9/11 conspiracy? So what? Enjoy life, you're powerless anyway.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I check this forum every few months just for laughs. Seems one of two topics is almost always being beaten to death: 9-11 conspiracy, and of course Planet Nibiru.

So what? WHAT IF 9-11 was staged by the elite powers of the world? SO WHAT if a 12th planet IS gonna destroy us in a few months?

Wouldn't all you weirdos who have been whining about these topics for over a decade be better off if you just enjoy your life and stop caring about it? If there are forces powerful enough to stage 9-11 and the following major wars, then you and I are FAR to petty to make a difference. Thus, why worry about it? Play with the dog, or go to the beach, or have a beer, watch a ball game. But we wont be changing history or the power status.

And Planet Nibiru? If it's coming then fu** it, toast a drink tonight and give the dog an extra treat, we got 9 more months to live!!!! If it's not.....then its not. Either way, worrying about it wont make a difference, will it?

You 9-11 troofers are a bit wackier than the Nibiru guys, but both dont make any sense.
I check this forum every few months just for laughs. Seems one of two topics is almost always being beaten to death: 9-11 conspiracy, and of course Planet Nibiru.

So what? WHAT IF 9-11 was staged by the elite powers of the world? SO WHAT if a 12th planet IS gonna destroy us in a few months?

Wouldn't all you weirdos who have been whining about these topics for over a decade be better off if you just enjoy your life and stop caring about it? If there are forces powerful enough to stage 9-11 and the following major wars, then you and I are FAR to petty to make a difference. Thus, why worry about it? Play with the dog, or go to the beach, or have a beer, watch a ball game. But we wont be changing history or the power status.

And Planet Nibiru? If it's coming then fu** it, toast a drink tonight and give the dog an extra treat, we got 9 more months to live!!!! If it's not.....then its not. Either way, worrying about it wont make a difference, will it?

You 9-11 troofers are a bit wackier than the Nibiru guys, but both dont make any sense.

Ignorance is bliss ? take the blue pill you say ?...the choice is certainly yours..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arcJksDgCOU]Red-pill/Blue Pill - YouTube[/ame]
can't watch ball games. they are all fixed by the jewish run media so the Rothchilds can profit.

find any evidence yet, id-eaots?:cuckoo:
If Planet Niburu is out there, I can't move it. I can't see it either. When it is big enough to see and is close enough to start worrying about, there won't be much point to worry then either.

What is coming is coming. Works equally well for wives and planets.
I check this forum every few months just for laughs. Seems one of two topics is almost always being beaten to death: 9-11 conspiracy, and of course Planet Nibiru.

So what? WHAT IF 9-11 was staged by the elite powers of the world? SO WHAT if a 12th planet IS gonna destroy us in a few months?

Wouldn't all you weirdos who have been whining about these topics for over a decade be better off if you just enjoy your life and stop caring about it? If there are forces powerful enough to stage 9-11 and the following major wars, then you and I are FAR to petty to make a difference. Thus, why worry about it? Play with the dog, or go to the beach, or have a beer, watch a ball game. But we wont be changing history or the power status.

And Planet Nibiru? If it's coming then fu** it, toast a drink tonight and give the dog an extra treat, we got 9 more months to live!!!! If it's not.....then its not. Either way, worrying about it wont make a difference, will it?

You 9-11 troofers are a bit wackier than the Nibiru guys, but both dont make any sense.
Oh I don't worry about how 9/11 was accomplished...couldn't care less actually...just tend to post some facts on the subject once in awhile...

