88% of Blacks do not Support Trump Because they are Racist

This is the bottom line. Inner city blacks have one issue “I’m a victim and whitey is responsible.” We saw every Democratic Presidential candidate go to New York City to slobber on Al Sharpton’s ball sack. Disgraceful. This asshole has never done a thing for America. The bottom line for black voters is “ race” and “victimization.” That’s why they vote Democrat. Media calls white men racist because 70% voted Trump. Well it’s a two way street. White men vote Republican because you should pick yourself up by your own boot straps. Vast majority of black voters claim rhetoric can. Why? Because they’ve been on public aid so long they forgot what work is. They want to play the “slave card” and whine about it. That was over 150 years ago. WTF? But they vote for Democratic candidates that keep them in their comfort zone of victim status. You live in the most prosperous, free, democratic, nation on earth. Stop your excuses. Get the fuck on with it. You had Obama’s for 8 years...what did he do for you again? Please remind me?
The 2018 midterm vote: Divisions by race, gender, education
View attachment 254247
Isn't it interesting how CRCs think black voters are so stupid that they are totally unaware of when they get used? I hear them say the same about other minorities....about Jews...about gays...about women....we're apparently too stupid.
If they were aware...they wouldn’t vote for a party that keeps them in poverty and crime.

So what does the Republican party have to offer, please tell us.
This is the bottom line. Inner city blacks have one issue “I’m a victim and whitey is responsible.” We saw every Democratic Presidential candidate go to New York City to slobber on Al Sharpton’s ball sack. Disgraceful. This asshole has never done a thing for America. The bottom line for black voters is “ race” and “victimization.” That’s why they vote Democrat. Media calls white men racist because 70% voted Trump. Well it’s a two way street. White men vote Republican because you should pick yourself up by your own boot straps. Vast majority of black voters claim rhetoric can. Why? Because they’ve been on public aid so long they forgot what work is. They want to play the “slave card” and whine about it. That was over 150 years ago. WTF? But they vote for Democratic candidates that keep them in their comfort zone of victim status. You live in the most prosperous, free, democratic, nation on earth. Stop your excuses. Get the fuck on with it. You had Obama’s for 8 years...what did he do for you again? Please remind me?
The 2018 midterm vote: Divisions by race, gender, education
View attachment 254247
Isn't it interesting how CRCs think black voters are so stupid that they are totally unaware of when they get used? I hear them say the same about other minorities....about Jews...about gays...about women....we're apparently too stupid.
If they were aware...they wouldn’t vote for a party that keeps them in poverty and crime.

So what does the Republican party have to offer, please tell us.
Free market capitalism and it’s protection. Stopping illegal immigration into black neighborhoods. Going after crime in black neighborhoods. Protecting all citizens from terrorists attack. Telling you truth that you don’t want to hear...but need to hear.
This is the bottom line. Inner city blacks have one issue “I’m a victim and whitey is responsible.” We saw every Democratic Presidential candidate go to New York City to slobber on Al Sharpton’s ball sack. Disgraceful. This asshole has never done a thing for America. The bottom line for black voters is “ race” and “victimization.” That’s why they vote Democrat. Media calls white men racist because 70% voted Trump. Well it’s a two way street. White men vote Republican because you should pick yourself up by your own boot straps. Vast majority of black voters claim rhetoric can. Why? Because they’ve been on public aid so long they forgot what work is. They want to play the “slave card” and whine about it. That was over 150 years ago. WTF? But they vote for Democratic candidates that keep them in their comfort zone of victim status. You live in the most prosperous, free, democratic, nation on earth. Stop your excuses. Get the fuck on with it. You had Obama’s for 8 years...what did he do for you again? Please remind me?
The 2018 midterm vote: Divisions by race, gender, education

Put another way, that says that 12% of Blacks have now acquired enough white genes and /or education to finally start thinking for themselves outside what their Democratic masters tell them to believe! And that number can only go UP as more of them get out of the Democratic Ghettos into the world of opportunity and actualization.

And this racism is why we don't join the republican party.
Why is the racism better over where you're already at?
....yes--we know facts are nonsense [ hahahahaha ] to you people--that's why you have problems--you don't accept the facts...the truth hurts
You know that's not what I said, but this certainly display your dishonesty that I was referring to.

I'm not a criminal, graduated from college so I am none of the things you keep harping on. I'm obviously better educated, knowledgeable and wordly than you are on so what makes you think that you saying so hurts my feelings?

It's already been stated, repeatedly I might add by others here as well as offline that arguing with racists is a waste of my time and they are most likely correct in that respect. But because I train people, I tend to believe that if I'm explaining something and the person doesn't get it, then I logically conclude that I'm just not explaining it adequately. I know this isn't true when it comes to certain types of people and you clearly fall within that group of people.

