9/11 Conspiracy Solved?: Names, Connections, Details Exposed...

Why would you need more than the report states? The terrorists flew the planes into the buildings, we all saw the planes hit, the report makes sense, matches what we know so what is the minutia going to tell us?

The panelist of the 9-11 commission itself doubt they were told the truth, suspecting they were lied to even contemplated criminal charges, that's why. There is no solid proof of any of what you believe they told you is correct. Proof that doubting the original narrative is warranted is vast and comes from many credible sources, and if you include the 9-11 commission as a credible source, then their doubts about its accuracy also should be taken seriously, and given merit.

merit isn't given...an event,report, story etc.. either has it or it does not....asshat.[/QUOTE]

Learn to use the quote function asshole and proof read your shit before posting you miserable piece of shit.
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I notice no one has anything to say about the youtube video showing the false claim of free fall......

As expected....
Once again, please tell us specifically what the 011 Commissions Report writers think is wrong with the report...What is it they think is false.........They certainly don't believe there was an inside joke er Job.......

Once again here you go you lazy fuck.

Farmer states...“at some level of the government, at some point in time…there was an agreement not to tell the truth about what happened... I was shocked at how different the truth was from the way it was described …. The [Norad air defense] tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to us and the public for two years. This is not spin.”

The 9/11 Commission head, Thomas Kean, was the Republican governor of New Jersey. He had the following to say... “We to this day don’t know why NORAD [the North American Aerospace Command] told us what they told us, it was just so far from the truth.

In 2006, The Washington Post reported..."Suspicion of wrongdoing ran so deep that the 10-member commission, in a secret meeting at the end of its tenure in summer 2004, debated referring the matter to the Justice Department for criminal investigation, according to several commission sources. Staff members and some commissioners thought that e-mails and other evidence provided enough probable cause to believe that military and aviation officials violated the law by making false statements to Congress and to the commission..."

What do we know? We know the conjecture about 9/11 still stands but for certain, we know we were lied to, not in a minor way, but systematically as part of a plot covering up government involvement at nearly every level, perhaps gross negligence, perhaps something with darker intent.

Are we willing to live with another lie to go with the Warren Report, Iran Contra and so many others? Has the sacrifice of thousands more Americans, killed, wounded or irreparably damaged by a war knowingly built on the same lies from the same liars who misled the 9/11 Commission pushed us beyond willingness to confront the truth?

Have we yet found where the lies have begun and ended? There is no evidence of this, only evidence to the contrary. The lies live on and the truth will never be sought. The courage for that task has not been found.

Can anyone call themselves an American if they don't demand, even with the last drop of their blood, that the truth be found?

How long have we watered the Tree of Deceit with the blood of patriots?

This will have absolutely no impact on you. You are not an American with any sort of conscious. You do not have the intellect or the honest sincerity to be effected by this. You ignore it instead like a little child that wont admit when they are wrong, but instead continue to deny and hide from what the rest of us has to face and accept.
I notice no one has anything to say about the youtube video showing the false claim of free fall......

As expected....

Look, no one's ever gonna change your mind. You're all-in on that Goose Stepping thing. We all know that. So why do you still hang around on a Conspiracy Theory Forum? Unless you're being paid, it makes no sense. You obey and believe everything Big Brother tells you. We get it. So why are you still here?
I notice no one has anything to say about the youtube video showing the false claim of free fall......

As expected....

Impatient old fucker, ain'tcha?

What the video you posted showed was 2 buildings collapsing in an incredibly short amount of time. While the term 'free fall' is inaccurate, it is not hard to see IN YOUR VIDEO the puffs of explosions on lower floors that aided in the buildings' total vertical collapse.

So you win one on semantics, you old fool.

Now tell me about that molten steel under the piles and how it got there...
I notice no one has anything to say about the youtube video showing the false claim of free fall......

As expected....

Impatient old fucker, ain'tcha?

What the video you posted showed was 2 buildings collapsing in an incredibly short amount of time. While the term 'free fall' is inaccurate, it is not hard to see IN YOUR VIDEO the puffs of explosions on lower floors that aided in the buildings' total vertical collapse.

So you win one on semantics, you old fool.

Now tell me about that molten steel under the piles and how it got there...

