93% Of Democratic Senate Or Governor Candidates Are White

Tehy should the Dems have done

They should be,the Dems have done nothing to help other than labeling pigeon holing and race baiting,the very best thing the left has done is convincing minorities that Repubs hate them,which is total bull shit.

The Dem party help up civil rights legislation for years,scratch a liberal you find bigots and racist.

Seems like blacks would be flocking to the Republican party then wouldn't it?

What about the Republican Platform would make minorities want to vote for them? If you blame the Democrats for failed programs, why haven't Republicans offered a better solution

Why don't Republicans go in to minority neighborhoods and say.......Here is how I will make your life better
Ya ok,so tell me what have the Dems offerd,who has been in control for a better part of a decade? why haven't the Dems fixed all the problems,narrow minded partisain hacks like yourself are the problem,you do what you blame other for,just to cover your own tracks,its pathetic.

When you have a group that will vote as one sold block as shown in the last elections,thats not being diverse,if it wasnt for the white vote Obama would never have been elected,your dead dog just cant get up let alone hunt.

What the Dems have offered..

Jobs programs, jobs training, healthcare, affirmative action, minority small business set asides, safety net programs, educational assistance, child services,

What the Republicans have offered

It's a fact, Jack:


House and Senate.

Number of Elected Black Republicans serving right now: Zippo.
Yet minorities favor Dems over Reps. I guess they're not falling for the Reps saying "Hey I have black friends. Really"

Minorities are stuck on stupid voting Dem.

Way to win that minority vote!

Calling people stupid usually gets them to flock to your cause

What is your plan pretend to be liberal like the GOP establishment, that has worked well /sarcasm. Minorities are stuck on stupid, election after election Dem's lie promising them the moon then fail to deliver after the election. Duh!

What do Republicans have to offer?

Talk about being stuck on stupid

As a conservative why do I have to offer minorities anything? Is that how it works promise them pork and government handouts and wealth redistribution? I'm willing to say look these are my conservatives principles if you share these principles and wish to rise out of poverty this is the path. Idiot Dem policies and broken promises have failed them, its been decades how much longer are they willing to hitch their cart to that horse.

You have to offer ANY voter a reason to vote for you

Why do Republicans fail so miserably?

In other words, the only reason to vote for someone is because they promise you things they will take from other Americans - looting your fellow Americans, in other words.

People will vote for you if they think you will more likely make their life better

It can be because you offer lower taxes
It can be because you support programs that will help them
It can be because you offer changes that improve quality of life

Minorities refuse to vote Republican....there is a reason

I'm past caring, minorities made their bed with Dem's they can lay in it if that is their choice. I won't offer them anything more than I offer my fellow conservatives. Jobs jobs jobs libs get that through your thick skulls economic growth is the only path out of the debt hole we have dug ourselves into. Its the only ladder up for the poor and middle class. So what are idiot liberals doing? For starters they slapped over 2,300 new jobs killing EPA regulations on the jobs creators, speeding the flight of those jobs off-shore. Corporations are moving off-shore to escape the high taxes, other countries are only too happy to have them. HELLO earth to liberals is it clear yet that corporations don't have to just stand there and take your crap, they have other options and are taking them.
I'm past caring, minorities made their bed with Dem's they can lay in it if that is their choice. I won't offer them anything more than I offer my fellow conservatives. Jobs jobs jobs libs get that through your thick skulls economic growth is the only path out of the debt hole we have dug ourselves into. Its the only ladder up for the poor and middle class. So what are idiot liberals doing? For starters they slapped over 2,300 new jobs killing EPA regulations on the jobs creators, speeding the flight of those jobs off-shore. Corporations are moving off-shore to escape the high taxes, other countries are only too happy to have them. HELLO earth to liberals is it clear yet that corporations don't have to just stand there and take your crap, they have other options and are taking them.

This is what Republicans offer, the old addage

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

- But what if you can't afford a pole and a license?
- What if there are no fish where you live?
- What if you are restricted from fishing in the good spots?