That's why I asked if you posting your dishonest nonsense has ever helped anyone, in any way. I know my work has.
This is the bottom line. Inner city blacks have one issue “I’m a victim and whitey is responsible.” We saw every Democratic Presidential candidate go to New York City to slobber on Al Sharpton’s ball sack. Disgraceful. This asshole has never done a thing for America. The bottom line for black voters is “ race” and “victimization.” That’s why they vote Democrat. Media calls white men racist because 70% voted Trump. Well it’s a two way street. White men vote Republican because you should pick yourself up by your own boot straps. Vast majority of black voters claim rhetoric can. Why? Because they’ve been on public aid so long they forgot what work is. They want to play the “slave card” and whine about it. That was over 150 years ago. WTF? But they vote for Democratic candidates that keep them in their comfort zone of victim status. You live in the most prosperous, free, democratic, nation on earth. Stop your excuses. Get the fuck on with it. You had Obama’s for 8 years...what did he do for you again? Please remind me?
The 2018 midterm vote: Divisions by race, gender, education
Trump is an ASSHOLE. I've never liked him, not as a person, not as a man, not as a candidate, and certainly him bamboozling his way into the office of POTUS isn't going to suddenly make me change my mind about him.

Just like all of you all used to say you didn't dislike President Obama because he's black, it was because of his policies. I don't dislike Trump because he's a Republican (now, he hasn't always been), or because he's white, or because he's a billionaire or any of the other reasons people claim he is disliked. I dislike him and others like him because of the way he behaves - he lies constantly which means he's dishonest and not to be trusted. I don't like the things he says about women, and apparently was never taught that it's ill-mannered to make fun of people such as the disabled, obese or people who are different than yourself.

NOTHING in heaven or earth could r evemake me like him for all of the reasons listed above that that's not even all of them.

Thank You for that honest post. I don't share all of the same sentiments, but your honesty is appreciated, and I can definitely see where you're coming from.
Thank you, it's probably due to us having different upbringings but I don't agree with a lot of people, that doesn't that I can't respect their opinions particularly if they present them in a knowledgeable, balanced and respectful manner. I've always believed it's not so much what a person says as how they say it.
....yes--we know facts are nonsense [ hahahahaha ] to you people--that's why you have problems--you don't accept the facts...the truth hurts
You know that's not what I said, but this certainly display your dishonesty that I was referring to.

I'm not a criminal, graduated from college so I am none of the things you keep harping on. I'm obviously better educated, knowledgeable and wordly than you are on so what makes you think that you saying so hurts my feelings?

It's already been stated, repeatedly I might add by others here as well as offline that arguing with racists is a waste of my time and they are most likely correct in that respect. But because I train people, I tend to believe that if I'm explaining something and the person doesn't get it, then I logically conclude that I'm just not explaining it adequately. I know this isn't true when it comes to certain types of people and you clearly fall within that group of people.

That's why I asked if you posting your dishonest nonsense has ever helped anyone, in any way. I know my work has.

Lost cause. Ignorant individuals like him, justify hating others by subconsciously convincing themselves that others hate them.

It's a common theme in the manifestos of most mass shooters.
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....yes--we know facts are nonsense [ hahahahaha ] to you people--that's why you have problems--you don't accept the facts...the truth hurts
You know that's not what I said, but this certainly display your dishonesty that I was referring to.

I'm not a criminal, graduated from college so I am none of the things you keep harping on. I'm obviously better educated, knowledgeable and wordly than you are on so what makes you think that you saying so hurts my feelings?

It's already been stated, repeatedly I might add by others here as well as offline that arguing with racists is a waste of my time and they are most likely correct in that respect. But because I train people, I tend to believe that if I'm explaining something and the person doesn't get it, then I logically conclude that I'm just not explaining it adequately. I know this isn't true when it comes to certain types of people and you clearly fall within that group of people.

That's why I asked if you posting your dishonest nonsense has ever helped anyone, in any way. I know my work has.
You are a racist. So of course it is pointless to argue with you.
....yes--we know facts are nonsense [ hahahahaha ] to you people--that's why you have problems--you don't accept the facts...the truth hurts
You know that's not what I said, but this certainly display your dishonesty that I was referring to.

I'm not a criminal, graduated from college so I am none of the things you keep harping on. I'm obviously better educated, knowledgeable and wordly than you are on so what makes you think that you saying so hurts my feelings?

It's already been stated, repeatedly I might add by others here as well as offline that arguing with racists is a waste of my time and they are most likely correct in that respect. But because I train people, I tend to believe that if I'm explaining something and the person doesn't get it, then I logically conclude that I'm just not explaining it adequately. I know this isn't true when it comes to certain types of people and you clearly fall within that group of people.

