85 shots: US cops use more ammo per man than Germans per year

That's exactly the rational that the Statists use...thanks for confirming your bias.

Out of 12 million annual arrest in the US only about 400 result in the police using firearms. You can claim it happens all the time, but that isn't reality.
Out of 12 million annual arrest in the US only about 400 result in the police using firearms. You can claim it happens all the time, but that isn't reality.

Source? I doubt the accuracy of that ratio.
Source? I doubt the accuracy of that ratio.

I heard it on O'Riley last night, they even broke by race who was shot at. Blacks were 46%, which makes sense since they are 10 times more likely to be involved in criminal activity and are only 13% of the population.
I heard it on O'Riley last night, they even broke by race who was shot at. Blacks were 46%, which makes sense since they are 10 times more likely to be involved in criminal activity and are only 13% of the population.

Well, that is not a credible stat if you are quoting O'Reilly from memory.
Out of 12 million annual arrest in the US only about 400 result in the police using firearms. You can claim it happens all the time, but that isn't reality.
an average of 500 INNOCENT, unarmed citizens are shot/beaten to death by cops every year.
Innocent, unarmed citizens....not to mention the dogs these bastards love to shoot.

Botched Paramilitary Police Raids | Cato Institute

More innocent, unarmed citizens are killed by cops every year than cops killed by criminals...but as long as they "go home to their families at night" it's all good.
an average of 500 INNOCENT, unarmed citizens are shot/beaten to death by cops every year.
Innocent, unarmed citizens....not to mention the dogs these bastards love to shoot.

Botched Paramilitary Police Raids | Cato Institute

More innocent, unarmed citizens are killed by cops every year than cops killed by criminals...but as long as they "go home to their families at night" it's all good.
But then it's not the fault of te militarization. The people were already killed before there was this militarization. The thing that can better be focused on is getting rid of the scumbags in the police force.
But then it's not the fault of te militarization. The people were already killed before there was this militarization. The thing that can better be focused on is getting rid of the scumbags in the police force.
It doesn't matter if it's a former iraq war veteran on the swat team or a fat desk sergeant...you're just as dead.
militarization isn't the point here.
More innocent, unarmed citizens are killed by cops every year than cops killed by criminals...but as long as they "go home to their families at night" it's all good.

Unarmed and innocent are nit synonymous. I've never met an innocent person over 5 years old.

Don't give cops a reason to shoot you and you won't get shot. Give them a reason to shoot you and I have no sympathy for you at all.
What about the Feds? In case nobody noticed the various federal police forces are not part of the US Military but they act as though they are and have the same unlimited funding and cover for their peculiar adventures. Funny how nobody seemed to get excited about the freaking US Park Police becoming militarized. During the First George Bush term the ATF decided that entrapment of a US citizen was a good idea and it led to the FBI sniper shooting of Randy Weaver's wife while she was holding an 18th month baby in her arms. The FBI sniper was indicted for manslaughter but federal pressure got him off. The same federal thugs went on to invade Waco Texas with poison gas and tanks during the Clinton administration ultimately killing 80 men women and children. The same federal thugs went on to an insane adventure of sending 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels and they got away with it because the democrat party protects federal abuses.
For those who love love love the militarization of police and government agencies you are insane.

I've been pro law and order for a long time now but there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that we are witnessing good solid police forces and government agencies developing a "warrior" mentality.

And that does not give me a warm and fuzzy.
That kook is WAY beyond statist and into full-bore police-state authoritarian. He is batshit insane & should be locked up.

He's a loon...but I doubt his family will have him institutionalized.
You are quite the moron. The only reason that ratio of citizens could possibly be criminals, is because Big Government has criminalized perfectly benign behaviors.


No, not a moron. He is a PSYCHOPATH!
Unarmed and innocent are nit synonymous. I've never met an innocent person over 5 years old.

Don't give cops a reason to shoot you and you won't get shot. Give them a reason to shoot you and I have no sympathy for you at all.
ok..whatever..The statistics are right there in the link and you could look up your own source if you don't like mine..

I'm not going to play word games. That's for the rest of these kids and amateur lawyers.

These people I mentioned are INNOCENT of a crime but were beaten/shot to death by rogue police.
These people I mentioned are INNOCENT of a crime but were beaten/shot to death by rogue police.

As I said I've never found an innocent person over 5 years of age. They may not be Guilty of anything immediately but they're guilty of something for which they haven't been charged.
As I said I've never found an innocent person over 5 years of age. They may not be Guilty of anything immediately but they're guilty of something for which they haven't been charged.
So when in doubt the cops should be allowed to beat up or shoot anyone they choose...because everyone is guilty of something at sometime in their life...

Sieg heil...

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