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9 of the Last 10 Recessions, under GOP Pres...

Carter's double digit inflation plunged us into a recession. Reagan reversed his policies and gave us an economic expansion that created 20 million jobs and made us oil independent.
The horrible inflation of the 70s began before Carter. Remember WIN? I don't know how old you are.

Nixon had two years of double-digit inflation.

As for Reagan, the 1981 recession was caused by allowing Volker to float interest rates for the first time ever. Carter was the one who gave the green light, Reagan carried it through.

This was Volcker's plan to finally get the 12 long years of inflation under control. And it worked. Volcker allowed the Fed funds rate to go all the way to 18 percent. This caused the recession.

Reagan was put under tremendous pressure to lower the funds rate because unemployment was rising, but he stuck to his guns and the inflation fever finally broke. That took balls.

See: "Volcker Shock"

From there, our economy blasted off. Reagan has always been my hero.

If you bought Treasuries in the early 80s, you made out like a bandit. I remember my savings account paid an interest rate of 12 percent!
And I remember paying on a bank loan 1/2 % over prime I was paying for a while 17%
Yeah, that sucked.

The whole reason Volcker floated interest rates is because banks were going under. They had loaned out money at low interest, and then inflation took off and they were upside down. They were collecting less interest than the inflation rate. They had to pay their depositors a higher interest rate than what they were charging their legacy borrowers.

So off we went. You borrowed at 17 percent, and the banks paid depositors 12 percent. The universe returned to harmony.
Gerald Ford and the WIN buttons.

Whip Inflation Now.

Both world wars started under Democrat Presidents.

In any event, if you want to blame this on Trump, you give the president a lot more power than he actually has.Nothing in the Constitution give the President authority over viruses.
Anyway you slice it the numbers present a common pattern, every single GOP president has had a recession. Job growth under democrats far outpaces those under republicans, and GDP growth under democrats far outpaces that of republicans, and this is going back 100 years.

So during these unprecedented times you present this drivel? Are you kidding me? Forget political parties, this is a worldwide pandemic. I did not hear Democrats one time discuss border security but now I bet they will. How many recessions happened with a Democrat Congress? You're a real loser. I live in Boston too and I am calling you a loser again. Move! LOSER!
Another meltdown!!!

The facts are kryptonite to a republican.

You can't handle the truth.

10 of the last 11 recessions were under a GOP president. Pathetic. 10 of the last 11.

It is simply a fact that since World War II, Democratic presidents have seen 24.4 million more jobs created on their watch—an average of 78.6% more jobs created per year of Democratic administrations—than have Republican presidents. Ditto real GDP growth, 44% higher under Democratic presidents. On the flip side, unemployment has been 18% higher under GOP presidents.
Trump Is Right About One Thing: 'The Economy Does Better Under The Democrats'

Notta a good look. I only care about the results for the past 100 years the results of democrat presidents have far surpassed those of the GOP...

EVERY SINGLE GOP PRESIDENT SINCE TED ROOSEVELT HAS HAD A RECESSION. They are batting 100% on recessions, and some have had more than 1 recession.

All you can do is cry like a little girl...

there are 3 certainties in this world, life, death, and every single GOP president will have a recession. I only care about the results.
We have a 3 branch ruling system. You’re long winded and pompous. You’re old and you never answered by question. Was the House Democrat or Republican? Unlike you, I am not a sheep. I have And will always be an Independent. You are a Democrat sheep with your Elizabeth Warren bumper sticker.

You are the biggest sheep on here, all you do is regurgitate GOP lies, then try and claim to be an indeopendent.

These are the facts:
GDP growth under democrat presidents: 4.33%
GDP growth under GOP pres: 2.54%
Unemployment has been 18% higher under GOP presidents
Democrat presidents have seen 24.4 million more jobs created on their watch
Why does the economy do better when Democrats are in the White House?
Trump Is Right About One Thing: 'The Economy Does Better Under The Democrats'

Anyway you slice it, any metric you use, any numbers you use, They are all substantially better under democrat presidents. I have all the facts and all the numbers- facts are kryptonite to a republican.

