868 Voting Locations Closed Nationwide for 2016 Election. This Helps Explain Trump's "Victory"

Ahahahaha excuse #31 why Hillary lost. Hillary lost because America voted against her liberal proposed policies. Hillary lost because Obama said his liberal policies and legacy were on the ballot. America is sick of your liberal shit. But you go right on deluding yourselves we love that.

In 2008 you liberals were smarter, you lied and as conservatives promoting conservative policies.

Don't try to come up with anything remotely substantial, lightweight. You know it's simply too difficult for your handicapped ass. Just post a lame Repug retort and mosey on along like you always do, goober.

Atta boy, good Repug goober dumb fuck.
There were 868 fewer voting locations in 2016, because the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act last year. The closure of these 868 voting locations were overwhelmingly in Democratic precincts, and these closures were initiated by Republican elected officials at the state and local level. These closures created extremely long lines for Democratic voters, and countless numbers of voters gave up and went home without voting.

This is the method of operations for the modern day Republican Party. The Republican Party is fascist, the Republican Party is evil, and they simply do not believe in democracy. It's going to take years, if not decades, for the Democrats to overcome these voting obstacles that the Republican Party has put in place.

There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act


When Aracely Calderon, a naturalized US citizen from Guatemala, went to vote in downtown Phoenix just before the polls closed in Arizona’s March 22 presidential primary, there were more than 700 people in a line stretching four city blocks. She waited in line for five hours, becoming the last voter in the state to cast a ballot at 12:12 am. “I’m here to exercise my right to vote,” she said shortly before midnight, explaining why she stayed in line. Others left without voting because they didn’t have four or five hours to spare.

The lines were so long because Republican election officials in Phoenix’s Maricopa County, the largest in the state, reduced the number of polling places by 70 percent from 2012 to 2016, from 200 to just 60—one polling place per 21,000 registered voters. Previously, Maricopa County would have needed federal approval to reduce the number of polling sites, because Arizona was one of 16 states where jurisdictions with a long history of discrimination had to submit their voting changes under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. This part of the VRA blocked 3,000 discriminatory voting changes from 1965 to 2013. That changed when the Supreme Court gutted the law in the June 2013 Shelby County v. Holder decision.

This explains Trumps victory...

Yeah, no actual comment about Repug fascists closing 868 voting locations. Your Repug bullshit is weak as always, goober.

No Goober, as I already shamed you with, your stupid article was posted four days before the election. It had nothing to do with Hillary's loss. The article used examples of the previous election where it's likely those problems were worked out.
So the Nation magazine just made up the article about 868 voting locations being closed? Is that the "conspiracy" you're referring to, unsophisticated lightweight goober? Your shit is weak as usual, dumb ass. All you've got is lame retorts.

You've learned by now not to actually challenge me on the facts. You know that never works out well for you, since I know more than you and I'm much smarter than your sorry ass. But that ain't saying much, I must admit.

And that's exactly it. Liberals are (self-proclaimed) smarter than everybody else. That also explains why you lost this election along with the other two mid-term elections which were historical defeats.
Yeah, no actual comment about Repug fascists closing 868 voting locations. Your Repug bullshit is weak as always, goober.

No Goober, as I already shamed you with, your stupid article was posted four days before the election. It had nothing to do with Hillary's loss. The article used examples of the previous election where it's likely those problems were worked out.

"Likely" my ass, dipshit. Wishful thinking on the part of Repug fascists such as yourself. You can't justify Repug officials preventing minorities from voting, so you just come up with weak ass shit like the Repug pussy that you are.
So the Nation magazine just made up the article about 868 voting locations being closed? Is that the "conspiracy" you're referring to, unsophisticated lightweight goober? Your shit is weak as usual, dumb ass. All you've got is lame retorts.

You've learned by now not to actually challenge me on the facts. You know that never works out well for you, since I know more than you and I'm much smarter than your sorry ass. But that ain't saying much, I must admit.

And that's exactly it. Liberals are (self-proclaimed) smarter than everybody else. That also explains why you lost this election along with the other two mid-term elections which were historical defeats.

