9/11 Conspiracy

The preceding has been an exercise in nit picking, the fact is that because the best fit curve for the data describes 9.8 m/s^2 and because of the tonnage of the bit that was observed falling, one can not expect deviations in the data as was plotted, therefore the data points that fall outside the curve are anomalies and can be attributed to camera vibration or other factors that cause the data points to deviate from the true curve. With that now out of the way, the fact that many tons of material, no matter what excuse is attempted here, the fact is that there was sufficient material in the North & West walls of WTC7 to have what was observed falling keep its shape as it fell and vertical nature of the event can be confirmed by observing the line of the north/west corner of the building.
Events such as controlled demolitions have components such as this, that is vertical descent of the building, this was a planned event, somebody intended for the building to do exactly what it did.

Woo ... you really ARE afraid to confront Gamolon directly, Princess. Each time he has accepted your challenge to play "Science" you have run away and hidden FOR WEEKS. Either stand behind your silliness (and get your butt kicked) or STFU.
I have to hand it to you, Daws; of the lengths OCTers have gone to justify holding on to their ridiculous story-lines, your copied-and-pasted crap has now officially taken the cake as the longest I've seen to date! :laugh:

Newton's Third Law can fail in a number of cases: ...

First of all, that statement is, at best, horribly misleading.

This, for instance:

  • There is a time delay in the equations of motion, such as is the case for electrodynamics (as opposed to electrostatics). What is happening here is that the field that mediates the interaction is itself storing momentum. There is no room for such in Newton's 3rd. As mentioned before, this can be reconciled by observing that momentum is still conserved. Newton's 3rd law is conservation of momentum in the special case that forces are instantaneous and central in nature.
...doesn't exemplify a "fail[ure]" of Newton's Third Law; it describes a measurable absorption effect of a momentum-storing field, the measurement of which can and should be considered part of the 'equal-yet-opposite' reaction' in question.

So, tell me, Daws, what do you believe acted as such a mediating field on 9/11/01; and why do you think it wasn't mentioned in any of the NIST group's official reports?

  • The force is not central in nature, which once again is the case for electrodynamics. In the strong form of Newton's third law, third law force pairs must be equal but opposite in nature and the force must be directed along or against the line connecting the pair of particle. This form of Newton's third law conserves both translational and angular momentum. Translational and angular momentum can still be conserved in the case of non-central forces if the mediating field stores these momenta, but Newton's third does not apply in such cases.
Again, yes it does, exactly as I stated above. Even in electrodynamics (which, BTW, doesn't seem particularly relevant to building 7's collapse), neither the measurable absorption rate of a non-central force's mediating field nor the mitigating effects of that force's characteristic non-centrality should be separated from the 'equal-yet-opposite' equation. The fact that certain electrodynamic interactions don't appear to promulgate equitable reactions ...can always be explained in terms of the measurable physical circumstances that mitigated those appearances, without ever violating the third law of motion.

I am curious, though; what type of non-central force do you think was at play in promulgating the apparent violation of Newton's Law on 9/11; and why do you believe the NIST report on WTC7 failed to mention it?

  • The underlying interaction inherently involves three or more particles. Newton's third demands that forces be resolvable down to pairs of particles. There are some multi-body interactions in quantum mechanics where the interactions only appears when three or more particles are present. These interactions cannot be isolated down to pairs, and once again Newton's third law fails.
Notice the disingenuous failure to mention the types of particles involved in those multi-body interactions, the natures of which (much like those of interacting non-central forces in electrodynamics), may well explain the appearance of non-equitable reactions observed in that still highly theoretical branch of physics otherwise known as QM.

In more advanced physics, it is the conservation laws that reign supreme. Newton's third law derives from the conservation laws with the assumption that forces act in pairs, act instantaneously, and act along the line connecting particle pairs. [...][empasis Capstone's]


Newton's laws derive from conservation laws, including those that regulate the forces and fields that sometimes mitigate the appearance of reactive equability.

