868 Voting Locations Closed Nationwide for 2016 Election. This Helps Explain Trump's "Victory"

Fact !
Dems would not have lost so badly all across this nation if they had not abandoned the Conservative and moderate Dems.
They went to far left and got slammed.

Americans didn't want the criminals. Good on em!


The Repoblicans are on thin waters themselves and yes both parties have criminals.
Looks like the people of this country has elected both parties to have full reign for each President in their 1st 2 years and will then judge which way we should go as a nation.
I hope we can get back to full repsentation of Cons, Mods and Libs like it use to be before we went to far to the left.
We shall see in 2 to 4 years.
Maybe both parties will be voted out and 2 new parties are formed. :)
Fact !
Dems would not have lost so badly all across this nation if they had not abandoned the Conservative and moderate Dems.
They went to far left and got slammed.

Americans didn't want the criminals. Good on em!


The Repoblicans are on thin waters themselves and yes both parties have criminals.
Looks like the people of this country has elected both parties to have full reign for each President in their 1st 2 years and will then judge which way we should go as a nation.
I hope we can get back to full repsentation of Cons, Mods and Libs like it use to be before we went to far to the left.
We shall see in 2 to 4 years.
Maybe both parties will be voted out and 2 new parties are formed. :)

Better take a closer look at the map kid.
You can't prove shit. According to the exit polls, Gore won FL in 2000 and Kerry won OH in 2004. The exit polls are the only thing that really matters, especially when you Repug fascist fucks constantly cheat. Plus, Katherine Harris in FL and Ken Blackwell in OH both initiated policies at a state-wide level to make it harder for minorities to vote.

But getting back on subject, you're basically admitting that it's OK that you fascist fucks suppress the votes of minorities. Got it, fascist dickhead.

We don't go by exit polls. Do you know why? Because people can tell you anything. Are you so naive to believe that people come out of building, and tell you exactly how they voted? Many people get annoyed with pollsters bothering them when they only want to go home after waiting in line to vote.

That's why exit polls have a small margin of error. There will always be a few inaccurate outliers in any polling sample. Anybody who has taken a statistics course in college knows this, which obviously you have not.

However, there is no way in hell Bush really won Ohio in 2004 when the exit polls showed Kerry winning 54% - 45%. Exit polls are never wrong by more than 1%, if that. Even Fox News stated at 8 pm on election night 2004 that Kerry was going to win, based on the exit polls. There's a great book out there called Was The 2004 Election Stolen? that was written by MIT professor Steve Freeman. Through statistical analysis of the exit polls, Freeman basically proves that Kerry won in Ohio.

Gore also had a substantial victory over Bush in 2000, according to the exit polls. This is why the networks initially called FL for Gore in 2000, before reversing themselves.

You can call it "liberal whining" all you want, I don't give a fuck. I'm simply stating the truth about both elections. You see everything through your partisan lens, and the only thing you care about is the election results benefitting your party. I'm an American first and I would also be complaining if elections were stolen from the Republican Party, but that has not happened yet.
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You can't prove shit. According to the exit polls, Gore won FL in 2000 and Kerry won OH in 2004. The exit polls are the only thing that really matters, especially when you Repug fascist fucks constantly cheat. Plus, Katherine Harris in FL and Ken Blackwell in OH both initiated policies at a state-wide level to make it harder for minorities to vote.

But getting back on subject, you're basically admitting that it's OK that you fascist fucks suppress the votes of minorities. Got it, fascist dickhead.

We don't go by exit polls. Do you know why? Because people can tell you anything. Are you so naive to believe that people come out of building, and tell you exactly how they voted? Many people get annoyed with pollsters bothering them when they only want to go home after waiting in line to vote.

That's why exit polls have a small margin of error. There will always be a few inaccurate outliers in any polling sample. Anybody who has taken a statistics course in college knows this, which obviously you have not.

However, there is no way in hell Bush really won Ohio in 2004 when the exit polls showed Kerry winning 54% - 45%. Exit polls are never wrong by more than 1%, if that. Even Fox News stated at 8 pm on election night 2004 that Kerry was going to win, based on the exit polls. There's a great book out there called Was The 2004 Election Stolen? that was written by MIT professor Steve Freeman. Through statistical analysis of the exit polls, Freeman basically proves that Kerry won in Ohio.

