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9 of the Last 10 Recessions, under GOP Pres...

America always elects a Republican to clean up messes left behind by Dimsocialist Presidents.
Oh you mean like when Bush inherited a balanced budget and projected surplus and turned that into the Bush collapse, the greatest financial crisis ever...

You just type random words in the box, but they have no basis in facts.
Slick gave Bush the dotcom bubble and a recession.
I only care about the results. Why do republicans always crash the economy
No you don't care about results. If you did, you'd be hopping mad over what the likes of Jimmy Peanut and Barry Obumma did to the economy. Until this virus hit from China, we had a world standard economy, yet you never once celebrated it! Can you find ONE country whose economy is doing good during the corona attack?

Of course you can't. You are nothing but a piece of dirt dog shit low life shamelessly using a world crisis for political ends as if it would be any different had it happened under Hillary. Fuck you. Fuck YOU.
WHOAAAAA!!!! A total meltdown!!!! Take your meds!!!

Fuck off you slimy POS. If our economy does better generally with Democrats it is only because they just had 4-8 years of it being built back up by a republican repairing the damage from them. Case in point: 8 years of repair by Reagan and Bush after Jimmy Peanut so that Willie could waltz in, and take the credit while diddling the help's clitoris with a wet cigar.
Oh you mean when Bush inherited a balanced budget and a projected surplus and turned that into total economic collapse and the greatest financial crisis since the GOP had the great depression...

For over 100 years the GOP have completely failed America and the numbers prove it.

10 of the last 11 recessions, under GOP presidents, that is as bad as it gets.
As I pointed out, the Democrats controlled Congress Bush's last 2 years in office through Obama's 1st 2 years in office...

...the US Credit Rating Down-grade occurred because despite being warned it would follow if Barry didn't agree to more budget cuts

But the Republican controlled the House and started the fiscal cliff nonsense with the arbitrary and artificial debit ceiling crises.

Nice revisionism, again

Standard & Poor's | Asia

We lowered our long-term rating on the U.S. because we believe that the
prolonged controversy over raising the statutory debt ceiling and the related
fiscal policy debate indicate that further near-term progress containing the
growth in public spending, especially on entitlements, or on reaching an
agreement on raising revenues is less likely than we previously assumed and
will remain a contentious and fitful process. We also believe that the fiscal
consolidation plan that Congress and the Administration agreed to this week
falls short of the amount that we believe is necessary to stabilize the
general government debt burden by the middle of the decade.
I only care about the results. Why do republicans always crash the economy
No you don't care about results. If you did, you'd be hopping mad over what the likes of Jimmy Peanut and Barry Obumma did to the economy. Until this virus hit from China, we had a world standard economy, yet you never once celebrated it! Can you find ONE country whose economy is doing good during the corona attack?

Of course you can't. You are nothing but a piece of dirt dog shit low life shamelessly using a world crisis for political ends as if it would be any different had it happened under Hillary. Fuck you. Fuck YOU.
WHOAAAAA!!!! A total meltdown!!!! Take your meds!!!

Fuck off you slimy POS. If our economy does better generally with Democrats it is only because they just had 4-8 years of it being built back up by a republican repairing the damage from them. Case in point: 8 years of repair by Reagan and Bush after Jimmy Peanut so that Willie could waltz in, and take the credit while diddling the help's clitoris with a wet cigar.
Oh you mean when Bush inherited a balanced budget and a projected surplus and turned that into total economic collapse and the greatest financial crisis since the GOP had the great depression...

For over 100 years the GOP have completely failed America and the numbers prove it.

10 of the last 11 recessions, under GOP presidents, that is as bad as it gets.

JACKASS: Don't you get it? Can't you quit slobbering down your own cheek long enough to read the constitution and realize that it isn't the president who really controls the economy. It's the Congress. Try reading section 7 & 8 of article one of the Constitution.