This is where Republicans fall down. There are no fish (jobs) in those communities. They left long ago. Nobody is doing anything to replace them.
The only thing Repubs have for anyone is cliche sayings and indifference. Their help is litteraly self help book type of thinking. Be positive etc etc.

Teach a man to fish...
A bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush...
I'm past caring, minorities made their bed with Dem's they can lay in it if that is their choice. I won't offer them anything more than I offer my fellow conservatives. Jobs jobs jobs libs get that through your thick skulls economic growth is the only path out of the debt hole we have dug ourselves into. Its the only ladder up for the poor and middle class. So what are idiot liberals doing? For starters they slapped over 2,300 new jobs killing EPA regulations on the jobs creators, speeding the flight of those jobs off-shore. Corporations are moving off-shore to escape the high taxes, other countries are only too happy to have them. HELLO earth to liberals is it clear yet that corporations don't have to just stand there and take your crap, they have other options and are taking them.

This is what Republicans offer, the old addage

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

- But what if you can't afford a pole and a license?
- What if there are no fish where you live?
- What if you are restricted from fishing in the good spots?

This is where Republicans fall down. There are no fish (jobs) in those communities. They left long ago. Nobody is doing anything to replace them.
And who the fuck has been in control for almost a decade?? it not the republicans??!! yet you continue to blame the people not responsible. How many bill still set harry reid desk?? The dems controled the house for over 40 years,up untill the mid 90 yet we are still talking about the same old shit,that the dems are responsible for,get a clue a life and try and be honest for a change!
I'm past caring, minorities made their bed with Dem's they can lay in it if that is their choice. I won't offer them anything more than I offer my fellow conservatives. Jobs jobs jobs libs get that through your thick skulls economic growth is the only path out of the debt hole we have dug ourselves into. Its the only ladder up for the poor and middle class. So what are idiot liberals doing? For starters they slapped over 2,300 new jobs killing EPA regulations on the jobs creators, speeding the flight of those jobs off-shore. Corporations are moving off-shore to escape the high taxes, other countries are only too happy to have them. HELLO earth to liberals is it clear yet that corporations don't have to just stand there and take your crap, they have other options and are taking them.

This is what Republicans offer, the old addage

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

- But what if you can't afford a pole and a license?
- What if there are no fish where you live?
- What if you are restricted from fishing in the good spots?

This is where Republicans fall down. There are no fish (jobs) in those communities. They left long ago. Nobody is doing anything to replace them.
And who the fuck has been in control for almost a decade?? it not the republicans??!! yet you continue to blame the people not responsible. How many bill still set harry reid desk?? The dems controled the house for over 40 years,up untill the mid 90 yet we are still talking about the same old shit,that the dems are responsible for,get a clue a life and try and be honest for a change!

Pass the buck much?

The question is....What do we do?

Republicans offer no solutions all they offer are platitudes. Buckle down, get a job, work harder

Meanwhile they offer nothing to minorities. That is why they refuse to vote Republican
I'm past caring, minorities made their bed with Dem's they can lay in it if that is their choice. I won't offer them anything more than I offer my fellow conservatives. Jobs jobs jobs libs get that through your thick skulls economic growth is the only path out of the debt hole we have dug ourselves into. Its the only ladder up for the poor and middle class. So what are idiot liberals doing? For starters they slapped over 2,300 new jobs killing EPA regulations on the jobs creators, speeding the flight of those jobs off-shore. Corporations are moving off-shore to escape the high taxes, other countries are only too happy to have them. HELLO earth to liberals is it clear yet that corporations don't have to just stand there and take your crap, they have other options and are taking them.

This is what Republicans offer, the old addage

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

- But what if you can't afford a pole and a license?
- What if there are no fish where you live?
- What if you are restricted from fishing in the good spots?

This is where Republicans fall down. There are no fish (jobs) in those communities. They left long ago. Nobody is doing anything to replace them.

