96% of Trump voters say: "No Regrets"...Really???

Many like me, voted for Trump on just a couple issues. I voted for him mainly on just two issues. It was about Immigration and the Supreme Court. And even though the Democrats have thwarted him somewhat on Immigration, he continues to aggressively address it. He also may get to appoint two Supreme Court Justices before his 4yrs are up. And who knows, if he gets 8yrs, he may put three Justices in there.

Those two issues were my main concerns. The rest doesn't mean much to me. I knew going in, what i'd be getting with him. And then you have to consider the alternative. Hillary Clinton would have been a nightmare on Immigration and she would have appointed far Left Globalist Justices to the Supreme Court. So, if Trump does well on the two issues that concern me most, he'll continue to have my support.
Well the campaign is OVER!!!! When will Trump and his Wall Street crooks start governing for ALL OF AMERICA!!!!!

Not gonna happen. The Democrats have vowed to never work with him on anything. That's what he's up against. It is what it is.
Yeah that's right. The Republicant's didn't work with President Obama for 8 long years! Surely you cock sucking Republicans remember that! Why should Democrats work with Trump and the Neanderthal GOP Congress???

Trump has 100 days in office with little to show.
He stopped Assad using chemical weapons and now is after Lil Kim
You're an Idiot. That's all you can come up with fucking retard.
? Is your tampon leaking now
Ivanka's tampon was leaking in Germany!!!!!
And you weren't there to lick it up. :itsok:
No that's Melania's job!!!!!!
? Is your tampon leaking now

Does that men you regret your vote for Trump?
Who said that we destroyed Hillary one and for all.

Trump’s failing presidency has the GOP in a free fall

What you need to know about Trump’s feud with the Freedom Caucus
Play Video2:08

President Trump on March 30 tweeted that he would “fight” the House Freedom Caucus in the 2018 midterm elections after the group blocked the health-care bill. (Video: Bastien Inzaurralde/Photo: Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post)

By Michael Gerson Opinion writer March 30

In the aftermath of the GOP health-care debacle came a revealing act of candor. House Speaker Paul D. Ryan admitted that his party, which controls the House, Senate and White House, is not yet a “governing party” because it could not “get 216 people to agree with each other on how we do things.”

Since the rise of the tea party, there have been perhaps 30 members of the House — the Freedom Caucus — who have been consistently unwilling to vote for center-right policy because their anti-government convictions are unappeasable. Incited and abetted by conservative media, they made then-Speaker John Boehner’s (R-Ohio) life a living hell, and have greeted Ryan (Wis.) with sharpened pitchforks.

So a party at the peak of its political fortunes is utterly paralyzed. A caucus in control of everything is itself uncontrollable.

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Heading into last year’s election, Republicans knew that this problem — the tea party predicament, the Freedom Caucus conundrum, the Boehner bog — had to be dealt with. The GOP needed a large and capable leader who could either unite the whole party (at least temporarily) with a bold, conservative vision, or peel off some centrist Democratic support with innovative policy. They needed an above-average president.

What they got is unimaginably distant from any of these goals. They got a leader who is empty — devoid of even moderately detailed preferences and incapable of using policy details in the course of political persuasion.

[Republicans are so hopeless, Trump may have to work with Democrats]

Republicans got a leader who is impatient and easily distracted — by cable news on the Russian scandal or by Arnold Schwarzenegger’s TV ratings. The content and consequences of his tweets are bad enough; worse is the disordered personality traits they reveal — vindictiveness, shallowness and lack of discipline. Trump spent a total of 18 days on his health-care bill before demanding a vote. And he made no speech to the nation to advance his ideas — as every other recent president would have done.

Republicans got an administration that is incompetent. The White House policy process has been erratic and disorganized. It has failed to provide expert analysis or assistance to Congress and did little to effectively advocate the president’s policy in ways that could have united the party.