Actually a beer sounds pretty good right about now...
How the fuk can there be a 9-11 conspiracy outside the minds of tin-foil hats and why would it happen? The government might get away with murder now and then but a conspiracy of this magnitude would have to be planned for decades and include several different administrations. Granted Bill Clinton was a possibly deranged sexual sociopath but it's inconceivable that he would have purposely allowed jihad monsters to destroy the World Trade Center. It is equally inconceivable that some shadow renegade network the tin foils conjure up would be able to synchronize with the agenda and time table of crazy jihadists. Think about it tinfoil hats. Who would benefit from blowing up the World Trade Center? Nobody knew who would win the 2000 election and the Jihad plan went back several years so how would they know that Bush would call for a Military strike on Iraq? We knew who hijacked the plane and unless the entire CIA and the FBI are covering up there should be some evidence in the recovered jihad documents that it was a coordinated explosion.
All I know is.............

If there is indeed a global network of powerful elite that are SO powerful, and evil, and connected, that they can orchestrate 9-11, fool 99% of the 6 billion people on Earth, get away with it, start 2 massive wars and on the eve of a 3rd as a result..........then lil ole me is powerless against it, BUT I still have so much fun shit in America to do, so screw it, I'm not worrying about it anymore!!!!

If there is indeed a giant planet thats gonna destroy Earth in December.........then that gives me only ONE more college football season to enjoy, 9 months more to workout, do grappling tournaments, play with my dog, try to continually upgrade the girlfriend(s) I date, eat as much junk as possible, and spew more CO2 into the air mud-dogging in my truck!!!!!

Bottom line.....why do you 9-11 and Nibiru guys get so insanely worried about either? You're powerless against both. Why let those issue take away any joy from your life if you can't change either one?????
How the fuk can there be a 9-11 conspiracy outside the minds of tin-foil hats and why would it happen? The government might get away with murder now and then but a conspiracy of this magnitude would have to be planned for decades and include several different administrations. Granted Bill Clinton was a possibly deranged sexual sociopath but it's inconceivable that he would have purposely allowed jihad monsters to destroy the World Trade Center. It is equally inconceivable that some shadow renegade network the tin foils conjure up would be able to synchronize with the agenda and time table of crazy jihadists. Think about it tinfoil hats. Who would benefit from blowing up the World Trade Center? Nobody knew who would win the 2000 election and the Jihad plan went back several years so how would they know that Bush would call for a Military strike on Iraq? We knew who hijacked the plane and unless the entire CIA and the FBI are covering up there should be some evidence in the recovered jihad documents that it was a coordinated explosion.


Raymond L. McGovern – 27-year CIA veteran. Former Chairman, National Intelligence Estimates (NIE), the consensus reports of all U.S. intelligence agencies. According to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, NIE's "are the Intelligence Community’s most authoritative written judgments on national security issues." Responsible for preparing and presenting the President’ Daily Brief (PDB) to Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush and for providing intelligence briefing to their Vice Presidents, Secretaries of State, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and many other senior government officials. Upon retirement in 1990, McGovern was awarded the CIA’s Intelligence Commendation Medallion and received a letter of appreciation from then-President George H. W. Bush. Former U.S. Army Intelligence Officer.

Endorsement of 9/11 and American Empire (Vol I) – Intellectuals Speak Out:

"It has long been clear that the Bush-Cheney administration cynically exploited the attacks of 9/11 to promote its imperial designs. But the present volume confronts us with compelling evidence for an even more disturbing conclusion: that the 9/11 attacks were themselves orchestrated by this administration precisely so they could be thus exploited. If this is true, it is not merely the case, as the Downing Street memos show, that the stated reason for attacking Iraq was a lie. It is also the case that the whole 'war on terror' was based on a prior deception. This book hence confronts the American people---indeed the people of the world as a whole---with an issue second to none in importance and urgency. I give this book, which in no way can be dismissed as the ravings of ‘paranoid conspiracy theorists,’

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11:

"We want truthful answers to question. … As Americans of conscience, we ask for four things:

An immediate investigation by New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer
Immediate investigation in Congressional Hearings.
Media attention to scrutinize and investigate the evidence.
The formation of a truly independent citizens-based inquiry."
The 9/11 Truth Movement - 911truth.org

Bogdan Dzakovic – Witness before the 9/11 Commission. 14-year Counter-terrorism expert in the Security Division of the Federal Aviation Administration. Team Leader of the FAA's Red (Terrorism) Team, which conducted undercover tests on airport security through simulated terrorist attacks. Former Team Leader in the Federal Air Marshal program. Former Coast Guard officer.

