88% of Blacks do not Support Trump Because they are Racist

You're a weak mentally wasted idiot who has separated himself from reality.

The reality is that this country doesn’t give a shit about white people. That is why it will let the white people in South Africa be slaughtered. That is why it allows the seconding coming of the Soviet Union with the European Union and all the endless suffering of indigenous Europeans.

White are not getting slaughtered in South Africa and South Africa didn't belong to the white man to start with. Your post is a bunch of whiny bullshit that is not borne out by reality. You've watched American History X too many times junior.
I have never watched American History X.

You wouldn’t trade places with the white South Africans for all the gold in the world. You know Malema and the current president of the South Africa couldn’t give less of a shit about what happens to white peoples there.

Fuck a white South African. Malema is not in power and why in the hell would any black in South Africa give a damn about the people who imposed apartheid on them. You ass is crazy as hell if you think I have any sympathy for whites in South Africa. Your psychosis allows you to ignore apartheid to cry about whites. So if South Africans are beating and killing whites, maybe your ass should learn that the wages of apartheid that whites implemented in South Africa is death.
Apartheid was an upgrade to their previous living conditions. There was nothing about Apartheid that would lead to blacks wanting to kill whites.

Someone controlling your freedom and establishing laws that reduce you to second class citizenship and a life of poverty is not enough to push people to the brink?

If it was you, I would bet my life that you srntiment would be different.

Until you actually make a trip to south africa and speak to some people about what living under Apartheid was like, you do not really know.

You currently live in a land where every measurable category favors your demographic, yet claim to be a victim.

Your ignorance and twisted logic is astonishing.

The reality is that this country doesn’t give a shit about white people. That is why it will let the white people in South Africa be slaughtered. That is why it allows the seconding coming of the Soviet Union with the European Union and all the endless suffering of indigenous Europeans.

White are not getting slaughtered in South Africa and South Africa didn't belong to the white man to start with. Your post is a bunch of whiny bullshit that is not borne out by reality. You've watched American History X too many times junior.
I have never watched American History X.

You wouldn’t trade places with the white South Africans for all the gold in the world. You know Malema and the current president of the South Africa couldn’t give less of a shit about what happens to white peoples there.

Fuck a white South African. Malema is not in power and why in the hell would any black in South Africa give a damn about the people who imposed apartheid on them. You ass is crazy as hell if you think I have any sympathy for whites in South Africa. Your psychosis allows you to ignore apartheid to cry about whites. So if South Africans are beating and killing whites, maybe your ass should learn that the wages of apartheid that whites implemented in South Africa is death.
Apartheid was an upgrade to their previous living conditions. There was nothing about Apartheid that would lead to blacks wanting to kill whites.

Someone controlling your freedom and establishing laws that reduce you to second class citizenship and a life of poverty is not enough to push people to the brink?

If it was you, I would bet my life that you srntiment would be different.

Until you actually make a trip to south africa and speak to some people about what living under Apartheid was like, you do not really know.

You currently live in a land where every measurable category favors your demographic, yet claim to be a victim.

Your ignorance and twisted logic is astonishing.

The boy is brain damaged.
This is the bottom line. Inner city blacks have one issue “I’m a victim and whitey is responsible.” We saw every Democratic Presidential candidate go to New York City to slobber on Al Sharpton’s ball sack. Disgraceful. This asshole has never done a thing for America. The bottom line for black voters is “ race” and “victimization.” That’s why they vote Democrat. Media calls white men racist because 70% voted Trump. Well it’s a two way street. White men vote Republican because you should pick yourself up by your own boot straps. Vast majority of black voters claim rhetoric can. Why? Because they’ve been on public aid so long they forgot what work is. They want to play the “slave card” and whine about it. That was over 150 years ago. WTF? But they vote for Democratic candidates that keep them in their comfort zone of victim status. You live in the most prosperous, free, democratic, nation on earth. Stop your excuses. Get the fuck on with it. You had Obama’s for 8 years...what did he do for you again? Please remind me?
The 2018 midterm vote: Divisions by race, gender, education
View attachment 254247
Isn't it interesting how CRCs think black voters are so stupid that they are totally unaware of when they get used? I hear them say the same about other minorities....about Jews...about gays...about women....we're apparently too stupid.
This is the bottom line. Inner city blacks have one issue “I’m a victim and whitey is responsible.” We saw every Democratic Presidential candidate go to New York City to slobber on Al Sharpton’s ball sack. Disgraceful. This asshole has never done a thing for America. The bottom line for black voters is “ race” and “victimization.” That’s why they vote Democrat. Media calls white men racist because 70% voted Trump. Well it’s a two way street. White men vote Republican because you should pick yourself up by your own boot straps. Vast majority of black voters claim rhetoric can. Why? Because they’ve been on public aid so long they forgot what work is. They want to play the “slave card” and whine about it. That was over 150 years ago. WTF? But they vote for Democratic candidates that keep them in their comfort zone of victim status. You live in the most prosperous, free, democratic, nation on earth. Stop your excuses. Get the fuck on with it. You had Obama’s for 8 years...what did he do for you again? Please remind me?
The 2018 midterm vote: Divisions by race, gender, education
View attachment 254247
Surely this will win the black vote
This is the form that CRC black vote outreach takes.
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About the same amount as the organization that Farrakhan LEADS has killed whites. And Farrakhan preaches genocide regularly.