Republicans got an administration that is morally small. Trump’s proposed budget would require massive cuts in disease research, global development and agricultural programs — just as a famine gathers a hideous strength. The proposed budget practices random acts of gratuitous cruelty.

This is a pretty bad combination: empty, easily distracted, vindictive, shallow, impatient, incompetent and morally small. This is not the profile of a governing party.

It can hardly surprise us. The president had no governing experience. He has no detailed governing agenda. He trashed everyone who tried to govern in the past. And we somehow expect him to overcome the complex governing task presented by the Freedom Caucus?

His new strategy is to go on the attack: “The Freedom Caucus will hurt the entire Republican agenda if they don’t get on the team, & fast. We must fight them, & Dems, in 2018!” By targeting individual congressmen, as Trump has now done, he runs the risk of looking pathetic if they remain unintimidated. And will he really carry this campaign beyond his Twitter feed? Have rallies in their districts? Criticize them on conservative talk radio? Raise money for their more moderate opponents? If he takes this route, then the GOP civil war will reach a new stage of bitterness, with legislative progress postponed until a core faction of the party is tweeted into submission or defeated.

I don't have any regrets. The guy is staying focused on his promises. :dunno:
You mean the promises he made to Red State Amerika?? What about the rest of the country???? When will Trump start GOVERNING for ALL OF AMERICA!!!!!! I mean after all, Trump only won the electoral count by 77,000 votes and lost the popular vote by 3 million votes. Trump is under investigation by the FBI.
Don't fault Trump for your inability to see and understand his accomplishments.
The guy has been making positive changes since day one. :)

You're Wordslinger, the Socialist who has come over from the dead Pensacola forum. You used the name of Adolph Hitler's private train there too as your semi-secret salute to your hero. Welcome!
Red State Amerika-conservatives are living SCUM waiting to join the human race and the 21st Century. Next.

Well, we certainly don't count you part of the human race.

You're Wordslinger, the Socialist who has come over from the dead Pensacola forum. You used the name of Adolph Hitler's private train there too as your semi-secret salute to your hero. Welcome!
Red State Amerika-conservatives are living SCUM waiting to join the human race and the 21st Century. Next.

Well, we certainly don't count you part of the human race.

You're Wordslinger, the Socialist who has come over from the dead Pensacola forum. You used the name of Adolph Hitler's private train there too as your semi-secret salute to your hero. Welcome!
Red State Amerika-conservatives are living SCUM waiting to join the human race and the 21st Century. Next.

Well, we certainly don't count you part of the human race.

Yes, the latest ABC/Wash. Post poll yields that 96% "amazing" datum that Trump voters are still sticking with the orange charlatan......

Now, what would an objective viewer conclude from such a high ranking?

1. Loyalty is non-discerning?
2. Trump voters refuse to admit reality?
3. Trump voters were dumb 6 months ago and are STILL dumb?

Of all the promises made by Trump.....by his OWN admission.....of what he would do in the first 100 days in office ( , making American great, defeating ISIS, a Mexican paid-for wall, ban immigrants, tax reform, health care, working tirelessly in the oval office, infrastructure funding, etc.) ONLY two have been fulfilled......

a. Trump did get Gorsuch a SCOTUS seat; of course, given the right wing majority in congress and the nuclear option factor, Trump could have nominated a first-year law student and managed to get him or her seated....

b. Trump has drastically improved his golf game.......

(I'd go with number 3 above.....LOL)
/---- You lost Gomer. Deal with it.
View attachment 122936

Yes, Hillary did lose the electoral college. That doesn't make the crap Trump wants to pull right or even acceptable. He's still an idiot.
/----All it took to beat Hildabeast was an idiot? Are you running with that story?
View attachment 122937
Liberals are always in the state of being pissed off about something. If they need to, they will invent a reason.
Many like me, voted for Trump on just a couple issues. I voted for him mainly on just two issues. It was about Immigration and the Supreme Court. And even though the Democrats have thwarted him somewhat on Immigration, he continues to aggressively address it. He also may get to appoint two Supreme Court Justices before his 4yrs are up. And who knows, if he gets 8yrs, he may put three Justices in there.