But tell me, Daws; theoretically speaking here, what novel thing do you imagine happened at the subatomic level on 9/11/01 that resulted in the apparent violation of the third; and why do you feel it was missed by the government's science lackeys at NIST?

there are no examples of newton's third law being violated by explosives

No shit?!:shock:

It's never been violated during a fire-induced, progressive collapse either, despite what the NIST report would apparently have us believe.
nist never said it did, there you go making shit up again
So, when I take a dump into a toilet, the fact that my turd drops into the water at Free Fall acceleration is proof that the United States government planted explosives in my ass?
...It's never been violated during a fire-induced, progressive collapse either, despite what the NIST report would apparently have us believe.[emphasis added]

nist never said it did, ...

Maybe not explicitly, but in having explicated a global collapse model that never accounted for the absence of resistance from approximately 8 floors worth of building materials in the bearing walls, the NIST report would, as I said, "apparently have us believe" that it had been violated.

...there you go making shit up again

Coming from you, Daws, that's simply hilarious. :laugh:
So, when I take a dump into a toilet, the fact that my turd drops into the water at Free Fall acceleration is proof that the United States government planted explosives in my ass?

Man, I really had to think(!), in order to come up with something to make your analogy work in concert with what the NIST report told us happened to WTC7. I suppose it might work, if your turd were stood up on-end, had all of its internal supports removed (peanuts, corn, ETC.), leaving an outer shell of crap to pulverize itself largely under its own weight, which it somehow managed to do at freefall acceleration for like 15-20% of the time it took to completely collapse into its own shit-print; but then it wouldn't support your stupidity anymore, so I guess the suggestion isn't really helpful, is it? Oh well, never let it be said that I didn't try to help. :eusa_angel:
No its on conspiracy forum, as it was a very well played out conspiracy.

Yes----the filth of your fellow islamo Nazi pigs was done with
determination and expertise on 9-11-01----- the death toll is but a drop in the bucket of your total of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS over the past 1700 years and counting.
I notice that your fellow islamo Nazi sluts are enjoying those
GLORIOUS FOR ALLAH beheadings-------also ongoing

your zionest handlers are getting desperate the way they sent you here so quickly to troll this thread and spew your b.s and lies.:asshole:

how long has this idiotic islamo Nazi thread been on the board-------it is beginning to get moldy-----and FINALLY
I offered the very rare useful post-----the TRUTH----

btw ----where were you when your fellow islamo Nazi pigs slammed their stinking asses into the WTC towers in honor of your pig "god" allah? I found the celebrations of your fellows on Atlantic Avenue ----"interesting"--------despite the greater intensity of
the usual sweaty sock stench emanating from the doors
of the fetid mosques

I have no doubt who was behind it and even who the mastermind was.

Perhaps you should look at these three clips and links - Penelope.

First up........

If you are serious about the global war, let us try and think strategically. The most important strategic target in that war is the Kremlin. That is not only the best way to start winning it, but, as far as I can see, the only way. Paraphrasing Alexander Litvinenko, we can say it is impossible to destroy international terrorism even in a century unless you disband the Russian secret services first.

- Pavel Stroilov, a Russian exile in London and the editor and translator of Alexander Litvinenko book,Allegations,
The Putin-Osama Connection, FrontPage Magazine, 1/16/08

September 11, 2001 was directly rooted in a joint Soviet/Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) operation conceived in the aftermath of the 1967 Six-Day Arab-Israeli War. The object of this joint operation was to repair Moscow's prestige by turning the Islamic world against Israel and by creating a rabid and violent hatred for its main supporter, the United States. The strategy was to portray the US, this land of freedom, as a Nazi-style "imperial-Zionist country" financed by Jewish money and run by a rapacious "Council of the Elders of Zion" (the Kremlin's epithet for the US Congress), the aim of which was allegedly to transform the rest of the world into a Jewish fiefdom. In other words, the heart of the joint plan was to convert the historical Arab and Islamic hatred of the Jews into a new hatred of the United States. We threw many millions of dollars at this gigantic task, which involved whole armies of intelligence officers.