Video transcript 8/21/05 : Regarding the 9/11 Commission "The best I could say about it is they really botched the job by not really going into the real failures. … At worst, I think the 9/11 Commission Report is treasonous." 911report.com: The Leading Report Site on the Net

Wayne Madsen – Former U.S. Navy Intelligence Officer, specialist in electronic surveillance and security. Formerly assigned to the National Security Agency and the State Department. Currently, investigative journalist, nationally distributed columnist, and author.

Speech 11/11/06 : "After five years of talking to many individuals in the intelligence community, in the military, foreign intelligence agencies, and a whole host of other people, people from the air traffic control community, the FAA, I came to the conclusion that after five years what we saw happen on that morning of September 11, 2001, was the result of a highly-compartmentalized covert operation to bring about a fascist coup in this country. ...

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
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All I know is.............

If there is indeed a global network of powerful elite that are SO powerful, and evil, and connected, that they can orchestrate 9-11, fool 99% of the 6 billion people on Earth, get away with it, start 2 massive wars and on the eve of a 3rd as a result..........then lil ole me is powerless against it, BUT I still have so much fun shit in America to do, so screw it, I'm not worrying about it anymore!!!!

If there is indeed a giant planet thats gonna destroy Earth in December.........then that gives me only ONE more college football season to enjoy, 9 months more to workout, do grappling tournaments, play with my dog, try to continually upgrade the girlfriend(s) I date, eat as much junk as possible, and spew more CO2 into the air mud-dogging in my truck!!!!!

Bottom line.....why do you 9-11 and Nibiru guys get so insanely worried about either? You're powerless against both. Why let those issue take away any joy from your life if you can't change either one?????

where do you people get our crazy Ideas from.. I have beautiful children, an insanely hot partner..I get to play rock star a couple times a month..I drive a ORANGE 1991 4 WD FORD F-350
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDz2Ix12re4]I am Fearless - YouTube[/ame]
OK now we have a mission statement according to the conspiracy theorists. That's a start. The jihad attack on the World Trade Center was part of a "fascist coup" . Do the conspiracy people understand that the jihad terrorists were attending flight school learning to steer a 747 before Bush thought of entering the presidential race? Some sinister renegade part of the federal government would have to work through both the Clinton and the 7 month Bush administration in order to facilitate and coordinate a jihad attack and then go back under cover and keep a secret when the fascist coup didn't pan out or is it a conspiracy theory that it did pan out?
OK now we have a mission statement according to the conspiracy theorists. That's a start. The jihad attack on the World Trade Center was part of a "fascist coup" . Do the conspiracy people understand that the jihad terrorists were attending flight school learning to steer a 747 before Bush thought of entering the presidential race? Some sinister renegade part of the federal government would have to work through both the Clinton and the 7 month Bush administration in order to facilitate and coordinate a jihad attack and then go back under cover and keep a secret when the fascist coup didn't pan out or is it a conspiracy theory that it did pan out?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdP4tOXvI10&feature=related]JFK's Speech about Secret Societies - YouTube[/ame]

Bill Clinton – as quoted by senior White House reporter Sarah McClendon

"Sarah, there’s a government inside the government, and I don’t control it."
OK now we have a mission statement according to the conspiracy theorists. That's a start. The jihad attack on the World Trade Center was part of a "fascist coup" . Do the conspiracy people understand that the jihad terrorists were attending flight school learning to steer a 747 before Bush thought of entering the presidential race? Some sinister renegade part of the federal government would have to work through both the Clinton and the 7 month Bush administration in order to facilitate and coordinate a jihad attack and then go back under cover and keep a secret when the fascist coup didn't pan out or is it a conspiracy theory that it did pan out?

