9-11 Truth for Xmas-wiki gets undeceived about towers core structure


Evidence & Reason Rule
Aug 23, 2009
Wiki gets "undeceived" about Twins core structure, "my imagination runneth away"

I can only imagine how Wikipedia figured out that FEMA had deceived NIST and the world about the structural core of the Twin Towers.

Construction of the World Trade Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here is a possible scenario for the realization of Wikipedia that they were being used to reinforce the official deception, whereupon they found some way to get notice to me of the fact that they were using references I use to substantiate the concrete core.

Truth seekers that also have a background in construction or structural engineering happen to be viewing message board forums where I am posting might be an explanation. They see a thread I've posted about the "FEMA deception". At first they are skeptical and feel they can simply watch the thread for a few days until someone with evidence comes along and proves the steel core columns that FEMA only diagrams.


Those days pass and my continual challenge is unmet, "Show us an image from 9-11 that shows the supposed steel core columns in the core area." They realize that no one is posting evidence and instead my opposition is pure ad hominum.
They realize a simple point I make, "How do hallways and elevator doors on every floor have openings when needed diagonal and horizontal bracing must block them in order to exist." They see my challenge to opposition to show images from ground zero wreakage showing such connections between supposed core columns and diagonals go totally unmet and notice that the best sample, only one, actually shows something other than diagonal braces that is basically impossible to explain on its own


They visit my site,

The Concrete Core Of The WTC Towers

and they realize that the independently verified evidence for the concrete core cannot be denied or countered reasonably.

About this time they notice gamolons breakfornews.com photoshop frauds and the fact that such a ploy can only be designed to indirectly challenge the independently verified evidence for the concrete core by asserting that the concrete core disallowed elevators from being enter through the lobby.

Breakfornews.com, Fintan Dunne

Such a ploy totally depends on people believing that the towers cores were identical despite very good evidence showing they had a very large difference. Twice as many hallways in WTC 2 completely visible in silhouette images during construction.


The WTC 2 core (on left) was completely redesigned moving from a strict shearwall design to a cell/shear combo having a decreased section every 40 feet, or multiples of it (below the 43rd w/same section from about 1/2 to top), instead of the flat, tapering shear wall WTC 1 had. This enabled doubling the hallways. The base was completely redesigned with a center pedastal surrounded by short walls, elevator shafts, aligned with the interior box columns.

About the time another silhouette image is used in an attempt to discount the concrete core.


It is easily realized that the light streaming through shows that steel core columns would be interrupted when the FEMA presentation at top show continuous columns.

I would imagine that Wikipedia contacted the reference sources and confirmed the concrete core. At this point they would realize there was no one that would edit their page except myself. This would be true because of the fact that the concrete core enabled the "built to demolish" scenario, which is WAY too much for any of the sources of the concrete core evidence to support even indirectly by editing the Wiki page.

The force of the "big lie" manifests as a potent social fear that prevents knowledgeable authority from using their knowledge.

How else might have Wiki have realized the situation in which they were placed? Speculation welcomed.
anybody can edit wikipideia. even insane and delusional people like yourself. (and there is no doubt you did). it is what makes it an unreliable source of information.
anybody can edit wikipideia. even insane and delusional people like yourself. (and there is no doubt you did). it is what makes it an unreliable source of information.

Of course I did. I had tried in 2005 and it was returned to it's previous state within 30 minutes. It's been sitting there just like that for 6 days now.

See if you can edit it back and make it read the way you want it to.
Hi Chris:

Wiki gets "undeceived" about Twins core structure, "my imagination runneth away"

I can only imagine how Wikipedia figured out that FEMA had deceived NIST and the world about the structural core of the Twin Towers.