Gore also had a substantial victory over Bush in 2000, according to the exit polls. This is why the networks initially called FL for Gore in 2000, before reversing themselves.

You can call it "liberal whining" all you want, I don't give a fuck. I'm simply stating the truth about both elections. You see everything through your partisan lens, and the only thing you care about is the election results benefitting your party. I'm an American first and I would also be complaining if elections were stolen from the Republican Party, but that has not happened yet.

It's over Safe Space Moocher. You're just gonna have to get a job. It's time to go to work. Doesn't matter how many temper tantrums you throw, it'll still be over.

Hillary Rodham Clinton will never be the President of the United States of America. It's our time now. Our turn to be above the law. Deal with it, or go hide in your Safe Space. Whatever. :)

Ha, y'all Safe Space Moochers can SUCK IT HAAARD!

It's our turn to be above the law. You don't like it? Too bleepin bad! Elections have consequences. We won.


It ain't your "turn", but at least you admit it. You fascist fucks have been suppressing the votes of minorities for years. No "turn" is necessary for you assholes. It's simply what you fascist Repug fucks do.

You got one thing right, goober. You are a deplorable piece of shit. Can't argue with that.
But if jugears brings the irs down on us cons during the last election that's ok???

The inconvenient truth for you dishonest Repugs is that there was no malicious intent, as the IRS repeatedly explained. Just because you Repugs repeat this nonsense over and over doesn't make it true. And this isn't the same thing as Repugs stealing elections, so I don't even know why you brought it up.
Trump talked about rigged elections because he knew they were going to be rigged for him and his antiquated party.

Same with Bush in 2000. He had to cheat his way in. Gore should have been president.
You can't prove shit. According to the exit polls, Gore won FL in 2000 and Kerry won OH in 2004. The exit polls are the only thing that really matters, especially when you Repug fascist fucks constantly cheat. Plus, Katherine Harris in FL and Ken Blackwell in OH both initiated policies at a state-wide level to make it harder for minorities to vote.

But getting back on subject, you're basically admitting that it's OK that you fascist fucks suppress the votes of minorities. Got it, fascist dickhead.

We don't go by exit polls. Do you know why? Because people can tell you anything. Are you so naive to believe that people come out of building, and tell you exactly how they voted? Many people get annoyed with pollsters bothering them when they only want to go home after waiting in line to vote.

That's why exit polls have a small margin of error. There will always be a few inaccurate outliers in any polling sample. Anybody who has taken a statistics course in college knows this, which obviously you have not.

However, there is no way in hell Bush really won Ohio in 2004 when the exit polls showed Kerry winning 54% - 45%. Exit polls are never wrong by more than 1%, if that. Even Fox News stated at 8 pm on election night 2004 that Kerry was going to win, based on the exit polls. There's a great book out there called Was The 2004 Election Stolen? that was written by MIT professor Steve Freeman. Through statistical analysis of the exit polls, Freeman basically proves that Kerry won in Ohio.

Gore also had a substantial victory over Bush in 2000, according to the exit polls. This is why the networks initially called FL for Gore in 2000, before reversing themselves.

You can call it "liberal whining" all you want, I don't give a fuck. I'm simply stating the truth about both elections. You see everything through your partisan lens, and the only thing you care about is the election results benefitting your party. I'm an American first and I would also be complaining if elections were stolen from the Republican Party, but that has not happened yet.

It's over Safe Space Moocher. You're just gonna have to get a job. It's time to go to work. Doesn't matter how many temper tantrums you throw, it'll still be over.

Hillary Rodham Clinton will never be the President of the United States of America. It's our time now. Our turn to be above the law. Deal with it, or go hide in your Safe Space. Whatever. :)


In other words, you got nothing, Repug lightweight. All you can do is repeat your boring, lame ass Repug bullshit.