Cry me a river we already throw a trillion dollars a year at welfare, how's that working? FAIL!
I'm past caring, minorities made their bed with Dem's they can lay in it if that is their choice. I won't offer them anything more than I offer my fellow conservatives. Jobs jobs jobs libs get that through your thick skulls economic growth is the only path out of the debt hole we have dug ourselves into. Its the only ladder up for the poor and middle class. So what are idiot liberals doing? For starters they slapped over 2,300 new jobs killing EPA regulations on the jobs creators, speeding the flight of those jobs off-shore. Corporations are moving off-shore to escape the high taxes, other countries are only too happy to have them. HELLO earth to liberals is it clear yet that corporations don't have to just stand there and take your crap, they have other options and are taking them.

This is what Republicans offer, the old addage

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

- But what if you can't afford a pole and a license?
- What if there are no fish where you live?
- What if you are restricted from fishing in the good spots?

This is where Republicans fall down. There are no fish (jobs) in those communities. They left long ago. Nobody is doing anything to replace them.
And who the fuck has been in control for almost a decade?? it not the republicans??!! yet you continue to blame the people not responsible. How many bill still set harry reid desk?? The dems controled the house for over 40 years,up untill the mid 90 yet we are still talking about the same old shit,that the dems are responsible for,get a clue a life and try and be honest for a change!

Dem's have blaming others for their failures down to a science, aided by a biased lying corrupted MSM.
I'm past caring, minorities made their bed with Dem's they can lay in it if that is their choice. I won't offer them anything more than I offer my fellow conservatives. Jobs jobs jobs libs get that through your thick skulls economic growth is the only path out of the debt hole we have dug ourselves into. Its the only ladder up for the poor and middle class. So what are idiot liberals doing? For starters they slapped over 2,300 new jobs killing EPA regulations on the jobs creators, speeding the flight of those jobs off-shore. Corporations are moving off-shore to escape the high taxes, other countries are only too happy to have them. HELLO earth to liberals is it clear yet that corporations don't have to just stand there and take your crap, they have other options and are taking them.

This is what Republicans offer, the old addage

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

- But what if you can't afford a pole and a license?
- What if there are no fish where you live?
- What if you are restricted from fishing in the good spots?

This is where Republicans fall down. There are no fish (jobs) in those communities. They left long ago. Nobody is doing anything to replace them.
And who the fuck has been in control for almost a decade?? it not the republicans??!! yet you continue to blame the people not responsible. How many bill still set harry reid desk?? The dems controled the house for over 40 years,up untill the mid 90 yet we are still talking about the same old shit,that the dems are responsible for,get a clue a life and try and be honest for a change!

Pass the buck much?

The question is....What do we do?

Republicans offer no solutions all they offer are platitudes. Buckle down, get a job, work harder

Meanwhile they offer nothing to minorities. That is why they refuse to vote Republican

And yet millions upon millions of illegals seem able to find work OH SNAP!
I'm past caring, minorities made their bed with Dem's they can lay in it if that is their choice. I won't offer them anything more than I offer my fellow conservatives. Jobs jobs jobs libs get that through your thick skulls economic growth is the only path out of the debt hole we have dug ourselves into. Its the only ladder up for the poor and middle class. So what are idiot liberals doing? For starters they slapped over 2,300 new jobs killing EPA regulations on the jobs creators, speeding the flight of those jobs off-shore. Corporations are moving off-shore to escape the high taxes, other countries are only too happy to have them. HELLO earth to liberals is it clear yet that corporations don't have to just stand there and take your crap, they have other options and are taking them.

This is what Republicans offer, the old addage

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

- But what if you can't afford a pole and a license?
- What if there are no fish where you live?
- What if you are restricted from fishing in the good spots?

This is where Republicans fall down. There are no fish (jobs) in those communities. They left long ago. Nobody is doing anything to replace them.
And who the fuck has been in control for almost a decade?? it not the republicans??!! yet you continue to blame the people not responsible. How many bill still set harry reid desk?? The dems controled the house for over 40 years,up untill the mid 90 yet we are still talking about the same old shit,that the dems are responsible for,get a clue a life and try and be honest for a change!

Pass the buck much?

The question is....What do we do?

Republicans offer no solutions all they offer are platitudes. Buckle down, get a job, work harder

Meanwhile they offer nothing to minorities. That is why they refuse to vote Republican

And yet millions upon millions of illegals seem able to find work OH SNAP!

