93% Of Democratic Senate Or Governor Candidates Are White

Diversity in the 113th Congress

While 94 percent of the U.S. Senate is white, 19% of the House of Representatives is made up of minority groups. There are 28 Hispanics serving in the House— 25 Democrats and three Republicans. The Senate is made up of 1% African American, I % Asian, 2% Hispanic, 2% not Stated, and 94% White. The House is made up of 9% African American, 25% Asian, 1% Japanese American, 1% Asian American, 5% not stated, and 77% White.

Republicans have elected six blacks to higher office in the last 100 years

That is all you need to know

Electing someone just because of their ethnicity or color means nothing.

Electing only six non whites over a hundred years proves something

Republicans will not vote for a black

yes it does prove something.

It proves that in 100 years only six blacks were worth electing

you want to go again?
John Kerry is an ass. This administration is great at always sending mixed signals. At least Bush told it like it is. Bush made it clear we were at war with al-Qaeda and we would fight them all over the world.
Only 12% of the country is black. So it makes sense blacks are mostly represented in the house.

Gawd these right wingers are dumb. Really dumb. It can't just be ignorance. It has to be dumb.
Then why do libturds believe the fact that we don't have 12% black CEO means corporations are racist?
Voter outrage at Republican wars and a collapsed economy
A charismatic young candidate who promised change
A Republican ticket comprised of an old man and a batshit crazy woman

Hey, there's this local white guy running for town Librarian and he's promising change. I'll send him over to you Democrats and you can run him for President. He's more qualified that the amateur you ran in the last two elections. I heard this guy speak - he talks real nice and he has a sparkly smile too.

That "amateur" was viewed as a better choice as president by a 2:1 margin

Then why did he only get 52% of the vote?

He got twice the votes McCain did

How's life in your insular bubble treating you?

Rdean gives new meaning to the phrase "out of touch."
I am glad the democrats know who should lead our civilization. They really need to stop accusing republicans of doing otherwise...

Keep it white!
Fuck off, racist sack of shit.

As soon as you introduce race into a culture, race becomes the metric by which division is measured. Then you get all sorts of sacrifices to principle. We've tossed out free association, free speech is being eroded, we've abandoned merit for racial quotas.

Culture becomes much more tarnished when you introduce division.
Diversity in the 113th Congress

While 94 percent of the U.S. Senate is white, 19% of the House of Representatives is made up of minority groups. There are 28 Hispanics serving in the House— 25 Democrats and three Republicans. The Senate is made up of 1% African American, I % Asian, 2% Hispanic, 2% not Stated, and 94% White. The House is made up of 9% African American, 25% Asian, 1% Japanese American, 1% Asian American, 5% not stated, and 77% White.

Republicans have elected six blacks to higher office in the last 100 years

That is all you need to know

Electing someone just because of their ethnicity or color means nothing.

Electing only six non whites over a hundred years proves something

Republicans will not vote for a black

yes it does prove something.

It proves that in 100 years only six blacks were worth electing

you want to go again?

Winner, winner chicken dinner!

In over a hundred years, republicans have only found six blacks worth voting for
Diversity in the 113th Congress

While 94 percent of the U.S. Senate is white, 19% of the House of Representatives is made up of minority groups. There are 28 Hispanics serving in the House— 25 Democrats and three Republicans. The Senate is made up of 1% African American, I % Asian, 2% Hispanic, 2% not Stated, and 94% White. The House is made up of 9% African American, 25% Asian, 1% Japanese American, 1% Asian American, 5% not stated, and 77% White.

Republicans have elected six blacks to higher office in the last 100 years

That is all you need to know

Electing someone just because of their ethnicity or color means nothing.

Electing only six non whites over a hundred years proves something

Republicans will not vote for a black

yes it does prove something.

It proves that in 100 years only six blacks were worth electing

you want to go again?

Winner, winner chicken dinner!

In over a hundred years, republicans have only found six blacks worth voting for

Maybe blacks should do something to change that.
Voter outrage at Republican wars and a collapsed economy
A charismatic young candidate who promised change
A Republican ticket comprised of an old man and a batshit crazy woman

Hey, there's this local white guy running for town Librarian and he's promising change. I'll send him over to you Democrats and you can run him for President. He's more qualified that the amateur you ran in the last two elections. I heard this guy speak - he talks real nice and he has a sparkly smile too.

That "amateur" was viewed as a better choice as president by a 2:1 margin

Then why did he only get 52% of the vote?