You've got no facts, no game, and no intellect and you're simply a boring little shit to talk to.
You can't prove shit. According to the exit polls, Gore won FL in 2000 and Kerry won OH in 2004. The exit polls are the only thing that really matters, especially when you Repug fascist fucks constantly cheat. Plus, Katherine Harris in FL and Ken Blackwell in OH both initiated policies at a state-wide level to make it harder for minorities to vote.

But getting back on subject, you're basically admitting that it's OK that you fascist fucks suppress the votes of minorities. Got it, fascist dickhead.

We don't go by exit polls. Do you know why? Because people can tell you anything. Are you so naive to believe that people come out of building, and tell you exactly how they voted? Many people get annoyed with pollsters bothering them when they only want to go home after waiting in line to vote.

That's why exit polls have a small margin of error. There will always be a few inaccurate outliers in any polling sample. Anybody who has taken a statistics course in college knows this, which obviously you have not.

However, there is no way in hell Bush really won Ohio in 2004 when the exit polls showed Kerry winning 54% - 45%. Exit polls are never wrong by more than 1%, if that. Even Fox News stated at 8 pm on election night 2004 that Kerry was going to win, based on the exit polls. There's a great book out there called Was The 2004 Election Stolen? that was written by MIT professor Steve Freeman. Through statistical analysis of the exit polls, Freeman basically proves that Kerry won in Ohio.

Gore also had a substantial victory over Bush in 2000, according to the exit polls. This is why the networks initially called FL for Gore in 2000, before reversing themselves.

You can call it "liberal whining" all you want, I don't give a fuck. I'm simply stating the truth about both elections. You see everything through your partisan lens, and the only thing you care about is the election results benefitting your party. I'm an American first and I would also be complaining if elections were stolen from the Republican Party, but that has not happened yet.

It's over Safe Space Moocher. You're just gonna have to get a job. It's time to go to work. Doesn't matter how many temper tantrums you throw, it'll still be over.

Hillary Rodham Clinton will never be the President of the United States of America. It's our time now. Our turn to be above the law. Deal with it, or go hide in your Safe Space. Whatever. :)


In other words, you got nothing, Repug lightweight. All you can do is repeat your boring, lame ass Repug bullshit.

You've got no facts, no games, and no intellect and you're simply a boring little shit to talk to.

Ha, you answer to us Deplorables now kid. It's our house. You're gonna have to ride in the back. We runnin this shit now!

There were 868 fewer voting locations in 2016, because the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act last year. The closure of these 868 voting locations were overwhelmingly in Democratic precincts, and these closures were initiated by Republican elected officials at the state and local level. These closures created extremely long lines for Democratic voters, and countless numbers of voters gave up and went home without voting.

This is the method of operations for the modern day Republican Party. The Republican Party is fascist, the Republican Party is evil, and they simply do not believe in democracy. It's going to take years, if not decades, for the Democrats to overcome these voting obstacles that the Republican Party has put in place.

There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act


When Aracely Calderon, a naturalized US citizen from Guatemala, went to vote in downtown Phoenix just before the polls closed in Arizona’s March 22 presidential primary, there were more than 700 people in a line stretching four city blocks. She waited in line for five hours, becoming the last voter in the state to cast a ballot at 12:12 am. “I’m here to exercise my right to vote,” she said shortly before midnight, explaining why she stayed in line. Others left without voting because they didn’t have four or five hours to spare.

The lines were so long because Republican election officials in Phoenix’s Maricopa County, the largest in the state, reduced the number of polling places by 70 percent from 2012 to 2016, from 200 to just 60—one polling place per 21,000 registered voters. Previously, Maricopa County would have needed federal approval to reduce the number of polling sites, because Arizona was one of 16 states where jurisdictions with a long history of discrimination had to submit their voting changes under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. This part of the VRA blocked 3,000 discriminatory voting changes from 1965 to 2013. That changed when the Supreme Court gutted the law in the June 2013 Shelby County v. Holder decision.

This has been the aim of Republicans for the last five years. Do everything in every state at every level to suppress the vote of people of color. We are witnessing a slow motion coup to illegally confiscate democracy. They know they can't win just by normal voting, the way the democracy was set up. The only way they can win is by cheating and they have taken to cheating like piranhas on a bloody goat.

