9/11: What really happened on that day?

The corrupt mainstream media told us that people were jumping from the towers because the flames were so hot and the building was becoming unbearable


But we know better. People jumped because they knew a controlled demo was coming

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Wait a second, if those who planned 9/11 were such patriots in the way you seem to be describing, why would they plan 9/11 to begin with?
They didn't. That's my point. You, however, are free to spin your nutty conspiracy theories to your cowardly heart's content. I am free to point out why you are wrong.
I see zionist agent phoenix farted after my post.His handlers sure got worried sending him immediately afterwards to talk to himself.

comedy gold that he uses INTERNET links as sources.:lmao::haha:

His handlers could have done much better than that of what to instruct him to do.:lmao::haha:
it was jew job

So you think that Israel alone pulled off 9/11? If so, what draws you to this conclusion?
jew controlling media =


you took the zionist shill to school there and disinfo agent rightwinger can only laugh in defeat.:happy-1:

So you think that Israel alone pulled off 9/11? If so, what draws you to this conclusion?

Not Israel alone,Israel along with the CIA. what draws me to that conclusion? Oh I dont know,a couple of videos each three hours long here below that have never been debunked by anybody including you Zionist paid shills.:rolleyes:

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There have been threads in this forum that address the general issue of what happened on 9/11. That being said, I have found that a lot of them are not neutral in their title- their titles imply that they are either for or against an official narrative. I started a thread with the same title as this one in another forum and after over 1000 posts, I think it's been fairly successful. Not sure if it'll work out here, but I thought I'd give it a go. I'll start by responding to someone who asked me to outline my view of what happened on 9/11 and who was behind it...

I've heard many theories as to what happened at the World Trade Center. As to the general outline of what happened on 9/11, I think I'll start with the general outline of both the official narrative of events, as well as the generally accepted outline of what those who disagree with it is, as outlined in a documentary film called Zeitgeist...


I would like to ask anyone who sides with the official narrative if they essentially agree with this narrative.

I agree that it is the best guess based on the evidence.

I'm glad we atleast agree that it is a theory (which some might call an educated guess) rather than a proven fact.

As to what I believe, this is exemplified by the concluding statement of Zeitgeist in its 9/11 section:
Criminal Elements within the US government staged a "false flag" terror
attack on its own citizens, in order to manipulate public perception
into supporting its agenda.

They have been doing these for years.

9/11 was an Inside Job

No shock that you believe that. I am very sure that no one in our government is that smart nor are they all able to keep silent.

How are you so sure?

For anyone considering responding to this thread for the first time, I ask that you consider briefly pointing out what you think happened on 9/11; it can be as simple as stating that you believe in one of the 2 summaries outlined above, or it can be more detailed. At that point, I will endeavour to comment on your entry, and explain why I agree or disagree with your point of view.

I already said that I believe the official investigation has the best guess and is the most likely true. The fact that it has a lot of holes in the theory is exactly why it's not a lie. If the official theory had all of the answers, all the "i"'s dotted and all the "t"s crossed, I'd be suspicious. Investigations don't work like in the movies. Often times the REAL whole story can never be truly known.

Well, we can certainly agree that the real whole story is not currently known. Could you elaborate on what you believe the holes in the official story are? Personally, I would rather have a conversation where we can start with some common beliefs, and you explaining what you believe the holes are might greatly help in that regard.

As far as an inside job, you'd have to prove that and no one has ever been able to.

I have never claimed to be able to prove it myself. Let's see if we can find points of commonality in the official story's holes and see where we go from there...

Yes, I'm pretty sure that the government isn't that smart and even more sure that there would at least be one, likely more that eventually would break the silence.

