88 million Voters should sue Trump for the attempt to subvert our right to evict him from the White House with our votes.

All the Trump supporters that attended the January 6 stop the steel rally if have probably never recognized John Eastman by name, but they all subscribe to destroying American democracy By willfully participating in John Eastman Coup and supporting Trump’s attempt to go for it on January 6.
The difference between those duped in to believing the Big Lie, who showed up for the 1/6 rally, and John Eastman, is the mob was made up of true believers. Their brainwashing was complete. OTOH, Eastman acknowledged his pseudo legal plan to overthrow the government was, legally, a pile of shit.
The only thing I hope for is that the evidence being presented by the January 6 committee if necessary causes the justice department to further investigate and file charges against Trump and Company if he has committed crimes. Trump is not above the law. That’s all I care about right now because lemmings like you think he is.
No, I don’t think anyone is above the law, but to date the FBI, and DoJ have investigated J6 and found Trump had nothing to do with it. All you want is another bite at the apple blinded by your hate, and using what you know is a partisan, corrupt puppet of the left in Garland to do what has already been dismissed.
(1). Had Biden lost in exactly the same way that Trump "lost," (by millions and millions of un-secure mail-in votes, and other irregularities) there would have violent demonstrations before, on and after January 6th that make the un-armed riot of January 6th look like a garden party.

(2). Trump's "path to victory" was to stop the certification of the results pending an in depth analysis of the well-documented shenanigans in, for example, Philadelphia and Atlanta. Worst, case it may have required a re-polling in four of five states, thus delaying the inauguration of the next President.

(3). None of the thrown-out court cases before January 6th had made any attempt to review the factual evidence presented. Indeed, it has taken more than a year for private parties to sort through all the shit and get a real idea of how the fraud took place. NO JUDGE wanted any part of a case that would have delayed the final election results until perhaps months after Biden had been seated as President. There is no remedy for such a situation; it would cause a civil war.

(4). The January 6th committee has no legal standing to do anything. Under House rules, the Speaker MAY NOT reject the nominations of the Minority Leader, and substitute obviously biased replacements. End of story. Closed case.

(5). Without hearing the other side - i.e., cross examination of witnesses, challenging evidence, produced, presentation of evidence for the other side - the "findings" of the committee are illegitimate and unconstitutional. What is being presented is the equivalent of the Prosecution's case in a criminal trial...with no Defense permitted. Legally, it is a joke - but nobody's laughing.

(6). Congress is not a law enforcement agency. It cannot indict or prosecute. They are "driving outside their lane."

(7). Everyone in the country with a three-digit IQ knows that this is nothing more than a slander-fest, intended to kill Trump's chances of running for President in 2024.

Just as Impeachments I and II failed, this also will fail. Biden is toast, and the Democrats have literally no one else to run.
1). Had Biden lost in exactly the same way that Trump "lost," (by millions and millions of un-secure mail-in votes, and other irregularities) there would have violent demonstrations before, on and after January 6th that make the un-armed riot of January 6th look like a garden party.
There were not more than A few handfuls of fraudulent votes It is normal in every election in my lifetime. This argument is going nowhere. It is a lie

How would you know that.
  • The FBI has found no evidence that Trump was directly involved in organizing Capitol-riot violence.
  • It also found little evidence of an organized plot to overturn the election results.
  • "Ninety to ninety-five percent of these are one-off cases," said one former official.

(1). Had Biden lost in exactly the same way that Trump "lost," (by millions and millions of un-secure mail-in votes, and other irregularities) there would have violent demonstrations before, on and after January 6th that make the un-armed riot of January 6th look like a garden party.

You mean like how the democrats rioted after Bush v Gore, where Bush won in his brothers home state by just hundreds of votes, and the Supreme Court stopped the recount the Florida Supreme Court had ordered.
cause you've done all the investigating?
Because the FBI was sent to investigate. The states did the investigating. They held recounts, and audits. The 60+ court cases, and after over a year of various investigations, the conclusion is the same as William Barr came up with in November 2020.
  • The FBI has found no evidence that Trump was directly involved in organizing Capitol-riot violence.
  • It also found little evidence of an organized plot to overturn the election results.
  • "Ninety to ninety-five percent of these are one-off cases," said one former official.

Read the date
August 20, 2021,

A lot of new evidence has come out due to the January 6th committee.
Because the FBI was sent to investigate. The states did the investigating. They held recounts, and audits. The 60+ court cases, and after over a year of various investigations, the conclusion is the same as William Barr came up with in November 2020.
The establishment line to sweep this under the rug will ensure that it happens again...
Read the date
August 20, 2021,

A lot of new evidence has come out due to the January 6th committee.
:auiqs.jpg: Oh, have they? Then why is your partisan attack dog Garland not touching it with a 10 ft. pole?
cause you've done all the investigating?
No. all 50 states certified their election results finding no significant evidence eof fraud.

Anyone who says the certified election of 2020 had significant fraud that would’ve overturn the election is a liar. You are an anti-American anti-democracy freaking liar

Likewise, in the aftermath of Trump losing the election he immediately began soliciting money from his easily scammed followers based on his intent to fight against election fraud and expose it for once and for all. Trump raised $250 million from you morons and some of it went to paying Trump Hotels. $60,000 of it went to Donald Trump Junior‘s girlfriend for a 2 1/2 minute speech on the morning of January 6, 2021.
Because the FBI was sent to investigate. The states did the investigating. They held recounts, and audits. The 60+ court cases, and after over a year of various investigations, the conclusion is the same as William Barr came up with in November 2020.
how do you know? You avoided the answer. Let's see those FBI reports.

I've told you fking idiots over and over again, recounting fraudulent votes is recounting fraudulent votes. How many times will you dumbshits understand that simple statement?
  • "Ninety to ninety-five percent of these are one-off cases," said one former official.
I know that point. It’s not about the internal attempt to overturn the election from winning the hot the White House and Republican members of Congress,. It’s about the actual physical rioters that enter the capital on January 6. They have nothing to do with The Eastman coup that Trump put into action.

And why are you representing a “former official” as an official spokesman for the FBI. I know. That’s because you are a liar.
That's because of a report from June 2021, before the January 6th committee started to subpoena people with knowledge of what happened leading up to January 6th.
Sigh, so the house clowns are better at investigating than the FBI? Nah buddy....

Besides, let me ask you a question and see if you can answer....What is a house committee hearing's purpose?
:auiqs.jpg: Oh, have they? Then why is your partisan attack dog Garland not touching it with a 10 ft. pole?
You probably said the same thing about the Sussmann indictment.

Garland is like the mills of the Gods. They grind slowly, but exceedingly fine.

Garland isn't going to rush to judgement. But when he acts, you will know it, because it will be serious as a heart attack.
No. all 50 states certified their election results finding no significant evidence eof fraud.

Anyone who says the certified election of 2020 had significant fraud that would’ve overturn the election is a liar. You are an anti-American anti-democracy freaking liar

Likewise, in the aftermath of Trump losing the election he immediately began soliciting money from his easily scammed followers based on his intent to fight against election fraud and expose it for once and for all. Trump raised $250 million from you morons and some of it went to paying Trump Hotels. $60,000 of it went to Donald Trump Junior‘s girlfriend for a 2 1/2 minute speech on the morning of January 6, 2021.
yep and six states were challenged and couldn't accommodate the request. Why did the machines leave the country when they were ordered to stay put?

Come now mr. no it all, show us the reports.

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