9:03 to 9:33 Read the transcript. Why are 20 minutes missing....

witnesses that were on the call said the transcript was accurate, including Vindman

This statement is from Grisham. Her words. Not Vindmans.

White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said Vindman and Williams' testimony provided nothing new, calling the proceedings "illegitimate."

"However, buried among the witnesses' personal opinions and conjecture about a call the White House long ago released to the public, both witnesses testified the July 25 transcript was 'accurate' and nothing President Trump has done or said amounts to 'bribery' or any other crime," her statement said. She is saying both witnesses testified that the call was accurate, that is HER statement.

From Vidman's testimony: (I'm very sure your apology is forthcoming) LMAO

Steve Castor: (00:00)
Thank you, Ranking Member Nunes. The call transcript as published on September 25th is complete and accurate. Will both of you attest to that? Ms. Williams?

J. Williams: (00:12)
I didn’t take a word for word accounting.

Steve Castor: (00:14)
Of course.

J. Williams: (00:15)
When I first saw the publicly released version, it looks substantively correct to me.

Steve Castor: (00:20)
And Colonel Vindman?

A. Vindman: (00:22)
I certainly would describe it as a substantively correct.

Steve Castor: (00:25)
I think in your testimony, your deposition, you said, “very accurate?”

A. Vindman: (00:28)

Impeachment Hearing Day 3 Transcript: Alexander Vindman, Jennifer Williams Testify - Rev

The phone call was 30 minutes long. It takes 10 minutes to read the transcript and normal talking speed.
So...…...what's in the other 20 minutes of the 'perfect call' ?

I know we all know.
Release the entire, unredacted transcript.

What are you afraid of?

The interpreter Dummy...Holy cow they are like zombies...their lunacy and TDS never dies....
Zelenski speaks fluent English.
There are more than just Trump and Zelenski on the call...the interpreter is for them as well as the two presidents....what is wrong with you people?...do you ever think?...or do you just take your CNN pill and go off?....
Adam Schiff: (00:23)
Do you know why that’s the case? Why that was left out?

J. Williams: (00:26)
I do not. I was not involved in the production of that transcript.

A. Vindman: (00:32)
I attributed that to the fact that this transcript that is being produced, may have not caught the word Burisma. In the transcript that was released, it was released as the company, which is accurate. It’s not a significant omission.

Adam Schiff: (00:54)
But Colonel, you pointed out the fact that that word was used, did you not?

A. Vindman: (00:58)

Adam Schiff: (00:59)
And the edit was not included in the record released to the public?

A. Vindman: (01:04)
That’s right. I’d say it’s informed speculation that the folks that produce these transcripts do the best they can, and they just didn’t catch the word. And that was my responsibility to then make sure that the transcript was as accurate as possible. And that’s what I attempted to do by putting that word back in because that was in my notes.
Adam Schiff: (00:23)
Do you know why that’s the case? Why that was left out?

J. Williams: (00:26)
I do not. I was not involved in the production of that transcript.

A. Vindman: (00:32)
I attributed that to the fact that this transcript that is being produced, may have not caught the word Burisma. In the transcript that was released, it was released as the company, which is accurate. It’s not a significant omission.

Adam Schiff: (00:54)
But Colonel, you pointed out the fact that that word was used, did you not?

A. Vindman: (00:58)

Adam Schiff: (00:59)
And the edit was not included in the record released to the public?

A. Vindman: (01:04)
That’s right. I’d say it’s informed speculation that the folks that produce these transcripts do the best they can, and they just didn’t catch the word. And that was my responsibility to then make sure that the transcript was as accurate as possible. And that’s what I attempted to do by putting that word back in because that was in my notes.

Are you saying Vindman lied when he said the transcript was "very accurate"? TWICE.

Are you saying Vindman lied when he said the transcript was "very accurate"? TWICE


Nope. "The Transcript" in it's edited form, as mentioned on the transcript itself, is 'very accurate'
Vindman was answering a question about the existing transcript. Which was edited.

Did Vindman feel the need to more accurately express the edited transcript, by adding "burisma", a word he felt was left out, for whatever reason, but was definitely used.

Or do you believe Vindman never heard "burisma' and was lying when he wanted it added to give an 'more accurate transcript.'
Are you saying Vindman lied when he said the transcript was "very accurate"? TWICE


Nope. "The Transcript" in it's edited form, as mentioned on the transcript itself, is 'very accurate'
Vindman was answering a question about the existing transcript. Which was edited.

Did Vindman feel the need to more accurately express the edited transcript, by adding "burisma", a word he felt was left out, for whatever reason, but was definitely used.

Or do you believe Vindman never heard "burisma' and was lying when he wanted it added to give an 'more accurate transcript.'

I know he said the transcript was "very accurate", and any minor omissions were "NOT MALICIOUS IN NATURE". What are you lacking in your pathetic little life that makes you want to contradict the evidence your fellow commies collected?

The phone call was 30 minutes long. It takes 10 minutes to read the transcript and normal talking speed.
So...…...what's in the other 20 minutes of the 'perfect call' ?

I know we all know.
Release the entire, unredacted transcript.

What are you afraid of?
They were talking about left wing knuttjobs
Libs need to quit whining about this. I'm sure there's some valid explanation like Executive Privilege.
The phone call was 30 minutes long. It takes 10 minutes to read the transcript and normal talking speed.
So...…...what's in the other 20 minutes of the 'perfect call' ?

I know we all know.
Release the entire, unredacted transcript.

What are you afraid of?
Taylor said it was legit vindertratior said the same
The phone call was 30 minutes long. It takes 10 minutes to read the transcript and normal talking speed.
So...…...what's in the other 20 minutes of the 'perfect call' ?

I know we all know.
Release the entire, unredacted transcript.

What are you afraid of?
I love all the CRC trumpanzees that say "Read the transcript" and hasn't themselves. It should be a requirement to get into a trump rally...and they have to pass a quiz on it.

Why? Libtards cannot even pass a piss test and I know they study for those!
The phone call was 30 minutes long. It takes 10 minutes to read the transcript and normal talking speed.
So...…...what's in the other 20 minutes of the 'perfect call' ?

I know we all know.
Release the entire, unredacted transcript.

What are you afraid of?

This has been covered numbnuts.

It's been defleted.

Then why didn't any of the "ear witnesses" to the phone call say anything about anything missing when they testified before Congress, dumbass?
witnesses that were on the call said the transcript was accurate, including Vindman

Vindman said the call was improper.
Improper for trump to demand a foreign government investigate a US citizen and political candidate.

WATCH: Alexander Vindman says Trump-Zelensky call was 'improper'

Vindman is an officer in the US Army. It is none of his business to determine what is politically proper. He should have been retired, post haste. I hope he enjoys his new duty station, commanding Ice Station Zebra at the North Pole.
The phone call was 30 minutes long. It takes 10 minutes to read the transcript and normal talking speed.
So...…...what's in the other 20 minutes of the 'perfect call' ?

I know we all know.
Release the entire, unredacted transcript.

What are you afraid of?

Impeach him again and again until you think you have him. That will do the trick.

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