850 k Missing kids. What are the facts ?

I notice you didnt include yourself in that you dont want children to go missing,,,

how many is to many?? for me its one,, so I dont care what some number is,,
I am sorry that you have comprehension issues. Perhaps the police could find the actual missing kids if they werent looking for the ones you invent ?
You would not want any children to go missing. By all means discuss it. But discuss it on the basis of facts and not made up nonsense.

I am old enough to remember the cellar in the pizza shop that doesnt havec a cellar. One trumper went there to shoot the place up.

Based on lies.


earing Wrap Up: ORR Director Fails to Answer Questions About 85,000 Lost Unaccompanied Alien Children, Flawed Vetting of Sponsors, and More​

WASHINGTON—TheSubcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs today held a hearing titled “Oversight of the Office of Refugee Resettlement’s Unaccompanied Alien Children Program.” Subcommittee members discussed how unprecedented levels of illegal border crossings, incentivized by the Biden Administration’s policies, have overwhelmed the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) and endangered migrant children. Robin Dunn Marcos, Director of ORR, was unable to answer basic questions about HHS’s handling of unaccompanied alien children (UAC), which has prioritized the speedy release of UAC over their safety.

I have seen
this figure bandied about on a regularly basis but I can find no evidence of this.
The subtext is that these kids are spirited away by satanist dems for sex trafficking

My current view is that the number is over egged to make a political point.Kids do go missing but not to the extent that is "reported".

Some kids do go missing on purpose, trying to escape a bad home.

Some kids do run away but come back. This gets reported on social media every day. Are they counted as "missing" when they clearly arent.

Some kids run away a lot. They are counted every time. This makes a nonsense of the stats.

It also obscures the size of the real problem. It doesnt help.

So where do these figures come from and what is the true figure ?
Please go fuck yourself
Who in the hell wakes up and thinks "I need to make a thread about there are not as many missing kids as some say" cause I am pissed about that"??????

You make some of the worst threads on this forum, but this one takes the cake.
It is a very clear indicator in how your mind works, and what you think about.
Who in the hell wakes up and thinks "I need to make a thread about there are not as many missing kids as some say" cause I am pissed about that"??????

You make some of the worst threads on this forum, but this one takes the cake.
It is a very clear indicator in how your mind works, and what you think about.
seems ever since the anti child sex trafficking movie sound of freedom came out the LGBTQRST people are all in an uproar,,

there must be a connection they dont want to admit too,,
Who in the hell wakes up and thinks "I need to make a thread about there are not as many missing kids as some say" cause I am pissed about that"??????

You make some of the worst threads on this forum, but this one takes the cake.
It is a very clear indicator in how your mind works, and what you think about.
Someone who sees a lie being used to persecute minorities. You seem very sensitive that someone should question your nutty beliefs
Someone who sees a lie being used to persecute minorities. You seem very sensitive that someone should question your nutty beliefs
You wanna explain how (if true) overstating the number of kidnapped/missing children persecutes children?? How does that work?
And the link you provide is the U.S. only.

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