91 Felonies

Which has been happening to people of color for decades.
Welcome to the party, Victor
Piling on the pressure on criminal defendants isn’t based on race. Face reality Hillbelly: prosecutors do the same shit to defendants of all colors.

Sometimes it’s legitimate. Sometimes not so much b
This is the Opening Post;
I was just looking at that. Does that make sense to anybody even on the left to be accused with 91 felonies? Find me the biggest baddest criminal in a big city and they probably won't even make it to half that amount. Anybody who doesn't see that all of the Trump trials is just one big witch hunt at this point really confuses me and makes my brain hurt.
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Keep it relevant, choose wisely. Replies must contain significant and specific thread topic content to advance the discussion. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking or derailing threads.
Any further reports from the OP, from either side, may result in a thread ban.
Incredibly dishonest Democrats and their Witch Hunt. They've been trying to get Trump for 7 years now, they are liars. Trust nothing they say. Political persecution and everyone knows it that has any intelligence.

Incredibly dishonest Democrats and their Witch Hunt. They've been trying to get Trump for 7 years now, they are liars. Trust nothing they say. Political persecution and everyone knows it that has any intelligence.

View attachment 850347
I don't think he'll be back in the white house. The leftist scum will do ANYTHING, and I mean ANYTHING to keep that from happening.
I don't think he'll be back in the white house. The leftist scum will do ANYTHING, and I mean ANYTHING to keep that from happening.

I have faith that Trump and his administration will make sure that it's a fair election this time, but that doesn't mean that they won't go to extreme measures and attempt to waste him. That's what really worries me.

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