9 Years Into Common Core, Test Scores Are Down, Indoctrination Up

Good thing you hired a megadonor that ruined Michigan’s schools and has never worked a day in her life to address that problem.
Wow. The "indoctrination" part of that article was pretty darned fact free. I've had to attend lots of trainings to keep my certification, but there is no requirement for specific ones. I am sure what those speakers were getting at is the same message I've heard over and over--us middle class teachers don't understand where our poor students are coming from or how to work around their challenges. Taking quips out of context are so Breitbart. The Federalist used to be a reliable source. I guess I am mixing it up with something else, or they've really gone down the tubes.
I just wish we could educate all of the educators wannabees out there the difference in standards and curriculum.

Then perhaps you can understand why the entire article is a waste of print / electrons.

You keep posting these bullshit articles (one of which you can't get to) and it has been pointed out what they say.

Yet you keep posting them with your claim they don't support.

I'll put my education up against yours any day. Pick a subject....go ahead. Right now.

You are a liar.

Why do you feel the need to keep lying and then project that onto your opponents ?
Prison time for some Atlanta school educators in cheating scandal - CNN
look at them----all Obamaites--DemoRATS
Educators were convicted April 1 of racketeering and other lesser crimes related to inflating test scores of children from struggling schools.
not 1 or 2 or 4 but 35!!!!!
they are FKing over the kids!!!!!!!!!
...and then the teachers and kids will blame WHITEY for them being stupid!!!!!!!!!!! and everything else when they can't get a good job because their teachers are stupid
'''whitey is racist, that's why you can't get a good job''

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Prison time for some Atlanta school educators in cheating scandal - CNN
look at them----all Obamaites--DemoRATS
Educators were convicted April 1 of racketeering and other lesser crimes related to inflating test scores of children from struggling schools.
not 1 or 2 or 4 but 35!!!!!
they are FKing over the kids!!!!!!!!!
...and then the teachers and kids will blame WHITEY for them being stupid!!!!!!!!!!! and everything else when they can't get a good job because their teachers are stupid
'''whitey is racist, that's why you can't get a good job''


How old is this?

Yes, it was horrific what they conspired to do, but is it relevant to the OP?
My impression is that the major foci of education these days are:

Comply with all of the bullshit directives from on high,

Avoid grief from students,

Avoid grief from parents.

And as with all government jobs/employees, do everything possible to make yourself look good, regardless of whether the students are learning an appropriate amount of stuff for the time and money invested.

Common Core simply provides a vehicle to fabricate the appearance of success. If scores are "low," change the test.
My impression is that the major foci of education these days are:

Comply with all of the bullshit directives from on high,

Avoid grief from students,

Avoid grief from parents.

And as with all government jobs/employees, do everything possible to make yourself look good, regardless of whether the students are learning an appropriate amount of stuff for the time and money invested.

Common Core simply provides a vehicle to fabricate the appearance of success. If scores are "low," change the test.

Another person chimes in to prove that they have no clue what Common Core is!

Thank you for playing!

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