911 Flight 77 "The Official Pentagon Light Pole Mower"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvyQ0vVwjqc]Cab Driver Involved In 9/11 Pentagon Attack Admits "It Was Planned" VERY INTERESTING!! - YouTube[/ame]
its not my opinion, you said anon posters opinions have no validity and YOU ARE AN ANON poster.

Thank you for agreeing with me that you have no validity. This is what is known as "an admission against interest" and is admissable material evidence that you have no validity.

Sorry, news reports can not be dismissed merely because you do not like them. It is not a reporters "opinion" on an op ed page, but reports of events which have occured and are being reported through sources such as the FAA. As such they are subject to judicial notice as historical events. You are free to dispute their veracity to show that they did not occur, but you are not free to ignore them.

No you gave no data whatsoever. You claimed that the picture represents a strike of a 2.4 lb bird, but provided nothing more than your say so. You claimed that there was a 400 pound pole, but provided no evidence that the pentagon poles weighed 400 lbs. You claimed that other people were claiming that a 400 pound lamp post just "bounced off " and when confronted with the assertion that no one was saying that, you claimed that it "had to have caused damage which results in total annihilation of the entire aircraft", yet failed to provide any evidence that a lamp post even existed on the Pentagon grounds. When I provide news reports of other aircraft surviving hitting telephone poles and other objects, you respond with the BS no material evidence. LOL So put up or shut up, provide your actual verifiable material evidence.

Your failure to accept the basic physics principles of the objects discussed pretty well proves you are not what you say you are. Certainly no expert and certainly not capable of disputing the issue on an expert level.

Assuming facts not in evidence and immaterial and irrelevant. Please provide material evidence that there were in fact lamp posts at the Pentagon.

Here's the problem my friend. These loney toons truthers are clinging to such a thin shred that they have to erct themselves a force field that repels all logic and reason. they can safely yell back through the shield but no logic or reason can ever break the fragile bonds between themselves and their flawed conspiracy.

Just make fun of them.

The problem my friend is that these troughers will sell you any pile of shit that they can get you to accept by "assumption".

They show you some scrap metal, a few poles and leave it to you to fill in the blanks. When a truther comes along they run for DODGE city and follow in the footsteps their criminal hero gross.

Of course that leaves everyone no choice but to show you how ridiculous these official fantasy spinners really are.
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like the kennedy shooting the whole thing is a myriad of cluster fuck which immediately points to government involvement.

These matters get locked down tight so fast it isnt funny when its a "citizen" who does the dirty, but when government is involved its a black hole of one layer of bullshit upon another to wade through.

The irony here is that the numbers I use came from troughers. (with exception to the duck weight, that is a given),

Troughers claim to understand physics and they to their own demise exaggerate them because they do not know wtf they are doing or saying, its all spin and they exaggerate them in the wrong direction to their own demise. LMAO
You don't have to be an expert in the laws of physics, take a freaking remedial math course. If you think a couple of light poles are going to stop a 255,000 pound mass moving at close to 500 mph you need your head (or your political affiliation) examined.

who said anything like that? well other than you? which is totally fucking absurd just like the last person who said the same thing.

and BTW math does you no good what so ever if you have no clue how to set the problem up!
You don't have to be an expert in the laws of physics, take a freaking remedial math course. If you think a couple of light poles are going to stop a 255,000 pound mass moving at close to 500 mph you need your head (or your political affiliation) examined.

who said anything like that? well other than you? which is totally fucking absurd just like the last person who said the same thing.

and BTW math does you no good what so ever if you have no clue how to set the problem up!

Did I miss something? Isn't it the conspiracy contention that the light poles should have stopped a 255,000 aerodynamic mass traveling at 500 mph?
so you admit once again that you know nothing about these matters and need me to provide you with all the background data. Looks like someone needs to do their homework.

So you concede once again that you can not provide any material evidence whatsoever to support your claim and that in lieu of actually providing material evidence you choose to insult.

So show us proof that there were in fact lamp posts on the Pentagon site. News reports are unacceptable as they are the mere babbelings of reporters.. Further, you may not rely upon any "official" reports as you have disputed their authenticity and asserted that they are false. Finally pictures can be doctored and witnesses can be bought.

So show us your material evidence.
The problem my friend is that these troughers will sell you any pile of shit that they can get you to accept by "assumption".

Trouble is you are doing the same exact thing. You want us to "assume" that lamp posts even existed at the Pentagon and claim foul whenever we ask for material evidence.
Of course that leaves everyone no choice but to show you how ridiculous you fantasy spinners really are.
You don't have to be an expert in the laws of physics, take a freaking remedial math course. If you think a couple of light poles are going to stop a 255,000 pound mass moving at close to 500 mph you need your head (or your political affiliation) examined.

who said anything like that? well other than you? which is totally fucking absurd just like the last person who said the same thing.

and BTW math does you no good what so ever if you have no clue how to set the problem up!

Did I miss something? Isn't it the conspiracy contention that the light poles should have stopped a 255,000 aerodynamic mass traveling at 500 mph?

havent you read the thread? it even has pictures so people who enjoy demonstrations for shits and giggle and also for those who are completely clueless to help them get a clue.

even if you do not agree with this 100% is is what should have happened.