The "holes" in the official story that I'm referring to have been brought up by the various Truthers here. To be honest, I can't recall all of them, or even one. You could probably mention the ones you know and refresh my memory. Sorry, but I don't dwell on those at all because I'm satisfied that the "official" story is pretty much correct and that we can never know the whole truth.
the fact USMB's resident troll agent rightwinger agreed with this post says it all about this post,.this after all is a guy who is STILL saying the rams are playing in st louis this year,seriously I am not lying.so much for HIS credibility.i would hate to have someone like that agreeing with me.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Notice the fire engine in the background


While the press was watching the firemen put out the fire in the background, Government stealth agents were distributing these airplane parts all over the Pentagon lawn
....first off,if they talked,they would wind up as a mysterious dead body same as so many of them did when they came forward and said they heard explosions going off in the basements before they collapsed.:lol:

Oh and it was ISRAEL along with many covert operaters in the CIA that was behind it all,not americans.:rofl:you dont seem to be able to grasp it that the CIA is an evil organization that doesnt do what we are TOLD they do which is spy on other countries when the TRUTH is they have been involved in secret covert wars ever since the 1940's.:lol:.....
Dude, obviously you are a coward who doesn't recognize that other people, especially patriots, don't live in fear of death. They would speak out in spite of threats to themselves.

Well, well, well. Now your hatred comes to the forefront. You're not only a conspiracy theorist living in fear of government assassins, but you're also an anti-Semitic. Sad.
other way around,you are the only coward here.you ignored everything i posted that took you to school.that shows your arrogance.
....first off,if they talked,they would wind up as a mysterious dead body same as so many of them did when they came forward and said they heard explosions going off in the basements before they collapsed.:lol:

Oh and it was ISRAEL along with many covert operaters in the CIA that was behind it all,not americans.:rofl:you dont seem to be able to grasp it that the CIA is an evil organization that doesnt do what we are TOLD they do which is spy on other countries when the TRUTH is they have been involved in secret covert wars ever since the 1940's.:lol:.....
Dude, obviously you are a coward who doesn't recognize that other people, especially patriots, don't live in fear of death. They would speak out in spite of threats to themselves.

Well, well, well. Now your hatred comes to the forefront. You're not only a conspiracy theorist living in fear of government assassins, but you're also an anti-Semitic. Sad.

other way around liar,YOU are the coward here,the fact you ignored EVERYTHING i posted and dismissed it.:rolleyes: hatred? yeah I hate idiot trolls like you who only see what they WANT to see.yeah i wont deny that.:up_yours:
now THAT'S whats sad.
you idiot,they arent going to speak out when they know they wont only kill them but they will kill their familys as well.

typical BS from you 9/11 conspiracy theorists making false accusations with BS that I am anti-semitic as well when you cant counter facts.
thats like saying I hate all americans in the country because I hate George Bush and Bill Clinton because they are americans.:uhoh3:

also you idiot,I also greatly respect true jewish people,true jewish people Judusim Jewish folks are very good people and want to reform their corrupt government in Israel moron.their corrupt leaders are zionist Jewish and they are evil so enough of this false BS that I am anti- semetic jerk.:up_yours:

the fact that zionist paid shill agent sayit likes your post,is not helping your cause either.:rofl:

I gave you the benefit of the doubt that you were not a zionist agent like rightwinger,sayit,or phoenyx,ALL idiots who talk to themselves thinking i still read their propaganda they post all these years later but obviously you are no different than them,a shill as well the fact you stopped to name calling calling me a coward and and making false accusations that I am anti semitic as well.

your handler has failed MISERABLY to debunk anything i posted that he sent you here to post after i took you to school and you did this-:scared1: when you could not refute anything.

now THATS being a coward which you obviously have proven in spades.:thup:
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Wait a second, if those who planned 9/11 were such patriots in the way you seem to be describing, why would they plan 9/11 to begin with?
They didn't. That's my point. You, however, are free to spin your nutty conspiracy theories to your cowardly heart's content. I am free to point out why you are wrong.

How by making false accusations that people are anti-semitic when you cant refute facts that the mossad along with the CIA were behind the attacks? yeah thats really pointing out why we are wrong.:rolleyes:

you 9/11 apologists spend the nuttiest, absurd, ludicrous conspiracy theory of them all.the official conspiracy THEORY of them all spun by the Bush administration you Bush dupes fell for hook,line,and sinker in this link below.This below is by far heads and shoulders the wackiest conspiracy THEORY of them all.