- Ion Mihai Pacepa, former acting chief of Communist Romania’s espionage service,

From Russia With Terror, FrontPage Magazine, 3/1/04

Mohammed Atta, the pilot of the first plane to crash into the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, had met with a senior Iraqi intelligence agent in Prague, Czech Republic, five months before the attack. But Iraqi intelligence was just a client of Russia's intelligence service. It brings a new understanding to the fact that President Putin was the first foreign President to call President Bush on 9/11. One may conjecture that he knew in advance what was to happen.

- Konstantin Preobrazhensky, former Lt. Colonel in the KGB who defected to the United States in 1993,

"Russia and Islam are not Separate: Why Russia backs Al-Qaeda"

Anotoli Galitson - a major in the KGB - highest ranking KGB to defect to America said that the Russians had never ceased from their plan to defeat America. Too bad the CIA fired his contact and refused to listen to the information they were given. The Russians have used Communism to infiltrate from within the US but trained Al Qaeda to attack from without. That is my belief - the people behind Osama Bin Laden were the Russians. The missing jumbo jet (out of Malaysia)? I believe that Putin was behind that - and they will use it in due time - against America. The attack in Boston? I believe they were behind that as well - there are other missing parts to that story we were never told - one day perhaps it will come out.

What you must have, Penelope, is motive. The Israelis had no motive to attack the United States of America. None. Who had the the strongest motive? The Russians. The Communists always need a front guy - in this case - they used Al Qaeda because they trained them and Islam is a perfect diversion - a useful tool for them at this time.
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No its on conspiracy forum, as it was a very well played out conspiracy.

Yes----the filth of your fellow islamo Nazi pigs was done with
determination and expertise on 9-11-01----- the death toll is but a drop in the bucket of your total of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS over the past 1700 years and counting.
I notice that your fellow islamo Nazi sluts are enjoying those
GLORIOUS FOR ALLAH beheadings-------also ongoing

your zionest handlers are getting desperate the way they sent you here so quickly to troll this thread and spew your b.s and lies.:asshole:

how long has this idiotic islamo Nazi thread been on the board-------it is beginning to get moldy-----and FINALLY
I offered the very rare useful post-----the TRUTH----

btw ----where were you when your fellow islamo Nazi pigs slammed their stinking asses into the WTC towers in honor of your pig "god" allah? I found the celebrations of your fellows on Atlantic Avenue ----"interesting"--------despite the greater intensity of
the usual sweaty sock stench emanating from the doors
of the fetid mosques

I have no doubt who was behind it and even who the mastermind was.

Perhaps you should look at these three clips and links - Penelope.

First up........

If you are serious about the global war, let us try and think strategically. The most important strategic target in that war is the Kremlin. That is not only the best way to start winning it, but, as far as I can see, the only way. Paraphrasing Alexander Litvinenko, we can say it is impossible to destroy international terrorism even in a century unless you disband the Russian secret services first.

- Pavel Stroilov, a Russian exile in London and the editor and translator of Alexander Litvinenko book,Allegations,
The Putin-Osama Connection, FrontPage Magazine, 1/16/08

September 11, 2001 was directly rooted in a joint Soviet/Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) operation conceived in the aftermath of the 1967 Six-Day Arab-Israeli War. The object of this joint operation was to repair Moscow's prestige by turning the Islamic world against Israel and by creating a rabid and violent hatred for its main supporter, the United States. The strategy was to portray the US, this land of freedom, as a Nazi-style "imperial-Zionist country" financed by Jewish money and run by a rapacious "Council of the Elders of Zion" (the Kremlin's epithet for the US Congress), the aim of which was allegedly to transform the rest of the world into a Jewish fiefdom. In other words, the heart of the joint plan was to convert the historical Arab and Islamic hatred of the Jews into a new hatred of the United States. We threw many millions of dollars at this gigantic task, which involved whole armies of intelligence officers.