Those two issues were my main concerns. The rest doesn't mean much to me. I knew going in, what i'd be getting with him. And then you have to consider the alternative. Hillary Clinton would have been a nightmare on Immigration and she would have appointed far Left Globalist Justices to the Supreme Court. So, if Trump does well on the two issues that concern me most, he'll continue to have my support.
Well the campaign is OVER!!!! When will Trump and his Wall Street crooks start governing for ALL OF AMERICA!!!!!

Not gonna happen. The Democrats have vowed to never work with him on anything. That's what he's up against. It is what it is.
Yeah that's right. The Republicant's didn't work with President Obama for 8 long years! Surely you cock sucking Republicans remember that! Why should Democrats work with Trump and the Neanderthal GOP Congress???


Actually, Obama got virtually his entire agenda passed. The Republicans weren't much of an opposition. But regardless, when one side vows to never work with the other side, it's impossible for a President to govern 'ALL OF AMERICA.'
Not only do the polls say that Trump voters have no regrets but the same polls show that if the election was held over again today that piece of shit Crooked Hillary would still lose.

The Moon Bats don't have a clue what happen to them, do they? They are stuck in Liberal La La Land.

Their Boy Obama was a one trick pony being Black and getting a high turnout of minority voters that usually don't vote. After that stupidity they have nothing. That is why they lost over a 1,000 nationwide offices during the Kenyan Catastrophe's eight years. They will probably lose another 1,000 offices in the next eight years.
Last edited:
Here's ANOTHER way of looking at this issue.......

If 96% of Trump voters have "no regrets", logic would deduce that 4% may have SOME regrets.....

If this is so, bear in mind that the election was effectively decided by 107,000 people in PA, MI, WI. Trump won the popular vote there by that combined amount. That amounts to 0.09 percent of all votes cast in this election.

If we conclude that a mere HALF a percent of that 4% that may have some regrets that an orange clown is currently stinking up the oval office, then we would not be having this little debate.......
I don't have any regrets. The guy is staying focused on his promises. :dunno:
You mean the promises he made to Red State Amerika?? What about the rest of the country???? When will Trump start GOVERNING for ALL OF AMERICA!!!!!! I mean after all, Trump only won the electoral count by 77,000 votes and lost the popular vote by 3 million votes. Trump is under investigation by the FBI.
Don't fault Trump for your inability to see and understand his accomplishments.
The guy has been making positive changes since day one. :)

Clearly a Libturd troll who just made my ignore list.
? Is your tampon leaking now

Does that men you regret your vote for Trump?
Who said that we destroyed Hillary one and for all.

Trump’s failing presidency has the GOP in a free fall

What you need to know about Trump’s feud with the Freedom Caucus

Play Video2:08

President Trump on March 30 tweeted that he would “fight” the House Freedom Caucus in the 2018 midterm elections after the group blocked the health-care bill. (Video: Bastien Inzaurralde/Photo: Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post)

By Michael Gerson Opinion writer March 30

In the aftermath of the GOP health-care debacle came a revealing act of candor. House Speaker Paul D. Ryan admitted that his party, which controls the House, Senate and White House, is not yet a “governing party” because it could not “get 216 people to agree with each other on how we do things.”

Since the rise of the tea party, there have been perhaps 30 members of the House — the Freedom Caucus — who have been consistently unwilling to vote for center-right policy because their anti-government convictions are unappeasable. Incited and abetted by conservative media, they made then-Speaker John Boehner’s (R-Ohio) life a living hell, and have greeted Ryan (Wis.) with sharpened pitchforks.

So a party at the peak of its political fortunes is utterly paralyzed. A caucus in control of everything is itself uncontrollable.