Any real non-partisan can see the obvious trend, democrat presidents have significantly outperformed GOP for the past 80 years. AND it's not even close, not even remotely. There's nothing partisan about that. All you can do is make excuses, but you can't provide any real facts to refute anything I have said.
You don’t answer questions or listen. You’re a troll.
.Ohhh so now you are going to try and play the "it was the democrat congress" card...
It's not a "card," you idiot. It is in the Constitution.
You're a total assheel and I don't even read the rest of whatever crap you wrote.
I know facts are kryptonite to a republican. Why would you want to know the facts, it is much easier for you to live a lie.

Being a sheep suits you perfectly, if there is some truth that you don't like, you just ignore it and turn on Fox news.
You havent presented any facts yet in this thread. All youre doing is blaming Bush for the housing market crash that was obviously caused by democrats, and blaming Trump for a fucking virus that started on the other side of the world. Your argument is childish and not well thought out.
No you just don't like the facts I have presented because they destroy you. You choose to ignore the facts and hope they will go away, like they do on fake Foxnews.

GDP growth under democrat presidents: 4.33%
GDP growth under GOP pres: 2.54%
Unemployment has been 18% higher under GOP presidents
Democrat presidents have seen 24.4 million more jobs created on their watch
Why does the economy do better when Democrats are in the White House?
Trump Is Right About One Thing: 'The Economy Does Better Under The Democrats'

Every single GOP president since Ted Roosevelt has had a recession, EVERY SINGLE ONE. pathetic.

Anyway you slice it, any metric you use, any numbers you use, They are all substantially better under democrat presidents. I have all the facts and all the numbers- facts are kryptonite to a republican.
You have all the excuses. You people can't take personal responsibility for anything, all you have is lame ass excuses. The GOP, the party of excuses.
Of lies, of misrepresenting facts ,of party over country

If you think that the Biden Family is the cream of the crop in America, and that Sleepy Joe is the best our country can produce and will cure the coronavirus, bring peace prosperity and eliminate the national debt, you are free to vote for him.

But, IMHO, a man that doesn't know where he is at, is hardly in position to lead.
The Trump crash will make that 10 of the last 11... Pathetic.
9 of the last 10 US recessions began with a GOP President. Why would anyone trust a Republican with the economy again? – Alternet.org

Since Teddy Roosevelt, every single GOP pres has had a recession and some more than 1...
Should Trump expect a recession? Every Republican since Teddy Roosevelt has had one in their first term

It is a 100% lock that a GOP president will crash they economy, because every single one has...

Bill Clinton’s line at the 2012 Democratic Convention: “Since 1961, for 52 years now, the Republicans have held the White House 28 years, the Democrats 24…. In those 52 years, our private economy has produced 66 million private-sector jobs. So what's the jobs score? Republicans 24 million, Democrats 42 [million].”

(that number doesn't include the ~ 6 million jobs created under Obama, from 2012-2016)

Trump lies, Trumpers lie, BUT THE NUMBERS DON'T LIE...

When I was in college getting my degree in accounting/finance, I took an economic history of America course. One of the major things I learned in that class was every time conservative economics is implemented in America, it crashes and destroys our economy.

I've lived through 6 republican presidencies. I don't remember Eisenhower, I was born in his last year as president, I do remember all the republican presidents since him. So I've lived through a lot of republican economic collapses and recessions. I've seen democratic presidents come after them to clean the mess up.

When will Americans learn?

My Wife was the CFO for several banks,when I say several I mean bank chains not one bank,and worked for the same Man for over 25 years.
They and everyone else disagree with your assessment.....except for the NY Jews for whatever reason.
Anyway you slice it the numbers present a common pattern, every single GOP president has had a recession. Job growth under democrats far outpaces those under republicans, and GDP growth under democrats far outpaces that of republicans, and this is going back 100 years.

So during these unprecedented times you present this drivel? Are you kidding me? Forget political parties, this is a worldwide pandemic. I did not hear Democrats one time discuss border security but now I bet they will. How many recessions happened with a Democrat Congress? You're a real loser. I live in Boston too and I am calling you a loser again. Move! LOSER!
Another meltdown!!!

The facts are kryptonite to a republican.

You can't handle the truth.

10 of the last 11 recessions were under a GOP president. Pathetic. 10 of the last 11.