If this Disinfo Stooge (How To Spot) says "FEMA/NIST Twin Towers Core" one more time, then

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sfgWinGi_g]... Blood Is Going To Shoot Out My Eyeballs!!!!!!!!!!![/ame]


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long sigh.........
space aliens, evil midgets, plot to create a super race and take over the world.

expert from wiki link:
|title=City in the Sky |author=Glanz, James and Eric Lipton |pages=139&#8211;144 |publisher=Times Books |year=2003}}</ref> Many subjects did not respond well, experiencing [[dizziness]] and other ill effects. One of the chief engineers [[Leslie Robertson]] worked with Canadian engineer [[Alan G. Davenport]] to develop viscoelastic [[Damping|dampers]] to absorb some of the sway. These viscoelastic dampers, used throughout the structures at the joints between floor trusses and perimeter columns, along with some other structural modifications reduced the building sway to an acceptable level.<ref>{{cite book |title=City in the Sky |author=Glanz, James and Eric Lipton |pages=160&#8211;167 |publisher=Times Books |year=2003}}</ref>

===Aircraft impact===
Experts now agree that the airplanes did not hit either building. Space aliens blasted the buildings with advanced weopons, while abducting all the passengers. The passengers were transffered to their planet to be used in an effort to breed a super-human race to take over the earth. This was attempted by these aliens once before, sadly they abducted a midget and the genetically engineer super race came out to small to be taken seriously. The evil midgets wer trained by Elvis Presley on the alien planet. Elvis was previously abducted but was found to be impotent and could not breed. additionally his DNA was damaged by drug use in his early life. These elvis trained evil midgets cleaned up all traces of the aliens and their super secret weopons. During the cleanup, several earthlings were killed, creating bodies and lending credence to the official government cover up. Experts now agree that all other stories are now considered to be created and spread to hide the truth that space aliens are working to take over the earth.
The structural engineers on the project also considered the possibility that an aircraft could crash into the building. In July 1945, a [[B-25 bomber]] that was lost in the fog had crashed into the 79th floor of the [[Empire State Building]]. A year later, another airplane nearly crashed into the [[40 Wall Street]] building, and there was another near-miss at the Empire State Building.<ref>{{cite news |url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9F02E2DD1F3FF93BA3575AC0A9

Construction of the World Trade Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Looks like these posters have no evidence or even reason to support a position that they haven't clearly defined.

They just don't want Wikipedia having the true structural design of the towers that supposedly collapsed killing 3,000 innocent people.
anybody can edit wikipideia. even insane and delusional people like yourself. (and there is no doubt you did). it is what makes it an unreliable source of information.

Of course I did. I had tried in 2005 and it was returned to it's previous state within 30 minutes. It's been sitting there just like that for 6 days now.

See if you can edit it back and make it read the way you want it to.
see, this is proof that Wiki sites are NOT definitive sources
Looks like these posters have no evidence or even reason to support a position that they haven't clearly defined.

They just don't want Wikipedia having the true structural design of the towers that supposedly collapsed killing 3,000 innocent people.
pay your child support you fucking deadbeat
Looks like these posters have no evidence or even reason to support a position that they haven't clearly defined.

They just don't want Wikipedia having the true structural design of the towers that supposedly collapsed killing 3,000 innocent people.
pay your child support you fucking deadbeat

The truth is far different, but you are not interested in that.


You are interested in protecting the secret methods of mass murder for the perpetrators, that is why you attempt to do what you do with no evidence.
Looks like these posters have no evidence or even reason to support a position that they haven't clearly defined.

They just don't want Wikipedia having the true structural design of the towers that supposedly collapsed killing 3,000 innocent people.
pay your child support you fucking deadbeat

The truth is far different, but you are not interested in that.


You are interested in protecting the secret methods of mass murder for the perpetrators, that is why you attempt to do what you do with no evidence.

the truth is that you need to get up off your lazy ass and pay the $30,000 in child support you owe.

and have a nice walk to work, Mr Suspended License. :lol:
pay your child support you fucking deadbeat

The truth is far different, but you are not interested in that.


