physically tie that knot with that kind of rope, that would most definitely not be safe as an anchor for climbing to 20 feet. You could tie that knot (or a clove hitch) with 10mm nylon climbing rope, but that rope is not itself used for climbing, but as a safety mechanism in case of falling. It would be almost impossible for the average person to climb that rope to a height of 20 feet. And even if someone could climb up a 10mm nylon static climbing rope to 20 feet, the edges on the top of the steel wall would cut through that rope before you got to the top of the wall.
What a silly post. I suppose any rope could wear through eventually after rubbing against a sharp edge, but the part about not holding on a vertical pole is wrong. You don't even have to tie a complete knot. Throw a couple of half hitched on it, and it will be there forever.

You think you can tie a half hitch in a 2-inch diameter nylon rope on a square vertical steel pole? And even assuming you could physically tie that knot with that kind of rope, that would most definitely not be safe as an anchor for climbing to 20 feet. You could tie that knot (or a clove hitch) with 10mm nylon climbing rope, but that rope is not itself for climbing, but as a safety mechanism in case of falling. And even if someone could climb up a 10mm nylon static climbing rope, the edges on the top of the steel wall would cut through that rope before you got to the top of the wall.

You ever tie of a barge to a tugboat? Don't tell me you can't put a half hitch in a 2 in rope. It wouldn't have to be that big anyway. You don't know what you are talking about. Let it go, or continue sounding like a fool. Your call.
What a silly post. I suppose any rope could wear through eventually after rubbing against a sharp edge, but the part about not holding on a vertical pole is wrong. You don't even have to tie a complete knot. Throw a couple of half hitched on it, and it will be there forever.

You think you can tie a half hitch in a 2-inch diameter nylon rope on a square vertical steel pole? And even assuming you could physically tie that knot with that kind of rope, that would most definitely not be safe as an anchor for climbing to 20 feet. You could tie that knot (or a clove hitch) with 10mm nylon climbing rope, but that rope is not itself for climbing, but as a safety mechanism in case of falling. And even if someone could climb up a 10mm nylon static climbing rope, the edges on the top of the steel wall would cut through that rope before you got to the top of the wall.

You ever tie of a barge to a tugboat? Don't tell me you can't put a half hitch in a 2 in rope. It wouldn't have to be that big anyway. You don't know what you are talking about. Let it go, or continue sounding like a fool. Your call.

The hawser bitter end is pre tied, as is the eye, so tying off a ship is easy peasy.

You are lying about working on a tug. One of my best friends was Chief Engineer on the APL ship President Monroe. I spent many a day on that ship just watching the crew work.
What a silly post. I suppose any rope could wear through eventually after rubbing against a sharp edge, but the part about not holding on a vertical pole is wrong. You don't even have to tie a complete knot. Throw a couple of half hitched on it, and it will be there forever.

You think you can tie a half hitch in a 2-inch diameter nylon rope on a square vertical steel pole? And even assuming you could physically tie that knot with that kind of rope, that would most definitely not be safe as an anchor for climbing to 20 feet. You could tie that knot (or a clove hitch) with 10mm nylon climbing rope, but that rope is not itself for climbing, but as a safety mechanism in case of falling. And even if someone could climb up a 10mm nylon static climbing rope, the edges on the top of the steel wall would cut through that rope before you got to the top of the wall.

You ever tie of a barge to a tugboat? Don't tell me you can't put a half hitch in a 2 in rope. It wouldn't have to be that big anyway. You don't know what you are talking about. Let it go, or continue sounding like a fool. Your call.

The hawser bitter end is pre tied, as is the eye, so tying off a ship is easy peasy.

You are lying about working on a tug. One of my best friends was Chief Engineer on the APL ship President Monroe. I spent many a day on that ship just watching the crew work.

Perhaps the lines had a loop on that ship, but tugs don't always have that. A strait end rope comes in handy for lots of rigging chores as well as tie offs. Where is the best place for a nap on a tug?
What a silly post. I suppose any rope could wear through eventually after rubbing against a sharp edge, but the part about not holding on a vertical pole is wrong. You don't even have to tie a complete knot. Throw a couple of half hitched on it, and it will be there forever.

You think you can tie a half hitch in a 2-inch diameter nylon rope on a square vertical steel pole? And even assuming you could physically tie that knot with that kind of rope, that would most definitely not be safe as an anchor for climbing to 20 feet. You could tie that knot (or a clove hitch) with 10mm nylon climbing rope, but that rope is not itself for climbing, but as a safety mechanism in case of falling. And even if someone could climb up a 10mm nylon static climbing rope, the edges on the top of the steel wall would cut through that rope before you got to the top of the wall.

You ever tie of a barge to a tugboat? Don't tell me you can't put a half hitch in a 2 in rope. It wouldn't have to be that big anyway. You don't know what you are talking about. Let it go, or continue sounding like a fool. Your call.

The hawser bitter end is pre tied, as is the eye, so tying off a ship is easy peasy.

You are lying about working on a tug. One of my best friends was Chief Engineer on the APL ship President Monroe. I spent many a day on that ship just watching the crew work.

Perhaps the lines had a loop on that ship, but tugs don't always have that. A strait end rope comes in handy for lots of rigging chores as well as tie offs. Where is the best place for a nap on a tug?

On a coil of cable of course. Preferably over the engine deck, yes, tugs do indeed have straight cable, and they are a fucking beast to move!

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