88 million Voters should sue Trump for the attempt to subvert our right to evict him from the White House with our votes.

Did Trump say this to his unhappy people Nostra on Jan6 about an hour before a couple thousand of them attacked a live joint session of Congress convened to enact the orderly transfer of power following a presidential election that Trump lost.

“All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-jEASTMAN​
Why is that not an attempted coup Nostra based on canceling the entire 2020 election results that Trump lost.
Dunno. Did he say that?
Did Trump say this to his unhappy people j-mac Jan6 about an hour before a couple thousand of them attacked a live joint session of Congress convened to enact the orderly transfer of power following a presidential election that Trump lost.

“All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-jEASTMAN
Why is that not an attempted coup j-mac based upon canceling the entire 2020 election results that Trump lost?
Dunno. Did he say that?
Yes he said that about an hour before the Proud Boys began attacking the police defending the joint session of Congress.

He also said this at the rally …

And he looked at Mike Pence, and I hope Mike is going to do the right thing. I hope so. I hope so. - - - Because if Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election. All he has to do, all this is, this is from the number one, or certainly one of the top, Constitutional lawyers in our country. He has the absolute right to do it.
He did? Gotta link to his quote?

Yes, Trumps rally speech is everywhere, but I provide a link below:

Earlier that day Trump announced that the a Eastman coup was still on in this tweet;

DJTtweet8:17* January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m.: Trump tweets: "States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!" 21JAN06-DJTtweet8:17

When you resd the Eastman memo you find that Trump is declaring himself the winner not by exposing fraud / he needs Pence to refuse to count the electors from Michigan Wisconsin Georgia Pennsylvania Arizona Nevada and New Mexico. This give Trump an electoral college win.

That Pronouncement by Pence is expected to be rejected by the Democrats which throws the election into chaos and then supposedly according to the constitution the matter is to be settled in the house of representatives where Republicans have a majority and they choose Trump/Pence to serve a second term.

Jan6, 2021

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Did Trump say this to his unhappy people g5000 Jan6 about an hour before a couple thousand of them attacked a live joint session of Congress convened to enact the orderly transfer of power following a presidential election that Trump lost.

“All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-jEASTMAN

Why is that not an attempted coup g5000 based upon canceling the entire 2020 election results that Trump lost?
Did Trump say this to his unhappy people g5000 Jan6 about an hour before a couple thousand of them attacked a live joint session of Congress convened to enact the orderly transfer of power following a presidential election that Trump lost.

“All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-jEASTMAN

Why is that not an attempted coup g5000 based upon canceling the entire 2020 election results that Trump lost?
Oh, I totally agree it was an attempted coup. I was just disputing your 88 million figure.
Yes, Trumps rally speech is everywhere, but I provide a link below:

Earlier that day Trump announced that the a Eastman coup was still on in this tweet;

DJTtweet8:17* January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m.: Trump tweets: "States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!" 21JAN06-DJTtweet8:17

When you resd the Eastman memo you find that Trump is declaring himself the winner not by exposing fraud / he needs Pence to refuse to count the electors from Michigan Wisconsin Georgia Pennsylvania Arizona Nevada and New Mexico. This give Trump an electoral college win.

That Pronouncement by Pence is expected to be rejected by the Democrats which throws the election into chaos and then supposedly according to the constitution the matter is to be settled in the house of representatives where Republicans have a majority and they choose Trump/Pence to serve a second term.

Jan6, 2021

Good boy.

Now, is that illegal? Nope. Is that inciting violence? Nope.

Get a grip, Moron. The Jan 6 TV Show is a bust. :dance: :dance: :dance:
88 million BIDEN Voters should file a class action lawsuit against Trump, the 84 fake electors, the proud boys and the oath keepers, the estate of Ashley Babbitt and all the other capitol building attackers, if it’s worth more than a nickel, and all the Republicans in Congress who aided and comforted Trump’s openly hostile to democracy attempt to deny the right to vote and be counted against millions of Biden voters so that he can stay in power.

Trump openly and subversively plotted and carried out an an attempt to subvert our right to evict him with our votes from the White House. There needs to be punitive damages for such a immoral crime against so many millions of Americans. The punishment needs to be if he is not convicted of any federal statutes, that he cannot run for office ever again.

The same goes for all those who aided and abetted the forner and disgraced president in the big lie and the attempt to overturn the election.

That President Trump was involved in the January 6 plot to overthrow the election is plain as day. However the January 6 congressional committee will begin presenting all the evidence and testimony under oath from those who witnessed it up close in the White House and in Congress and in states offices.