- Ion Mihai Pacepa, former acting chief of Communist Romania’s espionage service,

From Russia With Terror, FrontPage Magazine, 3/1/04

Mohammed Atta, the pilot of the first plane to crash into the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, had met with a senior Iraqi intelligence agent in Prague, Czech Republic, five months before the attack. But Iraqi intelligence was just a client of Russia's intelligence service. It brings a new understanding to the fact that President Putin was the first foreign President to call President Bush on 9/11. One may conjecture that he knew in advance what was to happen.

- Konstantin Preobrazhensky, former Lt. Colonel in the KGB who defected to the United States in 1993,

"Russia and Islam are not Separate: Why Russia backs Al-Qaeda"

Anotoli Galitson - a major in the KGB - highest ranking KGB to defect to America said that the Russians had never ceased from their plan to defeat America. Too bad the CIA fired his contact and refused to listen to the information they were given. The Russians have used Communism to infiltrate from within the US but trained Al Qaeda to attack from without. That is my belief - the people behind Osama Bin Laden were the Russians. The missing jumbo jet? I believe that Putin was behind that - and they will use it in due time - against America. The attack in Boston? I believe they were behind that as well - there are other missing parts to that story we were never told - one day perhaps it will come out.

What you must have, Penelope, is motive. The Israelis had no motive to attack the United States of America. None. Who had the the strongest motive? The Russians. The Communists always need a front guy - in this case - they used Al Qaeda because they trained them and Islam is a perfect diversion - a useful tool for them at this time.

Here is another link for you to look at, Penelope.
Russia and Islam are not Separate Why Russia backs Al-Qaeda by Konstantin Preobrazhensky
Konstantin Preobrazhensky, a former Lt. Colonel in the KGB who defected to the United States in 1993, is an intelligence expert and specialist on Japan, about which he has written six books. His newest book Russian-American, A New KGB Asset will be published in late 2007. This article was first published by Gerard Group International, Intel Analyses, 31 August 2007.

Americans generally believe that Russia is afraid of Islamic terrorism as much as the U.S.A. They are reminded of the war in Chechnya, the hostage crisis at the Beslan School in 2004 and at the Moscow Theater in 2002, and of the apartment house blasts in Moscow in 1999, where over 200 people were killed. It is clear that Russians are also targets of terrorism today.

But in all these events, the participation of the FSB, Federal Security Service, inheritor to the KGB, is also clear. Their involvement in the Moscow blasts has been proven by lawyer Mikhail Trepashkin, a former FSB Colonel. For this he was illegally imprisoned, and is now suffering torture and deprivation of medical assistance, from which he is not likely to survive.

A key distinction between Russian and American attitudes towards Islamic terrorism is that while for America terrorism is largely seen as an exterior menace, Russia uses terrorism as an object as a tool of the state for manipulation in and outside the home country. Islamic terrorism is only part of the world of terrorism. Long before Islamic terrorism became a global threat, the KGB had used terrorism to facilitate the victory of world Communism.
To be clear - it is difficult to imagine the cold blooded nature of someone like Putin, the FSB, the Kremlin, but evil has no conscience. Did they do this to their own people? I believe they did. The end justifies the means in their mind. Deception is the Communist way because they serve Satan.

