88 million Voters should sue Trump for the attempt to subvert our right to evict him from the White House with our votes.

So we’re all the peaceful protesters on January 6 rioters? Or was it just the 2000 that participated in the riot.

Why did the peaceful protests against the CHAUVIN murder need to stop during the summer of 2020?
Putting aside your inveterate lying, this thread is about Trump's attempted coup. If you want to comment on the BLM protests there must be over a dozen threads to do it on.

I challenge you to find any lie.....and then we will have proven you the abject liar.

Watch how easy this is.
Last edited:
You're a liar.

Here is the dolt....er, Democrat saying it:

They're not gonna stop.....and they should not!!!!"

And then she organized bail for rioters and looters and arsonists.

Bail fund backed by Kamala Harris freed same rioter twice​

https://www.foxnews.com › politics › bail-fund-kamala-h...

Feb 2, 2021 — A man who was twice bailed out of jail in separate cases by a fund supported by Vice President Kamala Harris has been arrested again while ...

Man twice bailed out by Harris-supported fund arrested again​

https://nypost.com › 2021/02/03 › man-twice-bailed-ou...

Feb 3, 2021 — Thomas Moseley's latest collar stems from his arrest on Oct. 15., when he was charged with damaging a Minneapolis Police Department's Fifth ...

I destroy these lying scum Democrats.

88 million BIDEN Voters should file a class action lawsuit against Trump, the 84 fake electors, the proud boys and the oath keepers, the estate of Ashley Babbitt and all the other capitol building attackers, if it’s worth more than a nickel, and all the Republicans in Congress who aided and comforted Trump’s openly hostile to democracy attempt to deny the right to vote and be counted against millions of Biden voters so that he can stay in power.

Trump openly and subversively plotted and carried out an an attempt to subvert our right to evict him with our votes from the White House. There needs to be punitive damages for such a immoral crime against so many millions of Americans. The punishment needs to be if he is not convicted of any federal statutes, that he cannot run for office ever again.

The same goes for all those who aided and abetted the forner and disgraced president in the big lie and the attempt to overturn the election.

That President Trump was involved in the January 6 plot to overthrow the election is plain as day. However the January 6 congressional committee will begin presenting all the evidence and testimony under oath from those who witnessed it up close in the White House and in Congress and in states offices.

So what do you think Trump voters? Will you spend your hard earned cash through the next few years helping Trump pay all his legal bills or are you going to bail on him?

Or do you just continue to believe the big lie and refuse to decide for yourself what the January 6 committee will be presenting starting tonight? How are you will you be watching the World according to Tucker Carlson on Fox News instead?
Seek help dude...And not some cheap free clinic help either....Go for the $175 an hour help....You need it.
Again, Why did the peaceful protests against the CHAUVIN murder need to stop during the summer of 2020?

It is truly amazing what you have been trained to bend the neck and knee to.




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Here is the dolt....er, Democrat saying it:

They're not gonna stop.....and they should not!!!!"

And then she organized bail for rioters and looters and arsonists.

Bail fund backed by Kamala Harris freed same rioter twice

https://www.foxnews.com › politics › bail-fund-kamala-h...
Feb 2, 2021 — A man who was twice bailed out of jail in separate cases by a fund supported by Vice President Kamala Harris has been arrested again while ...

Man twice bailed out by Harris-supported fund arrested again

https://nypost.com › 2021/02/03 › man-twice-bailed-ou...
Feb 3, 2021 — Thomas Moseley's latest collar stems from his arrest on Oct. 15., when he was charged with damaging a Minneapolis Police Department's Fifth ...

I destroy these lying scum Democrats.


Too late..
Tell me why the right to peacefully protest had to be canceled.

There is no right to riot ever,

Democrats authorized, encouraged, and then excused, over 12 thousand riots, arsons, assaults, murders and acts of domestic terrorism.

Which party did you vote for?
Illegals don’t vote

Why did nine out ten black voters vote fur Biden? Trump killed a lot of black workers by mishandling the pandemic.