Idaho Observer: The looniest of all 9/11 conspiracy theories
Let us not tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories,” President Bush stated amid increasingly loud accusations that his administration may have allowed the tragic events of 9/11 to occur as a pretext justifying U.S. expansion of armed conflict around the world to allegedly wage war on terrorism. Curiously, most of the “outrageous conspiracy theories” to which he refers incorporate some extremely sound science, logic and witness testimony where the official version is lacking in those critical areas. The following is a rather clever and immensely sarcastic approach to the government's explanation of 9/11 -- which follows a pattern established by the “magic bullet theory” to explain the assassination of JFK and a Ryder truck full of fertilizer and fuel oil to explain the damage at the Murrah federal building in OK City.

One of the wilder stories circulating about Sept 11 (and one that has attracted something of a cult following amongst conspiracy buffs) is that it was carried out by 19 fanatical Arab hijackers, masterminded by an evil genius named Osama bin Laden, with no apparent motivation other than that they “hate our freedoms.”

Never a group of people to be bothered by facts, the perpetrators of this cartoon fantasy have constructed an elaborately woven web of delusions and unsubstantiated hearsay in order to promote this garbage across the Internet and the media to the extent that a number of otherwise rational people have actually fallen under its spell.

Normally I don't even bother debunking this kind of junk, but the effect that this paranoid myth is beginning to have requires a little rational analysis, in order to consign it to the same rubbish bin as all such silly conspiracy theories.

These crackpots even contend that the extremist Bush regime was caught unawares by the attacks, had no hand in organizing them and actually would have stopped them if it had been able. Blindly ignoring the stand down of the U.S. Air Force, the insider trading on airline stocks (linked to the CIA), the complicit behavior of Bush on the morning of the attacks, the controlled demolition of the WTC, the firing of a missile into the Pentagon and a host of other documented proofs that the Bush regime was behind the attacks, the conspiracy theorists stick doggedly to a silly story about 19 Arab hijackers somehow managing to commandeer four planes simultaneously and fly them around U.S. airspace for nearly two hours, crashing them into important buildings, without the U.S. intelligence services having any idea that it was coming, and without the Air Force knowing what to do.

The daunting task of analysis

The huge difficulties with such a stupid story force them to invent even more preposterous stories to distract from its core silliness, and thus the tale has escalated into a mythic fantasy of truly gargantuan proportions.

It's difficult to apply rational analysis to such unmitigated stupidity, but that is the task which I take on in this article. However, it should be noted that one of the curious characteristics of conspiracy theorists is that they effortlessly change their so called evidence in response to each aspect which is debunked. As soon as one delusion is unmasked, they simply invent another to replace it and deny that the first ever existed. Eventually, when they have turned full circle through this endlessly changing fantasy fog , they then reinvent the original delusion and deny that you ever debunked it, thus beginning the circle once more. This technique is known as “the fruit loop” and saves the conspiracy theorist from ever having to see any of their ideas through to their (ill)logical conclusions.

The fruit loop

According to the practitioners of the fruit loop, 19 Arabs took over the four planes by subduing the passengers and crew through the use of guns, knives, box cutters and gas, and then used electronic guidance systems which they had smuggled on board to fly the planes to their targets.

The suspension of disbelief required for this outrageous concoction is only for the hard core conspiracy theorist. For a start, they conveniently skip over the awkward fact that there weren't any Arabs on the planes.

If there were, one must speculate that they somehow got on board without being filmed by any of the security cameras and without being registered on the passenger lists. But the curly question of how they are supposed to have got on board is all too mundane for the exciting world of the conspiracy theorist.

