9 Yr Old Little Boy Sexually Assaults Woman

An honest mistake twisted by the OP to be a racist incident. She apologized but that's not good enough for the race baiters.
That stupid flat booty bitch knew good and well that kid didnt grab her flat ass.
I agree with Asclepias that flat ass jewish female was hyper-sensitive to the afro-American who touched was little ass was there. That said, the creatures responsible for afro-Americans procreation often get triggered when a jewish in this case or a white person asks them to please keep their hands to themselves! My question is what do the afro-Americans and jews do in New York City to afford the rent and stuff when they obviously don't have jobs? Are they all on some kind of welfare?

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I agree with Asclepias that flat ass jewish female was hyper-sensitive to the afro-American who touched was little ass was there. That said, the creatures responsible for afro-Americans are often get triggered when a jewish in this case or a white person asks them to please keep their hands to themselves! My question is what do the afro-Americans and jews do in New York City to afford the rent and stuff when they obviously don't have jobs? Are they all on some kind of welfare?

Not everyone is on welfare like you. Some people are employed or own a business.
Not everyone is on welfare like you. Some people are employed or own a business.

Listen punk, you might be a little racist and a little crazy, but if you have an invention or whatever, I will give you free advice. I was a Certified Management Accountant before I retired from madness once blacks, jews, assorted darkies from Muslims areas and angry, frigid, women took over corporate American. Holla!
White woman claimed black 9yo boy sexually assaulted her

What the hell is going on with society today?

Local reporter Andrew Ramos shared footage taken of the store’s CCTV which shows the child did not grab the woman’s behind, but instead brushed against her with his schoolbag as he passed her in the aisle.

The New York Times reports Klein was confronted by neighbors when she returned to the store on Friday. A reporter at the scene urged her to watch the security footage of the incident. After viewing the footage, Klein made an apology to the boy through the reporters present.

Young man, I don’t know your name but I’m sorry.” she said.

More of this ridiculous story @ White woman claimed black 9yo boy sexually assaulted her, CCTV shows otherwise (VIDEOS)
Brooklyn woman calls 911 on nine-year-old boy who 'grabbed her a**' in viral video | Daily Mail Online

This story is why I have always been against the MeToo movement's argument of "the woman should always be believed" -- no the fuck they shouldn't -- whether the accused is someone from your political tribe or not --- see, most of us live in the non-political world, so laws matter.

A woman called 911 on a 9 year old kid for allegedly grabbing her ass while coming out of a corner bodega in Brooklyn. If the woman is to always be believed, that kid should have been getting hauled off to jail ASAP.

The part of this story that bothers me the most is the crying of the boy's little sister who was afraid her brother was going to be hauled off to jail by the cops -- talk about traumatizing. The other part of the story that sticks out to me is how over 50 years ago -- a woman made a similar claim about a young black kid by the name of Emmett Till and we all remember how that turned out -- so no, I don't always automatically believe the woman.

A 9 year old male grabbing females by their privates is NO BIG DEAL.

As we ALL know 63 million Americans willingly voted for a TV celebrity that bragged he grabs women by the pussy.

It's no big deal.

trump never said he did that. You are pushing a lie and that makes you a liar.
Brooklyn woman calls 911 on nine-year-old boy who 'grabbed her a**' in viral video | Daily Mail Online

This story is why I have always been against the MeToo movement's argument of "the woman should always be believed" -- no the fuck they shouldn't -- whether the accused is someone from your political tribe or not --- see, most of us live in the non-political world, so laws matter.

A woman called 911 on a 9 year old kid for allegedly grabbing her ass while coming out of a corner bodega in Brooklyn. If the woman is to always be believed, that kid should have been getting hauled off to jail ASAP.

The part of this story that bothers me the most is the crying of the boy's little sister who was afraid her brother was going to be hauled off to jail by the cops -- talk about traumatizing. The other part of the story that sticks out to me is how over 50 years ago -- a woman made a similar claim about a young black kid by the name of Emmett Till and we all remember how that turned out -- so no, I don't always automatically believe the woman.

A 9 year old male grabbing females by their privates is NO BIG DEAL.

As we ALL know 63 million Americans willingly voted for a TV celebrity that bragged he grabs women by the pussy.

It's no big deal.

trump never said he did that. You are pushing a lie and that makes you a liar.

Then you MISSED my post #14
Not everyone is on welfare like you. Some people are employed or own a business.

Listen punk, you might be a little racist and a little crazy, but if you have an invention or whatever, I will give you free advice. I was a Certified Management Accountant before I retired from madness once blacks, jews, assorted darkies from Muslims areas and angry, frigid, women took over corporate American. Holla!
Stop trying to convince me. I dont believe you. Obviously you thought everyone is on welfare like you are. Get out and expand your horizons. Go visit NY. That trailer park is limiting your view of reality.
Oh my what a pussy nation we have came to be. Your ass gets grabbed, call the police, lol. It's just a blob of fat people. Holy cow.

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