It is simply a fact that since World War II, Democratic presidents have seen 24.4 million more jobs created on their watch—an average of 78.6% more jobs created per year of Democratic administrations—than have Republican presidents. Ditto real GDP growth, 44% higher under Democratic presidents. On the flip side, unemployment has been 18% higher under GOP presidents.
Trump Is Right About One Thing: 'The Economy Does Better Under The Democrats'

Notta a good look. I only care about the results for the past 100 years the results of democrat presidents have far surpassed those of the GOP...

EVERY SINGLE GOP PRESIDENT SINCE TED ROOSEVELT HAS HAD A RECESSION. They are batting 100% on recessions, and some have had more than 1 recession.

All you can do is cry like a little girl...

there are 3 certainties in this world, life, death, and every single GOP president will have a recession. I only care about the results.
We have a 3 branch ruling system. You’re long winded and pompous. You’re old and you never answered by question. Was the House Democrat or Republican? Unlike you, I am not a sheep. I have And will always be an Independent. You are a Democrat sheep with your Elizabeth Warren bumper sticker.

You are the biggest sheep on here, all you do is regurgitate GOP lies, then try and claim to be an indeopendent.

These are the facts:
GDP growth under democrat presidents: 4.33%
GDP growth under GOP pres: 2.54%
Unemployment has been 18% higher under GOP presidents
Democrat presidents have seen 24.4 million more jobs created on their watch
Why does the economy do better when Democrats are in the White House?
Trump Is Right About One Thing: 'The Economy Does Better Under The Democrats'

Anyway you slice it, any metric you use, any numbers you use, They are all substantially better under democrat presidents. I have all the facts and all the numbers- facts are kryptonite to a republican.

Any real non-partisan can see the obvious trend, democrat presidents have significantly outperformed GOP for the past 80 years. AND it's not even close, not even remotely. There's nothing partisan about that. All you can do is make excuses, but you can't provide any real facts to refute anything I have said.
You don’t answer questions or listen. You’re a troll.
Great comeback, you can't address any of the many facts I have posted. All I have is facts, you have never posted anything of merit on here ever.

Post some facts to refute my facts...


GDP growth under democrat presidents: 4.33%
GDP growth under GOP pres: 2.54%
Unemployment has been 18% higher under GOP presidents
Democrat presidents have seen 24.4 million more jobs created on their watch
Every single GOP president since Ted Roosevelt has had at least 1 recession, 9 of the last 10 recessions (dating back to 1953) were under a gop president.

Either post some facts or STFU.
The Trump crash will make that 10 of the last 11... Pathetic.

It's not "the Trump crash" you blithering idiot it's a global pandemic crash. The left's TDS is off the charts. Go hide under your bed covers snowflakes.
The only question that remains, will the Trump crash be worse than the Bush crash, either way GOP presidents always crash the economy. Every single GOP president since Ted Roosevelt has crashed the economy. Notta good look...
The Trump crash will make that 10 of the last 11... Pathetic.

It's not "the Trump crash" you blithering idiot it's a global pandemic crash. The left's TDS is off the charts. Go hide under your bed covers snowflakes.
The only question that remains, will the Trump crash be worse than the Bush crash, either way GOP presidents always crash the economy. Every single GOP president since Ted Roosevelt has crashed the economy. Notta good look...

Dem's crashed the economy in 2008 fool. Your posts and OP are a lie.
While this topic has been fun, it is time for me to get serious for a moment.

You are suffering from a classic case of post hoc ergo propter hoc.

In other words, correlation does not imply causation.

To explode your fallacy, one only has to look at the present. We are not in a recession because we have a Republican president. We are in a recession because of a virus. Have you been living in a cave?

Take a look around the planet. All the major economies are crashing down. Do you think that is because we have a Republican president? Really?

If Democrat Obama was president, we'd still be in a recession right now. The only difference would be that the pseudocons would be excoriating him for his response to the crisis and for the crash.

The overall trend is too strong, Every single GOP president since TR has had at least 1 recession, 9 of the last 10 under a republican. AND this recession was going to happen with or without the virus because Trump has spent $ like a drunken sailor ( more than doubled annual deficits) and used all of our stimulus pumping up his fiat economy. If you know about Keynesian economics the basic model is during the so called good times you pay down the deficit so you have reserves to spend when the bad times hit. Trump has done the opposite. He has used the reserves to pump up his fiat economy and now that the bad times have hit, we are royally fucked. $3 trillion annual deficits here we come. oh and Trump's GDP is ~ 2.4% only slightly better than Obama's 2%, so all this additional debt for only a small increase, that is now wiped out because of the Trump crash.

