9/11 families ask Biden not to attend memorial events without release of documents

OBL was a CIA asset..... the Seal Team missed... and were purposely sent into an ambush. Sitting ducks.

Nope.. OBL wasn't a CIA asset. .. nor was he Tim Ozman. His mother was Syrian and divorced from Bin Laden so he was raised in Syria until he was a teen. He was influenced by Hassan al Banna and Sayid Qubt (Muslim Brotherhood) which was outlawed and still is outlawed in KSA by King Faisal around 1970....

The Seal Team wasn't ambushed when they took over OBL's compound.
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The Taliban were not involved in 9-11. .. and the Saudis had no animus involving them.

The Saudis hated the Soviets and Communism.

No country would accept OBL's body.. Burial at sea was acceptable. What law forbids burial at sea?

Law requires a body to be returned to relative, (if possible), and what the relatives do with it would be up to them.
But burial at sea intentionally is considered an insult to Moslems.
Should not have been made public unless insult was intentional.
Law requires a body to be returned to relative, (if possible), and what the relatives do with it would be up to them.
But burial at sea intentionally is considered an insult to Moslems.
Should not have been made public unless insult was intentional.

Its not an insult to Muslims. They require same day burial so burial at sea is an option.
Nope.. OBL wasn't a CIA asset. .. nor was he Tim Ozman. His mother was Syrian and divorced from Bin Laden so he was raised in Syria until he was a teen. He was influenced by Hassan al Banna and Sayid Qubt (Muslim Brotherhood) which was outlawed and still is outlawed in KSA by King Faisal around 1970....

The Seal Team wasn't ambushed when they took over OBL's compound.

That is the part that is hard to believe, since they should have been ambushed.
It should not have been possible for the US to learn where Osama was, get helicopter past Pakistan radar, fly right by a military bases, and find bin Laden's secret compound all unlocked and unguarded?
The Seal team had no advantage.
A gun port at the top of the stairs, a grenade rolled into the stairway, etc., and the whole seal team would have been toast.
In fact, the helicopter should never have been able to land anyone, since Osama should have easily been able to blow it up upon approach, with a simple shoulder launched SAM.
Why would bin Laden have been alone and so unarmed?
Nope.. OBL wasn't a CIA asset. .. nor was he Tim Ozman. His mother was Syrian and divorced from Bin Laden so he was raised in Syria until he was a teen. He was influenced by Hassan al Banna and Sayid Qubt (Muslim Brotherhood) which was outlawed and still is outlawed in KSA by King Faisal around 1970....

The Seal Team wasn't ambushed when they took over OBL's compound.
Then why don't they release the documents?
Because 9/11 was a crime within a crime within a crime and the cover up will never end.

You fukkers will start World War 3 before you get caught.
Its not an insult to Muslims. They require same day burial so burial at sea is an option.

It is not an insult if there is no option, but is an insult if done deliberately, similar to cremation.

The sacred texts of Islam prefer burial on land, "so deep that its smell does not come out and the beasts of prey do not dig it out". However, if a person dies at sea and it is not possible to bring the body back to land before decay, or if burial at land becomes impossible, burial at sea is allowed.
It is not an insult if there is no option, but is an insult if done deliberately, similar to cremation.

The sacred texts of Islam prefer burial on land, "so deep that its smell does not come out and the beasts of prey do not dig it out". However, if a person dies at sea and it is not possible to bring the body back to land before decay, or if burial at land becomes impossible, burial at sea is allowed.

Arizona? Are you a Muslim? No country would accept OBL's body.. He had NO country.. no citizenship anywhere.
That is the part that is hard to believe, since they should have been ambushed.
It should not have been possible for the US to learn where Osama was, get helicopter past Pakistan radar, fly right by a military bases, and find bin Laden's secret compound all unlocked and unguarded?
The Seal team had no advantage.
A gun port at the top of the stairs, a grenade rolled into the stairway, etc., and the whole seal team would have been toast.
In fact, the helicopter should never have been able to land anyone, since Osama should have easily been able to blow it up upon approach, with a simple shoulder launched SAM.
Why would bin Laden have been alone and so unarmed?

Because he was living with his wives and children not a militia.
Arizona? Are you a Muslim? No country would accept OBL's body.. He had NO country.. no citizenship anywhere.
You seem to want us to believe that you have some kind of special inside knowledge that none of us have.

I think you're full of shit. I can literally smell it through the screen.
Spying on all of us? How?

Please educate yourself.

Your Data: If You Have Nothing to Hide, You Have Nothing to Fear​

Our value is founded on a unique and deep understanding of risks, vulnerabilities, mitigations, and threats. Domestic Surveillance plays a vital role in our national security by using advanced data mining systems to "connect the dots" to identify suspicious patterns.

Why We Collect Your Data​

In the past, domestic law enforcement agencies collected data AFTER a suspect had been identified. This often resulted in lost intelligence and missed opportunities. But what if data could be collected in advance, BEFORE the target was known? What if the mere act of collecting data could result in the identification of new targets?

What if we could build a national data warehouse containing information about every person in the United States? Thanks to secret interpretations of the PATRIOT ACT, top-secret Fourth Amendment exceptions allowed by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, and broad cooperation at the local, state, and federal level, we can!

So, how are they spying on all of us?

Need more?

In the spirit of openness and transparency, here is a partial list of current and planned future data collection targets

  • internet searches (ie; here's a collection of searches by Federal Government workers)
  • websites visited
  • emails sent and received
  • social media activity (Facebook, Twitter, etc)
  • blogging activity including posts read, written, and commented on - View our patent
  • videos watched and/or uploaded online
  • photos viewed and/or uploaded online
  • mobile phone GPS-location data
  • mobile phone apps downloaded
  • phone call records - View our patent
  • text messages sent and received
  • Skype video calls
  • online purchases and auction transactions
  • credit card/ debit card transactions
  • financial information
  • legal documents
  • travel documents
  • health records
  • cable television shows watched and recorded
  • commuter toll records
  • electronic bus and subway passes / Smartpasses
  • facial recognition data from surveillance cameras
  • educational records
  • arrest records
  • driver license information
  • DNA
Please educate yourself.

Your Data: If You Have Nothing to Hide, You Have Nothing to Fear​

Our value is founded on a unique and deep understanding of risks, vulnerabilities, mitigations, and threats. Domestic Surveillance plays a vital role in our national security by using advanced data mining systems to "connect the dots" to identify suspicious patterns.

Why We Collect Your Data​

In the past, domestic law enforcement agencies collected data AFTER a suspect had been identified. This often resulted in lost intelligence and missed opportunities. But what if data could be collected in advance, BEFORE the target was known? What if the mere act of collecting data could result in the identification of new targets?

What if we could build a national data warehouse containing information about every person in the United States? Thanks to secret interpretations of the PATRIOT ACT, top-secret Fourth Amendment exceptions allowed by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, and broad cooperation at the local, state, and federal level, we can!

Not to mention the fact that Edward Snowden himself has appeared in dozens of interviews informing us about what's going on.
You seem to want us to believe that you have some kind of special inside knowledge that none of us have.

I think you're full of shit. I can literally smell it through the screen.

Nah. You're just stupid, Angelo.
What should we do with a country that basically state-sponsored the attack? That knew about the attacks and let them happen without warning us?
Good luck
Saudi Arabia would not look cross-eyed at Iran if it wasn't for us having their back.

You've never been to Iran either. Israel used to buy all their oil from Iran via TIPLINE and KSA used to fly to Teheran ever day.

Iran isn't threatening Saudi Arabia. Remember Iran is mostly Shia.

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