9 CEOs paid 800 times more than their workers

Donald Polish

VIP Member
Nov 27, 2014
9 CEOs paid 800 times more than their workers
This story doesn't surprise me.
The normal nature of American capitalism. Exploit workers an benefit off the backs of their labor. Meanwhile families rely on credit and struggle to provide a decent chance at opportunity for their children.
Exploitation is the very basis of American existence.
Private corporations can pay CEO's what they want. It's none of your business and if you don't like it then don't patronize them
Exploitation is the very basis of American existence.

Two quick responses:

1. We are resembling France prior to their revolution, and
2. We demonize poor, illegals for washing dishes at our restaurants and exalt greedy CEOs who while collecting millions, sit around trying to figure out how to avoid paying any taxes.

Capitalism works best when human frailties are taken out of the equation.

if you split up the compensation of every single super high-paid executive in America among all the workers each one would get a few dollars; there's that many more workers than executives of the kind you are speaking of

it's all about class warfare with you douchebag lefties; ironically too since INCOME INEQUALITY GOT WORSE AND IS STILL GETTING WORSE UNDER PROGRESSIVES

Progs are losers who lie.....................to themselves
9 CEOs paid 800 times more than their workers
This story doesn't surprise me.
The normal nature of American capitalism. Exploit workers an benefit off the backs of their labor. Meanwhile families rely on credit and struggle to provide a decent chance at opportunity for their children.
Exploitation is the very basis of American existence.

"The middle class has been buried these past four years." Joe Biden, Oct 2012
9 CEOs paid 800 times more than their workers
This story doesn't surprise me.
The normal nature of American capitalism. Exploit workers an benefit off the backs of their labor. Meanwhile families rely on credit and struggle to provide a decent chance at opportunity for their children.
Exploitation is the very basis of American existence.

Meanwhile wages are stagnant for workers and the economy is slow.
Private corporations can pay CEO's what they want. It's none of your business and if you don't like it then don't patronize them
Why is billionaires always on the left's mind? What is there fascination with them all the time?

I never think about them and only defend them when they want to raise taxes...because I know that trickles down to me paying more.
and? everyone of these elected ASSES in congress AND that thug Obama MAKE MORE than the people they employ? does that surprise you?

Stop being a greedy envious Moon Bat. If you don't like the salary that a CEO gets from a corporation then your remedy is simply not buy any goods or services provided by the corporation. That way you won't be contributing to the salary that you don't like. Problem solved.

You need to worry about the money that you make and not be obsessed with worrying about what other people make. It just makes you look greedy.
Stop being a greedy envious Moon Bat. If you don't like the salary that a CEO gets from a corporation then your remedy is simply not buy any goods or services provided by the corporation. That way you won't be contributing to the salary that you don't like. Problem solved.

You need to worry about the money that you make and not be obsessed with worrying about what other people make. It just makes you look greedy.
leftists are the most greedy
Private corporations can pay CEO's what they want. It's none of your business and if you don't like it then don't patronize them
Why is billionaires always on the left's mind? What is there fascination with them all the time?

I never think about them and only defend them when they want to raise taxes...because I know that trickles down to me paying more.

they want their money without having to work for it

that is why
9 CEOs paid 800 times more than their workers
This story doesn't surprise me.
The normal nature of American capitalism. Exploit workers an benefit off the backs of their labor. Meanwhile families rely on credit and struggle to provide a decent chance at opportunity for their children.
Exploitation is the very basis of American existence.

Meanwhile wages are stagnant for workers and the economy is slow.
obama admin = stagnant wages
Based on this recurring topic regarding the outrageous "compensation" of greedy CEOs......it would be somewhat refreshing for right wingers to expand their vocabulary when countering democrats, a bit more than the inane stating of:
"Are you jealous?"........"Envy is a bad thing"......Or, "Get a job so you can become a CEO too..."
Stop being a greedy envious Moon Bat. If you don't like the salary that a CEO gets from a corporation then your remedy is simply not buy any goods or services provided by the corporation. That way you won't be contributing to the salary that you don't like. Problem solved.

You need to worry about the money that you make and not be obsessed with worrying about what other people make. It just makes you look greedy.
leftists are the most greedy
yup they are greedy, envious of people who work 60 hours plus a week to get ahead, when they just don't want to even get a job. They blow their money on the lottery and when one of them hits , they are flat broke a few years latter or dead or in jail...

They should be blessed and thank God they don't have millions...
9 CEOs paid 800 times more than their workers
This story doesn't surprise me.
The normal nature of American capitalism. Exploit workers an benefit off the backs of their labor. Meanwhile families rely on credit and struggle to provide a decent chance at opportunity for their children.
Exploitation is the very basis of American existence.

good for them. You have no concept of what it takes to become a CEO, do you?
Two quick responses:

1. We are resembling France prior to their revolution, and
2. We demonize poor, illegals for washing dishes at our restaurants and exalt greedy CEOs who while collecting millions, sit around trying to figure out how to avoid paying any taxes.

Capitalism works best when human frailties are taken out of the equation.
Who exactly is demonizing the poor? Is it possible the CEO is bringing in 800 times the money the dishwasher is? Taking human frailties out means reducing government, I'm all for that.

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