9/11 Cover-up Director Appointed To Chair Covid Cover-up Group

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
Makes sense, I suppose. He looks perfect for the job.


Philip Zelikow will lead a planning group laying the groundwork for a possible National COVID Commission. (Photo by Dan Addison, University Communications)

''In general, it is really important to get a well-grounded understanding of what happened. We should not underestimate the importance of simply having a good, foundational understanding. People can piece that together from newspaper articles, books or scholarly papers. However, my past experience has underscored that a lot of the story will not be properly understood unless there is a systematic effort to pull together information with both depth and breadth that can become a foundation for future debate.''

On the immediate horizon, we have an opportunity to offer global leadership in helping win the war against this virus. That includes “vaccine diplomacy,” but it is much more than that. At a time when people are worried about traditional threats from Russia and China, which are important, this is an opportunity for America to offer a new kind of leadership for a new kind of world crisis.

Sound familiar? 9/11 and their war on terror got us the Patriot Act.

What do you think the ''war against this virus'' will get us, given the same players are seemingly narating the terms of controversy? I'll give yas thre guesses and the first two don't count. Heh heh.

My friends, I imagine that vaccine passports, essential and non-sessential society, and no participation in society unless you can provide paperz pleez are merely the tip of the iceberg to what these droids have in store. And I really think they're letting the illegals in and turning them loose with the virus for the express purpose of tossing a bobber out there so that the electorate will literally beg for a nationalized identification system, complete with medical records data (and so much more) to be implemented without putting up too much of a fight. That's why we haven't heard much from them about healthcare. They're basically running a live drill. Americans will likely literally beg for it, all they have to do is say, okay, you got it, thanks for asking!
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Flick says he saw some grizzly bears near Pulaski's candy store!

OK that's funny!

I figure it'll get moved to the basement anyway. May as well have some fun with it.

Still can't access my content, though. Kind of makes the forum dysfunctional for me. Probably gonna post on another forum for a while until there's an explanation for the issue.
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Makes sense, I suppose. He looks perfect for the job.


Philip Zelikow will lead a planning group laying the groundwork for a possible National COVID Commission. (Photo by Dan Addison, University Communications)

''In general, it is really important to get a well-grounded understanding of what happened. We should not underestimate the importance of simply having a good, foundational understanding. People can piece that together from newspaper articles, books or scholarly papers. However, my past experience has underscored that a lot of the story will not be properly understood unless there is a systematic effort to pull together information with both depth and breadth that can become a foundation for future debate.''

On the immediate horizon, we have an opportunity to offer global leadership in helping win the war against this virus. That includes “vaccine diplomacy,” but it is much more than that. At a time when people are worried about traditional threats from Russia and China, which are important, this is an opportunity for America to offer a new kind of leadership for a new kind of world crisis.

Sound familiar? 9/11 and their war on terror got us the Patriot Act.

What do you think the ''war against this virus'' will get us, given the same players are seemingly narating the terms of controversy? I'll give yas thre guesses and the first two don't count. Heh heh.

My friends, I imagine that vaccine passports, essential and non-sessential society, and no participation in society unless you can provide paperz pleez are merely the tip of the iceberg to what these droids have in store. And I really think they're letting the illegals in and turning them loose with the virus for the express purpose of tossing a bobber out there so that the electorate will literally beg for a nationalized identification system, complete with medical records data (and so much more) to be implemented without putting up too much of a fight. That's why we haven't heard much from them about healthcare. They're basically running a live drill. Americans will likely literally beg for it, all they have to do is say, okay, you got it, thanks for asking!

I don't GAF about a commission. I just want to know who turned Covid loose and who is going to pay. Also what part Fauci played in this disaster. He has a lot to answer for.
I don't GAF about a commission. I just want to know who turned Covid loose and who is going to pay. Also what part Fauci played in this disaster. He has a lot to answer for.

Yeah, but a commission will assure that any of your questions about who turned Covid loose and who is going to pay and what part Fauci played in it will be deemed conspiracy theory and therefore strictly limited. You see, Hoss? That's why they put the 9/11 guy in charge. Heh heh. Look at all the power they grabbed from owning the narrative on that one. And guess what. Ask any questions about it and by golly, you're a conspiracy theorist, shut it down. Heh heh.

Your questions will just get in the way of the ''systematic effort'' to pull together information that the commission deems ''can become a foundation for future debate.''

For what it's worth, I agree with you.
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Sound familiar? 9/11 and their war on terror got us the Patriot Act.

What do you think the ''war against this virus'' will get us, given the same players are seemingly narating the terms of controversy? I'll give yas thre guesses and the first two don't count. Heh heh.

