97% of climatologists believe in man-made global warming

It's not.

Average Arctic sea ice extent for the month of December was 12.53 million square kilometers (4.84 million square miles). This was 140,000 square kilometers (54,000 square miles) greater than for December 2007 and 830,000 square kilometers (320,000 square miles) less than the 1979 to 2000 December average.

Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis

So ... it changes a lot ... like everything natural.
Every scientific society on earth, every National Academy of Science, and every major university agrees with the overwhelming consensus on AGW. Yet you people throw up flakes, paid hacks, and the whores of the energy companies.

Have a look at the peer reviewed scientific journals. How many articles are there that are offering evidence that the warming has nothing to do with man's actions? How many articles are there that offer evidence that the warming is slowing?

So, you are saying that all the peer reviewed scientific journals from every nation in the world are in on a plot to fool all of us? If not, what are you saying?

Really? They must have been deleted.
Just checking it to see if, after nearly a week, one of our esteemed flat-earthers has been able to provide a link to an established national or international science body, or to an actual climate scientist with a PhD who is currently doing research on climate change and getting published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.


Still nothing more than links to a rightwing senator's website, to some "Institute" located on a rural farm in Oregon, to some righwing political websites I've never heard of, and to a handfull of scientists who don't actually do any original reseach in climate change and publish the results in bonafide peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Although one of the flat earth scientists thinks that second hand smoking is a liberal myth, and that space aliens evidently constructed the martian moon of Phobos.

How dissapointing. This has been yet another utter and catastrophic failure of flat earthers to provide anything robust and substantion to back up the things they heard on Sean Hannity's show.

Here you go...

The level of dishonesty and desparation from members of the flat earth society on this thread is simply astonishing.

Did you really think you could sneak this in and I wouldn't check out your link?

I asked for a link to a recognized international scientific body or to a trained PhD climate scientist who does orginal research on climate change and publishes in bonafide scientific journals.

You provided me a link to a industry funded rightwing canadian think tank I've never heard of, their publication is not a peer-reviewed science journal, and the lead author has a PhD in economics with zero academic background, training, or research in climate science.

Try again.
I've given you flat earthers a week to flail around and come up with some internationally recognized scientific bodies who support your contentions.

Its time for the final tally of the sources and documentation used to support both sides of the argument.

Complilation of the list of sources provided by the scientifically literate, versus the sources provied by the USMB flat earth socity:

The Scientifically literate provided:

The US National Academy of Science

The National Academies of Science of
-New Zealand


The National Aeronautics and Space Administration

American Geophysical Union

The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration

The US Geological Survey

The US Environmental Protection Agency

American Association for the Advancement of Science

European Geosciences Union

American Meterological Society

The USMB Flat Earth Soceity provided:

A rightwing senator's website link

Some righwing website called "heartland.org" . A check of their website showed their staff has one "scientist" who has zero training in climate science.

Some industry funded conservative think tank called "the fraser institute" run by economists with zero training in climate research

Some Oregon "Institute" which turns out to be located on a rural farm in Oregon and promotes "home schooling" as an alternative to evil socialist public schools.

A handful of scientists who don't do their own original research on climate change, or publish results in bonafide peer reviewed scientific journals:

-"Bob Carter", part time geology professor from something called "James Cook University".

-Fred Singer, noted and professional denialist, who questions the health threats of second hand smoke as well as climate change. At one time he evidently speculated that the Martian moon of Phobos was constructed by space aliens.

-Assorted and sundry lists of "scientists" the vast majority either don't have PhDs, aren't trained in climate science, or don't do their own original field or laboratory research in climate science. None of whom are internationally recognized as climate science researchers.
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Just checking it to see if, after nearly a week, one of our esteemed flat-earthers has been able to provide a link to an established national or international science body, or to an actual climate scientist with a PhD who is currently doing research on climate change and getting published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.


Still nothing more than links to a rightwing senator's website, to some "Institute" located on a rural farm in Oregon, to some righwing political websites I've never heard of, and to a handfull of scientists who don't actually do any original reseach in climate change and publish the results in bonafide peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Although one of the flat earth scientists thinks that second hand smoking is a liberal myth, and that space aliens evidently constructed the martian moon of Phobos.

How dissapointing. This has been yet another utter and catastrophic failure of flat earthers to provide anything robust and substantion to back up the things they heard on Sean Hannity's show.

Here you go...

The level of dishonesty and desparation from members of the flat earth society on this thread is simply astonishing.

Did you really think you could sneak this in and I wouldn't check out your link?