If democrats do better, they usually have republican congresses and vise versa. Usually when a Repub has the Exec office, he inherits a reprobate democratic congress. That is, unfortunately how our equal branches balance of power usually works that your childish, simplistic, leftist-aimed article fails to educate you. Moron.
I only care about the results. Why do republicans always crash the economy
No you don't care about results. If you did, you'd be hopping mad over what the likes of Jimmy Peanut and Barry Obumma did to the economy. Until this virus hit from China, we had a world standard economy, yet you never once celebrated it! Can you find ONE country whose economy is doing good during the corona attack?

Of course you can't. You are nothing but a piece of dirt dog shit low life shamelessly using a world crisis for political ends as if it would be any different had it happened under Hillary. Fuck you. Fuck YOU.
WHOAAAAA!!!! A total meltdown!!!! Take your meds!!!

Fuck off you slimy POS. If our economy does better generally with Democrats it is only because they just had 4-8 years of it being built back up by a republican repairing the damage from them. Case in point: 8 years of repair by Reagan and Bush after Jimmy Peanut so that Willie could waltz in, and take the credit while diddling the help's clitoris with a wet cigar.
Oh you mean when Bush inherited a balanced budget and a projected surplus and turned that into total economic collapse and the greatest financial crisis since the GOP had the great depression...

For over 100 years the GOP have completely failed America and the numbers prove it.

10 of the last 11 recessions, under GOP presidents, that is as bad as it gets.

JACKASS: Don't you get it? Can't you quit slobbering down your own cheek long enough to read the constitution and realize that it isn't the president who really controls the economy. It's the Congress. Try reading section 7 & 8 of article one of the Constitution.

If democrats do better, they usually have republican congresses and vise versa. Usually when a Repub has the Exec office, he inherits a reprobate democratic congress. That is, unfortunately how our equal branches balance of power usually works that your childish, simplistic, leftist-aimed article fails to educate you. Moron.

Ohhh so now you are going to try and play the "it was the democrat congress" card... So the fact that every single GOP president has had a recession is meaningless and its all the democrat congress's fault?

GDP growth under democrat presidents: 4.33%
GDP growth under GOP pres: 2.54%
Unemployment has been 18% higher under GOP presidents
Democrat presidents have seen 24.4 million more jobs created on their watch
Why does the economy do better when Democrats are in the White House?
Trump Is Right About One Thing: 'The Economy Does Better Under The Democrats'

Anyway you slice it, any metric you use, any numbers you use, They are all substantially better under democrat presidents. I have all the facts and all the numbers- facts are kryptonite to a republican.
You have all the excuses. You people can't take personal responsibility for anything, all you have is lame ass excuses. The GOP, the party of excuses.

If republicans could run the country as well as they could make excuses then we would be in a Clinton era golden age!
Carter's double digit inflation plunged us into a recession. Reagan reversed his policies and gave us an economic expansion that created 20 million jobs and made us oil independent.

Bush Sr. had a mild recession because he allowed Dems to pressure him into signing THEIR tax increase.
Clinton left Bush Jr. with a mild recession. 9/11 caused a worldwide recession, then Dems gave us the housing collapse which gave us another recession almost as bad as Carter's.

Obama doubled the debt and gave us the weakest GDP growth in history. He didn't have a recession because he never got us out of the one he inherited (from his own party).

We're not in a recession now. We're in a temporary slump because of the virus and the panic created by the msm. There has to be two consecutive quarters of negative growth before you can officially call it a recession. Once the virus is behind us we'll be back to normal with a raging bull market. Dems can't talk this economy down. They've met their match with Trump.
.Ohhh so now you are going to try and play the "it was the democrat congress" card...
It's not a "card," you idiot. It is in the Constitution.
You're a total assheel and I don't even read the rest of whatever crap you wrote.
I know facts are kryptonite to a republican. Why would you want to know the facts, it is much easier for you to live a lie.