We have to accept the facts, conservatives have given up on this democracy. These are people that if they can't have their way they are going to cheat and rig the system in every way possible. And for them they think there will be no consequences to them personally and until now they were right. The world is going to change for them.

Sadly, this is the truth. If Republicans could win on a level playing field without cheating and without infringing on people's constitutional right to vote, then I wouldn't be so angry and I would accept it. But they cannot.

That is it.

They have said and shown out in the open now that they are not subject to laws and will cheat on everything. So now they will get it crammed back down their throats with the proper hostility.

Yes, Republican elected officials have admitted on several occasions that they are intentionally trying to suppress the votes of minorities. It's no secret anymore, if it ever was.

And if the idiot Repugs on this board want to deny that this is happening, then that's them being dishonest anti-American fascist assholes who are putting their party ahead of their country.
There were 868 fewer voting locations in 2016, because the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act last year. The closure of these 868 voting locations were overwhelmingly in Democratic precincts, and these closures were initiated by Republican elected officials at the state and local level. These closures created extremely long lines for Democratic voters, and countless numbers of voters gave up and went home without voting.

This is the method of operations for the modern day Republican Party. The Republican Party is fascist, the Republican Party is evil, and they simply do not believe in democracy. It's going to take years, if not decades, for the Democrats to overcome these voting obstacles that the Republican Party has put in place.

There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act


When Aracely Calderon, a naturalized US citizen from Guatemala, went to vote in downtown Phoenix just before the polls closed in Arizona’s March 22 presidential primary, there were more than 700 people in a line stretching four city blocks. She waited in line for five hours, becoming the last voter in the state to cast a ballot at 12:12 am. “I’m here to exercise my right to vote,” she said shortly before midnight, explaining why she stayed in line. Others left without voting because they didn’t have four or five hours to spare.

The lines were so long because Republican election officials in Phoenix’s Maricopa County, the largest in the state, reduced the number of polling places by 70 percent from 2012 to 2016, from 200 to just 60—one polling place per 21,000 registered voters. Previously, Maricopa County would have needed federal approval to reduce the number of polling sites, because Arizona was one of 16 states where jurisdictions with a long history of discrimination had to submit their voting changes under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. This part of the VRA blocked 3,000 discriminatory voting changes from 1965 to 2013. That changed when the Supreme Court gutted the law in the June 2013 Shelby County v. Holder decision.

This has been the aim of Republicans for the last five years. Do everything in every state at every level to suppress the vote of people of color. We are witnessing a slow motion coup to illegally confiscate democracy. They know they can't win just by normal voting, the way the democracy was set up. The only way they can win is by cheating and they have taken to cheating like piranhas on a bloody goat.

We have to accept the facts, conservatives have given up on this democracy. These are people that if they can't have their way they are going to cheat and rig the system in every way possible. And for them they think there will be no consequences to them personally and until now they were right. The world is going to change for them.

Sadly, this is the truth. If Republicans could win on a level playing field without cheating and without infringing on people's constitutional right to vote, then I wouldn't be so angry and I would accept it. But they cannot.

That is it.

They have said and shown out in the open now that they are not subject to laws and will cheat on everything. So now they will get it crammed back down their throats with the proper hostility.

Yes, Republican elected officials have admitted on several occasions that they are intentionally trying to suppress the votes of minorities. It's no secret anymore, if it ever was.

And if the idiot Repugs on this board want to deny that this is happening, then that's them being dishonest anti-American fascist assholes who are putting their party ahead of their country.

:lmao: Daz right. Our turn to be above the law. Deal with it kid. :finger3:
There were 868 fewer voting locations in 2016, because the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act last year. The closure of these 868 voting locations were overwhelmingly in Democratic precincts, and these closures were initiated by Republican elected officials at the state and local level. These closures created extremely long lines for Democratic voters, and countless numbers of voters gave up and went home without voting.

This is the method of operations for the modern day Republican Party. The Republican Party is fascist, the Republican Party is evil, and they simply do not believe in democracy. It's going to take years, if not decades, for the Democrats to overcome these voting obstacles that the Republican Party has put in place.