I asked for a link to a recognized international scientific body or to a trained PhD climate scientist who does orginal research on climate change and publishes in bonafide scientific journals.

You provided me a link to a industry funded rightwing canadian think tank I've never heard of, their publication is not a peer-reviewed science journal, and the lead author has a PhD in economics with zero academic background, training, or research in climate science.

Try again.

This is typical of the "Chicken Little"(the sky is falling....) crowd. Attack the source, at all cost. The bolded area of your previous post is a great example of attacking the source. FYI the author does have training, a backgroud, research in climate science.....see
Ross McKitrick is a Canadian economist specializing in environmental economics and policy analysis.

By the way do you know what environmental economics is? Let me help...

Environmental economics is a subfield of economics concerned with environmental issues. Quoting from the National Bureau of Economic Research Environmental Economics program:

“ [...] Environmental Economics [...] undertakes theoretical or empirical studies of the economic effects of national or local environmental policies around the world [...]. Particular issues include the costs and benefits of alternative environmental policies to deal with air pollution, water quality, toxic substances, solid waste, and global warming.[1]
Environmental economics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of course, you being bright and everything, jumped all over the economics portion of the title without looking any further.

And of course you jumped all over any liberal lies spread on a vast network of "chicken little" rumormongers but the fact is McKitrick has authored science journal articles on the topic of global warming that has been peer reviewed......see
McKitrick has (1997-2005) authored or coauthored 16 peer-reviewed articles in economics journals, and four in science journals (as well as two in Energy and Environment). Outside academia, in addition to co-authoring Taken by Storm: The Troubled Science, Policy and Politics of Global Warming he has also written a number of opinion pieces in newspapers and magazines, many of which have also written about McKitrick.[4] In his latest work, he is lead author of "Stationarity of Global Per Capita Carbon Dioxide Emissions:Implications for Global Warming Scenarios." along with Mark Strazicich.[5]

....another "Chicken Little" plucked
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It's so funny. Global warming is an absolute non-issue. It has never been proven that there is an issue with carbon dioxide..and an accumulation actually cools the earth, it doesn't warm it.

Even more funny....the head meterologists at NASA say that global warming is complete and utter crap...that we should be worried about the absence of SUNSPOTS and global COOLING. They are particularly concerned given the recent rush to eliminate all economical, easy, and effective energy sources and replace them with difficult, unreliable and expensive ones....because they think that when the earth cools, we'll be hurting for food and heat, and we're going to be screwed if we can't get to our oil, or if we haven't figured out how to grow crops without heat.

The level of dishonesty and desparation from members of the flat earth society on this thread is simply astonishing.

Did you really think you could sneak this in and I wouldn't check out your link?

I asked for a link to a recognized international scientific body or to a trained PhD climate scientist who does orginal research on climate change and publishes in bonafide scientific journals.

You provided me a link to a industry funded rightwing canadian think tank I've never heard of, their publication is not a peer-reviewed science journal, and the lead author has a PhD in economics with zero academic background, training, or research in climate science.

Try again.

This is typical of the "Chicken Little"(the sky is falling....) crowd. Attack the source, at all cost. The bolded area of your previous post is a great example of attacking the source. FYI the author does have training, a backgroud, research in climate science.....see
Ross McKitrick is a Canadian economist specializing in environmental economics and policy analysis.

By the way do you know what environmental economics is? Let me help...

Environmental economics is a subfield of economics concerned with environmental issues. Quoting from the National Bureau of Economic Research Environmental Economics program:

“ [...] Environmental Economics [...] undertakes theoretical or empirical studies of the economic effects of national or local environmental policies around the world [...]. Particular issues include the costs and benefits of alternative environmental policies to deal with air pollution, water quality, toxic substances, solid waste, and global warming.[1]
Environmental economics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of course, you being bright and everything, jumped all over the economics portion of the title without looking any further.