Are you kidding?? They won't even admit that Hani Hanjour and Marwan al-Shehhi held commercial pilots licenses.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGkFPZPK2eY]LIAR-.ROLLINS BAND montage by eots - YouTube[/ame]
If that was directed at me, eots, here is what you are so willing to ignore...

A Saudi, Hanjour first came to the United States in 1991, enrolling at the University of Arizona, where he studied English for a few months before returning to Saudi Arabia early the next year. This was prior to any intentions for a large-scale attack. He came back to the United States in 1996, studying English in California before he began taking flying lessons in Arizona. He received his commercial pilot certificate in 1999

Hani Hanjour - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In late 1999, Shehhi, Atta, Jarrah, and bin al-Shibh traveled to terrorist training camps in Afghanistan and met with Osama bin Laden who recruited the four Hamburg cell members for the attacks in the United States. Shehhi arrived in the United States in May 2000, one month before Atta. They both trained in Florida at Huffman Aviation, receiving their commercial pilot licenses in December 2000 from the FAA.

Marwan al-Shehhi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And, I guess I missed something. Mohamed Atta held a commercial ticket too.

So much for them being bad pilots, huh?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzsBx0vqQwQ]FBI Memo about 9/11 Patsies at Flight Schools - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oy9G-C-lE4Q]9/11 Flight School Instructor: Neither He Nor Alleged Hijackers Could Fly Those Planes - YouTube[/ame]
It's a coming, Oh Lord, it's a coming...

Red-gray chips in the dust of the World Trade Center collapses:
A new interpretation​

Ivan Kminek, who will feature as co-author, is currently reviewing the last draft version (enigmatically numbered "v.0.64") before I send it out to a group of other reviewers. It's currently 34 pages long, with 43 footnotes, 18 figures, 26 referenced documents, and the following conclusion:

In summary, we conclude that the red-gray chips (a)-(d) described by Harrit e.al. are not thermitic. They are LaClede Standard Primer (red layer, with iron oxide, aluminium silicate and strontium chromate pigments) on oxidized structural steel.

I'll be posting the full report as soon as it becomes available.

Suck it, Truthers!! This is what happens when you request a new investigation.
It's a coming, Oh Lord, it's a coming...

Red-gray chips in the dust of the World Trade Center collapses:
A new interpretation​

Ivan Kminek, who will feature as co-author, is currently reviewing the last draft version (enigmatically numbered "v.0.64") before I send it out to a group of other reviewers. It's currently 34 pages long, with 43 footnotes, 18 figures, 26 referenced documents, and the following conclusion:

In summary, we conclude that the red-gray chips (a)-(d) described by Harrit e.al. are not thermitic. They are LaClede Standard Primer (red layer, with iron oxide, aluminium silicate and strontium chromate pigments) on oxidized structural steel.

I'll be posting the full report as soon as it becomes available.

Suck it, Truthers!! This is what happens when you request a new investigation.

Ok you are completely rambling now...
It's a coming, Oh Lord, it's a coming...

Red-gray chips in the dust of the World Trade Center collapses:
A new interpretation​

Ivan Kminek, who will feature as co-author, is currently reviewing the last draft version (enigmatically numbered "v.0.64") before I send it out to a group of other reviewers. It's currently 34 pages long, with 43 footnotes, 18 figures, 26 referenced documents, and the following conclusion:

In summary, we conclude that the red-gray chips (a)-(d) described by Harrit e.al. are not thermitic. They are LaClede Standard Primer (red layer, with iron oxide, aluminium silicate and strontium chromate pigments) on oxidized structural steel.

I'll be posting the full report as soon as it becomes available.

Suck it, Truthers!! This is what happens when you request a new investigation.

Ok you are completely rambling now...

Sorry, this is one you won't be able to hand-wave away. Almost half of the funding for these tests came from members of the Truth Movement.

Pretty much kills your "Bush dupe" arguments.

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