83% say they won't watch debate without Trump


The number is completely meaningless, since it's a voluntary internet poll. No different from all those internet polls that said 85% of Republican voters were going to vote for Ron Paul.

so trump's flunky who threatened Meaghan Kelly makes something up.... the proven liars at breitbart post it...and the rightwingnut blogosphere eats it up.

83% of what, genius? based on what poll? and what sample?


The "sample" is whoever goes to Greta's website and votes (however many times they want).

It's nonsense.

so trump's flunky who threatened Meaghan Kelly makes something up.... the proven liars at breitbart post it...and the rightwingnut blogosphere eats it up.

83% of what, genius? based on what poll? and what sample?


The "sample" is whoever goes to Greta's website and votes (however many times they want).

It's nonsense.

yep. but the wingers do love it.
Meanwhile the alleged democrat front runner couldn't muster more than 250 people at a bowling alley event. At least the republican debates are entertaining, Did anyone ever watch the love fest between the politicians and the media AKA the democrat debates?
83 percent of Fox News viewers probably weren't going to watch the debate anyway. Trump or no Trump.
83 percent of Fox News viewers probably weren't going to watch the debate anyway. Trump or no Trump.
You win the libtardia mind reading award of the year! You know EVERYFUCKINGTHING!

How childish. Looks like Trumps supporters need to grow up.

Helping a winner the only way they can, IS being grown up. Now if you wanna talk about children and scum "helping" their cause, well here you go libtard.


Your "grown ups".

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