911 islamic center


Sep 18, 2010
The Islamic Center that we will build at Ground Zero will be to commemorate our togetherness as humans.

The right wing white fascists in the USA oppose our Islamic Center, since they fear that Islam, a religion of peace, will spread across the USA.

My reply to them is that the spread of Islam in the USA is preferable to the spread of Christianity, which perpetrates acts of violence against countries.

Once we are all Muslims, we can live in peace.

This is why all humans should unite behind Islam, the true religion.

And this is why the 911 Islamic Center WILL be built. Your president is a great man with a Muslim father. He will allow the mosque.
Look, muzzie. Build what you want in the USA, but if you try that stunt in the UK, we will kick your sorry butt all the way to mecca.
The Islamic Center that we will build at Ground Zero will be to commemorate our togetherness as humans.

The right wing white fascists in the USA oppose our Islamic Center, since they fear that Islam, a religion of peace, will spread across the USA.

My reply to them is that the spread of Islam in the USA is preferable to the spread of Christianity, which perpetrates acts of violence against countries.

Once we are all Muslims, we can live in peace.

This is why all humans should unite behind Islam, the true religion.

And this is why the 911 Islamic Center WILL be built. Your president is a great man with a Muslim father. He will allow the mosque.

You are the Fake of Hindu Patriot.
First, you showed up as "Islam4ever" in a style which resembles exactly this thread. Then you declared that you've become Christian and you want Pakistan to be nuked.
After that, you showed up as "Hindu Patriot" demanding again for Pakistan to be nuked.
Now you show up again as "Islam4ever" talking about ground zero mosque, although you converted already to Christianity.

In the next 2 posts you probably will demand again for Pakistan to be nuked.
Maybe you even play a triple game, I am also suspicious of britishbulldog.

Very suspicious for 3 members showing up at same time and all pretending to have different identities but the common thing between all 3 of you is the visible hate against Pakistan with clear proposal to nuke it.
The Islamic Center that we will build at Ground Zero will be to commemorate our togetherness as humans.

The right wing white fascists in the USA oppose our Islamic Center, since they fear that Islam, a religion of peace, will spread across the USA.

My reply to them is that the spread of Islam in the USA is preferable to the spread of Christianity, which perpetrates acts of violence against countries.

Once we are all Muslims, we can live in peace.

This is why all humans should unite behind Islam, the true religion.

And this is why the 911 Islamic Center WILL be built. Your president is a great man with a Muslim father. He will allow the mosque.

The POTUS has jack shit to do with 'allowing' the mosque. You may like to thank our Founding Fathers for ensuring that Muslims have the legal right to build their mosque at the site of Ground Zero.

Muslims might also like to consider that it is morally reprehensible to Americans for them to build the mosque there. If they choose to exercise their right to build it, that will send a message to Americans. And it will not be a message of 'peace' or 'unity'.... It will be a slap in our faces... and we tend to react quite badly when someone slaps us. We slap back. Just sayin'.

Many American Muslims do not want a mosque built on GZ either. They, like us, understand that it would be best built elsewhere.
The Islamic Center that we will build at Ground Zero will be to commemorate our togetherness as humans.

The religion of pieces...

Quran 9:5...
Then when the Sacred Months have passed, then kill the idolaters wherever you find them, and capture them and besiege them, and prepare for them each and every ambush. But if they repent and perform As-Salât (Iqâmat-as-Salât), and give Zakât, then leave their way free. Verily, Allâh is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful
Here's something for your mosque

I don't see any problem with a mosque at ground zero, isn't there already a muslim in the white house?
There are thousands of mosques across this country. That is not the issue. The proposed site will be a 15 story "Islamic Center". It's not about having a place to pray. It's about having a place to discuss and promote Sharia law. That is what is offensive.

From the Cordoba website:

Shariah Index Project | Cordoba
There are thousands of mosques across this country. That is not the issue. The proposed site will be a 15 story "Islamic Center". It's not about having a place to pray. It's about having a place to discuss and promote Sharia law. That is what is offensive.

You afraid muslims are going to get sharia to be the law of the land in the US? Seriously?
Hindus must be allowed to build a temple at ground zero. But muslims did 911 so should not be allowed to build mosque.

Mosques within a 10 mile radius of 911 must be demolished and replaced by synagogues or hindu temples.
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The major religions all have their courts: Jews, Christians (only the church can grant a divorce), I'm sure even Hindus have their own, how about it HinduPatriot? You people have your own court system? Me personally, I don't care what muslims get up to amongst themselves, as long as people are free to do it or not, it's their choice. So aside from making sure all American muslims know their freedoms, then no problem, if that's what they choose. Sure, myself I wouldn't join a religion where you're worth nothing as a woman, but hey, it's a free country, and we already have mormons and the like who treat women like crap.
Go ahead and build it, but pay attention.

Because you're going to get to build it again.

And again.

And again.
The major religions all have their courts: Jews, Christians (only the church can grant a divorce), I'm sure even Hindus have their own, how about it HinduPatriot? You people have your own court system? Me personally, I don't care what muslims get up to amongst themselves, as long as people are free to do it or not, it's their choice. So aside from making sure all American muslims know their freedoms, then no problem, if that's what they choose. Sure, myself I wouldn't join a religion where you're worth nothing as a woman, but hey, it's a free country, and we already have mormons and the like who treat women like crap.

christians in this country do not have their own separate courts. In the catholic church, if you want to continue in your religion, you must observe certain traditions, but these have nothing to do with the "law" of the land, nor are any judgments, other than religious ones, or any punishments, other than religious ones, passed.
The most obnoxious side effect of the fucking Muslim Invasion is that it has given fascists who want to shut down religion altogether a platform upon which to make their argument. The argument being, "If Islam is bad, it's ALL bad, and must go".

Wrong, and dangerous.
Ah moral relativism. That's why it's creeping.

Ok, so white folks get to live how they want but everyone else can't? It's like being against gay marriage, if you don't like it, don't do it. If you don't like people getting their hand chopped off for whatever, don't join the gang. But you can't be the land of the free if only you and your friends can do what they want.

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