There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act


When Aracely Calderon, a naturalized US citizen from Guatemala, went to vote in downtown Phoenix just before the polls closed in Arizona’s March 22 presidential primary, there were more than 700 people in a line stretching four city blocks. She waited in line for five hours, becoming the last voter in the state to cast a ballot at 12:12 am. “I’m here to exercise my right to vote,” she said shortly before midnight, explaining why she stayed in line. Others left without voting because they didn’t have four or five hours to spare.

The lines were so long because Republican election officials in Phoenix’s Maricopa County, the largest in the state, reduced the number of polling places by 70 percent from 2012 to 2016, from 200 to just 60—one polling place per 21,000 registered voters. Previously, Maricopa County would have needed federal approval to reduce the number of polling sites, because Arizona was one of 16 states where jurisdictions with a long history of discrimination had to submit their voting changes under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. This part of the VRA blocked 3,000 discriminatory voting changes from 1965 to 2013. That changed when the Supreme Court gutted the law in the June 2013 Shelby County v. Holder decision.

This has been the aim of Republicans for the last five years. Do everything in every state at every level to suppress the vote of people of color. We are witnessing a slow motion coup to illegally confiscate democracy. They know they can't win just by normal voting, the way the democracy was set up. The only way they can win is by cheating and they have taken to cheating like piranhas on a bloody goat.

We have to accept the facts, conservatives have given up on this democracy. These are people that if they can't have their way they are going to cheat and rig the system in every way possible. And for them they think there will be no consequences to them personally and until now they were right. The world is going to change for them.

Sadly, this is the truth. If Republicans could win on a level playing field without cheating and without infringing on people's constitutional right to vote, then I wouldn't be so angry and I would accept it. But they cannot.

That is it.

They have said and shown out in the open now that they are not subject to laws and will cheat on everything. So now they will get it crammed back down their throats with the proper hostility.

Yes, Republican elected officials have admitted on several occasions that they are intentionally trying to suppress the votes of minorities. It's no secret anymore, if it ever was.

And if the idiot Repugs on this board want to deny that this is happening, then that's them being dishonest anti-American fascist assholes who are putting their party ahead of their country.
Hysterics aside, is it possible to change your name on USMB?
Trump talked about rigged elections because he knew they were going to be rigged for him and his antiquated party.

Same with Bush in 2000. He had to cheat his way in. Gore should have been president.

Really now? And just how did Bush cheat????
That's why exit polls have a small margin of error. There will always be a few inaccurate outliers in any polling sample. Anybody who has taken a statistics course in college knows this, which obviously you have not.

However, there is no way in hell Bush really won Ohio in 2004 when the exit polls showed Kerry winning 54% - 45%. Exit polls are never wrong by more than 1%, if that. Even Fox News stated at 8 pm on election night 2004 that Kerry was going to win, based on the exit polls. There's a great book out there called Was The 2004 Election Stolen? that was written by MIT professor Steve Freeman. Through statistical analysis of the exit polls, Freeman basically proves that Kerry won in Ohio.

Gore also had a substantial victory over Bush in 2000, according to the exit polls. This is why the networks initially called FL for Gore in 2000, before reversing themselves.

You can call it "liberal whining" all you want, I don't give a fuck. I'm simply stating the truth about both elections. You see everything through your partisan lens, and the only thing you care about is the election results benefitting your party. I'm an American first and I would also be complaining if elections were stolen from the Republican Party, but that has not happened yet.

So how in the world could Bush have stolen the election from Kerry? Exit polls? Again, do you even know what exit polls are? They ask people how they voted when they leave the polling place. It's not scientific, it's a lucky guess. It's based on if people are telling the truth. If people tell the truth, fine, then it works. If they lie, then of course the exit polls will be off by a little or a lot depending on how honest the participants were.
Ha, y'all Safe Space Moochers can SUCK IT HAAARD!

It's our turn to be above the law. You don't like it? Too bleepin bad! Elections have consequences. We won.


It ain't your "turn", but at least you admit it. You fascist fucks have been suppressing the votes of minorities for years. No "turn" is necessary for you assholes. It's simply what you fascist Repug fucks do.