Trump did nothing for Black America dying at twice the rate as whites

Approximately 97.9 out of every 100,000 African Americans have died from COVID-19, a mortality rate that is a third higher than that for Latinos (64.7 per 100,000), and more than double than that for whites (46.6 per 100,000) and Asians (40.4 per 100,000). The overrepresentation of African Americans among confirmed COVID-19 cases and number of deaths underscores the fact that the coronavirus pandemic, far from being an equalizer, is amplifying or even worsening existing social inequalities tied to race, class, and access to the health care system​

No. You cut off the first part - I quote the entire quote

No, Trump didn’t “tell them” to protest peacefully. That was another Oldstyle lie?

Trump said he “knew”

He said "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard,"

It’s why you cut up the statement.

And we learned on Thursday night from Liz Cheney that Trump’s “stand by”
Proud Boys were not in that crowd that Trump was speaking to. They were already over the capital steak and get out preparing for the assault 200 strong. But they needed the recruits that Trump brought to DC for them. Do I actually have a chance of getting past the barricades and onto the Senate floor to stop the counting of the electors Since Mike Pence would not do it

Gore definitely conceded. He did not engage in a plan to overturn the election Be on the safe harbor date which Florida achieved on December 8 that year. Gire conceded on December 9 and following day.

Trump had every right to challenge any state’s election up to the “safe harbor“ date. But with no successful challenges after December 14 Trump had no other legal choice other than to concede and help with a peaceful transition of power like every president before him has done.
HA HA HA. Look at this idiot displaying his ignorance, for all of us to see. Oh, well, since non-citizens voting is illegal, then certainly that's going to stop illegal aliens from voting, because after all, we all know how rigidly LAW-ABIDING they all are, right ?

EARTH TO NFBW: They've been voting by the millions for 70 years. Gee, CNN forgot to tell you ? :rolleyes:

Texas Democrats ask noncitizens to register to vote

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review



Finally Proof of Illegal Alien Voting

Noncitizens, Voting Violations and U.S. Elections | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Illegal Aliens Really Do Vote – a Lot


Exclusive: Florida Investigating Potential Non-Citizen Voters

Trump was the HERO of the pandemic SAVING millions of lives, you brainwashed airhead. You know nothing.

43. Through the COVID pandemic, our Covid mortality rate was REDUCED from over 17,000/week in April/2020, to about 2000/week in June, and remained very low throughout the year, as a result of the many smart things that Trump did.
44. Massive production of Ventilators - These were left in short supply after the Obama/Biden admin (we now have so many we're exporting them),
45. the Navy hospital ships sent to New York,
46. the stimulus checks,
47. The Task Force advice (ex. social distancing),
48. opposition/criticism of New York's dumb nursing home policies,
49. federal aid to hospitals, rapidly expanding production & distribution of medical supplies
50. travel bans (which Democrats called Trump a "racist' for),
51. Trump's advocacy of Hydroxychloriquin (now proven to be effective, despite criticism from Democrats), and Regeneron.
52. fast, continual development of a vaccine, and rapid success of Operation Warp Speed.
I am not the one who has nothing to say on the topic
Nothing to say? The topic has been beaten so bad that even the vultures won't touch it...You triggered idiots don't seem to understand is that J6 is NOT what is going to sway anyone when kitchen table issues are a shit show under these Democrats...
You triggered idiots don't seem to understand is that J6 is NOT what is going to sway anyone

I do not give a rats ass, If factual knowledge provided to “we the people@ about the violence that erupted on January 6 as a result of the multiple paths and attempts by Donald J Trump to overturn the election that he lost, which included canceling the 2020 election in its entirety, sways anybody votes in the upcoming midterm elections or as far out as 2024.
Did Trump say this to his unhappy people Nostra on Jan6 about an hour before a couple thousand of them attacked a live joint session of Congress convened to enact the orderly transfer of power following a presidential election that Trump lost.

“All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-jEASTMAN​
Why is that not an attempted coup Nostra based on canceling the entire 2020 election results that Trump lost.

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