97% of climatologists believe in man-made global warming

John, you posted an article from the Heartland Institute from 6 years ago.

July 1, 2008



The New True Believers
But mother nature has opinions of her own. NASA now begrudgingly confirms that the hottest year on record in the continental 48 was not 1998, as previously believed, but 1934, and that six of the 10 hottest years since 1880 antedate 1954. Data from 3,000 scientific robots in the world's oceans show there has been slight cooling in the past five years, never mind that "80% to 90% of global warming involves heating up ocean waters," according to a report by NPR's Richard Harris.The Arctic ice cap may be thinning, but the extent of Antarctic sea ice has been expanding for years. At least as of February, last winter was the Northern Hemisphere's coldest in decades. In May, German climate modelers reported in the journal Nature that global warming is due for a decade-long vacation. But be not not-afraid, added the modelers: The inexorable march to apocalypse resumes in 2020.
This last item is, of course, a forecast, not an empirical observation. But it raises a useful question: If even slight global cooling remains evidence of global warming, what isn't evidence of global warming? What we have here is a nonfalsifiable hypothesis, logically indistinguishable from claims for the existence of God. This doesn't mean God doesn't exist, or that global warming isn't happening. It does mean it isn't science.
So let's stop fussing about the interpretation of ice core samples from the South Pole and temperature readings in the troposphere. The real place where discussions of global warming belong is in the realm of belief, and particularly the motives for belief. I see three mutually compatible explanations.
The first is as a vehicle of ideological convenience. Socialism may have failed as an economic theory, but global warming alarmism, with its dire warnings about the consequences of industry and consumerism, is equally a rebuke to capitalism. Take just about any other discredited leftist nostrum of yore – population control, higher taxes, a vast new regulatory regime, global economic redistribution, an enhanced role for the United Nations – and global warming provides a justification. One wonders what the left would make of a scientific "consensus" warning that some looming environmental crisis could only be averted if every college-educated woman bore six children: Thumbs to "patriarchal" science; curtains to the species.
A second explanation is theological. Surely it is no accident that the principal catastrophe predicted by global warming alarmists is diluvian in nature. Surely it is not a coincidence that modern-day environmentalists are awfully biblical in their critique of the depredations of modern society: "And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart." That's Genesis, but it sounds like Jim Hansen.
And surely it is in keeping with this essentially religious outlook that the "solutions" chiefly offered to global warming involve radical changes to personal behavior, all of them with an ascetic, virtue-centric bent: drive less, buy less, walk lightly upon the earth and so on. A light carbon footprint has become the 21st-century equivalent of sexual abstinence.
Finally, there is a psychological explanation. Listen carefully to the global warming alarmists, and the main theme that emerges is that what the developed world needs is a large dose of penance. What's remarkable is the extent to which penance sells among a mostly secular audience. What is there to be penitent about?
As it turns out, a lot, at least if you're inclined to believe that our successes are undeserved and that prosperity is morally suspect. In this view, global warming is nature's great comeuppance, affirming as nothing else our guilty conscience for our worldly success.
In "The Varieties of Religious Experience," William James distinguishes between healthy, life-affirming religion and the monastically inclined, "morbid-minded" religion of the sick-souled. Global warming is sick-souled religion.
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Lordy, lordy, Once again the lower 48 is being passed off as the whole world. It is 2% of the global area. Get it straight, of the ten warmest years on record, globally, 8 have been in this century, and the other two were in the last decade of the last.

As for the rest of your article, why bother with an author that obviously delves in half truths to push his political agenda? Get real, get some scientists that at least have some credibility. Lindzen, althought proven wrong, at least has some good research to his credit. The rest of the bozos, like Spencer are so far out in right field that they have no standing any longer in the scientific community at all.
A bogus commentary from a wing nut in the WSJ. Very funny.

I love the fact that he lies about what NASA is saying with no attribution whatsoever.

Satellite photos don't lie. Only people lie.