That's why I asked if you posting your dishonest nonsense has ever helped anyone, in any way. I know my work has.

Lost cause. Ignorant individuals like him and those like him justify hating others by subconsciously convincing themselves that others hate them.

It's a common theme in the manifestos of most mass shooters.
No, it is the refusal to listen to logical and rational points from the white point of view and insistence that non-white people can never hate or do anything wrong that causes these shooters to do what they do. The only reason why you aren’t shooting anyone is because you are the one who benefits from this society.

Everything in every white national shootet’s manifesto is 100% fact. Nothing in Dylan Roof’s manifesto was wrong, and nothing in the New Zealand shooter’s manifesto was wrong. The media lied repeatedly about what happened to Trayvon and repeatedly called Zimmerman white to create more and more black racists through insecurity. The media repeatedly lies about Islam being the “religion of peace” while attacking only white Christians.
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....yes--we know facts are nonsense [ hahahahaha ] to you people--that's why you have problems--you don't accept the facts...the truth hurts
You know that's not what I said, but this certainly display your dishonesty that I was referring to.

I'm not a criminal, graduated from college so I am none of the things you keep harping on. I'm obviously better educated, knowledgeable and wordly than you are on so what makes you think that you saying so hurts my feelings?

It's already been stated, repeatedly I might add by others here as well as offline that arguing with racists is a waste of my time and they are most likely correct in that respect. But because I train people, I tend to believe that if I'm explaining something and the person doesn't get it, then I logically conclude that I'm just not explaining it adequately. I know this isn't true when it comes to certain types of people and you clearly fall within that group of people.

That's why I asked if you posting your dishonest nonsense has ever helped anyone, in any way. I know my work has.

Lost cause. Ignorant individuals like him and those like him justify hating others by subconsciously convincing themselves that others hate them.

It's a common theme in the manifestos of most mass shooters.
No, it is the refusal to listen to logical and rational points from the white point of view and insistence that non-white people can never hate or do anything wrong that causes these shooters to do what they do. The only reason why you aren’t shooting anyone is because you are the one who benefits from this society.

Everything in every white national shootet’s manifesto is 100% fact. Nothing in Dylan Roof’s manifesto was wrong, and nothing in the New Zealand shooter’s manifesto was wrong. The media lied repeatedly about what happened to Trayvon and repeatedly called Zimmerman white to create more and more black racists through insecurity. The media repeatedly lies about about Islam being the “religion of peace” while attacking only white Christians.

So....not being listened to or empathized with, causes these "poor, misunderstood people" to commit mass murder, because they just get to the point that "they can't take it anymore"?


And as far as acts by islamic terrorists, there has been more homeland terrorism over the past 20 years by homegrown, mostly white males....and in most cases they kill more white people than any other group.

Unbelievable. Some of the statements that you make are those of a backward, anti social nut, who is a ticking explosive device.

Please stay in Kentucky.
....yes--we know facts are nonsense [ hahahahaha ] to you people--that's why you have problems--you don't accept the facts...the truth hurts
You know that's not what I said, but this certainly display your dishonesty that I was referring to.

I'm not a criminal, graduated from college so I am none of the things you keep harping on. I'm obviously better educated, knowledgeable and wordly than you are on so what makes you think that you saying so hurts my feelings?

It's already been stated, repeatedly I might add by others here as well as offline that arguing with racists is a waste of my time and they are most likely correct in that respect. But because I train people, I tend to believe that if I'm explaining something and the person doesn't get it, then I logically conclude that I'm just not explaining it adequately. I know this isn't true when it comes to certain types of people and you clearly fall within that group of people.

That's why I asked if you posting your dishonest nonsense has ever helped anyone, in any way. I know my work has.

Lost cause. Ignorant individuals like him and those like him justify hating others by subconsciously convincing themselves that others hate them.

It's a common theme in the manifestos of most mass shooters.
No, it is the refusal to listen to logical and rational points from the white point of view and insistence that non-white people can never hate or do anything wrong that causes these shooters to do what they do. The only reason why you aren’t shooting anyone is because you are the one who benefits from this society.

Everything in every white national shootet’s manifesto is 100% fact. Nothing in Dylan Roof’s manifesto was wrong, and nothing in the New Zealand shooter’s manifesto was wrong. The media lied repeatedly about what happened to Trayvon and repeatedly called Zimmerman white to create more and more black racists through insecurity. The media repeatedly lies about about Islam being the “religion of peace” while attacking only white Christians.

So....not being listened to or empathized with, causes these "poor, misunderstood people" to commit mass murder, because they just get to the point that "they can't take it anymore"?


And as far as acts by islamic terrorists, there has been more homeland terrorism over the past 20 years by homegrown, mostly white males....and in most cases they kill more white people than any other group.