You're wasting your time on that one. Him and a couple others here are in a permanent state of Goose Stepper Bliss. Big Brother can do no wrong. I'm not sure why they still hang around on a Conspiracy Theory Forum. Some here have suggested they're paid Government Message Board Trolls. But i don't know. It could just be that they worship Big Brother so much, they feel they must show up routinely to defend him. Anyway, don't waste too much more of your time. You'll get nowhere with the Goose Steppers. It is what it is.
Looka guys, I'm no fan of big gubmint.. but all I hear is a YouTube video. If someone can give me a link to a written transcript, complete with links and citations, all I hear is a guy prattling off all kinds of shit that frankly, is quite difficult to keep track of. Did hear this guy mention that GWB ate Belgian waffles?
I notice no one has anything to say about the youtube video showing the false claim of free fall......

As expected....

14.75 seconds according to your video. I've driven my 1994 Mustang GT when she was stock, down the 1/4 mile in 14.52 seconds with nothing but air as resistance. The WTC were massive and had plenty of resistence to give.
BTW you made sure to include someone who happens to NOT be scientist or a physics expert like NIST is supposed to be consisted of. Nice strawman there gump.

Let's assume your reasoning that the 9-11 commission report is correct t like you claim it is..
In the report they mention that the towers came down in about 10 seconds...Look it up yourself.
10 seconds is closer to freefall then 14.75, so you just proved by yourself the commission is wrong in this instance. :badgrin:
You further do not understand that the towers should have taken closer to 1 minute to fully collapse rather then 9.22 which is free fall, or 14.75.
All of that steel structure, you know the part of the hirise that is built with thicker more robust steel at the bottoms...Did not provide any resistance to the collapsing wall.NIST even mentions this but doesn't even think about explaining.. Why not?

And how the hell is the inner core going to just disintegrate and poof away into a cloud of dust, and dissapear? Jet fuel fires certainly can't do that. As a matter of fact nano thermite can't either. So what do you think can bring down such a massive steel hirise, 1250 feet tall, in a time span that is ..according to your video possibly only 4-5 seconds LESS then a free fall collapse? Of course the video is less then scientific and accurate but still way faster then should be physically expected.

Keep in mind that this happened to BOTH towers, and then again albeit in a different manner to WTC 7 that DID experience free fall, and free fall acceleration..

Your video tries to show that -1) Rosie Donnell is no physics expert but still smarter then you . 2) the tower came down just a little bit short of free fall speed. 3) the massive inner core disintegrated into a fine dust that glorified kerosene could not possibly have been hot enough to achieve.

So now we need to try to figure out and explain what the hell made the massive core disintegrate?
And how such a massive hirise could fall so fast, the same way, on 2 occasions in the same day?

What ever caused these things to be destroyed, it for sure was NOT jet fuel kerosene, and this should be enough proof that something else, that we may not totally understand yet, was involved.
It matters not how it was planted, or how it all was facilitated, who kept quiet etc.. the fact remains this mystery is not best explained by jet fuel fires, and this has been my point all along.

Here's another video showing the dissapearing parts of the building from another angle.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dWBBEtA5bI]9/11 WTC North Tower Core, HAVE YOU SEEN IT? - YouTube[/ame]
Actually I spent about 30 minutes of my valuable time looking at your link.[...]

Yes, I realize your time must be valuable (you've only managed to post around 21,000 times over the past 3 years, after all).

Still, I hope you'll be kind enough to support the following claim regarding Corbett's guide to some of the 9/11 whistle-blowers:

Some have been debunked in other articles I have seen...[emphasis Capstone's]

While the inconsistent testimony of Michael Hess certainly does NOT "debunk" the unwavering account given by Barry Jennings, it's still only one example of so-called "debunking".

So, again, what else have ya' got, Ollie?
Anyone that believes 3 steel-framed buildings can collapse at freefall speed INTO THEIR OWN FOOTPRINT, WITHOUT the aid of explosive demolition, is an idiot or a tool.

It's NEVER happened in history, even when buildings suffered much greater damage for much longer periods of time.


Anyone who believes that a demolition team can rig two office buildings to come down without anyone in the office buildings knowing about it is a much bigger idiot and/or tool.
They neither fell at free fall nor collapsed into their own footprint.... Please play again........

Gawd, you really are a tool, Gomer. You're wrong on both counts, yet you continue to parrot your lies.

I hope those gov't checks are worth it for you...

Ah insidejoke, I thought it was you.........

Now dumb ass, watch a video of the towers as they fell, The parts that were falling outside the direct path to the ground hit about 16 seconds before the entire building stopped falling.... And if they had fallen into their own footprint then buildings hundreds of feet away from them would not have been hit with debris....

You do have much to learn......