He got twice the votes McCain did

How's life in your insular bubble treating you?

Did you somehow miss the 2008 election?

It was in all the papers
Voter outrage at Republican wars and a collapsed economy
A charismatic young candidate who promised change
A Republican ticket comprised of an old man and a batshit crazy woman

Hey, there's this local white guy running for town Librarian and he's promising change. I'll send him over to you Democrats and you can run him for President. He's more qualified that the amateur you ran in the last two elections. I heard this guy speak - he talks real nice and he has a sparkly smile too.

That "amateur" was viewed as a better choice as president by a 2:1 margin

Then why did he only get 52% of the vote?

He got twice the votes McCain did

How's life in your insular bubble treating you?

Did you somehow miss the 2008 election?

It was in all the papers

Prove that Obama got twice the number of votes of McCain.
Voter outrage at Republican wars and a collapsed economy
A charismatic young candidate who promised change
A Republican ticket comprised of an old man and a batshit crazy woman

Hey, there's this local white guy running for town Librarian and he's promising change. I'll send him over to you Democrats and you can run him for President. He's more qualified that the amateur you ran in the last two elections. I heard this guy speak - he talks real nice and he has a sparkly smile too.

That "amateur" was viewed as a better choice as president by a 2:1 margin

Then why did he only get 52% of the vote?

He got twice the votes McCain did

How's life in your insular bubble treating you?

Did you somehow miss the 2008 election?

It was in all the papers

Prove that Obama got twice the number of votes of McCain.

Read it and weep pal

United States presidential election 2008 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Obama 365
McCain 173
Voter outrage at Republican wars and a collapsed economy
A charismatic young candidate who promised change
A Republican ticket comprised of an old man and a batshit crazy woman

Hey, there's this local white guy running for town Librarian and he's promising change. I'll send him over to you Democrats and you can run him for President. He's more qualified that the amateur you ran in the last two elections. I heard this guy speak - he talks real nice and he has a sparkly smile too.

That "amateur" was viewed as a better choice as president by a 2:1 margin

Then why did he only get 52% of the vote?

He got twice the votes McCain did

How's life in your insular bubble treating you?

Did you somehow miss the 2008 election?

It was in all the papers

Prove that Obama got twice the number of votes of McCain.

Read it and weep pal

United States presidential election 2008 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Obama 365
McCain 173

I'll have to remember this about you - you think you're clever. Right, when people talk about voting and popularity, they're obviously talking about electoral college votes.

Here's a hint, liar, when you write "was viewed as a better choice as president by a 2:1 margin" the electoral college is not the one that is viewing, they're not assessing the candidates, that's the voters who are doing the viewing and they didn't view him as the better choice by a 2:1 margin.

Your game playing is pathetic.
Voter outrage at Republican wars and a collapsed economy
A charismatic young candidate who promised change
A Republican ticket comprised of an old man and a batshit crazy woman

Hey, there's this local white guy running for town Librarian and he's promising change. I'll send him over to you Democrats and you can run him for President. He's more qualified that the amateur you ran in the last two elections. I heard this guy speak - he talks real nice and he has a sparkly smile too.

That "amateur" was viewed as a better choice as president by a 2:1 margin

Then why did he only get 52% of the vote?

He got twice the votes McCain did

How's life in your insular bubble treating you?

Did you somehow miss the 2008 election?

It was in all the papers

Prove that Obama got twice the number of votes of McCain.

Read it and weep pal

United States presidential election 2008 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Obama 365
McCain 173

I'll have to remember this about you - you think you're clever. Right, when people talk about voting and popularity, they're obviously talking about electoral college votes.

Here's a hint, liar, when you write "was viewed as a better choice as president by a 2:1 margin" the electoral college is not the one that is viewing, they're not assessing the candidates, that's the voters who are doing the viewing and they didn't view him as the better choice by a 2:1 margin.

Your game playing is pathetic.

In my country we elect presidents by electoral vote not popular vote

Maybe President Gore can explain it to you
Voter outrage at Republican wars and a collapsed economy
A charismatic young candidate who promised change
A Republican ticket comprised of an old man and a batshit crazy woman

Hey, there's this local white guy running for town Librarian and he's promising change. I'll send him over to you Democrats and you can run him for President. He's more qualified that the amateur you ran in the last two elections. I heard this guy speak - he talks real nice and he has a sparkly smile too.

That "amateur" was viewed as a better choice as president by a 2:1 margin

Then why did he only get 52% of the vote?

He got twice the votes McCain did

How's life in your insular bubble treating you?