Unbelievable. Some of the statements that you make are those of a backward, anti social nut, who is a ticking explosive device.

Please stay in Kentucky.
That is literally what their manifestos are telling you. There is a reason why only a black woman was allowed to speak on behalf of anyone who isn’t an anti-white psychopath at the hearing today.

I am easily debunking everything you believe to be gospel. Just because your party of high school dropouts now dominates this country doesn’t mean you all are now smart. You are still a party of high school dropouts.
About the same amount as the organization that Farrakhan LEADS has killed whites. And Farrakhan preaches genocide regularly.

Duke joined the KKK because it was the most powerful white group in the country, not because it killed black people. Duke’s chapter was specifically non-violent and he never preached anything even remotely as violent as Farrakhan does.

But what is your fascination with being "white"? Come on. You can tell it to me. My ancestors came from Russia, Poland, Lithuania, and Ireland.

You've got a complaint? Let's hear it.
White people are treated like shit.

We have no rights anywhere in the world.

And I am working to correct that.

Tell me. I'm "white," How are we being "treated like shit" and "have no rights"? Be specific. You can't live, work, have another baby, worship, vote? Who has done something bad to you? Names and places, please.
Our culture is being spit on and destroyed every day and we are not allowed to defend it, we aren’t allowed to seek justice for the people in our communities who are killed, we aren’t allowed to organize for our well being, we aren’t allowed to critique the narratives being written about us, we aren’t allowed to advocate for change in society that benefits US.

We are just expected to all die from drug overdoses, depression, suicide etc while both the left and the right pat themselves on the back for not listening to “Nazis”.

Who is doing this to you? And please explain what "our culture" consists of. What are these cultural customs that you are being stopped from practicing? By whom? You never say anything specific.

I am sure that there are people of African descent who appreciate my Tchaikovsky, would party with me on St. Patrick's Day, and appreciate the sound of Amazing Grace played on the bagpipes. I think that many would like a dollop of sour cream and appreciate James Joyce and the lions of Russian, British, and French literature. You people who talk about "our culture" seem to be totally ignorant of it. Go and enjoy some Riverdance and a bit of the Rockettes.

BTW: way to go Motown! Love you Bruce Springsteen, The Boss! Miss you, Sam Cook and Jackie Wilson- your love lifted us higher and higher. I was born in Teaneck, NJ., home of the Isley Brothers. Once a Jersey girl, always a Jersey girl.

Don't huff and puff about "our culture." We've got one. It's called "American."

NJ culture is called "Guido". :abgg2q.jpg:
....yes--we know facts are nonsense [ hahahahaha ] to you people--that's why you have problems--you don't accept the facts...the truth hurts
You know that's not what I said, but this certainly display your dishonesty that I was referring to.

I'm not a criminal, graduated from college so I am none of the things you keep harping on. I'm obviously better educated, knowledgeable and wordly than you are on so what makes you think that you saying so hurts my feelings?

It's already been stated, repeatedly I might add by others here as well as offline that arguing with racists is a waste of my time and they are most likely correct in that respect. But because I train people, I tend to believe that if I'm explaining something and the person doesn't get it, then I logically conclude that I'm just not explaining it adequately. I know this isn't true when it comes to certain types of people and you clearly fall within that group of people.

That's why I asked if you posting your dishonest nonsense has ever helped anyone, in any way. I know my work has.

Lost cause. Ignorant individuals like him and those like him justify hating others by subconsciously convincing themselves that others hate them.

It's a common theme in the manifestos of most mass shooters.
No, it is the refusal to listen to logical and rational points from the white point of view and insistence that non-white people can never hate or do anything wrong that causes these shooters to do what they do. The only reason why you aren’t shooting anyone is because you are the one who benefits from this society.

Everything in every white national shootet’s manifesto is 100% fact. Nothing in Dylan Roof’s manifesto was wrong, and nothing in the New Zealand shooter’s manifesto was wrong. The media lied repeatedly about what happened to Trayvon and repeatedly called Zimmerman white to create more and more black racists through insecurity. The media repeatedly lies about about Islam being the “religion of peace” while attacking only white Christians.

So....not being listened to or empathized with, causes these "poor, misunderstood people" to commit mass murder, because they just get to the point that "they can't take it anymore"?


And as far as acts by islamic terrorists, there has been more homeland terrorism over the past 20 years by homegrown, mostly white males....and in most cases they kill more white people than any other group.

Unbelievable. Some of the statements that you make are those of a backward, anti social nut, who is a ticking explosive device.

Please stay in Kentucky.
That is literally what their manifestos are telling you. There is a reason why only a black woman was allowed to speak on behalf of anyone who isn’t an anti-white psychopath at the hearing today.