Again....What is your solution?

Come on Republicans. Convince ANY minority why they should vote for you
Diversity in the 113th Congress

While 94 percent of the U.S. Senate is white, 19% of the House of Representatives is made up of minority groups. There are 28 Hispanics serving in the House— 25 Democrats and three Republicans. The Senate is made up of 1% African American, I % Asian, 2% Hispanic, 2% not Stated, and 94% White. The House is made up of 9% African American, 25% Asian, 1% Japanese American, 1% Asian American, 5% not stated, and 77% White.

Republicans have elected six blacks to higher office in the last 100 years

That is all you need to know

really? how is that all i need to know? it doesn't tell me anything other than a number. you're a racist tool.
I'm past caring, minorities made their bed with Dem's they can lay in it if that is their choice. I won't offer them anything more than I offer my fellow conservatives. Jobs jobs jobs libs get that through your thick skulls economic growth is the only path out of the debt hole we have dug ourselves into. Its the only ladder up for the poor and middle class. So what are idiot liberals doing? For starters they slapped over 2,300 new jobs killing EPA regulations on the jobs creators, speeding the flight of those jobs off-shore. Corporations are moving off-shore to escape the high taxes, other countries are only too happy to have them. HELLO earth to liberals is it clear yet that corporations don't have to just stand there and take your crap, they have other options and are taking them.

This is what Republicans offer, the old addage

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

- But what if you can't afford a pole and a license?
- What if there are no fish where you live?
- What if you are restricted from fishing in the good spots?

This is where Republicans fall down. There are no fish (jobs) in those communities. They left long ago. Nobody is doing anything to replace them.
And who the fuck has been in control for almost a decade?? it not the republicans??!! yet you continue to blame the people not responsible. How many bill still set harry reid desk?? The dems controled the house for over 40 years,up untill the mid 90 yet we are still talking about the same old shit,that the dems are responsible for,get a clue a life and try and be honest for a change!

Pass the buck much?

The question is....What do we do?

Republicans offer no solutions all they offer are platitudes. Buckle down, get a job, work harder

Meanwhile they offer nothing to minorities. That is why they refuse to vote Republican

And yet millions upon millions of illegals seem able to find work OH SNAP!

Again....What is your solution?

Come on Republicans. Convince ANY minority why they should vote for you

Decades of Dem failure would seem the most obvious reason to consider supporting an independent, libertarian, republican, or conservative candidate. I recommend they perform their own analysis, get to know the alternative candidates and make up their own damn minds.
I'm past caring, minorities made their bed with Dem's they can lay in it if that is their choice. I won't offer them anything more than I offer my fellow conservatives. Jobs jobs jobs libs get that through your thick skulls economic growth is the only path out of the debt hole we have dug ourselves into. Its the only ladder up for the poor and middle class. So what are idiot liberals doing? For starters they slapped over 2,300 new jobs killing EPA regulations on the jobs creators, speeding the flight of those jobs off-shore. Corporations are moving off-shore to escape the high taxes, other countries are only too happy to have them. HELLO earth to liberals is it clear yet that corporations don't have to just stand there and take your crap, they have other options and are taking them.

This is what Republicans offer, the old addage

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

- But what if you can't afford a pole and a license?
- What if there are no fish where you live?
- What if you are restricted from fishing in the good spots?

This is where Republicans fall down. There are no fish (jobs) in those communities. They left long ago. Nobody is doing anything to replace them.
And who the fuck has been in control for almost a decade?? it not the republicans??!! yet you continue to blame the people not responsible. How many bill still set harry reid desk?? The dems controled the house for over 40 years,up untill the mid 90 yet we are still talking about the same old shit,that the dems are responsible for,get a clue a life and try and be honest for a change!

Pass the buck much?

The question is....What do we do?

Republicans offer no solutions all they offer are platitudes. Buckle down, get a job, work harder

Meanwhile they offer nothing to minorities. That is why they refuse to vote Republican

And yet millions upon millions of illegals seem able to find work OH SNAP!

Again....What is your solution?