Did you somehow miss the 2008 election?

It was in all the papers

Prove that Obama got twice the number of votes of McCain.

Read it and weep pal

United States presidential election 2008 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Obama 365
McCain 173

I'll have to remember this about you - you think you're clever. Right, when people talk about voting and popularity, they're obviously talking about electoral college votes.

Here's a hint, liar, when you write "was viewed as a better choice as president by a 2:1 margin" the electoral college is not the one that is viewing, they're not assessing the candidates, that's the voters who are doing the viewing and they didn't view him as the better choice by a 2:1 margin.

Your game playing is pathetic.

In my country we elect presidents by electoral vote not popular vote

Maybe President Gore can explain it to you

How about you dig up a poll where the pollster solicits the VIEWS of the electoral college voters? I'd love to read about their VIEWS.
Voter outrage at Republican wars and a collapsed economy
A charismatic young candidate who promised change
A Republican ticket comprised of an old man and a batshit crazy woman

Hey, there's this local white guy running for town Librarian and he's promising change. I'll send him over to you Democrats and you can run him for President. He's more qualified that the amateur you ran in the last two elections. I heard this guy speak - he talks real nice and he has a sparkly smile too.

That "amateur" was viewed as a better choice as president by a 2:1 margin

Then why did he only get 52% of the vote?

He got twice the votes McCain did

How's life in your insular bubble treating you?

Did you somehow miss the 2008 election?

It was in all the papers

Prove that Obama got twice the number of votes of McCain.

Read it and weep pal

United States presidential election 2008 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Obama 365
McCain 173

I'll have to remember this about you - you think you're clever. Right, when people talk about voting and popularity, they're obviously talking about electoral college votes.

Here's a hint, liar, when you write "was viewed as a better choice as president by a 2:1 margin" the electoral college is not the one that is viewing, they're not assessing the candidates, that's the voters who are doing the viewing and they didn't view him as the better choice by a 2:1 margin.

Your game playing is pathetic.

In my country we elect presidents by electoral vote not popular vote

Maybe President Gore can explain it to you

How about you dig up a poll where the pollster solicits the VIEWS of the electoral college voters? I'd love to read about their VIEWS.
Hey shitstain...the popular vote elected GORE president.

This is not hard science.
Voter outrage at Republican wars and a collapsed economy
A charismatic young candidate who promised change
A Republican ticket comprised of an old man and a batshit crazy woman

Hey, there's this local white guy running for town Librarian and he's promising change. I'll send him over to you Democrats and you can run him for President. He's more qualified that the amateur you ran in the last two elections. I heard this guy speak - he talks real nice and he has a sparkly smile too.

That "amateur" was viewed as a better choice as president by a 2:1 margin

Then why did he only get 52% of the vote?

He got twice the votes McCain did

How's life in your insular bubble treating you?

Did you somehow miss the 2008 election?

It was in all the papers

Prove that Obama got twice the number of votes of McCain.

Read it and weep pal

United States presidential election 2008 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Obama 365
McCain 173

I'll have to remember this about you - you think you're clever. Right, when people talk about voting and popularity, they're obviously talking about electoral college votes.

Here's a hint, liar, when you write "was viewed as a better choice as president by a 2:1 margin" the electoral college is not the one that is viewing, they're not assessing the candidates, that's the voters who are doing the viewing and they didn't view him as the better choice by a 2:1 margin.

Your game playing is pathetic.

In my country we elect presidents by electoral vote not popular vote

Maybe President Gore can explain it to you

How about you dig up a poll where the pollster solicits the VIEWS of the electoral college voters? I'd love to read about their VIEWS.

I don't know which country you live in, but my country has always elected presidents by electoral votes

The views and votes of voters in each state influence the selection of electoral votes. It is a state by state process. In no way does overall popular vote come in to play in electing a president

This is a political message board. If you are going to survive, you are going to have to learn how our government works
Voter outrage at Republican wars and a collapsed economy
A charismatic young candidate who promised change
A Republican ticket comprised of an old man and a batshit crazy woman

Hey, there's this local white guy running for town Librarian and he's promising change. I'll send him over to you Democrats and you can run him for President. He's more qualified that the amateur you ran in the last two elections. I heard this guy speak - he talks real nice and he has a sparkly smile too.

That "amateur" was viewed as a better choice as president by a 2:1 margin

Then why did he only get 52% of the vote?

He got twice the votes McCain did

How's life in your insular bubble treating you?

Did you somehow miss the 2008 election?