I am easily debunking everything you believe to be gospel. Just because your party of high school dropouts now dominates this country doesn’t mean you all are now smart. You are still a party of high school dropouts.

You havent debunked anything. So before you OD on stroking your hermit, you have actually posted personal opinions that you believe to be true, without a shred of credible facts or even a lucid thought.

Anyone who would state that "everything in the manifesto of Dylan Roof was factual is just as apeshit crazy as he is.

Since 2016 the left and the right, even though neither is much better than the other have in fact seen some changes in terms of average educational achievement since 2016.

If you want to claim to debunk every publication available in favor of whatever you're imagining, feel free.

CHARTS: White Voters Without College Degrees Are Fleeing The Democratic Party
Last edited:
....yes--we know facts are nonsense [ hahahahaha ] to you people--that's why you have problems--you don't accept the facts...the truth hurts
You know that's not what I said, but this certainly display your dishonesty that I was referring to.

I'm not a criminal, graduated from college so I am none of the things you keep harping on. I'm obviously better educated, knowledgeable and wordly than you are on so what makes you think that you saying so hurts my feelings?

It's already been stated, repeatedly I might add by others here as well as offline that arguing with racists is a waste of my time and they are most likely correct in that respect. But because I train people, I tend to believe that if I'm explaining something and the person doesn't get it, then I logically conclude that I'm just not explaining it adequately. I know this isn't true when it comes to certain types of people and you clearly fall within that group of people.

That's why I asked if you posting your dishonest nonsense has ever helped anyone, in any way. I know my work has.
You are a racist. So of course it is pointless to argue with you.
No, calling us racists is the only arrow you all have in your quiver by way of explaining how a group of black people whom you believe to not only be your intellectual inferior, but inferior in all ways to white people. Repeatedly stating that it's true doesn't magically make it true.
No, it is the refusal to listen to logical and rational points from the white point of view and insistence that non-white people can never hate or do anything wrong that causes these shooters to do what they do. The only reason why you aren’t shooting anyone is because you are the one who benefits from this society.

Everything in every white national shootet’s manifesto is 100% fact. Nothing in Dylan Roof’s manifesto was wrong, and nothing in the New Zealand shooter’s manifesto was wrong. The media lied repeatedly about what happened to Trayvon and repeatedly called Zimmerman white to create more and more black racists through insecurity. The media repeatedly lies about Islam being the “religion of peace” while attacking only white Christians.
Wow, I didn't realize that you are so far gone that you'd actually try to justify the mass murder of various groups of innocent people due to your racism & bigotry.

Facts and truth don't change according to white, black or other perspective, however facts can be whitewashed, twisted, hidden or some how magically made into "alternative facts". That's what perspective does. You're viewing everything from a hate filled radical perspective while I view things as neutrally as possible. I don't assume white people are racists when I encounter them in society, but if they go out of their way to make stupid, inappropriate, off color jokes or comments with a racial or religious tinge, then they get want they wanted - to be labeled a racist or bigot.

That's what you all do here, every day. And then complain about the backlash. Yet that backlash isn't because you're white, it's because you're a misinformed, uneducated and ignorant white racist who believes yourself to be all that.

You're wrong and I pray that you never act on your beliefs.
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....yes--we know facts are nonsense [ hahahahaha ] to you people--that's why you have problems--you don't accept the facts...the truth hurts
You know that's not what I said, but this certainly display your dishonesty that I was referring to.

I'm not a criminal, graduated from college so I am none of the things you keep harping on. I'm obviously better educated, knowledgeable and wordly than you are on so what makes you think that you saying so hurts my feelings?

It's already been stated, repeatedly I might add by others here as well as offline that arguing with racists is a waste of my time and they are most likely correct in that respect. But because I train people, I tend to believe that if I'm explaining something and the person doesn't get it, then I logically conclude that I'm just not explaining it adequately. I know this isn't true when it comes to certain types of people and you clearly fall within that group of people.

That's why I asked if you posting your dishonest nonsense has ever helped anyone, in any way. I know my work has.
You are a racist. So of course it is pointless to argue with you.
No, calling us racists is the only arrow you all have in your quiver by way of explaining how a group of black people whom you believe to not only be your intellectual inferior, but inferior in all ways to white people. Repeatedly stating that it's true doesn't magically make it true.
No, it is the refusal to listen to logical and rational points from the white point of view and insistence that non-white people can never hate or do anything wrong that causes these shooters to do what they do. The only reason why you aren’t shooting anyone is because you are the one who benefits from this society.