Also if Obama were president he would have handled the virus differently as he had a pandemic team in place and would not have downplayed the serious risks the virus represented. It is impossible to predict what would have happened if somebody else were president.

Finally the whole premise of this thread is to show that for the past 80 years the economic results of democrat presidents is far and away superior to those of republicans, which the data wholeheartedly proves.
Again, the economies of dozens of nations are imploding. To suggest it would not have happened under Obama is to be unbelievably stupid.

Look, I like kicking Trump in the nuts for his trillion dollar deficits, and I have, repeatedly. And he deserves to be kicked in the nuts for blowing off the seriousness of the virus for way too long, and for not getting test kits on the street quickly.

However, this recession is not on him.

The gigantic deficits which will occur will be on him since he is starting from a trillion dollars in the hole already. So the recovery is going to be much slower.

But that's as far as it goes.
The Banker

This recession is the result of the actions it takes to slow down the spread of the virus. Restaurants are closing, shipping has slowed, manufacturing is slowed, bars are closing, airline flights are dropping to zero, ad infinitum.

To imply Obama would not have experienced a recession under these conditions is downright retarded.
While this topic has been fun, it is time for me to get serious for a moment.

You are suffering from a classic case of post hoc ergo propter hoc.

In other words, correlation does not imply causation.

To explode your fallacy, one only has to look at the present. We are not in a recession because we have a Republican president. We are in a recession because of a virus. Have you been living in a cave?

Take a look around the planet. All the major economies are crashing down. Do you think that is because we have a Republican president? Really?

If Democrat Obama was president, we'd still be in a recession right now. The only difference would be that the pseudocons would be excoriating him for his response to the crisis and for the crash.

The overall trend is too strong, Every single GOP president since TR has had at least 1 recession, 9 of the last 10 under a republican. AND this recession was going to happen with or without the virus because Trump has spent $ like a drunken sailor ( more than doubled annual deficits) and used all of our stimulus pumping up his fiat economy. If you know about Keynesian economics the basic model is during the so called good times you pay down the deficit so you have reserves to spend when the bad times hit. Trump has done the opposite. He has used the reserves to pump up his fiat economy and now that the bad times have hit, we are royally fucked. $3 trillion annual deficits here we come. oh and Trump's GDP is ~ 2.4% only slightly better than Obama's 2%, so all this additional debt for only a small increase, that is now wiped out because of the Trump crash.

Also if Obama were president he would have handled the virus differently as he had a pandemic team in place and would not have downplayed the serious risks the virus represented. It is impossible to predict what would have happened if somebody else were president.

Finally the whole premise of this thread is to show that for the past 80 years the economic results of democrat presidents is far and away superior to those of republicans, which the data wholeheartedly proves.
Again, the economies of dozens of nations are imploding. To suggest it would not have happened under Obama is to be unbelievably stupid.

Look, I like kicking Trump in the nuts for his trillion dollar deficits, and I have, repeatedly. And he deserves to be kicked in the nuts for blowing off the seriousness of the virus for way too long, and for not getting test kits on the street quickly.

However, this recession is not on him.

The gigantic deficits which will occur will be on him since he is starting from a trillion dollars in the hole already. So the recovery is going to be much slower.

But that's as far as it goes.
Again, the premise of this thread is to show that for the past 80 years the economic results of democrat presidents is far and away superior to those of republicans, which the data wholeheartedly proves.

AND you don't know how things would have turned out if we had a better response to the threat of the virus, it could have been stopped. I'm not saying Obama would have stopped it, but it is impossible to predict how another president would have responded to this threat.

All we know is Trump did a very bad job responding to this, and his fiscal and economic policies have put the US in a huge hole that will have a permanent impact of this country.
Carter's double digit inflation plunged us into a recession. Reagan reversed his policies and gave us an economic expansion that created 20 million jobs and made us oil independent.
The horrible inflation of the 70s began before Carter. Remember WIN? I don't know how old you are.