The day he learns....POOF.....there goes the conspiracy.
In the end, you truthers are wasting your time. No one will ever swallow your nonsense, history will forever show that the towers were brought down by Islamic Terrorists, and the Pentagon Building was hit by members of the same group. No government conspiracy, no invisible demolition teams, no fake planes, no George Bush pre-knowledge.

The best you can hope for is that a footnote in history will state that there was a contingent of nut jobs who thought differently.
Big Brother's 9/11 story just isn't believable.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThLaswlmDSQ]9/11: A Conspiracy Theory - Everything you ever wanted to know about 9/11 in under 5 minutes - YouTube[/ame]
Anyone who believes that a demolition team can rig two office buildings to come down without anyone in the office buildings knowing about it is a much bigger idiot and/or tool.

Don't you mean three office buildings?

You do realize that three skyscrapers collapsed in a matter of seconds in NYC on 9/11, even though one of them hadn't been hit by an airplane or even a significant amount of debris from the other two, right?

Don't tell me you haven't heard the incredible tale of Building 7?!
Once again, please tell us specifically what the 011 Commissions Report writers think is wrong with the report...What is it they think is false.........They certainly don't believe there was an inside joke er Job.......

Once again here you go you lazy fuck.

Farmer states...“at some level of the government, at some point in time…there was an agreement not to tell the truth about what happened... I was shocked at how different the truth was from the way it was described …. The [Norad air defense] tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to us and the public for two years. This is not spin.”

The 9/11 Commission head, Thomas Kean, was the Republican governor of New Jersey. He had the following to say... “We to this day don’t know why NORAD [the North American Aerospace Command] told us what they told us, it was just so far from the truth.

In 2006, The Washington Post reported..."Suspicion of wrongdoing ran so deep that the 10-member commission, in a secret meeting at the end of its tenure in summer 2004, debated referring the matter to the Justice Department for criminal investigation, according to several commission sources. Staff members and some commissioners thought that e-mails and other evidence provided enough probable cause to believe that military and aviation officials violated the law by making false statements to Congress and to the commission..."

What do we know? We know the conjecture about 9/11 still stands but for certain, we know we were lied to, not in a minor way, but systematically as part of a plot covering up government involvement at nearly every level, perhaps gross negligence, perhaps something with darker intent.

Are we willing to live with another lie to go with the Warren Report, Iran Contra and so many others? Has the sacrifice of thousands more Americans, killed, wounded or irreparably damaged by a war knowingly built on the same lies from the same liars who misled the 9/11 Commission pushed us beyond willingness to confront the truth?

Have we yet found where the lies have begun and ended? There is no evidence of this, only evidence to the contrary. The lies live on and the truth will never be sought. The courage for that task has not been found.

Can anyone call themselves an American if they don't demand, even with the last drop of their blood, that the truth be found?

How long have we watered the Tree of Deceit with the blood of patriots?

This will have absolutely no impact on you. You are not an American with any sort of conscious. You do not have the intellect or the honest sincerity to be effected by this. You ignore it instead like a little child that wont admit when they are wrong, but instead continue to deny and hide from what the rest of us has to face and accept.

And not once does anyone tell us what the lies were.........How very odd..........
I notice no one has anything to say about the youtube video showing the false claim of free fall......

As expected....

Look, no one's ever gonna change your mind. You're all-in on that Goose Stepping thing. We all know that. So why do you still hang around on a Conspiracy Theory Forum? Unless you're being paid, it makes no sense. You obey and believe everything Big Brother tells you. We get it. So why are you still here?

Because you cannot disprove the facts.....There was no free fall.... You can see it I can see it , the world saw it....

The clock does not lie.....no way to make 15 seconds and 20+ seconds into 9 seconds......
I notice no one has anything to say about the youtube video showing the false claim of free fall......

As expected....

Impatient old fucker, ain'tcha?

What the video you posted showed was 2 buildings collapsing in an incredibly short amount of time. While the term 'free fall' is inaccurate, it is not hard to see IN YOUR VIDEO the puffs of explosions on lower floors that aided in the buildings' total vertical collapse.

So you win one on semantics, you old fool.

Now tell me about that molten steel under the piles and how it got there...

Show me the molten steel. Just because someone says they saw it does not mean that is what it was, Could have been lead from the batteries on the 81st floor, Probably was aluminum which was prevalent in the construction, and all through the offices. But there is no proof that it was steel, what happened to it when it cooled? where are the pictures of it?

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