8th grader arrested over T-shirt with picture of gun on it


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
The attitude of the paranoid gun-haters seems to be, "Damn the common sense, full speed ahead!"

How long will it be before the first arrest of the schoolkid wearing a T-shirt with a picture of a pressure cooker on it?


8th grade student suspended, arrested over gun t-shirt - WOWK 13 Charleston, Huntington WV News, Weather, Sports

8th grade student suspended, arrested over gun t-shirt

Posted: Apr 18, 2013 8:17 PM PDT Updated: Apr 18, 2013 8:18 PM PDT
by Charlo Greene

When 8th grade Jared Marcum got dressed for school this morning he says he had no idea that his pro-Second Amendment shirt would initiate what he calls a fight over his First Amendment rights.

"I never thought it would go this far because honestly I don't see a problem with this, there shouldn't be a problem with this," Jared said.

It was the image of a gun printed on Jared's t-shirt that sparked a dispute between a Logan Middle School teacher and Jared, that ended with Jared suspended, arrested and facing two charges, obstruction and disturbing the education process, on his otherwise spotless record.

Jared's father Allen Lardieri says he's angry he had to rush from work to pick his son up from jail over something he says was blown way out of proportion.

"I don't' see how anybody would have an issue with a hunting rifle and NRA put on a t-shirt, especially when policy doesn't forbid it," Lardieri said.

The Logan County School District's dress code policy prohibits clothing that displays profanity, violence, discriminatory messages and more but nowhere in the document does it say anything about gun images.

"He did not violate any school policy," Lardieri reiterates. "He did not become aggressive."
The teacher should face similar charges and spend an equal amount of time in a jail cell.
Cha-ching! To the good folks of Charleston, grab your ankles and prepare to take your punishment. Your tax dollars will pay out on the this inevitable lawsuit. Will you demand changes in your schools and police departments to avoid this kind of PC crap in the future? Probably not if history is any indicator...so quit your bitching and pay up. This young man is about to get his college tuition paid for, and them some.

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