90 Reasons to Vote for Obama


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
90 Reasons to Vote for Obama

by Mark Tapson

A new website designed to light the fire under unenthusiastic Democrats shows just how panicky the left is becoming about their Messiah’s chances in this November’s presidential election.

“90 Days, 90 Reasons” is the uninspired name of a site created by overrated novelist Dave Eggers and music manager Jordan Kurland (it is unaffiliated with the Obama campaign). They write on the site that they recently “looked around and saw that many of Obama’s voters and donors from 2008 needed to be reminded of all he has accomplished, and all he will do if given another term.”

It’s quite telling that they sensed that previous Obama voters need reminders of what Obama has “accomplished.” It suggests that those voters are more focused on what he hasn’t done right (his broken promises, e.g., to close Guantanamo, to cut the deficit in half, to round up conservatives into internment camps) and/or what he has done wrong (e.g., the havoc he has wreaked on the economy, his complicity in the rise of Islamic fundamentalism at home and abroad, his exacerbation of the racial divide in this country), which the few remaining independent thinkers on the left are finding difficult to ignore or rationalize.


90 Reasons to Vote for Obama | FrontPage Magazine
So you complain about negative advertising and you complain about positive advertising.

Whatever, typical republican bitching because their guy doesn't have 90 things that are good about him.
So you complain about negative advertising and you complain about positive advertising.

Whatever, typical republican bitching because their guy doesn't have 90 things that are good about him.

Don't get your panties all tied up in a knot now, wait till Nov when yo boy has to move out of the white house...lol
Obama Video That Will Dog His Campaign

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


That’s why I say if we’re going to frame these debates in ways that allow us to solve them, then we can’t start off by figuring out, A, who’s to blame; B, how can we make the American people afraid of the other side.

Obama also went on to call Ryan’s budget “a legitimate proposal” with “some ideas in there that I agree with.” Unfortunately, the President’s campaign is now doing exactly what he warned against, mischaracterizing the Ryan plan, trying to delegitimize it and scaring seniors.

Obama Video That Will Dog His Campaign – Patriot Update
So you complain about negative advertising and you complain about positive advertising.

Whatever, typical republican bitching because their guy doesn't have 90 things that are good about him.

I think he's mocking the reasons for

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