Duke joined the KKK because it was the most powerful white group in the country, not because it killed black people. Duke’s chapter was specifically non-violent and he never preached anything even remotely as violent as Farrakhan does.

But what is your fascination with being "white"? Come on. You can tell it to me. My ancestors came from Russia, Poland, Lithuania, and Ireland.

You've got a complaint? Let's hear it.
White people are treated like shit.

We have no rights anywhere in the world.

And I am working to correct that.

Tell me. I'm "white," How are we being "treated like shit" and "have no rights"? Be specific. You can't live, work, have another baby, worship, vote? Who has done something bad to you? Names and places, please.
Our culture is being spit on and destroyed every day and we are not allowed to defend it, we aren’t allowed to seek justice for the people in our communities who are killed, we aren’t allowed to organize for our well being, we aren’t allowed to critique the narratives being written about us, we aren’t allowed to advocate for change in society that benefits US.

We are just expected to all die from drug overdoses, depression, suicide etc while both the left and the right pat themselves on the back for not listening to “Nazis”.

Who is doing this to you? And please explain what "our culture" consists of. What are these cultural customs that you are being stopped from practicing? By whom? You never say anything specific.

I am sure that there are people of African descent who appreciate my Tchaikovsky, would party with me on St. Patrick's Day, and appreciate the sound of Amazing Grace played on the bagpipes. I think that many would like a dollop of sour cream and appreciate James Joyce and the lions of Russian, British, and French literature. You people who talk about "our culture" seem to be totally ignorant of it. Go and enjoy some Riverdance and a bit of the Rockettes.

BTW: way to go Motown! Love you Bruce Springsteen, The Boss! Miss you, Sam Cook and Jackie Wilson- your love lifted us higher and higher. I was born in Teaneck, NJ., home of the Isley Brothers. Once a Jersey girl, always a Jersey girl.

Don't huff and puff about "our culture." We've got one. It's called "American."

Hell yes! I appreciate Tchaikovsky, would party with you on St. Patrick's Day, and appreciate the sound of Amazing Grace played on the bagpipes. And let me have that sour cream on my nachos or on a bake potato.

That's our culture.
Applying the current administrations logic, why is it the business of America to intervene in Europe or Africa in behalf of anyone? If the left or middle espoused the same thought process regarding non white people in other countries, those like you and most others others here would have zero empathy or concern.
Because Europeans are supposed to be our allies and this country was created by Europeans.

And South Africa is just another Nazi Germany and we swore that we wouldn’t allow genocide ever again.

South Africa was Nazi Germany during apartheid. That was the genocide. There is no white genocide anywhere on this planet.
Except it wasn’t.

White people bullt the country of South Africa all by themselves and they didn’t want black people screwing it up so they allowed the black people to have shelter but not to vote or run for office and such.

White people did not build shit. White South Africa was Nazi Germany. There is no debating this reality little boy.
Every single last bit of infrastructure in South Africa was built by white people.

Black South Africans haven’t built shit. That is why the entirety of South Africa is just a bunch of crumbling buildings.

Incorrect junior.
This is the bottom line. Inner city blacks have one issue “I’m a victim and whitey is responsible.” We saw every Democratic Presidential candidate go to New York City to slobber on Al Sharpton’s ball sack. Disgraceful. This asshole has never done a thing for America. The bottom line for black voters is “ race” and “victimization.” That’s why they vote Democrat. Media calls white men racist because 70% voted Trump. Well it’s a two way street. White men vote Republican because you should pick yourself up by your own boot straps. Vast majority of black voters claim rhetoric can. Why? Because they’ve been on public aid so long they forgot what work is. They want to play the “slave card” and whine about it. That was over 150 years ago. WTF? But they vote for Democratic candidates that keep them in their comfort zone of victim status. You live in the most prosperous, free, democratic, nation on earth. Stop your excuses. Get the fuck on with it. You had Obama’s for 8 years...what did he do for you again? Please remind me?
The 2018 midterm vote: Divisions by race, gender, education

Put another way, that says that 12% of Blacks have now acquired enough white genes and /or education to finally start thinking for themselves outside what their Democratic masters tell them to believe! And that number can only go UP as more of them get out of the Democratic Ghettos into the world of opportunity and actualization.