This is why I say that the Roman Catholic Church and Communism is a far greater threat than Islam. They are playing both sides - they are using Islam - to achieve an agenda here - when that is accomplished they will turn - look at history. Does history repeat itself? Yes or no?

note this ^ the Vatican and the Russians have very strong ties as well - for more info on that look up Father Malachi Martin - Author of The Windswept House - exposing Satanism in the Vatican. The ties between the Russian Communists and Vatican are real.
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Another steel building not collapsing because of fire. (Tonight in downtown LA)


Massive fire in downtown LA RT USA
The failure to mention in the paper that any dead magnetic red/gray chips were found doesn't justify the conclusion you've apparently pinned on Harrit's group, namely that "ANY red/gray chips [extracted] with a magnet from a pile of WTC dust [...] are without a doubt, thermitic", much less dead or alive. Such a conclusion would, in fact, be an appeal to silence.
So then what tests or selection criteria in Harrit's paper would one need to use in order to prove that one had a thermitic chip?
Here is what what happened on 9-11. Some terrorist hijacked planes and flew them into buildings. End of story.
for someone who has Bush as his avatar ,we would expect no less from you.:lmao: another government paid shill that has penetrated this site obviously.

oh the irony....
your funny as hell,irony my ass.there is your ironry above.,agent troll of the government, agent gamolon.

oh and you're a little late talking about a post from ages back.:cuckoo:
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...It's never been violated during a fire-induced, progressive collapse either, despite what the NIST report would apparently have us believe.[emphasis added]

nist never said it did, ...

Maybe not explicitly, but in having explicated a global collapse model that never accounted for the absence of resistance from approximately 8 floors worth of building materials in the bearing walls, the NIST report would, as I said, "apparently have us believe" that it had been violated.

...there you go making shit up again

Coming from you, Daws, that's simply hilarious. :laugh:
agent dawgsit believes in magic bullets thats oswald was the lone assassin so yeah,he is pretty hiliarious..lol. aegtn dawgshit defends ALL the governments versions of events constantly around here all the time no matter HOW aburd they are as in the JFK assassination.:lmao:
So then what tests or selection criteria in Harrit's paper would one need to use in order to prove that one had a thermitic chip?

Watch the Toronto Hearings video you posted (from 13:03-21:07), where Harrit describes the methodology for determining the elemental composition of the red layer (iron, silicon, aluminum, oxygen, and carbon), their relative positions within the plastic matrix (indicating iron-oxide and aluminum-silicate formations), and the proof that the aluminum and silicon weren't molecularly bound (via the MEK bath). Now, that's not to say the positive identification of thermitic components is sufficient to determine whether a given chip is active or not. In Harrit's own word's regarding in part the elemental tests, again from the video you posted (between 20:50 and 20:57), "...it's not the strongest evidence we have [for the presence of "active thermitic material" in the dust samples]; the strongest evidence we have comes from the reactivity of these chips", which may imply a trial-and-error approach, assuming only that the 'shelf-life' might have run out on some of the heat-tested chips.

So, to answer your question more directly, since most of the proofs used to show that Harrit's group had found thermitic chips dealt with the determination of their elemental compositions; and the "strongest" (if not only) proof that they'd found active thermitic chips was in the reactivity-ignition testing, I'd say a trial and error approach to heat-testing may be the only manner of testing available for determining a chip's response to the proper temperature, and by extension, whether that particular thermitic chip is still active or not.

Next question...
Another steel building not collapsing because of fire. (Tonight in downtown LA)


Massive fire in downtown LA RT USA

Scene from this morning... it collapsed.


Nice try.

Nice slllloooowwww PARTIAL collapse, like a box of melting Crayolas. Not a sudden collapse at free fall speed. Also note that the ENTIRE structure here is CONSUMED by the inferno. Not just a few patchy office fires.

How do you know it was a slow collapse based on still photos?

Be specific
...It's never been violated during a fire-induced, progressive collapse either, despite what the NIST report would apparently have us believe.[emphasis added]

nist never said it did, ...

Maybe not explicitly, but in having explicated a global collapse model that never accounted for the absence of resistance from approximately 8 floors worth of building materials in the bearing walls, the NIST report would, as I said, "apparently have us believe" that it had been violated.

...there you go making shit up again

Coming from you, Daws, that's simply hilarious. :laugh:
may be not explicitly! wtf...
you yammer on incessantly about nist on what "they didn't do"
and you still make shit up!

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