Who's on first?

talk about a wacky absurd conspiracy THEORY. better stop smoking that crack you guys are on.
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I gave you the beneift of the doubt that you were just simply brainwashed and programmed as I once was on 9/11 when I first accepted the official version as well but you are obviously another paid shill of Israel same as agents sayit,roudy,,rightwinger,rosie,and candyass all on their payroll sent to troll this message board and others by your handlers in Israel the fact you are like all of them,incapeable of debating without resorting to name calling -saying I am a coward and then making false accusations as well that I am anti semtic-so same as all of those have lost their credibility years ago,you have joined their group.

another paid zionist shill to add to my ignore list since all you can do is shit all over the floor when you cant counter pesky facts and make up one lie after another like I am a coward and anti semitic. way to go.
way to prove your point how mature you are.:clap2::up::up_yours:
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There have been threads in this forum that address the general issue of what happened on 9/11. That being said, I have found that a lot of them are not neutral in their title- their titles imply that they are either for or against an official narrative. I started a thread with the same title as this one in another forum and after over 1000 posts, I think it's been fairly successful. Not sure if it'll work out here, but I thought I'd give it a go. I'll start by responding to someone who asked me to outline my view of what happened on 9/11 and who was behind it...

I've heard many theories as to what happened at the World Trade Center. As to the general outline of what happened on 9/11, I think I'll start with the general outline of both the official narrative of events, as well as the generally accepted outline of what those who disagree with it is, as outlined in a documentary film called Zeitgeist...


I would like to ask anyone who sides with the official narrative if they essentially agree with this narrative.

I agree that it is the best guess based on the evidence.

I'm glad we atleast agree that it is a theory (which some might call an educated guess) rather than a proven fact.

As to what I believe, this is exemplified by the concluding statement of Zeitgeist in its 9/11 section:
Criminal Elements within the US government staged a "false flag" terror
attack on its own citizens, in order to manipulate public perception
into supporting its agenda.

They have been doing these for years.

9/11 was an Inside Job

No shock that you believe that. I am very sure that no one in our government is that smart nor are they all able to keep silent.

How are you so sure?

For anyone considering responding to this thread for the first time, I ask that you consider briefly pointing out what you think happened on 9/11; it can be as simple as stating that you believe in one of the 2 summaries outlined above, or it can be more detailed. At that point, I will endeavour to comment on your entry, and explain why I agree or disagree with your point of view.

I already said that I believe the official investigation has the best guess and is the most likely true. The fact that it has a lot of holes in the theory is exactly why it's not a lie. If the official theory had all of the answers, all the "i"'s dotted and all the "t"s crossed, I'd be suspicious. Investigations don't work like in the movies. Often times the REAL whole story can never be truly known.

Well, we can certainly agree that the real whole story is not currently known. Could you elaborate on what you believe the holes in the official story are? Personally, I would rather have a conversation where we can start with some common beliefs, and you explaining what you believe the holes are might greatly help in that regard.

As far as an inside job, you'd have to prove that and no one has ever been able to.

I have never claimed to be able to prove it myself. Let's see if we can find points of commonality in the official story's holes and see where we go from there...

Yes, I'm pretty sure that the government isn't that smart

I don't think it's wise to view the government as a single continuous entity. There are many political factions within a government, some more devious then others. I certainly don't believe that Norman Mineta was involved, for instance. I think he may actually have provided very damning evidence that someone else in government was, however: Dick Cheney.

and even more sure that there would at least be one, likely more that eventually would break the silence.

Again, how are you so sure? Not to mention the fact that the night is still young. Howard Hunt didn't make his confession concerning JFK until his death bed, over 4 decades after the assassination itself:

The Last Confessions of E. Howard Hunt : Rolling Stone

The "holes" in the official story that I'm referring to have been brought up by the various Truthers here. To be honest, I can't recall all of them, or even one.


You could probably mention the ones you know and refresh my memory. Sorry, but I don't dwell on those at all because I'm satisfied that the "official" story is pretty much correct and that we can never know the whole truth.

I see. Well, for starters, do you atleast agree that government agencies aren't always honest with the public about important events? I'm also curious as to whether you believe the government has ever covered anything up. Iran Contra, the JFK assassination, "Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq", those types of things, do you believe any of the original official stories concerning those events?

You misunderstand. I am not saying that the government is lying, I'm saying that an investigation after the fact cannot answer all of the questions and tell the whole story. We may never know the whole truth because it isn't possible to know.

