96% of Clintons Charity Donations Went to Clinton Foundation

The Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation count all the travel, lodging, food and other expenses to the foundation as being reimbursement for efforts on behalf of the foundation. Well, known to the general public is the fact that the foundation is a slush fund.

Other charities evaluating organizations have an entirely different opinion of this money laundering service.
Bill Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation


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Why isn't this organization rated?
We had previously evaluated this organization, but have since determined that this charity's atypical business model can not be accurately captured in our current rating methodology. Our removal of The Clinton Foundation from our site is neither a condemnation nor an endorsement of this charity. We reserve the right to reinstate a rating for The Clinton Foundation as soon as we identify a rating methodology that appropriately captures its business model.
What does it mean that this organization isn’t rated?
It simply means that the organization doesn't meet our criteria. A lack of a rating does not indicate a positive or negative assessment by Charity Navigator.

Charity Navigator - Unrated Profile for Bill Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation

YOU need to stop relying on UNRELIABLE sources! Can't you tell when someone is filling your head with propaganda???

Where Does Clinton Foundation Money Go?
Of course they went to the Clinton Foundation, the Charity does good work and has an A+ rating from Charity Watch.

She and Bill get no money out of the Charity, the Charity's Donations is for the Charity itself.

She could have just kept the millions she gave up of her own money to the charity and been rich as heck for two to three lifetimes.

This is why Charity Navigator stopped listing them. I guess they actually care about ethical behavior.

Foreign donation slipped Clinton vetting process
  • On February 19, 2015, the Wall Street Journal reported that as secretary of state, Hillary Clinton "was one of the most aggressive global cheerleaders for American companies, pushing governments to sign deals and change policies to the advantage of corporate giants such as General Electric Co., Exxon MobilCorp., Microsoft Corp. and Boeing Co." The article goes on to state that "at the same time, those companies were among the many that gave to the Clinton family's global foundation set up by her husband, former President Bill Clinton." The article says that "at least 60 companies that lobbied the State Department during her tenure donated a total of more than $26 million to the Clinton Foundation, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis of public and foundation disclosures."
  • The article also states that "corporate donations to politically connected charities aren't illegal so long as they aren't in exchange for favors. There is no evidence of that with the Clinton Foundation. [...] All of the companies mentioned in this article said their charitable donations had nothing to do with their lobbying agendas with Mrs. Clinton's State Department."
Hillary Clinton’s Complex Corporate Ties
  • On February 26, 2015, Politico Magazine reported on questions raised regarding the foundation's acceptance of foreign donations during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state. According to the article, "The Clinton Foundation failed to submit a $500,000 donation from the Algerian government to the State Department for approval under an ethics agreement put in place as Hillary Clinton was being confirmed as secretary of state."
  • The article also states that "some dismissed recent scrutiny of the foundation's fundraising and management as a function of the news media's 'total obsession' with the Clintons, in the words of Chris Ruddy, the CEO of the conservative media outlet Newsmax, which last year pledged $1 million to the foundation."
Foreign donation slipped Clinton vetting process
Of course they went to the Clinton Foundation, the Charity does good work and has an A+ rating from Charity Watch.

She and Bill get no money out of the Charity, the Charity's Donations is for the Charity itself.

She could have just kept the millions she gave up of her own money to the charity and been rich as heck for two to three lifetimes.

This is why Charity Navigator stopped listing them. I guess they actually care about ethical behavior.

Foreign donation slipped Clinton vetting process
  • On February 19, 2015, the Wall Street Journal reported that as secretary of state, Hillary Clinton "was one of the most aggressive global cheerleaders for American companies, pushing governments to sign deals and change policies to the advantage of corporate giants such as General Electric Co., Exxon MobilCorp., Microsoft Corp. and Boeing Co." The article goes on to state that "at the same time, those companies were among the many that gave to the Clinton family's global foundation set up by her husband, former President Bill Clinton." The article says that "at least 60 companies that lobbied the State Department during her tenure donated a total of more than $26 million to the Clinton Foundation, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis of public and foundation disclosures."
  • The article also states that "corporate donations to politically connected charities aren't illegal so long as they aren't in exchange for favors. There is no evidence of that with the Clinton Foundation. [...] All of the companies mentioned in this article said their charitable donations had nothing to do with their lobbying agendas with Mrs. Clinton's State Department."
Hillary Clinton’s Complex Corporate Ties
  • On February 26, 2015, Politico Magazine reported on questions raised regarding the foundation's acceptance of foreign donations during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state. According to the article, "The Clinton Foundation failed to submit a $500,000 donation from the Algerian government to the State Department for approval under an ethics agreement put in place as Hillary Clinton was being confirmed as secretary of state."
  • The article also states that "some dismissed recent scrutiny of the foundation's fundraising and management as a function of the news media's 'total obsession' with the Clintons, in the words of Chris Ruddy, the CEO of the conservative media outlet Newsmax, which last year pledged $1 million to the foundation."
Foreign donation slipped Clinton vetting process
No westwall that is not why Charity Navigator stopped their rating, they stopped it because they could not rate it correctly because the Clinton Foundation was a public foundation charity and not a private foundation and they said they did not have a proper model....the Clinton Foundation does their own charity work and is not a charity that just collects money to give to other charities....as example Trump's son's charity collects donations and then gives that money to St Judes charity.