Being a sheep suits you perfectly, if there is some truth that you don't like, you just ignore it and turn on Fox news.
9 of the Last 10 Recessions, under GOP Pres...

and a democrat house....
Yes more excuses. It's always somebody else's fault with you people. You can never take personal responsibility for any of your actions. You always blame others for everything.

If the GOP could run the country as good as they could make excuses for their failures, then we would be in a Clinton era golden age...

Look who's talking "personal responsibility." You don't even think citizens should be allowed to take the personal responsibility of being armed in order to protect themselves and their loved ones.

We all know who the "blame-gamers" are in this country.
America always elects a Republican to clean up messes left behind by Dimsocialist Presidents.
Oh you mean like when Bush inherited a balanced budget and projected surplus and turned that into the Bush collapse, the greatest financial crisis ever...

You just type random words in the box, but they have no basis in facts.

Bush inherited the dotcom bubble.

Democrats are so boring, all they ever want is free shit. "Does this justify free shit?" "What about this?"

The answer is no, no free shit.
The Trump crash will make that 10 of the last 11... Pathetic.
9 of the last 10 US recessions began with a GOP President. Why would anyone trust a Republican with the economy again? – Alternet.org

Since Teddy Roosevelt, every single GOP pres has had a recession and some more than 1...
Should Trump expect a recession? Every Republican since Teddy Roosevelt has had one in their first term

It is a 100% lock that a GOP president will crash they economy, because every single one has...

Bill Clinton’s line at the 2012 Democratic Convention: “Since 1961, for 52 years now, the Republicans have held the White House 28 years, the Democrats 24…. In those 52 years, our private economy has produced 66 million private-sector jobs. So what's the jobs score? Republicans 24 million, Democrats 42 [million].”

(that number doesn't include the ~ 6 million jobs created under Obama, from 2012-2016)

Trump lies, Trumpers lie, BUT THE NUMBERS DON'T LIE...

So the Chinese Wuhan Virus never would have happened if Hillary had been elected, right?

Wow, you must be a wizard or something.
A monkey would have done a better job than Trump. HRC definitely would not have downplayed the risks of this virus the same way Trump did, and she would have been much more prepared to deal with this serious threat.

Bullshit. Hillary would have blamed the Chinese Wuhan Virus on a "Youtube video" and sat with her thumb up her ass, while millions of Americans died.

Do you think that with all that money her and her syphilitic husband eagerly took from Russia and China, that they really gives a fuck about you? You're nobody.
Last edited:
The Trump crash will make that 10 of the last 11... Pathetic.
9 of the last 10 US recessions began with a GOP President. Why would anyone trust a Republican with the economy again? – Alternet.org

Since Teddy Roosevelt, every single GOP pres has had a recession and some more than 1...
Should Trump expect a recession? Every Republican since Teddy Roosevelt has had one in their first term

It is a 100% lock that a GOP president will crash they economy, because every single one has...

Bill Clinton’s line at the 2012 Democratic Convention: “Since 1961, for 52 years now, the Republicans have held the White House 28 years, the Democrats 24…. In those 52 years, our private economy has produced 66 million private-sector jobs. So what's the jobs score? Republicans 24 million, Democrats 42 [million].”

(that number doesn't include the ~ 6 million jobs created under Obama, from 2012-2016)

Trump lies, Trumpers lie, BUT THE NUMBERS DON'T LIE...

Both world wars started under Democrat Presidents.

In any event, if you want to blame this on Trump, you give the president a lot more power than he actually has.Nothing in the Constitution give the President authority over viruses.
Anyway you slice it the numbers present a common pattern, every single GOP president has had a recession. Job growth under democrats far outpaces those under republicans, and GDP growth under democrats far outpaces that of republicans, and this is going back 100 years.

So during these unprecedented times you present this drivel? Are you kidding me? Forget political parties, this is a worldwide pandemic. I did not hear Democrats one time discuss border security but now I bet they will. How many recessions happened with a Democrat Congress? You're a real loser. I live in Boston too and I am calling you a loser again. Move! LOSER!
Another meltdown!!!