And this racism is why we don't join the republican party.
But what is your fascination with being "white"? Come on. You can tell it to me. My ancestors came from Russia, Poland, Lithuania, and Ireland.

You've got a complaint? Let's hear it.
White people are treated like shit.

We have no rights anywhere in the world.

And I am working to correct that.

Tell me. I'm "white," How are we being "treated like shit" and "have no rights"? Be specific. You can't live, work, have another baby, worship, vote? Who has done something bad to you? Names and places, please.
Our culture is being spit on and destroyed every day and we are not allowed to defend it, we aren’t allowed to seek justice for the people in our communities who are killed, we aren’t allowed to organize for our well being, we aren’t allowed to critique the narratives being written about us, we aren’t allowed to advocate for change in society that benefits US.

We are just expected to all die from drug overdoses, depression, suicide etc while both the left and the right pat themselves on the back for not listening to “Nazis”.

Who is doing this to you? And please explain what "our culture" consists of. What are these cultural customs that you are being stopped from practicing? By whom? You never say anything specific.

I am sure that there are people of African descent who appreciate my Tchaikovsky, would party with me on St. Patrick's Day, and appreciate the sound of Amazing Grace played on the bagpipes. I think that many would like a dollop of sour cream and appreciate James Joyce and the lions of Russian, British, and French literature. You people who talk about "our culture" seem to be totally ignorant of it. Go and enjoy some Riverdance and a bit of the Rockettes.

BTW: way to go Motown! Love you Bruce Springsteen, The Boss! Miss you, Sam Cook and Jackie Wilson- your love lifted us higher and higher. I was born in Teaneck, NJ., home of the Isley Brothers. Once a Jersey girl, always a Jersey girl.

Don't huff and puff about "our culture." We've got one. It's called "American."

Hell yes! I appreciate Tchaikovsky, would party with you on St. Patrick's Day, and appreciate the sound of Amazing Grace played on the bagpipes. And let me have that sour cream on my nachos or on a bake potato.

That's our culture.

We have so much to celebrate here in the USA, and a beautiful American "melting pot" culture. Something that people like ptbw can't enjoy for whatever depressing reason.

Love ya! Passing you virtual sour cream. Please pass the ribs! And put on the Isley Brothers' SHOUT! for me and get up and dance. The U.S. and us Americans can be so much fun.:eusa_angel:
This is the bottom line. Inner city blacks have one issue “I’m a victim and whitey is responsible.” We saw every Democratic Presidential candidate go to New York City to slobber on Al Sharpton’s ball sack. Disgraceful. This asshole has never done a thing for America. The bottom line for black voters is “ race” and “victimization.” That’s why they vote Democrat. Media calls white men racist because 70% voted Trump. Well it’s a two way street. White men vote Republican because you should pick yourself up by your own boot straps. Vast majority of black voters claim rhetoric can. Why? Because they’ve been on public aid so long they forgot what work is. They want to play the “slave card” and whine about it. That was over 150 years ago. WTF? But they vote for Democratic candidates that keep them in their comfort zone of victim status. You live in the most prosperous, free, democratic, nation on earth. Stop your excuses. Get the fuck on with it. You had Obama’s for 8 years...what did he do for you again? Please remind me?
The 2018 midterm vote: Divisions by race, gender, education

Put another way, that says that 12% of Blacks have now acquired enough white genes and /or education to finally start thinking for themselves outside what their Democratic masters tell them to believe! And that number can only go UP as more of them get out of the Democratic Ghettos into the world of opportunity and actualization.