Now that said, why dont you ask these troughers how the alleged flt 77 exerted 255,000 pounds against a pole?

watch em duck n dodge LMAO
The problem my friend is that these troughers will sell you any pile of shit that they can get you to accept by "assumption".

Trouble is you are doing the same exact thing. You want us to "assume" that lamp posts even existed at the Pentagon and claim foul whenever we ask for material evidence.
Of course that leaves everyone no choice but to show you how ridiculous you fantasy spinners really are.

the official fantasy is a claim, you support it, now defend it.

All we want is proof, you dont have it well guess what?

so you are saying that poles may not have existed.....hmmmm :eusa_think:
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so you admit once again that you know nothing about these matters and need me to provide you with all the background data. Looks like someone needs to do their homework.

So you concede once again that you can not provide any material evidence whatsoever to support your claim and that in lieu of actually providing material evidence you choose to insult.

So show us proof that there were in fact lamp posts on the Pentagon site. News reports are unacceptable as they are the mere babbelings of reporters.. Further, you may not rely upon any "official" reports as you have disputed their authenticity and asserted that they are false. Finally pictures can be doctored and witnesses can be bought.

So show us your material evidence.

show you proof poles existed?


I would rather agree with you since you just proved the government lied and made the whole story up!

Way to go champ!
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No the conspiracy is there was no plane and it was an invisible missile thingy. Keep up.

I have no idea what it was nor do I care.

The only thing I care about is the evidence either matches reality or it does not.

wings, outboard the engines, do not hit heavy poles or trees at high speeds and stay attached
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the official fantasy is a claim, you support it, now defend it.

All we want is proof, you dont have it well guess what?

so you are saying that poles may not have existed.....hmmmm :eusa_think:

No need. You assert it is a fantasy, prove it with material evidence? Why do you not wish to provide any evidence of your claims? You have something to hide?

I am not saying whether the pole existed or not. Perhaps they were dumped there by the government after AA77 hit the Pentagon in an attmept to drive up its insurance claim.

So, you have material verifiable proof that there were any poles there at all on 9-11?
well if you want to go all sorts of legal and hard ball n shit, fine with me.

Put up the signed affidavits by those who provided anything you want us to accept as evidence and chain of custody.

Sorry, you have the burden of proof. You provide the signed affidavits and material evidence first. Then I rebut that. If you do not put on any evidence, you lose. See, that is the way it works.

Now please proceed.

how fucking absurd is that, I challenge the data for the report you published and you demand I put up the affidavits to prove the work you did and evidence you collected or failed to collect.

Thats about the most twisted orwellian top shelf double think as anything I have ever seen out here.
I have no idea what it was nor do I care.

Obviously, you do not have any material evidence of anything at all so why should you care?

The only thing I care about is the evidence either matches reality or it does not.

You have not even proven reality. This might be something out of the Matrix:

NEO: Why do my eyes hurt?.......
MORPHEUS: Its the first time you've used them

Or perhaps that Star Trek Episode The Menagerie

wings, outboard the engines, do not hit heavy poles or trees at high speeds and stay attached

You say that but you have not provided a single shred of material evidence to prove it. Why do you avoid providing real material proof?
Conspiracy theorists usually don't think any further than their one point. In this case he can't think further than the light poles.

Since two or more people conspired to do the deed then it is not a theory but a crystal clear fact. How many, who, exactly how and why. Obviously U.S. foreign policy as it came out of the post cold war era benefited the most from such an event since it laid the pretext of what essentially will amount to the entire control of the middle east and Eurasia for the sole purposes of empire, therefore, the U.S. and/or one of it's allies are likely complicit or even the master minds of such of such an attack. You'd have to be a fool if you didn't concede the fact that the U.S. has a long history creating such false flags attacks that ended in empire expansion. You'd be even more foolish not believe that the corporate military industrial complex would give a rat's ass about killing Americans for a profit after 60 plus years of being the reserve currency benefactor from old Europe.

Yeah that doesn't really mean anything at all. You can't take that and go looking for a conspiracy in every event. Do you think that Al Queda can't possibly do what they did? Do you not realize that there is a jihad against the US? do you not know that the World Trade Cebter has been a previous target of theirs?

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, don't call it a chicken because you can roast it in a pan.

ever read Brzezinski's work?
how fucking absurd is that, I challenge the data for the report you published and you demand I put up the affidavits to prove the work you did and evidence you collected or failed to collect.

Thats about the most twisted orwellian top shelf double think as anything I have ever seen out here.

Hey you have not even proven your assertion that the lamp posts existed, let alone that a plane would disintegrate as soon as the wings touch them. You also did not prove that the official report requires that the wings touch them, nor have you even proven that there is even an official report that you disagree with... Seems to me you have no material evidence of anything.

I know I exist ...

cogito ergo sum

I believe you are intent on proving you do not exist... have at it. This is fun.
Ok so does anyone here really and truly buy into the flight 77 fantasy?

since when does a plane simply mow down 5 poles unscathed without self destructing?

the plane was already on a collision course and leading edge damage from the light poles wouldn't have affected the plane's attitude or lift. Aircraft can sustain quite a bit of damage and still remain kind of air worthy.

but a little 1 kilo bird pops a hole right through the leading edge.

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