So what do you think Trump voters? Will you spend your hard earned cash through the next few years helping Trump pay all his legal bills or are you going to bail on him?

Or do you just continue to believe the big lie and refuse to decide for yourself what the January 6 committee will be presenting starting tonight? How are you will you be watching the World according to Tucker Carlson on Fox News instead?
Us Trump voters should sue you 88 million morons for being idiots and causing all of this.
Now, is that illegal? Nope
So you’re saying it is perfectly legal and constitutional for Trump to decide to cancel the entire election that he lost so he can remain as president under a decision made in the House of Representatives.

You think that’s how it should be in America?
So you’re saying it is perfectly legal and constitutional for Trump to decide to cancel the entire election that he lost so he can remain as president under a decision made in the House of Representatives.

You think that’s how it should be in America?
He decided that? Well then, why isn't he President right now?
He decided that? Well then, why isn't he President right now?

Because Pence refused to accept the fake Trump electors from Michigan Wisconsin Pennsylvania Georgia Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico because Pence was told by his lawyer that the entire plot was illegal.

But you know more than Mike Pence’s counsel does somehow?

Pence attorney Greg Jacob wrote that "... if Pence were to embrace Trump’s demand that he single-handedly block or delay the counting of electoral votes on Jan. 6, he would be breaking multiple provisions of the Electoral Count Act, the law that has governed the transfer of power since 1887."​
Are you really qualified to declare PENCE attorney Greg Jacob that he is wrong. Pence attorney Greg Jacob wrote that "... if Pence were to embrace Trump’s demand that he single-handedly block or delay the counting of electoral votes on Jan. 6, he would be breaking multiple provisions of the Electoral Count Act, the law that has governed the transfer of power since 1887."The entire scheme is legal?
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- Because if Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election.

Tell me Nostra the legal path you think that Trump had to “win” the election that he lost.

Why would Eastman need a great f-ing criminal defense lawyer if his plan to overturn the election was legal.
Eastman finally reached a White House lawyer, Eric Herschmann. But Herschmann was not interested in entertaining Eastman's machinations.​
As he later told the House select committee investigating January 6, Herschmann immediately shut Eastman down and advised him to go looking for a different kind of lawyer.​
"I'm going to give you the best free legal advice you're ever getting in your life: Get a great f-ing criminal defense lawyer. You're going to need it," he told Eastman, according to a portion of Herschmann's recorded deposition that the House January 6 committee released Tuesday.​
"Then I hung up on him," Herschmann added​
Because Pence refused to accept the fake Trump electors from Michigan Wisconsin Pennsylvania Georgia Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico because Pence was told by his lawyer that the entire plot was illegal.

But you know more than Mike Pence’s counsel does somehow?

Pence attorney Greg Jacob wrote that "... if Pence were to embrace Trump’s demand that he single-handedly block or delay the counting of electoral votes on Jan. 6, he would be breaking multiple provisions of the Electoral Count Act, the law that has governed the transfer of power since 1887."​
Are you really qualified to declare PENCE attorney Greg Jacob that he is wrong. Pence attorney Greg Jacob wrote that "... if Pence were to embrace Trump’s demand that he single-handedly block or delay the counting of electoral votes on Jan. 6, he would be breaking multiple provisions of the Electoral Count Act, the law that has governed the transfer of power since 1887."The entire scheme is legal?
So Trump DIDN‘T decide that.

Have your handlers make up your mind.
Tell me Nostra the legal path you think that Trump had to “win” the election that he lost.

Why would Eastman need a great f-ing criminal defense lawyer if his plan to overturn the election was legal.
Eastman finally reached a White House lawyer, Eric Herschmann. But Herschmann was not interested in entertaining Eastman's machinations.​
As he later told the House select committee investigating January 6, Herschmann immediately shut Eastman down and advised him to go looking for a different kind of lawyer.​
"I'm going to give you the best free legal advice you're ever getting in your life: Get a great f-ing criminal defense lawyer. You're going to need it," he told Eastman, according to a portion of Herschmann's recorded deposition that the House January 6 committee released Tuesday.​
"Then I hung up on him," Herschmann added​
Show us where I ever claimed he had a path to win the election after it was over?

you keep trying to attribute positions to me I have never espoused here, Dipsqueeze.
Now, is that illegal? Nope. I

You said Trump’s attempt to “win” the election was not illegal?

Show us where I ever claimed he had a path to win the election after it was over?

If the path Trump chose to ‘win’ was not illegal as you say then it is a legal path according to you.

Tell me @Nostra the legal path you think that Trump had to “win” the election that he lost.

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