Come on Republicans. Convince ANY minority why they should vote for you

Decades of Dem failure would seem the most obvious reason to consider supporting an independent, libertarian, republican, or conservative candidate. I recommend they perform their own analysis, get to know the alternative candidates and make up their own damn minds.

And what have the Republicans offered up in those decades? You claim Democratic policies have failed but what have Republicans offered minority communities other than more prisons?
In all fairness, the Republicans show great deference and loyalty to the mentally retarded in choosing their candidates.
And Democrats, by contrast, have elected some 100 representatives to Congress since 1930.

That is pretty much what I thought.

Here is a list of minorities presented elected to Congress:
Minority members of Congress

Notice any patterns? :lol: When it comes to diversity and electing minorities the Democrats trounce the Republicans. (I am not claiming this makes the GOP racist)

Since you asked whether I noticed a pattern, why yes I have. It seems that white Democrats are very favorably disposed to the idea of black politicians so long as the closest exposure white Democrats have to blacks is to watch the Cosby show.

The lower the proportion of blacks in a population, the greater the share of whites who voted for Obama


Both of you seem to be implying that there being black Democrats says something good about YOU. Those black Democrats weren't elected by YOU, they were elected in black gerrymandered districts filled with black voters. YOUR Representative is very likely white. You vote for a white Democrat because you're too scared to live in a majority black district.

What percentage of Republican candidates for Senate or Governor are white?

Out of curiosity, What is that the percentage of white GOP candidates running for the Senate or Governor?

No one gives a damn because Republicans don't hold to the core racist values held by Democrats and so aren't judged by them. Let me help you understand this point with this example. If a Democratic Party value was the people should be vegans, then pointing out and criticizing those Democrats who weren't vegans would be newsworthy for those Democrats wouldn't be living up to Democratic values. Doing the same to Republicans who don't hold to that lunacy would be pointless. Or flip the scenario and make it about Republicans and church-going - what value is there in judging Democrats by that metric and criticizing Democrats for not going to church frequently enough?

Unlike Democrats, Republicans don't believe in racism. Republicans are an anti-racist, race-neutral party. They don't buy off racial groups with special programs or bribe them to vote for them. They're race blind. They welcome all people of all races so long as those people find benefit in the race-blind policies put forth by Republicans.

Seems odd that over one hundred years, only six blacks would choose to run as Republicans. Is there somethig about the party that keeps them away?

What do Republicans have to offer?

Talk about being stuck on stupid

If there are few black politicians or little black support for Republicans that doesn't say anything bad about the Republican Party, it says something uncomfortable about black voters - they won't vote for a party which doesn't pay them off with race-based programs or bribes.
Diversity in the 113th Congress

While 94 percent of the U.S. Senate is white, 19% of the House of Representatives is made up of minority groups. There are 28 Hispanics serving in the House— 25 Democrats and three Republicans. The Senate is made up of 1% African American, I % Asian, 2% Hispanic, 2% not Stated, and 94% White. The House is made up of 9% African American, 25% Asian, 1% Japanese American, 1% Asian American, 5% not stated, and 77% White.

So there are no Democrat Hispanics in the house, and most of the non-whites are Asians, who are the wealthiest ethnic group in the United States.

Yeah, that's diversity!
Reading is fundamental.

There are 28 Hispanics serving in the House— 25 Democrats and three Republicans.

Read his post, numbnuts. Where does it say there are 28 Hispanic Democrats in the House?

Nowhere, you dumb asshole.

Reading is fundamental.
Unlike Democrats, Republicans don't believe in racism. Republicans are an anti-racist, race-neutral party. They don't buy off racial groups with special programs or bribe them to vote for them. They're race blind. They welcome all people of all races so long as those people find benefit in the race-blind policies put forth by Republicans.

This will fall on deaf ears, liberals will bring up some racist crap that occurred 40, 50, 100 years ago in response. Same crap they pull when it comes to unions, they have to go back 50 years to find something to rile up the base. Keep an eye out for this tactic, they use it frequently. The world has moved on, its quite different but the libs need to keep people focused on the far distant past because their dog and pony show is out of touch with the world we live in today.

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