Everything in every white national shootet’s manifesto is 100% fact. Nothing in Dylan Roof’s manifesto was wrong, and nothing in the New Zealand shooter’s manifesto was wrong. The media lied repeatedly about what happened to Trayvon and repeatedly called Zimmerman white to create more and more black racists through insecurity. The media repeatedly lies about Islam being the “religion of peace” while attacking only white Christians.
Wow, I didn't realize that you are so far gone that you'd actually try to justify the mass murder of various groups of innocent people due to your racism & bigotry.

Facts and truth don't change according to white, black or other perspective however facts can be whitewashed, twisted, hidden or someone magically made into "alternative facts". That what perspective does. You're viewing everything from a hate filled radical perspective while I view things as neutrally as possible. I don't assume white people are racists when I encounter them in society, but if they go out of their way to make stupid, inappropriate, off color jokes or comments with a racial tinge, then they get want they wanted - to be labeled racist.

That's what you all do here, every day. And then complain about the backlash. Yet that backlash isn't because you're white, it's because you're a misinformed, uneducated and ignorant white racist who believes yourself to be all that.

You're wrong and I pray that you never act on your beliefs.

I would not count on it.
You know that's not what I said, but this certainly display your dishonesty that I was referring to.

I'm not a criminal, graduated from college so I am none of the things you keep harping on. I'm obviously better educated, knowledgeable and wordly than you are on so what makes you think that you saying so hurts my feelings?

It's already been stated, repeatedly I might add by others here as well as offline that arguing with racists is a waste of my time and they are most likely correct in that respect. But because I train people, I tend to believe that if I'm explaining something and the person doesn't get it, then I logically conclude that I'm just not explaining it adequately. I know this isn't true when it comes to certain types of people and you clearly fall within that group of people.

That's why I asked if you posting your dishonest nonsense has ever helped anyone, in any way. I know my work has.

Lost cause. Ignorant individuals like him and those like him justify hating others by subconsciously convincing themselves that others hate them.

It's a common theme in the manifestos of most mass shooters.
No, it is the refusal to listen to logical and rational points from the white point of view and insistence that non-white people can never hate or do anything wrong that causes these shooters to do what they do. The only reason why you aren’t shooting anyone is because you are the one who benefits from this society.

Everything in every white national shootet’s manifesto is 100% fact. Nothing in Dylan Roof’s manifesto was wrong, and nothing in the New Zealand shooter’s manifesto was wrong. The media lied repeatedly about what happened to Trayvon and repeatedly called Zimmerman white to create more and more black racists through insecurity. The media repeatedly lies about about Islam being the “religion of peace” while attacking only white Christians.

So....not being listened to or empathized with, causes these "poor, misunderstood people" to commit mass murder, because they just get to the point that "they can't take it anymore"?


And as far as acts by islamic terrorists, there has been more homeland terrorism over the past 20 years by homegrown, mostly white males....and in most cases they kill more white people than any other group.

Unbelievable. Some of the statements that you make are those of a backward, anti social nut, who is a ticking explosive device.

Please stay in Kentucky.
That is literally what their manifestos are telling you. There is a reason why only a black woman was allowed to speak on behalf of anyone who isn’t an anti-white psychopath at the hearing today.

I am easily debunking everything you believe to be gospel. Just because your party of high school dropouts now dominates this country doesn’t mean you all are now smart. You are still a party of high school dropouts.

You havent debunked anything. So before you OD on stroking your hermit, you have actually posted personal opinions that you believe to be true, without a shred of credible facts or even a lucid thought.

Anyone who would state that "everything in the manifesto of Dylan Roof was factual is just as apeshit crazy as he is.
Read his manifesto and attempt to disprove a single sentence in it.

I will be happy to destroy any attempt you make with government statistics and by pulling up the specific mediums he is criticizing.

It is a fact that the media lied about Trayvon’s age, his residency, his reason for being where he was, his reason for wearing a hoodie in Florida etc. It is a fact that the media edited the 911 tape to make Zimmerman look like a racist. It is a fact that the media told everyone that Zimmerman was white to get the black racists riled up.
....yes--we know facts are nonsense [ hahahahaha ] to you people--that's why you have problems--you don't accept the facts...the truth hurts
You know that's not what I said, but this certainly display your dishonesty that I was referring to.

I'm not a criminal, graduated from college so I am none of the things you keep harping on. I'm obviously better educated, knowledgeable and wordly than you are on so what makes you think that you saying so hurts my feelings?

It's already been stated, repeatedly I might add by others here as well as offline that arguing with racists is a waste of my time and they are most likely correct in that respect. But because I train people, I tend to believe that if I'm explaining something and the person doesn't get it, then I logically conclude that I'm just not explaining it adequately. I know this isn't true when it comes to certain types of people and you clearly fall within that group of people.