Of course the government has covered up things but in every case that you mention except for the JFK Assassination and WMDs, they have not been able to keep quiet. JFK was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald and Saddam Hussein definitely had WMDs.

this troll is the funniest one of them all.:biggrin:

He is the ONLY one on here who is NOT a paid shill of Isreal since he put me on ignore years ago after I challenged him years ago to debunk facts that oswald was innocent and there were multiple shooters.:biggrin: Like I said,I sent him a pm saying I'm waiting. asking him to address it and since he could not debunk it,he got angry and started calling me names and has had me on ignore ever since.

He is obviously the only troll on here not a paid shill because his handlers would not pay him the big bucks they pay you guys for your ass beatings you get here everyday-you guys would NEVER show up here everyday for free and take the ass beatings you get here everyday by people that are ignorant enough to feed you like they do and waste their time on you as they do:lol: and you all then make lies up as predfan did just now,you know,it I know it.:lmao:

predfan put me on ignore years ago when i challenged him to refute my facts oswald was innocent and there were multiple shooters sending me a pm back calling me names out of frustration he could not counter my facts and has had me on ignore ever since the fact he hated me taking him to school back then proving him wrong.:lmao:

He obviously DOESNT get paid like you all do the fact he wasnt willing to take his ass beating from me for FREE.:lmao:
....first off,if they talked,they would wind up as a mysterious dead body same as so many of them did when they came forward and said they heard explosions going off in the basements before they collapsed.:lol:

Oh and it was ISRAEL along with many covert operaters in the CIA that was behind it all,not americans.:rofl:you dont seem to be able to grasp it that the CIA is an evil organization that doesnt do what we are TOLD they do which is spy on other countries when the TRUTH is they have been involved in secret covert wars ever since the 1940's.:lol:.....

Dude, obviously you are a coward who doesn't recognize that other people, especially patriots, don't live in fear of death. They would speak out in spite of threats to themselves.

Wait a second, if those who planned 9/11 were such patriots in the way you seem to be describing, why would they plan 9/11 to begin with?

Well, well, well. Now your hatred comes to the forefront. You're not only a conspiracy theorist living in fear of government assassins, but you're also an anti-Semitic. Sad.

I'm not sure why he doesn't consider the CIA to be Americans, unless he thinks only foreign born CIA operatives were a part of this. Personally, I think it's highly likely that Cheney was involved. Cheney is a methodist christian, not jewish. I certainly believe some israelis were involved, some were even arrested and interogated. The big wigs seem to have stopped the investigation, however:
**The five Israelis were held at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, ostensibly for overstaying their tourist visas and working in the United States illegally. Two weeks after their arrest, an immigration judge ordered them to be deported. But sources told ABCNEWS that FBI and CIA officials in Washington put a hold on the case.

The five men were held in detention for more than two months. Some of them were placed in solitary confinement for 40 days, and some of them were given as many as seven lie-detector tests.**

Source: Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies? | ABC News

There's a lot more information on these israelies which can be found in other pages, amoung them, this one:
9-11 Attacks: The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11
....first off,if they talked,they would wind up as a mysterious dead body same as so many of them did when they came forward and said they heard explosions going off in the basements before they collapsed.:lol:

Oh and it was ISRAEL along with many covert operaters in the CIA that was behind it all,not americans.:rofl:you dont seem to be able to grasp it that the CIA is an evil organization that doesnt do what we are TOLD they do which is spy on other countries when the TRUTH is they have been involved in secret covert wars ever since the 1940's.:lol:.....
Dude, obviously you are a coward who doesn't recognize that other people, especially patriots, don't live in fear of death. They would speak out in spite of threats to themselves.

Well, well, well. Now your hatred comes to the forefront. You're not only a conspiracy theorist living in fear of government assassins, but you're also an anti-Semitic. Sad.