It was in all the papers

Prove that Obama got twice the number of votes of McCain.

Read it and weep pal

United States presidential election 2008 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Obama 365
McCain 173

I'll have to remember this about you - you think you're clever. Right, when people talk about voting and popularity, they're obviously talking about electoral college votes.

Here's a hint, liar, when you write "was viewed as a better choice as president by a 2:1 margin" the electoral college is not the one that is viewing, they're not assessing the candidates, that's the voters who are doing the viewing and they didn't view him as the better choice by a 2:1 margin.

Your game playing is pathetic.

In my country we elect presidents by electoral vote not popular vote

Maybe President Gore can explain it to you

How about you dig up a poll where the pollster solicits the VIEWS of the electoral college voters? I'd love to read about their VIEWS.
Hey shitstain...the popular vote elected GORE president.

This is not hard science.

Hey asswipe, why don't you quote the correct comment when you vomit out a response.
Voter outrage at Republican wars and a collapsed economy
A charismatic young candidate who promised change
A Republican ticket comprised of an old man and a batshit crazy woman

Hey, there's this local white guy running for town Librarian and he's promising change. I'll send him over to you Democrats and you can run him for President. He's more qualified that the amateur you ran in the last two elections. I heard this guy speak - he talks real nice and he has a sparkly smile too.

That "amateur" was viewed as a better choice as president by a 2:1 margin

Then why did he only get 52% of the vote?

He got twice the votes McCain did

How's life in your insular bubble treating you?

Did you somehow miss the 2008 election?

It was in all the papers

Prove that Obama got twice the number of votes of McCain.

Read it and weep pal

United States presidential election 2008 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Obama 365
McCain 173

I'll have to remember this about you - you think you're clever. Right, when people talk about voting and popularity, they're obviously talking about electoral college votes.

Here's a hint, liar, when you write "was viewed as a better choice as president by a 2:1 margin" the electoral college is not the one that is viewing, they're not assessing the candidates, that's the voters who are doing the viewing and they didn't view him as the better choice by a 2:1 margin.

Your game playing is pathetic.

In my country we elect presidents by electoral vote not popular vote

Maybe President Gore can explain it to you

How about you dig up a poll where the pollster solicits the VIEWS of the electoral college voters? I'd love to read about their VIEWS.

I don't know which country you live in, but my country has always elected presidents by electoral votes

The views and votes of voters in each state influence the selection of electoral votes. It is a state by state process. In no way does overall popular vote come in to play in electing a president

This is a political message board. If you are going to survive, you are going to have to learn how our government works

No shit Sherlock. Thanks for the remedial lesson but you're more in need of it that I. You wrote "That "amateur" was viewed as a better choice as president by a 2:1 margin" Electoral College voters don't "view" a candidate, they perform a duty. Voters "view" and assess a candidate.

This error here is all yours - you mislead people with your shoddy writing.
No shit Sherlock. Thanks for the remedial lesson but you're more in need of it that I. You wrote "That "amateur" was viewed as a better choice as president by a 2:1 margin" Electoral College voters don't "view" a candidate, they perform a duty. Voters "view" and assess a candidate.

This error here is all yours - you mislead people with your shoddy writing.

I regret you have such a limited understanding of our political process. Our president won by a 2:1 margin. It is a fact

For you to believe that overall popular vote has anything to do with electing a president shows you need to read up more when you post here.

May I suggest google?
Ya ok,so tell me what have the Dems offerd,who has been in control for a better part of a decade? why haven't the Dems fixed all the problems,narrow minded partisain hacks like yourself are the problem,you do what you blame other for,just to cover your own tracks,its pathetic.

When you have a group that will vote as one sold block as shown in the last elections,thats not being diverse,if it wasnt for the white vote Obama would never have been elected,your dead dog just cant get up let alone hunt.

What the Dems have offered..

Jobs programs, jobs training, healthcare, affirmative action, minority small business set asides, safety net programs, educational assistance, child services,

What the Republicans have offered


Then why are so many on welfare, in prisons, out of jobs, broken families, no education, etc since dems have offered up utopia?

I'm glad you asked

The reason is because capitalists abandoned our cities. Minorities flocked to the cities for well paying manufacturing jobs. When the jobs left, they were left behind with few options. The drug trade was all that was left
Democrats have tried to salvage our abandoned cities. Republicans told them to go fuck themselves.

The capitalists left because the Democrat looters drove them away. You just admitted that capitalists are what made the cities thrive. Democrats killed them.
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