Nixon had two years of double-digit inflation.

As for Reagan, the 1981 recession was caused by allowing Volker to float interest rates for the first time ever. Carter was the one who gave the green light, Reagan carried it through.

This was Volcker's plan to finally get the 12 long years of inflation under control. And it worked. Volcker allowed the Fed funds rate to go all the way to 18 percent. This caused the recession.

Reagan was put under tremendous pressure to lower the funds rate because unemployment was rising, but he stuck to his guns and the inflation fever finally broke. That took balls.

See: "Volcker Shock"

From there, our economy blasted off. Reagan has always been my hero.

If you bought Treasuries in the early 80s, you made out like a bandit. I remember my savings account paid an interest rate of 12 percent!
And I remember paying on a bank loan 1/2 % over prime I was paying for a while 17%
Yeah, that sucked.

The whole reason Volcker floated interest rates is because banks were going under. They had loaned out money at low interest, and then inflation took off and they were upside down. They were collecting less interest than the inflation rate. They had to pay their depositors a higher interest rate than what they were charging their legacy borrowers.

So off we went. You borrowed at 17 percent, and the banks paid depositors 12 percent. The universe returned to harmony.
I borrowed at 5 1/2 or 6% The fn prime kept rising Thank God I didn't have to pay that for too long
While this topic has been fun, it is time for me to get serious for a moment.

You are suffering from a classic case of post hoc ergo propter hoc.

In other words, correlation does not imply causation.

To explode your fallacy, one only has to look at the present. We are not in a recession because we have a Republican president. We are in a recession because of a virus. Have you been living in a cave?

Take a look around the planet. All the major economies are crashing down. Do you think that is because we have a Republican president? Really?

If Democrat Obama was president, we'd still be in a recession right now. The only difference would be that the pseudocons would be excoriating him for his response to the crisis and for the crash.

The overall trend is too strong, Every single GOP president since TR has had at least 1 recession, 9 of the last 10 under a republican. AND this recession was going to happen with or without the virus because Trump has spent $ like a drunken sailor ( more than doubled annual deficits) and used all of our stimulus pumping up his fiat economy. If you know about Keynesian economics the basic model is during the so called good times you pay down the deficit so you have reserves to spend when the bad times hit. Trump has done the opposite. He has used the reserves to pump up his fiat economy and now that the bad times have hit, we are royally fucked. $3 trillion annual deficits here we come. oh and Trump's GDP is ~ 2.4% only slightly better than Obama's 2%, so all this additional debt for only a small increase, that is now wiped out because of the Trump crash.

Also if Obama were president he would have handled the virus differently as he had a pandemic team in place and would not have downplayed the serious risks the virus represented. It is impossible to predict what would have happened if somebody else were president.

Finally the whole premise of this thread is to show that for the past 80 years the economic results of democrat presidents is far and away superior to those of republicans, which the data wholeheartedly proves.
Again, the economies of dozens of nations are imploding. To suggest it would not have happened under Obama is to be unbelievably stupid.

Look, I like kicking Trump in the nuts for his trillion dollar deficits, and I have, repeatedly. And he deserves to be kicked in the nuts for blowing off the seriousness of the virus for way too long, and for not getting test kits on the street quickly.

However, this recession is not on him.

The gigantic deficits which will occur will be on him since he is starting from a trillion dollars in the hole already. So the recovery is going to be much slower.

But that's as far as it goes.
Again, the premise of this thread is to show that for the past 80 years the economic results of democrat presidents is far and away superior to those of republicans, which the data wholeheartedly proves.
You just implied Obama would not have experienced a recession under our current crisis.

To even suggest Obama MIGHT not have is retarded.

There is no human power which could have prevented this recession. Stop being a hack.
It's not a "card," you idiot. It is in the Constitution.
You're a total assheel and I don't even read the rest of whatever crap you wrote.
I know facts are kryptonite to a republican. Why would you want to know the facts, it is much easier for you to live a lie.

Being a sheep suits you perfectly, if there is some truth that you don't like, you just ignore it and turn on Fox news.
You havent presented any facts yet in this thread. All youre doing is blaming Bush for the housing market crash that was obviously caused by democrats, and blaming Trump for a fucking virus that started on the other side of the world. Your argument is childish and not well thought out.
No you just don't like the facts I have presented because they destroy you. You choose to ignore the facts and hope they will go away, like they do on fake Foxnews.