Did you read the whole article?

I have no problem with Algeria donating to Haiti relief fund and don't believe it broke their agreement, other than the missed notification.... it was a one time donation specific to Haiti relief.

Where Does Clinton Foundation Money Go?
Last edited:
well there ya go ... Clinton released her taxes for all to see.

Now everyone ( but Trumpbots) wants to see Trumps tax returns.
I'd rather see her medical records.

I want to see Trumps tax records just like I can see Clintons..... then I want to see his mental heath records.

Only about 10% of the Foundations money goes to those in need.

Even Al Capone gave money to charity. It gives them an air of legitimacy.

In the Federal government in terms of taxpayer money, less that 10 cents on the dollar actually goes to charity as well.

This also gives them an air of legitimacy.
well there ya go ... Clinton released her taxes for all to see.

Now everyone ( but Trumpbots) wants to see Trumps tax returns.
I'd rather see her medical records.

I want to see Trumps tax records just like I can see Clintons..... then I want to see his mental heath records.

Only about 10% of the Foundations money goes to those in need.

Even Al Capone gave money to charity. It gives them an air of legitimacy.

In the Federal government in terms of taxpayer money, less that 10 cents on the dollar actually goes to charity as well.

This also gives them an air of legitimacy.

what you are claiming is FALSE....

it is NOT TRUE....

it's not true what so ever...

can I make it any clearer??? hahahahaha! :lol:

88% of the CLINTON FOUNDATION donations are used for Charity.

They have an 'A' rating as a charity from the most respected and accurate charitable contribution watchdog out there!

Charity Ratings | America's Most Independent, Assertive Charity Watchdog | CharityWatch

well there ya go ... Clinton released her taxes for all to see.

Now everyone ( but Trumpbots) wants to see Trumps tax returns.
I'd rather see her medical records.

I want to see Trumps tax records just like I can see Clintons..... then I want to see his mental heath records.

Only about 10% of the Foundations money goes to those in need.

Even Al Capone gave money to charity. It gives them an air of legitimacy.

In the Federal government in terms of taxpayer money, less that 10 cents on the dollar actually goes to charity as well.

This also gives them an air of legitimacy.

what you are claiming is FALSE....

it is NOT TRUE....

it's not true what so ever...

can I make it any clearer??? hahahahaha! :lol:

88% of the CLINTON FOUNDATION donations are used for Charity.

They have an 'A' rating as a charity from the most respected and accurate charitable contribution watchdog out there!

Charity Ratings | America's Most Independent, Assertive Charity Watchdog | CharityWatch

View attachment 85373

Do you think hitlery franks her checks she sends to herself?
And everyone knows the Clinton Foundation is just a money laundering scam. Charity watchdog Charity Navigator won't even rank them they are so far out there on the fringe.

96 Percent Of Hillary’s Charitable Donations In 2015 Went To Clinton Foundation


people who have a charity named after them usually donate to their own charity ... no big deal.

The Clinton Foundation is such an obvious scam at this point why even deny what it is? They set it up so they could funnel "pay for play" dollars into a tax free shelter which they then used to pay the salaries of their political machine. Oh, let me guess...you think it's a coincidence that the same people who run Clinton's campaign also were pulling down a paycheck from the Clinton Foundation?
well there ya go ... Clinton released her taxes for all to see.

Now everyone ( but Trumpbots) wants to see Trumps tax returns.
I'd rather see her medical records.

I want to see Trumps tax records just like I can see Clintons..... then I want to see his mental heath records.

Only about 10% of the Foundations money goes to those in need.

Even Al Capone gave money to charity. It gives them an air of legitimacy.

