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80 million on Medicaid

Democracy can be just as tyrannical as any other kind of government when the greedy asshole majority finds out it can use the government to steal from the minority.
What nation has a system of governance that you prefer to democracy?

Democracy can be just as tyrannical as any other kind of government when the greedy asshole majority finds out it can use the government to steal from the minority.
What nation has a system of governance that you prefer to democracy?

None, but the answer is simple.

A Constitutional Republic with an iron clad Bill of Rights that protects individual Liberty against government oppression.

Ours doesn't even come close. Not only do the Libtards ignore the weak Bill of Rights that we do have but there is nothing in there that keeps the government from taking the fruits of our labor and giving it away to shitheads. We need to fix that, don't we?

Just because 51% of the greedy assholes in this country say I have to give them my money to pay their health care bills don't mean it is right.

Of course as we all know Libtards don't know any more about Ethics than they know about Economics, History, Biology, Climate Science or the Constitution, don't we?

Democracy can be just as tyrannical as any other kind of government when the greedy asshole majority finds out it can use the government to steal from the minority.
What nation has a system of governance that you prefer to democracy?

None, but the answer is simple.

A Constitutional Republic with an iron clad Bill of Rights that protects individual Liberty against government oppression.

Ours doesn't even come close. Not only do the Libtards ignore the weak Bill of Rights that we do have but there is nothing in there that keeps the government from taking the fruits of our labor and giving it away to shitheads. We need to fix that, don't we?

Just because 51% of the greedy assholes in this country say I have to give them my money to pay their health care bills don't mean it is right.

Of course as we all know Libtards don't know any more about Ethics than they know about Economics, History, Biology, Climate Science or the Constitution, don't we?
You appear to be consumed by your grievances and lash out in your hyper-partisan fervor.

I asked you "What nation has a system of governance that you prefer to democracy?"

is sufficient. If you needy to be pissy, that's fine.

Democracy can be just as tyrannical as any other kind of government when the greedy asshole majority finds out it can use the government to steal from the minority.
What nation has a system of governance that you prefer to democracy?

None, but the answer is simple.

A Constitutional Republic with an iron clad Bill of Rights that protects individual Liberty against government oppression.

Ours doesn't even come close. Not only do the Libtards ignore the weak Bill of Rights that we do have but there is nothing in there that keeps the government from taking the fruits of our labor and giving it away to shitheads. We need to fix that, don't we?

Just because 51% of the greedy assholes in this country say I have to give them my money to pay their health care bills don't mean it is right.

Of course as we all know Libtards don't know any more about Ethics than they know about Economics, History, Biology, Climate Science or the Constitution, don't we?
You appear to be consumed by your grievances and lash out in your hyper-partisan fervor.

I asked you "What nation has a system of governance that you prefer to democracy?"

is sufficient. If you needy to be pissy, that's fine.

Your reading comprehension is terrible. I told you none and then I explained what would be better. However, you being a greedy little shithead doesn't want to hear about a form of government that can protect individual liberty.

You need to have somebody else pay your bills because you are too sorry to provide for yourself. The scum of this country..

Democracy can be just as tyrannical as any other kind of government when the greedy asshole majority finds out it can use the government to steal from the minority.
What nation has a system of governance that you prefer to democracy?

None, but the answer is simple.

A Constitutional Republic with an iron clad Bill of Rights that protects individual Liberty against government oppression.

Ours doesn't even come close. Not only do the Libtards ignore the weak Bill of Rights that we do have but there is nothing in there that keeps the government from taking the fruits of our labor and giving it away to shitheads. We need to fix that, don't we?

Just because 51% of the greedy assholes in this country say I have to give them my money to pay their health care bills don't mean it is right.

Of course as we all know Libtards don't know any more about Ethics than they know about Economics, History, Biology, Climate Science or the Constitution, don't we?
In the richest nation on earth. That’s a lot of poor suffering Americans.

What a great country!
Pandemic Swells Medicaid Enrollment to 80 Million People, a ‘High-Water Mark’
What is your solution please?

These dumbass Moon Bat think Socialism is the answer despite its failure over and over again. Then they wonder why we ridicule them so much for their ignorance.
Government is Social-ism (socialism). True (anarcho) capitalism fell with Mogadishu around a decade ago.
In the richest nation on earth. That’s a lot of poor suffering Americans.

What a great country!
Pandemic Swells Medicaid Enrollment to 80 Million People, a ‘High-Water Mark’
The democrats won't rest till it is 100% of Americans, except for those in government. No, they will have better.
And what are your beloved Rs doing about this?
>And what are your beloved Rs doing about this?

For one, not closing everything down. Working people frequently either get health care benefits or buy their own.

Trump knew that a strong economy and full employment fixes just about every problem...
- Poverty & hunger
- Crime
- Social Security solvency
- Health care funding
- Military threats
- etc.

Get people off unemployment and back to work.

At least 25 Republican-led states are now rejecting Biden's extended $300/wk unemployment benefits...

Where I live there are hiring signs everywhere. Hell McDonalds will start you at $11 an hour to flip burgers.

Our governor will be putting an end to UE at the end of this month so those collecting will have to get a job.

Your ad hominem hysteria aside, you essentially launched into a rhapsodic rendition of "If I ruled the world."