NOW it all makes sense why you make false BS claims when losing an argument and cant refute facts why you go and say that BS that I am anti semitic,I have seen you friendly with the three biggest USMB trolls at USMB rightwinger,sayit idiot,and candyass talking to them and clicking on LIKES for their posts,the fact you click on likes and are friendly with those zionist shills,is all the evidence in the world right there i misjudged you giving you the benefit of the dount that you were just brainwashed like i was on 9/11 at one time,thats all the proof in the world right there you are a zionist shill same as them that i need to add to ignore as well.:biggrin:

not a good way to try and get any credibility around herebeing friends with THOSE paid shills of Israel.:lmao::lmao::lmao::haha:

my ignore list growns larger with another israel shill that has penetrated this site.
I've heard many theories as to what happened at the World Trade Center. As to the general outline of what happened on 9/11, I think I'll start with the general outline of both the official narrative of events, as well as the generally accepted outline of what those who disagree with it is, as outlined in a documentary film called Zeitgeist...

19 hijackers, directed by Osama Bin Laden, took over 4 commercial jets
with box cutters and, while evading the Air Defense System (NORAD), hit
75% of their targets. In turn, World Trade Towers 1, 2 & 7 collapsed due
to structural failure through fire in a "pancake" fashion, while the
plane that hit the Pentagon vaporized upon impact, as did the plane
that crashed in Shanksville. The 911 Commission found that there were
no warnings for this act of terrorism, while multiple government
failures prevented adequate defense.


I would like to ask anyone who sides with the official narrative if they essentially agree with this narrative..

Yes, I do. Evade NORAD? Do you even know what NORAD does and how the US air traffic control system works? It's not like they flew those planes from Russia.

Well, atleast you aren't assuming that I'm some villainous know it all that is hiding information to further his nefarious claims :p. I think the director of Zeitgeist did a pretty good job in his documentary, but he may have not been up to snuff on the fact that the FAA's ARTCCs handled air traffic within the U.S.

As for conspiracy theories, the problem with them is that most not only take hundreds, if not thousands of people to carry out, but for all of those people to never, ever speak of it.

Have you ever heard of information security compartmentalization? Just in case you haven't:
In matters concerning information security, whether public or private sector, compartmentalization is the limiting of access to information to persons or other entities who need to know it in order to perform certain tasks.

The concept originated in the handling of classified information in military and intelligence applications, though it dates back to antiquity, and was used to successfully keep the secret of Greek fire.[1]

The basis for compartmentalization is the idea that, if fewer people know the details of a mission or task, the risk or likelihood that such information will be compromised or fall into the hands of the opposition is decreased. Hence, varying levels of clearance within organizations exist. Yet, even if someone has the highest clearance, certain "compartmentalized" information, identified by codewordsreferring to particular types of secret information, may still be restricted to certain operators, even with a lower overall security clearance. Information marked this way is said to be codeword–classified. One famous example of this was the Ultra secret, where documents were marked "Top Secret Ultra": "Top Secret" marked its security level, and the "Ultra" keyword further restricted its readership to only those cleared to read "Ultra" documents.[2]

Source: Compartmentalization (information security) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Using compartmentalization, while many people may have unwittingly participated in 9/11, most of them didn't actually need to know what was truly happening. Of those who were likely to figure it out after the fact, they were probably killed. Some if not all of those killed may have later been said to have died as passengers on the doomed flights, or actually died at the Pentagon and WTC buildings. I definitely believe some near the very top had to have known what was going on. Here's a small clip from the pilot episode of an Xfiles spinoff that gets the gist of it:

One last thing: some witnesses on 9/11 may have been deemed to know 'too much' and thus killed off. There is evidence that this has occurred:

so much for the hilarious argument that someone would have talked theory.

I don't find it hilarious personally. But I do believe that some who -did- reveal things that didn't jive with the official story died in suspicious ways.

lol just as I got done proving,9/11 is the same as the JFK assassination where people who DID come forward and give explanations different than the governments version of events,endyed up paying the price getting murdererd off and having their deaths disguised as suicides,car crashs,heart attacks,ect,ect there was even one lady who came on alex jones show saying she heard explosions going off in the basements and if she died soon do not believe the official version of her death,that she would never take her own life. Guess how she died? an alleged suicide hanging.

yep no murder by the government there.:rolleyes:

I know who you're referring to...
9/11 Conspiracy Connection To DC Madam Murder

Thank you,i could not remember her name.:thup:

true enough that its not hilarious about the somebody would have talked lameass argument they come up with.