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The best conversations on The Washington Post

Heading into last year’s election, Republicans knew that this problem — the tea party predicament, the Freedom Caucus conundrum, the Boehner bog — had to be dealt with. The GOP needed a large and capable leader who could either unite the whole party (at least temporarily) with a bold, conservative vision, or peel off some centrist Democratic support with innovative policy. They needed an above-average president.

What they got is unimaginably distant from any of these goals. They got a leader who is empty — devoid of even moderately detailed preferences and incapable of using policy details in the course of political persuasion.

[Republicans are so hopeless, Trump may have to work with Democrats]

Republicans got a leader who is impatient and easily distracted — by cable news on the Russian scandal or by Arnold Schwarzenegger’s TV ratings. The content and consequences of his tweets are bad enough; worse is the disordered personality traits they reveal — vindictiveness, shallowness and lack of discipline. Trump spent a total of 18 days on his health-care bill before demanding a vote. And he made no speech to the nation to advance his ideas — as every other recent president would have done.

Republicans got an administration that is incompetent. The White House policy process has been erratic and disorganized. It has failed to provide expert analysis or assistance to Congress and did little to effectively advocate the president’s policy in ways that could have united the party.

Republicans got an administration that is morally small. Trump’s proposed budget would require massive cuts in disease research, global development and agricultural programs — just as a famine gathers a hideous strength. The proposed budget practices random acts of gratuitous cruelty.

This is a pretty bad combination: empty, easily distracted, vindictive, shallow, impatient, incompetent and morally small. This is not the profile of a governing party.

It can hardly surprise us. The president had no governing experience. He has no detailed governing agenda. He trashed everyone who tried to govern in the past. And we somehow expect him to overcome the complex governing task presented by the Freedom Caucus?

His new strategy is to go on the attack: “The Freedom Caucus will hurt the entire Republican agenda if they don’t get on the team, & fast. We must fight them, & Dems, in 2018!” By targeting individual congressmen, as Trump has now done, he runs the risk of looking pathetic if they remain unintimidated. And will he really carry this campaign beyond his Twitter feed? Have rallies in their districts? Criticize them on conservative talk radio? Raise money for their more moderate opponents? If he takes this route, then the GOP civil war will reach a new stage of bitterness, with legislative progress postponed until a core faction of the party is tweeted into submission or defeated.

A Washington Post opinion? LOL!

They are as bad as the New York Times. Libtard Moon Bat trash rags.
Again, I know this is difficult for you to understand, but LEGISLATIVE accomplishments depend upon CONGRESS!

He signs them as quickly as they reach his desk.

...and I know that Trump ass kisser will never understand this either......You would have somewhat of a point IF congress was heavily democrat/liberal; but you morons like to flaunt how the entire country is in republican hands and then "defend" the orange moron by blaming the conservatyive/red congress.....

Perhaps a grown up can help you understand your little"dilemma."
Here's ANOTHER way of looking at this issue.......

If 96% of Trump voters have "no regrets", logic would deduce that 4% may have SOME regrets.....

If this is so, bear in mind that the election was effectively decided by 107,000 people in PA, MI, WI. Trump won the popular vote there by that combined amount. That amounts to 0.09 percent of all votes cast in this election.

If we conclude that a mere HALF a percent of that 4% that may have some regrets that an orange clown is currently stinking up the oval office, then we would not be having this little debate.......
In that same light, 15% of Hillary voters have regrats and would not vote for her criminal ass again.

That means she would never win the insignificant Popular Vote again.

The more time goes by the more people regret voting for Hillary.
Again, I know this is difficult for you to understand, but LEGISLATIVE accomplishments depend upon CONGRESS!

He signs them as quickly as they reach his desk.

...and I know that Trump ass kisser will never understand this either......You would have somewhat of a point IF congress was heavily democrat/liberal; but you morons like to flaunt how the entire country is in republican hands and then "defend" the orange moron by blaming the conservatyive/red congress.....

Perhaps a grown up can help you understand your little"dilemma."
Go find a grown-up, nat, then leave the discussion to us adults.

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