That's why I asked if you posting your dishonest nonsense has ever helped anyone, in any way. I know my work has.
You are a racist. So of course it is pointless to argue with you.
No, calling us racists is the only arrow you all have in your quiver by way of explaining how a group of black people whom you believe to not only be your intellectual inferior, but inferior in all ways to white people. Repeatedly stating that it's true doesn't magically make it true.
No, it is the refusal to listen to logical and rational points from the white point of view and insistence that non-white people can never hate or do anything wrong that causes these shooters to do what they do. The only reason why you aren’t shooting anyone is because you are the one who benefits from this society.

Everything in every white national shootet’s manifesto is 100% fact. Nothing in Dylan Roof’s manifesto was wrong, and nothing in the New Zealand shooter’s manifesto was wrong. The media lied repeatedly about what happened to Trayvon and repeatedly called Zimmerman white to create more and more black racists through insecurity. The media repeatedly lies about Islam being the “religion of peace” while attacking only white Christians.
Wow, I didn't realize that you are so far gone that you'd actually try to justify the mass murder of various groups of innocent people due to your racism & bigotry.

Facts and truth don't change according to white, black or other perspective, however facts can be whitewashed, twisted, hidden or some how magically made into "alternative facts". That what perspective does. You're viewing everything from a hate filled radical perspective while I view things as neutrally as possible. I don't assume white people are racists when I encounter them in society, but if they go out of their way to make stupid, inappropriate, off color jokes or comments with a racial tinge, then they get want they wanted - to be labeled racist.

That's what you all do here, every day. And then complain about the backlash. Yet that backlash isn't because you're white, it's because you're a misinformed, uneducated and ignorant white racist who believes yourself to be all that.

You're wrong and I pray that you never act on your beliefs.
I am not justifying mass murder of civilians and drones, I am justifying the fact that they took action based on sound facts and evidence. If they would have destroyed government property and killed left wing politicians or media personalities you better believe I would be cheering for them. The mainstream left has done nothing but terrorize and kill white people for 30 years now, they deserve whatever comes to them, and that includes the left aligned government officials who are non-white too.

I don’t make off color jokes or comments with a racial tinge. I treat non-white people the same as I do white people, with suspicion and caution, unless given a reason to think otherwise..
Lost cause. Ignorant individuals like him and those like him justify hating others by subconsciously convincing themselves that others hate them.

It's a common theme in the manifestos of most mass shooters.
No, it is the refusal to listen to logical and rational points from the white point of view and insistence that non-white people can never hate or do anything wrong that causes these shooters to do what they do. The only reason why you aren’t shooting anyone is because you are the one who benefits from this society.

Everything in every white national shootet’s manifesto is 100% fact. Nothing in Dylan Roof’s manifesto was wrong, and nothing in the New Zealand shooter’s manifesto was wrong. The media lied repeatedly about what happened to Trayvon and repeatedly called Zimmerman white to create more and more black racists through insecurity. The media repeatedly lies about about Islam being the “religion of peace” while attacking only white Christians.

So....not being listened to or empathized with, causes these "poor, misunderstood people" to commit mass murder, because they just get to the point that "they can't take it anymore"?


And as far as acts by islamic terrorists, there has been more homeland terrorism over the past 20 years by homegrown, mostly white males....and in most cases they kill more white people than any other group.

Unbelievable. Some of the statements that you make are those of a backward, anti social nut, who is a ticking explosive device.

Please stay in Kentucky.
That is literally what their manifestos are telling you. There is a reason why only a black woman was allowed to speak on behalf of anyone who isn’t an anti-white psychopath at the hearing today.

I am easily debunking everything you believe to be gospel. Just because your party of high school dropouts now dominates this country doesn’t mean you all are now smart. You are still a party of high school dropouts.

You havent debunked anything. So before you OD on stroking your hermit, you have actually posted personal opinions that you believe to be true, without a shred of credible facts or even a lucid thought.

Anyone who would state that "everything in the manifesto of Dylan Roof was factual is just as apeshit crazy as he is.
Read his manifesto and attempt to disprove a single sentence in it.

I will be happy to destroy any attempt you make with government statistics and by pulling up the specific mediums he is criticizing.

It is a fact that the media lied about Trayvon’s age, his residency, his reason for being where he was, his reason for wearing a hoodie in Florida etc. It is a fact that the media edited the 911 tape to make Zimmerman look like a racist. It is a fact that the media told everyone that Zimmerman was white to get the black racists riled up.

Are you serious? Im not wasting any time debating the soundness of mind of an insane murderer, who is locked up as he should be.

And you claiming that you can defend his thoughts, because they are facts makes you worse than him.

I read some of his insanity when it became available on the internet and he stated in one part: (this is not verbatim, but it is close enough)

"I can't stand the sight of the American flag, and military personnel should be focused on protecting white people and not jews, nor anyone else we don't owe them thanks for anything" yet in a prior sentence, he implied that "jews are actually white people(which they are).