You got one thing right, goober. You are a deplorable piece of shit. Can't argue with that.
But if jugears brings the irs down on us cons during the last election that's ok???

The inconvenient truth for you dishonest Repugs is that there was no malicious intent, as the IRS repeatedly explained. Just because you Repugs repeat this nonsense over and over doesn't make it true. And this isn't the same thing as Repugs stealing elections, so I don't even know why you brought it up.
Thinking Error:Minimizing
More idiotic crying. Noticed the clown writing the article had nothing to say about NY.
There were 868 fewer voting locations in 2016, because the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act last year. The closure of these 868 voting locations were overwhelmingly in Democratic precincts, and these closures were initiated by Republican elected officials at the state and local level. These closures created extremely long lines for Democratic voters, and countless numbers of voters gave up and went home without voting.

This is the method of operations for the modern day Republican Party. The Republican Party is fascist, the Republican Party is evil, and they simply do not believe in democracy. It's going to take years, if not decades, for the Democrats to overcome these voting obstacles that the Republican Party has put in place.

There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act


When Aracely Calderon, a naturalized US citizen from Guatemala, went to vote in downtown Phoenix just before the polls closed in Arizona’s March 22 presidential primary, there were more than 700 people in a line stretching four city blocks. She waited in line for five hours, becoming the last voter in the state to cast a ballot at 12:12 am. “I’m here to exercise my right to vote,” she said shortly before midnight, explaining why she stayed in line. Others left without voting because they didn’t have four or five hours to spare.

The lines were so long because Republican election officials in Phoenix’s Maricopa County, the largest in the state, reduced the number of polling places by 70 percent from 2012 to 2016, from 200 to just 60—one polling place per 21,000 registered voters. Previously, Maricopa County would have needed federal approval to reduce the number of polling sites, because Arizona was one of 16 states where jurisdictions with a long history of discrimination had to submit their voting changes under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. This part of the VRA blocked 3,000 discriminatory voting changes from 1965 to 2013. That changed when the Supreme Court gutted the law in the June 2013 Shelby County v. Holder decision.

I had a chance to check out your link. Did you know this was published on November 4th genius????

And your point, assfuck?? It helped you fuckers steal the election. Congratulations to you and your fascist Repug Party for your never-ending cheating.
Thank you. We're very happy with the outcome.
It feels good being on the winning side. :)
There were 868 fewer voting locations in 2016, because the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act last year. The closure of these 868 voting locations were overwhelmingly in Democratic precincts, and these closures were initiated by Republican elected officials at the state and local level. These closures created extremely long lines for Democratic voters, and countless numbers of voters gave up and went home without voting.

This is the method of operations for the modern day Republican Party. The Republican Party is fascist, the Republican Party is evil, and they simply do not believe in democracy. It's going to take years, if not decades, for the Democrats to overcome these voting obstacles that the Republican Party has put in place.

There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act


When Aracely Calderon, a naturalized US citizen from Guatemala, went to vote in downtown Phoenix just before the polls closed in Arizona’s March 22 presidential primary, there were more than 700 people in a line stretching four city blocks. She waited in line for five hours, becoming the last voter in the state to cast a ballot at 12:12 am. “I’m here to exercise my right to vote,” she said shortly before midnight, explaining why she stayed in line. Others left without voting because they didn’t have four or five hours to spare.

The lines were so long because Republican election officials in Phoenix’s Maricopa County, the largest in the state, reduced the number of polling places by 70 percent from 2012 to 2016, from 200 to just 60—one polling place per 21,000 registered voters. Previously, Maricopa County would have needed federal approval to reduce the number of polling sites, because Arizona was one of 16 states where jurisdictions with a long history of discrimination had to submit their voting changes under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. This part of the VRA blocked 3,000 discriminatory voting changes from 1965 to 2013. That changed when the Supreme Court gutted the law in the June 2013 Shelby County v. Holder decision.