The facts are kryptonite to a republican.

You can't handle the truth.

10 of the last 11 recessions were under a GOP president. Pathetic. 10 of the last 11.

It is simply a fact that since World War II, Democratic presidents have seen 24.4 million more jobs created on their watch—an average of 78.6% more jobs created per year of Democratic administrations—than have Republican presidents. Ditto real GDP growth, 44% higher under Democratic presidents. On the flip side, unemployment has been 18% higher under GOP presidents.
Trump Is Right About One Thing: 'The Economy Does Better Under The Democrats'

Notta a good look. I only care about the results for the past 100 years the results of democrat presidents have far surpassed those of the GOP...

EVERY SINGLE GOP PRESIDENT SINCE TED ROOSEVELT HAS HAD A RECESSION. They are batting 100% on recessions, and some have had more than 1 recession.

All you can do is cry like a little girl...

there are 3 certainties in this world, life, death, and every single GOP president will have a recession. I only care about the results.
We have a 3 branch ruling system. You’re long winded and pompous. You’re old and you never answered by question. Was the House Democrat or Republican? Unlike you, I am not a sheep. I have And will always be an Independent. You are a Democrat sheep with your Elizabeth Warren bumper sticker.
.Ohhh so now you are going to try and play the "it was the democrat congress" card...
It's not a "card," you idiot. It is in the Constitution.
You're a total assheel and I don't even read the rest of whatever crap you wrote.
I know facts are kryptonite to a republican. Why would you want to know the facts, it is much easier for you to live a lie.

Being a sheep suits you perfectly, if there is some truth that you don't like, you just ignore it and turn on Fox news.
You havent presented any facts yet in this thread. All youre doing is blaming Bush for the housing market crash that was obviously caused by democrats, and blaming Trump for a fucking virus that started on the other side of the world. Your argument is childish and not well thought out.
The last economic disaster in 08 happened when democrats gained the majority in congress and an inept idiot took over the House Banking committee which had ovrsight responsibility for Fannie Mae. Either Barney Frank was a fool or he intentionally let Fannie go under as the biggest October surprise in history. The mainstream media never asked him what he meant when he said Fannie was solvent and thriving. Blaming the President for dirty tricks in the democrat party is an old strategy.

As I pointed out, the Democrats controlled Congress Bush's last 2 years in office through Obama's 1st 2 years in office...
The seeds of the Great Recession were planted long before the 2006 elections.

Now watch this dumbshit say something about the CRA...
.Ohhh so now you are going to try and play the "it was the democrat congress" card...
It's not a "card," you idiot. It is in the Constitution.
You're a total assheel and I don't even read the rest of whatever crap you wrote.
I know facts are kryptonite to a republican. Why would you want to know the facts, it is much easier for you to live a lie.

Being a sheep suits you perfectly, if there is some truth that you don't like, you just ignore it and turn on Fox news.
You havent presented any facts yet in this thread. All youre doing is blaming Bush for the housing market crash that was obviously caused by democrats, and blaming Trump for a fucking virus that started on the other side of the world. Your argument is childish and not well thought out.
The Great Recession was worldwide. It was not caused just by Democrats.

It was caused by the Republicans, Democrats, Bush, Clinton, the ratings agencies, the Federal Reserve, everyone who bought a house bigger than their income, Wall Street, Congress, investors, the GSEs, and a few others who don't immediately spring to mind.

It was NOT caused by negroes, as the tard herd implies by blaming the CRA. The CRA had fuck-all to do with the Great Recession.

Greed had everything to do with it. And the lust for power.
When I was in college getting my degree in accounting/finance, I took an economic history of America course. One of the major things I learned in that class was every time conservative economics is implemented in America, it crashes and destroys our economy.

You should ask that University for a refund..... ;p
Says one of the worst hacks on this board who claimed to have a degree in journalism...

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