96% of Clintons Charity Donations Went to Clinton Foundation

And everyone knows the Clinton Foundation is just a money laundering scam. Charity watchdog Charity Navigator won't even rank them they are so far out there on the fringe.

96 Percent Of Hillary’s Charitable Donations In 2015 Went To Clinton Foundation


people who have a charity named after them usually donate to their own charity ... no big deal.

The Clinton Foundation is such an obvious scam at this point why even deny what it is? They set it up so they could funnel "pay for play" dollars into a tax free shelter which they then used to pay the salaries of their political machine. Oh, let me guess...you think it's a coincidence that the same people who run Clinton's campaign also were pulling down a paycheck from the Clinton Foundation?

:cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Yes, Bill Clinton in 2001 when he initially began the foundation, it was a charity for his Library...and of course he would hire people that he has known and worked with.... EVERY business person hires people he knows and trusts.... yes he pays them very well....but no more than these people were making in other careers they held.

This initial charity for his Library then progressed in to other charities and global initiatives.

So you think that it's not a problem when you set up a "charity" and then use that charity to pay the people who are working on your political campaign? Do you not understand that's what the Clinton's have done with the Clinton Foundation?
The right wing in America are well trained puppets, mention the Clintons and the assumptions abound. And who said brain washing didn't work.
It needs to be explained to you?
With 87.2% of all donations going to charity, YEAH. This was beat to death last night. Try and keep up.

Charity Ratings | America's Most Independent, Assertive Charity Watchdog | CharityWatch
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It needs to be explained to you?
With 87.2% of all donations going to charity, YEAH. This was beat to death last night. Try and keep up.

Charity Ratings | America's Most Independent, Assertive Charity Watchdog | CharityWatch
Keep up yourself, you stupid ill informed terd.

Report claims DOJ probe of Clinton Foundation, emails ongoing | Fox News

On Friday, Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, sent a letter to Attorney General Loretta Lynch asking questions about a report that says the Justice Department turned down new requests to investigation the Clinton Foundation for possible wrongdoing.

“As the press have reported widely and emails released over the past few days confirmed, representatives of the Foundation repeatedly sought special treatment for its donors and associates from senior officials at the State Department,” Cornyn wrote to Lynch.

“This kind of conduct is unacceptable, and reflects the worst concerns harbored by the public about the abuse of government office to benefit the powerful at the expense of the American people,” he added.

A new batch of emails released earlier this week seemed to show donors got preferential treatment during Clinton’s tenure at the department.

Conservative watchdog Judicial Watch released the 44 new email exchanges which it says were not in the original 30,000 handed over to the State Department, despite the Democratic presidential nominee's claims she turned over all work-related emails amid the now-closed probe into her private server use.

The documents, produced as a result of the group's FOIA lawsuit, challenge Clinton's insistence that there is "no connection" between her family foundation and her work at the department.
It needs to be explained to you?
absolutely. what is corrupt about giving money to a charity?
If it benefits you it isn't the purpose of a charity, apart from the foreign pay to play scheme:

Charity watchdog: Clinton Foundation a ‘slush fund’

On its 2013 tax forms, the most recent available, the foundation claimed it spent $30 million on payroll and employee benefits; $8.7 million in rent and office expenses; $9.2 million on “conferences, conventions and meetings”; $8 million on fundraising; and nearly $8.5 million on travel. None of the Clintons is on the payroll, but they do enjoy first-class flights paid for by the foundation.

In all, the group reported $84.6 million in “functional expenses” on its 2013 tax return and had more than $64 million left over — money the organization has said represents pledges rather than actual cash on hand.

Some of the tens of millions in administrative costs finance more than 2,000 employees, including aid workers and health professionals around the world.

But that’s still far below the 75 percent rate of spending that nonprofit experts say a good charity should spend on its mission.

Other nonprofit experts are asking hard questions about the Clinton Foundation’s tax filings in the wake of recent reports that the Clintons traded influence for donations.

“It seems like the Clinton Foundation operates as a slush fund for the Clintons,” said Bill Allison, a senior fellow at the Sunlight Foundation, a government watchdog group where progressive Democrat and Fordham Law professor Zephyr Teachout was once an organizing director.

In July 2013, Eric Braverman, a friend of Chelsea Clintonfrom when they both worked at McKinsey & Co., took over as CEO of the Clinton Foundation. He took home nearly $275,000 in salary, benefits and a housing allowance from the nonprofit for just five months’ work in 2013, tax filings show. Less than a year later, his salary increased to $395,000, according to a report in Politico.
It needs to be explained to you?
With 87.2% of all donations going to charity, YEAH. This was beat to death last night. Try and keep up.

Charity Ratings | America's Most Independent, Assertive Charity Watchdog | CharityWatch
Keep up yourself, you stupid ill informed terd.

Report claims DOJ probe of Clinton Foundation, emails ongoing | Fox News

On Friday, Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, sent a letter to Attorney General Loretta Lynch asking questions about a report that says the Justice Department turned down new requests to investigation the Clinton Foundation for possible wrongdoing.

“As the press have reported widely and emails released over the past few days confirmed, representatives of the Foundation repeatedly sought special treatment for its donors and associates from senior officials at the State Department,” Cornyn wrote to Lynch.

“This kind of conduct is unacceptable, and reflects the worst concerns harbored by the public about the abuse of government office to benefit the powerful at the expense of the American people,” he added.

A new batch of emails released earlier this week seemed to show donors got preferential treatment during Clinton’s tenure at the department.

Conservative watchdog Judicial Watch released the 44 new email exchanges which it says were not in the original 30,000 handed over to the State Department, despite the Democratic presidential nominee's claims she turned over all work-related emails amid the now-closed probe into her private server use.

The documents, produced as a result of the group's FOIA lawsuit, challenge Clinton's insistence that there is "no connection" between her family foundation and her work at the department.
yeah, none of that says why the clintons giving money out of their own pocket to their charity would be corrupt
That's called a tax deduction. Corrupt yes, stupid no.
what is corrupt about it?
It needs to be explained to you?
With 87.2% of all donations going to charity, YEAH. This was beat to death last night. Try and keep up.

Charity Ratings | America's Most Independent, Assertive Charity Watchdog | CharityWatch
Keep up yourself, you stupid ill informed terd.

Report claims DOJ probe of Clinton Foundation, emails ongoing | Fox News

On Friday, Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, sent a letter to Attorney General Loretta Lynch asking questions about a report that says the Justice Department turned down new requests to investigation the Clinton Foundation for possible wrongdoing.

“As the press have reported widely and emails released over the past few days confirmed, representatives of the Foundation repeatedly sought special treatment for its donors and associates from senior officials at the State Department,” Cornyn wrote to Lynch.

“This kind of conduct is unacceptable, and reflects the worst concerns harbored by the public about the abuse of government office to benefit the powerful at the expense of the American people,” he added.

A new batch of emails released earlier this week seemed to show donors got preferential treatment during Clinton’s tenure at the department.

Conservative watchdog Judicial Watch released the 44 new email exchanges which it says were not in the original 30,000 handed over to the State Department, despite the Democratic presidential nominee's claims she turned over all work-related emails amid the now-closed probe into her private server use.

The documents, produced as a result of the group's FOIA lawsuit, challenge Clinton's insistence that there is "no connection" between her family foundation and her work at the department.
yeah, none of that says why the clintons giving money out of their own pocket to their charity would be corrupt
Funny how people won't call a scam a scam when it's their candidate doing the scamming.

Let's see I'll give millions to a "charitable" foundation that I own and operate, get a tax write off for the deduction then use that "donation" to buy a private jet.

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