My friends, I imagine that vaccine passports, essential and non-sessential society, and no participation in society unless you can provide paperz pleez are merely the tip of the iceberg to what these droids have in store. And I really think they're letting the illegals in and turning them loose with the virus for the express purpose of tossing a bobber out there so that the electorate will literally beg for a nationalized identification system, complete with medical records data (and so much more) to be implemented without putting up too much of a fight. That's why we haven't heard much from them about healthcare. They're basically running a live drill. Americans will likely literally beg for it, all they have to do is say, okay, you got it, thanks for asking!

I hope that people are noticing the PTSB's pattern of using "war" terminology against whatever bogeyman they're currently promoting. First it was the "war on drugs" then the "war on terror" and now we're in the post-9/11 "war" against a deadly virus! Like other promoted "crises," it's about power grabs and moving us in the direction of whatever un-American systems they have been planning. Ha, I'm sorry to sound so cynical, but hey.... the pattern is kinda obvious by now, iyam.
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I hope that people are noticing the PTSB's pattern of using "war" terminology against whatever bogeyman they're currently promoting. First it was the "war on drugs" then the "war on terror" and now we're in the post-9/11 "war" against a deadly virus! Like all the other promoted "crises," it's about power grabs and moving us in the direction of whatever un-American systems they have been planning. Ha, I'm sorry to sound so cynical, but hey.... the pattern is kinda obvious by now, iyam.


And now they're marching out the old gag about the ufos. It's all we're seeing all over cable news entertainment these days. Good thing we have a space force now. It'll be a hell of a time.

That'll be the last one, I think. They're starting to run out of boogymen in the sense that humanity is just becoming complacent to it all and not really panicking the way they like. There's literally protests all over the world with this recent gag that the branch covidians are running. Not as many people are buying it that bought into that whole 9/11 narrative they sold in order to get the so-called Patriot Act through.

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The biggest determinant of whether or not you believe in a conspiracy theory is if you believe in other conspiracy theories.
No it isn't dumbass. You look at shit that happened
and form an honest opinion about it, without CIA propaganda from NBC and CNN being involved. If Anderson Pooper calls it a "conspiracy theory" you can bet there's much more to it.
Sound familiar? 9/11 and their war on terror got us the Patriot Act.

What do you think the ''war against this virus'' will get us, given the same players are seemingly narating the terms of controversy? I'll give yas thre guesses and the first two don't count. Heh heh.

My friends, I imagine that vaccine passports, essential and non-sessential society, and no participation in society unless you can provide paperz pleez are merely the tip of the iceberg to what these droids have in store. And I really think they're letting the illegals in and turning them loose with the virus for the express purpose of tossing a bobber out there so that the electorate will literally beg for a nationalized identification system, complete with medical records data (and so much more) to be implemented without putting up too much of a fight. That's why we haven't heard much from them about healthcare. They're basically running a live drill. Americans will likely literally beg for it, all they have to do is say, okay, you got it, thanks for asking!

I hope that people are noticing the PTSB's pattern of using "war" terminology against whatever bogeyman they're currently promoting. First it was the "war on drugs" then the "war on terror" and now we're in the post-9/11 "war" against a deadly virus! Like all the other promoted "crises," it's about power grabs and moving us in the direction of whatever un-American systems they have been planning. Ha, I'm sorry to sound so cynical, but hey.... the pattern is kinda obvious by now, iyam.


And now they're marching out the old gag about the ufos. It's all we're seeing all over cable news entertainment these days.

That'll be the last one, I think. They're starting to run out of boogymen in the sense that humanity is just becoming complacent to it all and not really panicking the way they like. There's literally protests all over the world with this recent gag that the branch covidians are running.

Are they really? Wow, as you know I almost never watch TV so I haven't seen the UFO stuff being marched out. :laugh: But yes, you're probably right that that will be the last card they play. Hopefully by then more people will have woken up to their pattern of using fear and "crises" as their best tool for doing whatever they want. And as you always say, the people love em for it! Ay yai yai.
The biggest determinant of whether or not you believe in a conspiracy theory is if you believe in other conspiracy theories.
And oh do these right wing nut jobs believe in conspiracy theories.

We're looking at 4-8 years of "the sky is falling" from these idiots
The biggest determinant of whether or not you believe in a conspiracy theory is if you believe in other conspiracy theories.
If corrupt people hatching conspiracies get away with one, they will certainly plot more.
We need no national COVID Commission. It will be the usual shit show by the feds.

I agree. Its pretty easy. China failed to lock their country down when the virus hit them. Since they didn't lock their country down that virus was flown all over the world.

We all know WHO lied their asses off for China and China is to blame for every death. from THEIR virus.

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