In the Federal government in terms of taxpayer money, less that 10 cents on the dollar actually goes to charity as well.

This also gives them an air of legitimacy.

what you are claiming is FALSE....

it is NOT TRUE....

it's not true what so ever...

can I make it any clearer??? hahahahaha! :lol:

88% of the CLINTON FOUNDATION donations are used for Charity.

They have an 'A' rating as a charity from the most respected and accurate charitable contribution watchdog out there!

Charity Ratings | America's Most Independent, Assertive Charity Watchdog | CharityWatch

View attachment 85373

Do you think hitlery franks her checks she sends to herself?

the Clintons do not get a penny from the Foundation...

Why do people like you and everyone else stating the same ole lie, LIE? All the time, one lie after another?

Why not have some self respect, and always want to speak the truth instead of simply being a liar and propaganda peddler all the time?

Does politics in your minds just give you a permission slip to lie whenever you want and as often as you all want?

shakes head...
Trump SAYS something mildly inflammatory or controversial and the MSM goes berserk.

Clinton lies about lies, cheats, steals, warmongers, etc....and the MSM covers it up.

One would think all Americans would see the transparent distortion, but one would be wrong.
And everyone knows the Clinton Foundation is just a money laundering scam. Charity watchdog Charity Navigator won't even rank them they are so far out there on the fringe.

96 Percent Of Hillary’s Charitable Donations In 2015 Went To Clinton Foundation


people who have a charity named after them usually donate to their own charity ... no big deal.

The Clinton Foundation is such an obvious scam at this point why even deny what it is? They set it up so they could funnel "pay for play" dollars into a tax free shelter which they then used to pay the salaries of their political machine. Oh, let me guess...you think it's a coincidence that the same people who run Clinton's campaign also were pulling down a paycheck from the Clinton Foundation?

:cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Yes, Bill Clinton in 2001 when he initially began the foundation, it was a charity for his Library...and of course he would hire people that he has known and worked with.... EVERY business person hires people he knows and trusts.... yes he pays them very well....but no more than these people were making in other careers they held.

This initial charity for his Library then progressed in to other charities and global initiatives.
Trump SAYS something mildly inflammatory or controversial and the MSM goes berserk.

Clinton lies about lies, cheats, steals, warmongers, etc....and the MSM covers it up.

One would think all Americans would see the transparent distortion, but one would be wrong.
Liberals can't see past the democrat talking points....it's how they are programmed....
Trump SAYS something mildly inflammatory or controversial and the MSM goes berserk.

Clinton lies about lies, cheats, steals, warmongers, etc....and the MSM covers it up.

One would think all Americans would see the transparent distortion, but one would be wrong.
did you ever think that the propagandists you rely on for your opinion on all the lies are actually the liars themselves? Have you ever fact checked your sources?

Trump says OUTRAGEOUS THINGS, DERANGED things....not mildly anything...
And everyone knows the Clinton Foundation is just a money laundering scam. Charity watchdog Charity Navigator won't even rank them they are so far out there on the fringe.

96 Percent Of Hillary’s Charitable Donations In 2015 Went To Clinton Foundation


people who have a charity named after them usually donate to their own charity ... no big deal.

The Clinton Foundation is such an obvious scam at this point why even deny what it is? They set it up so they could funnel "pay for play" dollars into a tax free shelter which they then used to pay the salaries of their political machine. Oh, let me guess...you think it's a coincidence that the same people who run Clinton's campaign also were pulling down a paycheck from the Clinton Foundation?

:cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Yes, Bill Clinton in 2001 when he initially began the foundation, it was a charity for his Library...and of course he would hire people that he has known and worked with.... EVERY business person hires people he knows and trusts.... yes he pays them very well....but no more than these people were making in other careers they held.

This initial charity for his Library then progressed in to other charities and global initiatives.

The one company I used to work for made big bank off the Clinton Global Initiative...they essentially purchased branded corruption, and got to go to rubber chicken dinners to celebrate it....:lol:
Trump SAYS something mildly inflammatory or controversial and the MSM goes berserk.

Clinton lies about lies, cheats, steals, warmongers, etc....and the MSM covers it up.

One would think all Americans would see the transparent distortion, but one would be wrong.
did you ever think that the propagandists you rely on for your opinion on all the lies are actually the liars themselves? Have you ever fact checked your sources?

Trump says OUTRAGEOUS THINGS, DERANGED things....not mildly anything...
You chose to believe whatever the liberal MSM tells you. I do not.

See the difference?

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