And of course you jumped all over any liberal lies spread on a vast network of "chicken little" rumormongers but the fact is McKitrick has authored science journal articles on the topic of global warming that has been peer reviewed......see
McKitrick has (1997-2005) authored or coauthored 16 peer-reviewed articles in economics journals, and four in science journals (as well as two in Energy and Environment). Outside academia, in addition to co-authoring Taken by Storm: The Troubled Science, Policy and Politics of Global Warming he has also written a number of opinion pieces in newspapers and magazines, many of which have also written about McKitrick.[4] In his latest work, he is lead author of "Stationarity of Global Per Capita Carbon Dioxide Emissions:Implications for Global Warming Scenarios." along with Mark Strazicich.[5]

....another "Chicken Little" plucked

Furthermore, Ms.....Chicken little

Coordinator Ross McKitrick, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Guelph
and Senior Fellow, Fraser Institute, Vancouver BC.
Writing Team Joseph D’Aleo, M.Sc. Chief Meteorologist (Ret’d) WSI Corporation. Past Chairman, American
Meteorological Society Committee on Weather Analysis and Forecasting. Member,
American Meteorological Society Council. Fellow, American Meteorological Society. Certified
Consulting Meteorologist.
Madhav Khandekar, Ph.D. Research Scientist (ret’d), Environment Canada. Editor, Climate
Research 2003-2005. Member, Editorial Board, Natural Hazards since 1999. Previously,
Lecturer in Meteorology, Barbados (West Indies); International Civil Aviation Organization
Expert in Aeronautical Meteorology, Qatar.
William Kininmonth, M.Sc. M.Admin. Head (ret’d) National Climate Centre, Australian
Bureau of Meteorology. Previously: Consultant to the World Meteorological Organization
Commission for Climatology; Scientific and Technical Review Coordinator, United Nations
Task Force on El Niño.
Christopher Essex, Ph.D. Professor of Applied Mathematics, University of Western Ontario,
and Associate Director, Program in Theoretical Physics. Formerly, NSERC Postdoctoral
Fellow, Canadian Climate Centre.
Wibjörn Karlén, Ph.D. Professor emeritus, Dept. of Physical Geography and Quaternary
Geology, Stockholm University, Sweden
Olavi Kärner, Ph.D. Senior Research Associate, Atmospheric Sensing Group, Tartu
Astrophysical Observatory, Tõravere, Estonia.
Ian Clark, Ph.D. Professor of Arctic Paleohydrology and Geology, University of Ottawa.
Tad Murty, Ph.D. Adjunct Professor, Departments of Earth Sciences and Civil Engineering,
University of Ottawa; Editor, Natural Hazards; Associate Editor Marine Geodesy; Leader,
World Meteorological Organization group to prepare a manual on storm surges from
hurricanes and extra-tropical cyclones. Formerly: Senior Research Scientist, Canadian
Department of Fisheries and Oceans; Professor of Earth Sciences, Flinders University,
Adelaide, Australia; Director of Australia’s National Tidal Facility.
James J. O’Brien, Ph.D. Robert O. Lawton Distinguished Professor, Meteorology & Oceanography
and Director Emeritus of the Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies,
Florida State University. Florida State Climatologist. Fellow of the American Meteorological
Society, Fellow of the American Geophysical Union, Fellow of the Royal Meteorological
Society, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
The level of dishonesty and desparation from members of the flat earth society on this thread is simply astonishing.

Did you really think you could sneak this in and I wouldn't check out your link?

I asked for a link to a recognized international scientific body or to a trained PhD climate scientist who does orginal research on climate change and publishes in bonafide scientific journals.

You provided me a link to a industry funded rightwing canadian think tank I've never heard of, their publication is not a peer-reviewed science journal, and the lead author has a PhD in economics with zero academic background, training, or research in climate science.

Try again.

This is typical of the "Chicken Little"(the sky is falling....) crowd. Attack the source, at all cost. The bolded area of your previous post is a great example of attacking the source. FYI the author does have training, a backgroud, research in climate science.....see
Ross McKitrick is a Canadian economist specializing in environmental economics and policy analysis.

By the way do you know what environmental economics is? Let me help...

Environmental economics is a subfield of economics concerned with environmental issues. Quoting from the National Bureau of Economic Research Environmental Economics program:

“ [...] Environmental Economics [...] undertakes theoretical or empirical studies of the economic effects of national or local environmental policies around the world [...]. Particular issues include the costs and benefits of alternative environmental policies to deal with air pollution, water quality, toxic substances, solid waste, and global warming.[1]
Environmental economics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of course, you being bright and everything, jumped all over the economics portion of the title without looking any further.