I prefer to deal with reality, not your personal fantasies that are divorced from the practical matter of actual governance. Your ideological dogma is irrelevant to the cogent matter that all the other most advanced nations on earth are democratic and have achieved virtually universal coverage of their citizens at an average cost that is considerably lower than that of the United States.

Don't be so pissy. Appreciate your enjoying the benefits of living in America.

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Where I live there are hiring signs everywhere. Hell McDonalds will start you at $11 an hour to flip burgers.
I haven’t checked lately but does that include health insurance?
Not sure but I'd bet benefits come with the job.
They offer insurance but I bet that McDonalds doesn’t pay for a penny of it for anyone who isn’t salaried.
Not sure on that and I don't anyone who works for McDonalds. But its a big company and I'd bet they pay for benefits.
Where I live there are hiring signs everywhere. Hell McDonalds will start you at $11 an hour to flip burgers.
I haven’t checked lately but does that include health insurance?
Not sure but I'd bet benefits come with the job.
They offer insurance but I bet that McDonalds doesn’t pay for a penny of it for anyone who isn’t salaried.
Not sure on that and I don't anyone who works for McDonalds. But its a big company and I'd bet they pay for benefits.
Doubt it. Someone making $11 an hour isn’t likely to get their benefits paid for. There’s a lot of working poor on Medicaid.

Your ad hominem hysteria aside, you essentially launched into a rhapsodic rendition of "If I ruled the world."

I prefer to deal with reality, not your personal fantasies that are divorced from the practical matter of actual governance. Your ideological dogma is irrelevant to the cogent matter that all the other most advanced nations on earth are democratic and have achieved virtually universal coverage of their citizens at an average cost that is considerably lower than that of the United States.

Don't be so pissy. Appreciate your enjoying the benefits of living in America.

The reality is that we live in a welfare state where the filthy government steals money from productive people and gives it to welfare queens and that is despicable.

Your ad hominem hysteria aside, you essentially launched into a rhapsodic rendition of "If I ruled the world."

I prefer to deal with reality, not your personal fantasies that are divorced from the practical matter of actual governance. Your ideological dogma is irrelevant to the cogent matter that all the other most advanced nations on earth are democratic and have achieved virtually universal coverage of their citizens at an average cost that is considerably lower than that of the United States.

Don't be so pissy. Appreciate your enjoying the benefits of living in America.

The reality is that we live in a welfare state where the filthy government steals money from productive people and gives it to welfare queens and that is despicable.

Most people on Medicaid are working poor. Same with food stamps, unless you count seniors.
In the richest nation on earth. That’s a lot of poor suffering Americans.

What a great country!
Pandemic Swells Medicaid Enrollment to 80 Million People, a ‘High-Water Mark’

Pretty good indication we need universal healthcare like the UK, Europe, Scandinavia, Israel, Canada, Austrailia and the Gulf States.
What do you do about the problem of medical care over-consumption and under-supply resulting in price inflation that’s already happening under existing government health insurance systems? What about the costs associated with implementing such a system, just go further into debt to fund it?

The countries/continents you pointed out don’t carry our current debt and structural deficit burdens, not to mention the fact that they’re in part relying on U.S. obligations to provide for their national defense and thus carry a lower burden in that department as well. They also have their own scarcity issues of medical care along with the fact that they enjoy lower drug prices thanks the fact that American consumers shoulder the lions share of the burden of pharma R & D costs for them.

“Universal care” isn’t the silver bullet that some make it out to be, there are A LOT of questions that need to be addressed before traveling down that road.

Do you know what cost shifting is? Have you noticed private insurance premiums going up? You are already paying for seniors, indigents and million dollar premature infants.

Its all about priorities or maybe we really aren't smart enough or compassionate enough to pull it off.
Yeah, I’m intimately familiar with the fact that costs can be shifted, however shifted costs don’t mean that those costs VANISH, they’re still there and what you’re proposing doesn’t solve the problem since it doesn’t address the root cause of rising costs, it EXACERBATES them by further disconnecting the consumer from the cost of service and encouraging OVER-CONSUMPTION, insufficient supply meet artificially induced increased demand.

Overconsumption isn't a problem. 60% of the healthcare dollar goes to seniors, premature babies and those with chronic diseases. The young, working family uses very little of the healthcare dollar.
And what are your beloved Rs doing about this?
Planning more tax cuts for the billionaires no doubt.

It's all they know.
I received a tax cut from Trump and I’m not a billionaire. Care to explain?
Yet based on the recent ProPublica report, it’s possible that you had a higher effective tax rate than the top 25 billionaires in the country. So instead of giving you a tax cut, what Trump really should have given you is access to those billionaires armies of attorney’s, accountants, financial advisors and lobbyists.

So much for our “progressive” tax code, huh?

Hahahahahaha. You have nothing.

A dozen facts about the economics of the US health-care system

U.S. per capita health-care spending nearly quadrupled from 1980 to 2018. Spending on U.S. health …
U.S. health-care spending is almost twice as high as the OECD average. The United States spends …
Most health-care spending is on hospitals and professional services. U.S. health-care spending is …
Five percent of Americans accounted for half of all U.S. health-care spending in 2017. Health-care

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