You mentioned how Hunt did not spill the beans about the JFK assassination till his final days on his deathbed confession to his son. He kept quiet about it because if he talked and spilled the beans,he would meet the same fate that others did who knew too much.

many reseachers believed that Hunt was in dallas that day and was one of the three tramps. what is interesting is Hunt denied he was in dallas that day most his life until his final days. Funny in his final days when he was dying he change tune and CONFESSED his involvement in it isnt it?

Hunt was going to die anyways so it would be too late for them to kill him so hew fessed up.:D and its interesting that he did not fes up because of being guilty,but because he was still proud of his actions is why.

so that was a pretty ignorant question for him to ask when the answer is obvious that the people that were involved,were paid well to keep their mouths shut or the ones or if they spilled the beans,they would suffer the same fat as kennedy.

as I said,many decades from now,there will probably be CIA people like Hunt also come forward and spill the beans about their involvement.that fact seems to be a little too hard for the Israeli shills like that last jerk i got done with who made that false accusation against me that I am anti semitic just for saying Israel was behind it.:uhoh3: pesky facts like that seem to go over the heads of people like that devine idiot.:biggrin:

I really do hate to get into insults but they ALWAYS throw the first punch everytime so itas hard for me to refrain from hitting back.This devine jerk being the latest calling me a coward and making that false accusation that I am anti semetic.

I thought he was different from the others so i tried to have a civil conversation with him,that turned out to be impossible though the fact he is another paid shill of Israel.
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You could probably mention the ones you know and refresh my memory. Sorry, but I don't dwell on those at all because I'm satisfied that the "official" story is pretty much correct and that we can never know the whole truth.

I see. Well, for starters, do you atleast agree that government agencies aren't always honest with the public about important events? I'm also curious as to whether you believe the government has ever covered anything up. Iran Contra, the JFK assassination, "Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq", those types of things, do you believe any of the original official stories concerning those events?

You misunderstand. I am not saying that the government is lying, I'm saying that an investigation after the fact cannot answer all of the questions and tell the whole story. We may never know the whole truth because it isn't possible to know.

You may be right on that one; the whole truth concerning 9/11 is quite a lot of information. But I certainly believe that many (including myself) can learn a lot more then we currently know of the event.

Of course the government has covered up things but in every case that you mention except for the JFK Assassination and WMDs, they have not been able to keep quiet. JFK was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald and Saddam Hussein definitely had WMDs.

So you don't find Howard Hunt's confession to be credible, I take it? As to your notion that Saddam Hussein definitely had WMDs, I know that this has been claimed, but I haven't seen any real evidence to back it up.
The corrupt mainstream media told us that people were jumping from the towers because the flames were so hot and the building was becoming unbearable


But we know better. People jumped because they knew a controlled demo was coming

Do you have any evidence to back up your claim?
I see zionist agent phoenix farted after my post.His handlers sure got worried sending him immediately afterwards to talk to himself.

comedy gold that he uses INTERNET links as sources.:lmao::haha:

His handlers could have done much better than that of what to instruct him to do.:lmao::haha:

I was thinking you were one of israels shills here so ignore this post i made of ya here.lol
Wait a second, if those who planned 9/11 were such patriots in the way you seem to be describing, why would they plan 9/11 to begin with?

They didn't.

So you're saying that no government official could possibly contemplate killing their own people -.-?

this shill obviously cant comprehend that and doesnt want to either.all that matters to him is the money his boss pays him here for trolling.he thinks money can buy him happiness but he will find out differently in the end bringing so much negative karma down on himself and suffer for his participation in this coverup.

because i had never seen his posts before i gave him the beneift of the doubt of debating him thinking he might be different than the others but he is just like the rest of them all are,cant get into a discussion without name calling and making false accusations that you are anti semetic.:rolleyes:

I tried but as is always the case,they cant stay away from name calling so like always,got to add another shill on ignore.

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