And of course you jumped all over any liberal lies spread on a vast network of "chicken little" rumormongers but the fact is McKitrick has authored science journal articles on the topic of global warming that has been peer reviewed......see
McKitrick has (1997-2005) authored or coauthored 16 peer-reviewed articles in economics journals, and four in science journals (as well as two in Energy and Environment). Outside academia, in addition to co-authoring Taken by Storm: The Troubled Science, Policy and Politics of Global Warming he has also written a number of opinion pieces in newspapers and magazines, many of which have also written about McKitrick.[4] In his latest work, he is lead author of "Stationarity of Global Per Capita Carbon Dioxide Emissions:Implications for Global Warming Scenarios." along with Mark Strazicich.[5]

....another "Chicken Little" plucked

Furthermore, Ms.....Chicken little

Coordinator Ross McKitrick, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Guelph
and Senior Fellow, Fraser Institute, Vancouver BC.
Writing Team Joseph D’Aleo, M.Sc. Chief Meteorologist (Ret’d) WSI Corporation. Past Chairman, American
Meteorological Society Committee on Weather Analysis and Forecasting. Member,
American Meteorological Society Council. Fellow, American Meteorological Society. Certified
Consulting Meteorologist.
Madhav Khandekar, Ph.D. Research Scientist (ret’d), Environment Canada. Editor, Climate
Research 2003-2005. Member, Editorial Board, Natural Hazards since 1999. Previously,
Lecturer in Meteorology, Barbados (West Indies); International Civil Aviation Organization
Expert in Aeronautical Meteorology, Qatar.
William Kininmonth, M.Sc. M.Admin. Head (ret’d) National Climate Centre, Australian
Bureau of Meteorology. Previously: Consultant to the World Meteorological Organization
Commission for Climatology; Scientific and Technical Review Coordinator, United Nations
Task Force on El Niño.
Christopher Essex, Ph.D. Professor of Applied Mathematics, University of Western Ontario,
and Associate Director, Program in Theoretical Physics. Formerly, NSERC Postdoctoral
Fellow, Canadian Climate Centre.
Wibjörn Karlén, Ph.D. Professor emeritus, Dept. of Physical Geography and Quaternary
Geology, Stockholm University, Sweden
Olavi Kärner, Ph.D. Senior Research Associate, Atmospheric Sensing Group, Tartu
Astrophysical Observatory, Tõravere, Estonia.
Ian Clark, Ph.D. Professor of Arctic Paleohydrology and Geology, University of Ottawa.
Tad Murty, Ph.D. Adjunct Professor, Departments of Earth Sciences and Civil Engineering,
University of Ottawa; Editor, Natural Hazards; Associate Editor Marine Geodesy; Leader,
World Meteorological Organization group to prepare a manual on storm surges from
hurricanes and extra-tropical cyclones. Formerly: Senior Research Scientist, Canadian
Department of Fisheries and Oceans; Professor of Earth Sciences, Flinders University,
Adelaide, Australia; Director of Australia’s National Tidal Facility.
James J. O’Brien, Ph.D. Robert O. Lawton Distinguished Professor, Meteorology & Oceanography
and Director Emeritus of the Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies,
Florida State University. Florida State Climatologist. Fellow of the American Meteorological
Society, Fellow of the American Geophysical Union, Fellow of the Royal Meteorological
Society, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

That's a report published by an industry funded conservative think tank.

It's not a scientific report that's gone through the standard variety of scientific peer review.

I googled a couple scientists on the list, and couldn't find any original research on climate change they had published in established and respected scientific journals.

Although I did find some opinon articles they wrote, which hadn't been subject to the peer reivew process.

Perhaps you could help me out. I personally could link you up with thousands of peer reviewed scientific articles from dozens of the world's most respected climate science researchers, if I had the time.

Could you hook me up with like at least three or four peer-reviewed scientific articles these people have published from their own original field or laboratory research on climate change?
It's so funny. Global warming is an absolute non-issue. It has never been proven that there is an issue with carbon dioxide..and an accumulation actually cools the earth, it doesn't warm it.

Even more funny....the head meterologists at NASA say that global warming is complete and utter crap...that we should be worried about the absence of SUNSPOTS and global COOLING. They are particularly concerned given the recent rush to eliminate all economical, easy, and effective energy sources and replace them with difficult, unreliable and expensive ones....because they think that when the earth cools, we'll be hurting for food and heat, and we're going to be screwed if we can't get to our oil, or if we haven't figured out how to grow crops without heat.

Well, Allie, what do you base your assertation that CO2 cools the earth. Source, please.

Ed Zipser is no longer the head meteorologist for NASA. However, he is still active in climate research. Here is an excerpt from research he was active in last year, 2008;

Utah group goes storm-chasing in Australia — Department of Meteorology

In fact, scientists have yet to formulate a precise picture of what they call the dynamics and microphysics of clouds. Meteorologists, who rely on models and simulations, are working without an accurate model of why, for example, a cloud forms, or how particles within a cloud are sized and spaced, and what determines a cloud's life cycle.