Nope, I'm just much smarter than your unremarkable Repug goober ass.
Ahahahaha excuse #31 why Hillary lost. Hillary lost because America voted against her liberal proposed policies. Hillary lost because Obama said his liberal policies and legacy were on the ballot. America is sick of your liberal shit. But you go right on deluding yourselves we love that.

In 2008 you liberals were smarter, you lied and as conservatives promoting conservative policies.

Don't try to come up with anything remotely substantial, lightweight. You know it's simply too difficult for your handicapped ass. Just post a lame Repug retort and mosey on along like you always do, goober.

Atta boy, good Repug goober dumb fuck.

Translation...you lost, you have Trump butt hurt, so you are in troll mode got it.
"Likely" my ass, dipshit. Wishful thinking on the part of Repug fascists such as yourself. You can't justify Repug officials preventing minorities from voting, so you just come up with weak ass shit like the Repug pussy that you are.

Oh, so you want me to go through all 800 plus situations and give you an explanation for each one?

That stupid liberal trick doesn't work on people like me. Like we're supposed to believe that every poll (if you believe this article at all) was because of Republicans and not Democrats as well. And if it's "wishful thinking" that corrections didn't happen, why did you dig up an article about an election two years ago instead of the current one?

So let me tell you exactly what happened here: you wanted to prove something was wrong and that's why Hil-Liar didn't get elected. So you Googled your brains out and found nothing until this article popped up. In excitement, you posted it on USMB as a topic without even reading it or looking at the date it was posted. That's what happened. And like all liberals, instead of admitting you were wrong, you're trying to defend your stupidity.
You should. Trump is not a legitimately elected president, and neither was Bush. The only way you fuckers "win" is by cheating.

The Republican Party has not legitimately won a Presidential election since Bush in 1988.

How did we cheat? We're not the ones who nominated a lying corrupt witch.


This dumbass (OP) is still looking for excuses anywhere but in his own tent...


Look, dumbass, I didn't vote for Trump either, but life goes on. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da and all that...

Breath in, breath out, move on...
You can't prove shit. According to the exit polls, Gore won FL in 2000 and Kerry won OH in 2004. The exit polls are the only thing that really matters, especially when you Repug fascist fucks constantly cheat. Plus, Katherine Harris in FL and Ken Blackwell in OH both initiated policies at a state-wide level to make it harder for minorities to vote.

But getting back on subject, you're basically admitting that it's OK that you fascist fucks suppress the votes of minorities. Got it, fascist dickhead.

Stupidity ALWAYS shows itself in a crowd, The recounts say otherwise in both cases they WERE completed, and Bush won both times even after the sudden appearance of Boxes of votes that somehow found their way into a democratic pollsters TRUNK. You lost because the person you idiots ran was a pile of shit scum and the American people are not as dumb as liberal shit think they are. In fact one on one a conservative first grader is superior in intellect, and education compared to a liberal PHD.
You should. Trump is not a legitimately elected president, and neither was Bush. The only way you fuckers "win" is by cheating.

The Republican Party has not legitimately won a Presidential election since Bush in 1988.

Oh quit with your left-wing bull, or I'll whip out my Factcheck links and prove you to be a complete dope. Bush won both elections fair and square.

Sure he did, Repug goober. Bush legitimately won FL in 2000 and OH in 2004. Keep telling yourself that, goober.

Why wouldn't he keep telling himself the truth? Few people lie to themselves on purpose
"Likely" my ass, dipshit. Wishful thinking on the part of Repug fascists such as yourself. You can't justify Repug officials preventing minorities from voting, so you just come up with weak ass shit like the Repug pussy that you are.

Oh, so you want me to go through all 800 plus situations and give you an explanation for each one?

That stupid liberal trick doesn't work on people like me. Like we're supposed to believe that every poll (if you believe this article at all) was because of Republicans and not Democrats as well. And if it's "wishful thinking" that corrections didn't happen, why did you dig up an article about an election two years ago instead of the current one?

So let me tell you exactly what happened here: you wanted to prove something was wrong and that's why Hil-Liar didn't get elected. So you Googled your brains out and found nothing until this article popped up. In excitement, you posted it on USMB as a topic without even reading it or looking at the date it was posted. That's what happened. And like all liberals, instead of admitting you were wrong, you're trying to defend your stupidity.

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