The rest of his lunacy was devoted to pretty much echoing the same rhetoric that so many here like you do, and actually, much of what he stated sounds EXACTLY like some of what you've posted.

Ranting about how whites are being driven out of Europe, etcetera.

And just like you, he probably had never been to Europe or even outside of the south.
....yes--we know facts are nonsense [ hahahahaha ] to you people--that's why you have problems--you don't accept the facts...the truth hurts
You know that's not what I said, but this certainly display your dishonesty that I was referring to.

I'm not a criminal, graduated from college so I am none of the things you keep harping on. I'm obviously better educated, knowledgeable and wordly than you are on so what makes you think that you saying so hurts my feelings?

It's already been stated, repeatedly I might add by others here as well as offline that arguing with racists is a waste of my time and they are most likely correct in that respect. But because I train people, I tend to believe that if I'm explaining something and the person doesn't get it, then I logically conclude that I'm just not explaining it adequately. I know this isn't true when it comes to certain types of people and you clearly fall within that group of people.

That's why I asked if you posting your dishonest nonsense has ever helped anyone, in any way. I know my work has.

Lost cause. Ignorant individuals like him and those like him justify hating others by subconsciously convincing themselves that others hate them.

It's a common theme in the manifestos of most mass shooters.
No, it is the refusal to listen to logical and rational points from the white point of view and insistence that non-white people can never hate or do anything wrong that causes these shooters to do what they do. The only reason why you aren’t shooting anyone is because you are the one who benefits from this society.

Everything in every white national shootet’s manifesto is 100% fact. Nothing in Dylan Roof’s manifesto was wrong, and nothing in the New Zealand shooter’s manifesto was wrong. The media lied repeatedly about what happened to Trayvon and repeatedly called Zimmerman white to create more and more black racists through insecurity. The media repeatedly lies about about Islam being the “religion of peace” while attacking only white Christians.

So....not being listened to or empathized with, causes these "poor, misunderstood people" to commit mass murder, because they just get to the point that "they can't take it anymore"?


And as far as acts by islamic terrorists, there has been more homeland terrorism over the past 20 years by homegrown, mostly white males....and in most cases they kill more white people than any other group.

Unbelievable. Some of the statements that you make are those of a backward, anti social nut, who is a ticking explosive device.

Please stay in Kentucky.
That is literally what their manifestos are telling you. There is a reason why only a black woman was allowed to speak on behalf of anyone who isn’t an anti-white psychopath at the hearing today.

I am easily debunking everything you believe to be gospel. Just because your party of high school dropouts now dominates this country doesn’t mean you all are now smart. You are still a party of high school dropouts.

I don't belong to any party, but obviously you are an individual who dropped out.
....yes--we know facts are nonsense [ hahahahaha ] to you people--that's why you have problems--you don't accept the facts...the truth hurts
You know that's not what I said, but this certainly display your dishonesty that I was referring to.

I'm not a criminal, graduated from college so I am none of the things you keep harping on. I'm obviously better educated, knowledgeable and wordly than you are on so what makes you think that you saying so hurts my feelings?

It's already been stated, repeatedly I might add by others here as well as offline that arguing with racists is a waste of my time and they are most likely correct in that respect. But because I train people, I tend to believe that if I'm explaining something and the person doesn't get it, then I logically conclude that I'm just not explaining it adequately. I know this isn't true when it comes to certain types of people and you clearly fall within that group of people.

That's why I asked if you posting your dishonest nonsense has ever helped anyone, in any way. I know my work has.
You are a racist. So of course it is pointless to argue with you.
No, calling us racists is the only arrow you all have in your quiver by way of explaining how a group of black people whom you believe to not only be your intellectual inferior, but inferior in all ways to white people. Repeatedly stating that it's true doesn't magically make it true.
You are racists. You see nothing wrong with anything that genocidal lunatics like Paul Essien or Asclepias say while complaining about non-existent oppression in a country where only YOUR voice matters.

That is also the reason why you can claim I am saying black people are inferior just by simply defending white people. I think black people are far more intelligent than you will ever allow yourselves to be but your obsession with white people and getting us back for perceived wrongs in the past destroys any real development you all can actually have. Al Sharpton is not a smart man. Farrakhan is not a smart man. Your athletes are just dumb jocks and thugs. Your rappers are just glorified thugs and criminals. You will never be anything when holding these people up.

Likewise I think white people would be much more successful at everything we do if we just stopped being self hating cucks who bash our ancestors and instead tried to replicate what our ancestors did on a modern scale. We could have made the Jetsons a reality by now. We could have cured cancer by now. We could have had human colonies on the moon and mars by now. But instead we are dying out because we let the dumbest and weakest and most sickly of our people control everything.

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