This has been the aim of Republicans for the last five years. Do everything in every state at every level to suppress the vote of people of color. We are witnessing a slow motion coup to illegally confiscate democracy. They know they can't win just by normal voting, the way the democracy was set up. The only way they can win is by cheating and they have taken to cheating like piranhas on a bloody goat.

We have to accept the facts, conservatives have given up on this democracy. These are people that if they can't have their way they are going to cheat and rig the system in every way possible. And for them they think there will be no consequences to them personally and until now they were right. The world is going to change for them.

Sadly, this is the truth. If Republicans could win on a level playing field without cheating and without infringing on people's constitutional right to vote, then I wouldn't be so angry and I would accept it. But they cannot.

That is it.

They have said and shown out in the open now that they are not subject to laws and will cheat on everything. So now they will get it crammed back down their throats with the proper hostility.

Yes, Republican elected officials have admitted on several occasions that they are intentionally trying to suppress the votes of minorities. It's no secret anymore, if it ever was.

And if the idiot Repugs on this board want to deny that this is happening, then that's them being dishonest anti-American fascist assholes who are putting their party ahead of their country.

:lmao: Daz right. Our turn to be above the law. Deal with it kid. :finger3:

Like I said, lightweight -- it ain't "your turn". This is what you fascists Repug assholes have been doing for years. It's always "your turn".

And you don't care as long as your team wins, because you are an un-American piece of shit. So go fuck yourself, fascist bitch.
There were 868 fewer voting locations in 2016, because the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act last year. The closure of these 868 voting locations were overwhelmingly in Democratic precincts, and these closures were initiated by Republican elected officials at the state and local level. These closures created extremely long lines for Democratic voters, and countless numbers of voters gave up and went home without voting.

This is the method of operations for the modern day Republican Party. The Republican Party is fascist, the Republican Party is evil, and they simply do not believe in democracy. It's going to take years, if not decades, for the Democrats to overcome these voting obstacles that the Republican Party has put in place.

There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act


When Aracely Calderon, a naturalized US citizen from Guatemala, went to vote in downtown Phoenix just before the polls closed in Arizona’s March 22 presidential primary, there were more than 700 people in a line stretching four city blocks. She waited in line for five hours, becoming the last voter in the state to cast a ballot at 12:12 am. “I’m here to exercise my right to vote,” she said shortly before midnight, explaining why she stayed in line. Others left without voting because they didn’t have four or five hours to spare.

The lines were so long because Republican election officials in Phoenix’s Maricopa County, the largest in the state, reduced the number of polling places by 70 percent from 2012 to 2016, from 200 to just 60—one polling place per 21,000 registered voters. Previously, Maricopa County would have needed federal approval to reduce the number of polling sites, because Arizona was one of 16 states where jurisdictions with a long history of discrimination had to submit their voting changes under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. This part of the VRA blocked 3,000 discriminatory voting changes from 1965 to 2013. That changed when the Supreme Court gutted the law in the June 2013 Shelby County v. Holder decision.

This has been the aim of Republicans for the last five years. Do everything in every state at every level to suppress the vote of people of color. We are witnessing a slow motion coup to illegally confiscate democracy. They know they can't win just by normal voting, the way the democracy was set up. The only way they can win is by cheating and they have taken to cheating like piranhas on a bloody goat.

We have to accept the facts, conservatives have given up on this democracy. These are people that if they can't have their way they are going to cheat and rig the system in every way possible. And for them they think there will be no consequences to them personally and until now they were right. The world is going to change for them.

Sadly, this is the truth. If Republicans could win on a level playing field without cheating and without infringing on people's constitutional right to vote, then I wouldn't be so angry and I would accept it. But they cannot.

That is it.

They have said and shown out in the open now that they are not subject to laws and will cheat on everything. So now they will get it crammed back down their throats with the proper hostility.

Yes, Republican elected officials have admitted on several occasions that they are intentionally trying to suppress the votes of minorities. It's no secret anymore, if it ever was.

And if the idiot Repugs on this board want to deny that this is happening, then that's them being dishonest anti-American fascist assholes who are putting their party ahead of their country.
Hysterics aside, is it possible to change your name on USMB?

It's more possible that you are a brain dead Repug assfuck with no facts, no game, and no intellect.

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