You are interested in protecting the secret methods of mass murder for the perpetrators, that is why you attempt to do what you do with no evidence.

the truth is that you need to get up off your lazy ass and pay the $30,000 in child support you owe.

and have a nice walk to work, Mr Suspended License. :lol:

I've posted proof that I owe nothing and that I have been deprived of Consitutional rights, equal protection of law.



The perpetrators interests dictate that you attempt to marginalize me and ignore that 3,000 were murdered in 20 seconds in buildings that were analyzed for collapse WITHOUT plans, when guilani took the towers plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding sabotaging the analysis protecting the perpetrators.
The truth is far different, but you are not interested in that.


You are interested in protecting the secret methods of mass murder for the perpetrators, that is why you attempt to do what you do with no evidence.

the truth is that you need to get up off your lazy ass and pay the $30,000 in child support you owe.

and have a nice walk to work, Mr Suspended License. :lol:

I've posted proof that I owe nothing and that I have been deprived of Consitutional rights, equal protection of law.



The perpetrators interests dictate that you attempt to marginalize me and ignore that 3,000 were murdered in 20 seconds in buildings that were analyzed for collapse WITHOUT plans, when guilani took the towers plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding sabotaging the analysis protecting the perpetrators.

no you didnt. you provided proof that YOU THINK you dont owe the money and were deprived of your constitutional rights.

however, the facts speak for themselves. the court does not agree with you. you never paid the child support you were required by law. then you claimed the judge was biased only because she ruled against you.

you sir, are an idiot.:cuckoo:
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But why did wikipedia suddenly accept the concrete core of the towers where 3,000 died in 20 seconds?

Why don't you care that the cause of death on 3,000 death certificates is invalid?

I've proven I was deprived of equal protection of law preventing me from paying and depriving me of information needed for medical treatments.



you didnt prove anything. you didnt prove you didnt get equal protection. you didnt prove a concrete core. you wouldn't know what proof is if it kicked you in the balls. :cuckoo:

since 1993 you didnt pay child support. its only $195 a month and you still skipped out on your children and your parental duties. you owe over $30,000 in child support payments.

come on, tell us the exact number the courts say you owe......
WTC blueprints - Rapidshare files download

You may download the blueprints here. But I won't because I can't read them anyway. But I do know that there was not a concrete core.

The same are viewable here as individual sheets,

9-11 Research

They are from a person that benefitted from insurance that appears to be in excess of rebuilding costs of around $5 billion perhaps.

Do you accept vital structural data from such parties as applied to the due process determination of cause of death when 3,000 murders were supposedly caused in the buildings collapse? BE aware NIST, the official entity producing the cause of death DID NOT HAVE THE BUILDINGS PLANS.

the plans are leaked from silversteins offices?

Particularly when the have absurd digital anomalies in the revision tables of perhaps 20% that look like this?




A full analysis,

The faked WTC 1 plans
The faked WTC 1 plans

Reasonably, if the US Constitution and lawful government is something you stand to defend, the only acceptable answer is NO, I do not accept information from such interested parties under these conditions.

You are tested sir.
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Do you accept vital structural data from such parties as applied to the due process determination of cause of death when 3,000 murders were supposedly caused in the buildings collapse?

the cause of death for 9/11 victims is homicide. the cause of death for the hijackers is suicide. concrete core or steel core it doesnt change what the cause of death is. your point is baseless.
Do you accept vital structural data from such parties as applied to the due process determination of cause of death when 3,000 murders were supposedly caused in the buildings collapse?

the cause of death for 9/11 victims is homicide.

The direct cause of death is supposed to be building collapse and such a determination cannot be made WITHOUT BUILDING PLANS.

The NYC mayor took the towers plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding

The NIST disclaimer basically remove liability and indirectly admits to not having plans.

You support the secret methods of mass murder.




C'mon Ollie, you can do it. You can stand for justice, the Constitution and lawfull government.

You've seen the evidence. How badly you do not want to confront the difficulty with this, it does not matter, the Constitution is what matters,


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