And this racism is why we don't join the republican party.
This racism by liberals is racist excused my liberals because blacks are supposed to be victims. Forever.
This is the bottom line. Inner city blacks have one issue “I’m a victim and whitey is responsible.” We saw every Democratic Presidential candidate go to New York City to slobber on Al Sharpton’s ball sack. Disgraceful. This asshole has never done a thing for America. The bottom line for black voters is “ race” and “victimization.” That’s why they vote Democrat. Media calls white men racist because 70% voted Trump. Well it’s a two way street. White men vote Republican because you should pick yourself up by your own boot straps. Vast majority of black voters claim rhetoric can. Why? Because they’ve been on public aid so long they forgot what work is. They want to play the “slave card” and whine about it. That was over 150 years ago. WTF? But they vote for Democratic candidates that keep them in their comfort zone of victim status. You live in the most prosperous, free, democratic, nation on earth. Stop your excuses. Get the fuck on with it. You had Obama’s for 8 years...what did he do for you again? Please remind me?
The 2018 midterm vote: Divisions by race, gender, education
View attachment 254247
Isn't it interesting how CRCs think black voters are so stupid that they are totally unaware of when they get used? I hear them say the same about other minorities....about Jews...about gays...about women....we're apparently too stupid.
If they were aware...they wouldn’t vote for a party that keeps them in poverty and crime.
This is the bottom line. Inner city blacks have one issue “I’m a victim and whitey is responsible.” We saw every Democratic Presidential candidate go to New York City to slobber on Al Sharpton’s ball sack. Disgraceful. This asshole has never done a thing for America. The bottom line for black voters is “ race” and “victimization.” That’s why they vote Democrat. Media calls white men racist because 70% voted Trump. Well it’s a two way street. White men vote Republican because you should pick yourself up by your own boot straps. Vast majority of black voters claim rhetoric can. Why? Because they’ve been on public aid so long they forgot what work is. They want to play the “slave card” and whine about it. That was over 150 years ago. WTF? But they vote for Democratic candidates that keep them in their comfort zone of victim status. You live in the most prosperous, free, democratic, nation on earth. Stop your excuses. Get the fuck on with it. You had Obama’s for 8 years...what did he do for you again? Please remind me?
The 2018 midterm vote: Divisions by race, gender, education

That massive and constant attempts to terrorize blacks and browns that Republicans are "out to get them", implies that they don't believe that enough..
This is the bottom line. Inner city blacks have one issue “I’m a victim and whitey is responsible.” We saw every Democratic Presidential candidate go to New York City to slobber on Al Sharpton’s ball sack. Disgraceful. This asshole has never done a thing for America. The bottom line for black voters is “ race” and “victimization.” That’s why they vote Democrat. Media calls white men racist because 70% voted Trump. Well it’s a two way street. White men vote Republican because you should pick yourself up by your own boot straps. Vast majority of black voters claim rhetoric can. Why? Because they’ve been on public aid so long they forgot what work is. They want to play the “slave card” and whine about it. That was over 150 years ago. WTF? But they vote for Democratic candidates that keep them in their comfort zone of victim status. You live in the most prosperous, free, democratic, nation on earth. Stop your excuses. Get the fuck on with it. You had Obama’s for 8 years...what did he do for you again? Please remind me?
The 2018 midterm vote: Divisions by race, gender, education

That massive and constant attempts to terrorize blacks and browns that Republicans are "out to get them", implies that they don't believe that enough..
Why should they believe it at all?
This is the bottom line. Inner city blacks have one issue “I’m a victim and whitey is responsible.” We saw every Democratic Presidential candidate go to New York City to slobber on Al Sharpton’s ball sack. Disgraceful. This asshole has never done a thing for America. The bottom line for black voters is “ race” and “victimization.” That’s why they vote Democrat. Media calls white men racist because 70% voted Trump. Well it’s a two way street. White men vote Republican because you should pick yourself up by your own boot straps. Vast majority of black voters claim rhetoric can. Why? Because they’ve been on public aid so long they forgot what work is. They want to play the “slave card” and whine about it. That was over 150 years ago. WTF? But they vote for Democratic candidates that keep them in their comfort zone of victim status. You live in the most prosperous, free, democratic, nation on earth. Stop your excuses. Get the fuck on with it. You had Obama’s for 8 years...what did he do for you again? Please remind me?
The 2018 midterm vote: Divisions by race, gender, education

That massive and constant attempts to terrorize blacks and browns that Republicans are "out to get them", implies that they don't believe that enough..
Why should they believe it at all?

Massive propaganda aimed at them in school and pop culture and media, from the day they are born.
Never fear , you have Diamond and Silk.
Diamond and Silk are “truth” that liberals don’t want to hear.
It's sad how their caricature is so easily bought into by CRCs.
Do you think Hillary puts hot sauce on everything? Do you believe Joe Biden when he says Republicans want to put black people “back in chains?” Do you believe Jesse Smollett was attacked? Do you believe OJ was innocent? That’s your caricature.

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