GDP growth under democrat presidents: 4.33%
GDP growth under GOP pres: 2.54%
Unemployment has been 18% higher under GOP presidents
Democrat presidents have seen 24.4 million more jobs created on their watch
Why does the economy do better when Democrats are in the White House?
Trump Is Right About One Thing: 'The Economy Does Better Under The Democrats'

Every single GOP president since Ted Roosevelt has had a recession, EVERY SINGLE ONE. pathetic.

Anyway you slice it, any metric you use, any numbers you use, They are all substantially better under democrat presidents. I have all the facts and all the numbers- facts are kryptonite to a republican.
You have all the excuses. You people can't take personal responsibility for anything, all you have is lame ass excuses. The GOP, the party of excuses.
Of lies, of misrepresenting facts ,of party over country

If you think that the Biden Family is the cream of the crop in America, and that Sleepy Joe is the best our country can produce and will cure the coronavirus, bring peace prosperity and eliminate the national debt, you are free to vote for him.

But, IMHO, a man that doesn't know where he is at, is hardly in position to lead.
Give blood Polak ,if they'll accept any from a vulture
Carter's double digit inflation plunged us into a recession. Reagan reversed his policies and gave us an economic expansion that created 20 million jobs and made us oil independent.
The horrible inflation of the 70s began before Carter. Remember WIN? I don't know how old you are.

Nixon had two years of double-digit inflation.

As for Reagan, the 1981 recession was caused by allowing Volker to float interest rates for the first time ever. Carter was the one who gave the green light, Reagan carried it through.

This was Volcker's plan to finally get the 12 long years of inflation under control. And it worked. Volcker allowed the Fed funds rate to go all the way to 18 percent. This caused the recession.

Reagan was put under tremendous pressure to lower the funds rate because unemployment was rising, but he stuck to his guns and the inflation fever finally broke. That took balls.

See: "Volcker Shock"

From there, our economy blasted off. Reagan has always been my hero.

If you bought Treasuries in the early 80s, you made out like a bandit. I remember my savings account paid an interest rate of 12 percent!
And I remember paying on a bank loan 1/2 % over prime I was paying for a while 17%
Yeah, that sucked.

The whole reason Volcker floated interest rates is because banks were going under. They had loaned out money at low interest, and then inflation took off and they were upside down. They were collecting less interest than the inflation rate. They had to pay their depositors a higher interest rate than what they were charging their legacy borrowers.

So off we went. You borrowed at 17 percent, and the banks paid depositors 12 percent. The universe returned to harmony.
I borrowed at 5 1/2 or 6% The fn prime kept rising Thank God I didn't have to pay that for too long
Your rate wasn't fixed?

That sucks.
The Trump crash will make that 10 of the last 11... Pathetic.
9 of the last 10 US recessions began with a GOP President. Why would anyone trust a Republican with the economy again? – Alternet.org

Since Teddy Roosevelt, every single GOP pres has had a recession and some more than 1...
Should Trump expect a recession? Every Republican since Teddy Roosevelt has had one in their first term

It is a 100% lock that a GOP president will crash they economy, because every single one has...

Bill Clinton’s line at the 2012 Democratic Convention: “Since 1961, for 52 years now, the Republicans have held the White House 28 years, the Democrats 24…. In those 52 years, our private economy has produced 66 million private-sector jobs. So what's the jobs score? Republicans 24 million, Democrats 42 [million].”

(that number doesn't include the ~ 6 million jobs created under Obama, from 2012-2016)

Trump lies, Trumpers lie, BUT THE NUMBERS DON'T LIE...

Wrong.......9 out of 10 recessions created by democrats that Republicans then have to fix in their term of office.......and then, after the Republicans fix it...the democrats take the credit, and then proceed to trash the economy again.
The 1973 recession under Nixon was because of the Arab-Israeli conflict. We were backing Israel, and OPEC inflicted an oil embargo on us.

So, technically, that recession was Nixon's fault. But was he in the wrong? Should he have allowed Israel to be wiped off the map?

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