Why is this important?

"We want to understand clouds on a microscopic scale so we can determine the impact on a massive scale," said Mace, who is one of half a dozen lead scientists who conceived of the experiment.

TWP ICE scientists and researchers based in Darwin, Australia, tracked storms by air, sea and land using an elaborate network of satellite technology, computers and manpower. Northern Australia's monsoon season is January and February, providing ideal conditions for daily exposure to high level cloud formations.

"Our focus is to understand how high-level clouds, cirrus clouds, impact the climate system. Global warming is the climate change we're the most worried about," Mace said. "We are in the process of doubling the amount of carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere since the Industrial Age began. The cause is the burning of fossil fuels, and it is significant because it is drastically changing the composition of the atmosphere."
More research from Dr. Zipser.

Wednesday October 17, 2007 at 10pm ET/PT on CBC Newsworld
Repeating Wednesday June 4, 2008 at 10pm PT on CBC Newsworld

Armed with seven planes, a ship, 250 scientists and researchers and the best gadgets money can buy, a daring and intrepid group tries to catch the 'perfect storm.' Launching the 2007 season of WILD DOCS! Thunderheads is a thrilling ride that follows pilots and scientists as they battle to better understand the role of thunderstorms in the climate change puzzle.

Thunderheads tells the gripping tale of I.C.E.-the 'International Cloud Experiment', a multinational force of 250 people from Australia, Russia, England, Germany and the U.S. as they learn all they can about 'Hector,' one of the largest thunderstorms on the planet.

To the scientists, led by thunderstorm guru professor Ed Zipser and NASA branch chief Dave Starr from the U.S., 'Hector' may hold the key to better understanding how thunderstorms affect global warming. Indeed, clouds in general may be the sleeping giants of climate change. They have the ability to both trap heat-and to reflect sunlight back into space. As the Earth heats up, will the planet's cloud cover change? Currently, scientists simply don't know, but part of the answer lies in thunderheads, because they are the clouds that make other clouds.

Perhaps Senator Inhofe lied again. Seems that Dr. Zipser is very much into researching Global warming.

This observational documentary intimately captures the blood, sweat and tears that go into conducting a vast, ambitious and perilous experiment.

Thunderheads is written and produced by Klaus Toft.
Every scientific society on earth, every National Academy of Science, and every major university agrees with the overwhelming consensus on AGW. Yet you people throw up flakes, paid hacks, and the whores of the energy companies.

Have a look at the peer reviewed scientific journals. How many articles are there that are offering evidence that the warming has nothing to do with man's actions? How many articles are there that offer evidence that the warming is slowing?

So, you are saying that all the peer reviewed scientific journals from every nation in the world are in on a plot to fool all of us? If not, what are you saying?

More partisan bullshit.

Hey dingbat, post a scientific society that states AGW is a fraud!
Every scientific society on earth, every National Academy of Science, and every major university agrees with the overwhelming consensus on AGW. Yet you people throw up flakes, paid hacks, and the whores of the energy companies.

Have a look at the peer reviewed scientific journals. How many articles are there that are offering evidence that the warming has nothing to do with man's actions? How many articles are there that offer evidence that the warming is slowing?

So, you are saying that all the peer reviewed scientific journals from every nation in the world are in on a plot to fool all of us? If not, what are you saying?

More partisan bullshit.

Hey dingbat, post a scientific society that states AGW is a fraud!

I have posted articles from scientists that hold the opposing view but you ridicule them. Even though they went to school for God knows how long.
Dingbat originated in Aussie slang, but was later used as a computer term. Then somehow got adapted into American slang ... it's an odd word now.
More partisan bullshit.

Hey dingbat, post a scientific society that states AGW is a fraud!

I have posted articles from scientists that hold the opposing view but you ridicule them. Even though they went to school for God knows how long.

You posted opinion pieces from people who have degrees in science, and flat earthers have posted links to rightwing political websites, conservative think tanks and repbulcian senator's webistes.

Here's how science works. It's fine to write an opinion piece and get an industry funded think tank to publish it.

But, it you want any real scientific crediblity, where is the actual scientific field and lab research these "scientists" are doing, which have been published in bonafide respected scientific journals which debunk the theory of AGW? Where is the actual bonifide scientific research that demonstrates AGW is bunk? Here's a tip: it doesn't exist.

Not a single piece of orignal peer reviewed research has been provided.

And not one, single, solitary bonifide nationla or international scientific body has been provided by flat earthers, supporting their assertion that AGW is bunk.

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