NSIDC Arctic Sea Ice News Fall 2007

If ship and aircraft records from before the satellite era are taken into account, sea ice may have fallen by as much as 50 percent from the 1950s. The September rate of sea ice decline since 1979 is now approximately 10 percent per decade, or 72,000 square kilometers (28,000 square miles) per year.

Damn...last year sea ice rebounded to 1979 levels...remember the UIUC report.
You argue in circles much?
A bogus commentary from a wing nut in the WSJ. Very funny.

I love the fact that he lies about what NASA is saying with no attribution whatsoever.

Satellite photos don't lie. Only people lie.

NSIDC Arctic Sea Ice News Fall 2007

If ship and aircraft records from before the satellite era are taken into account, sea ice may have fallen by as much as 50 percent from the 1950s. The September rate of sea ice decline since 1979 is now approximately 10 percent per decade, or 72,000 square kilometers (28,000 square miles) per year.

Damn...last year sea ice rebounded to 1979 levels...remember the UIUC report.
You argue in circles much?

No, Arctic sea ice did not rebound to 1979 levels.

Average Arctic sea ice extent for the month of December was 12.53 million square kilometers (4.84 million square miles). This was 140,000 square kilometers (54,000 square miles) greater than for December 2007 and 830,000 square kilometers (320,000 square miles) less than the 1979 to 2000 December average.

Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis
National Snow & Ice Data Center???? Who's ever heard of that one, Chris. Sounds just like one more of your left wing radical sites dude. Nice try though, I must admit. You need to bring your "A" game to this board, Chris.
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The National Snow and Ice Data Center, or NSIDC, is a United States information and referral center in support of polar and cryospheric research. NSIDC archives and distributes digital and analog snow and ice data and also maintains information about snow cover, avalanches, glaciers, ice sheets, freshwater ice, sea ice, ground ice, permafrost, atmospheric ice, paleoglaciology, and ice cores.

NSIDC is part of the University of Colorado Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES), and is affiliated with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Geophysical Data Center through a cooperative agreement. NSIDC serves as one of eight Distributed Active Archive Centers funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to archive and distribute data from NASA's past and current satellites and field measurement programs. NSIDC also supports the National Science Foundation through the Arctic System Science Data Coordination Center and the Antarctic Glaciological Data Center.

National Snow and Ice Data Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A bogus commentary from a wing nut in the WSJ. Very funny.

I love the fact that he lies about what NASA is saying with no attribution whatsoever.

Satellite photos don't lie. Only people lie.

NSIDC Arctic Sea Ice News Fall 2007

If ship and aircraft records from before the satellite era are taken into account, sea ice may have fallen by as much as 50 percent from the 1950s. The September rate of sea ice decline since 1979 is now approximately 10 percent per decade, or 72,000 square kilometers (28,000 square miles) per year.

Damn...last year sea ice rebounded to 1979 levels...remember the UIUC report.
You argue in circles much?

No, Arctic sea ice did not rebound to 1979 levels.

Average Arctic sea ice extent for the month of December was 12.53 million square kilometers (4.84 million square miles). This was 140,000 square kilometers (54,000 square miles) greater than for December 2007 and 830,000 square kilometers (320,000 square miles) less than the 1979 to 2000 December average.

Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis
Circles....Circles....Chrissy's tactic...Argue in cirlces
Report: Global Sea Ice at 'Unprecedented' Levels

Don’t expect to hear this reported on the your evening newscast, but according to new data, sea ice levels in the Southern Hemisphere are at 25-year highs.

“On a global basis, world sea ice in April 2008 reached levels that were ‘unprecedented’ for the month of April in over 25 years,” Steve McIntyre wrote on Climateaudit.org on May 4. “Levels are the third highest (for April) since the commencement of records in 1979, exceeded only by levels in 1979 and 1982.”

McIntyre, along with Ross McKitrick, debunked the validity of the “hockey stick” graph used in a journal article by Michael Mann, which described the increase in Northern Hemisphere mean temperature. The two claimed Mann’s graph was based on flawed calculations and data defects.

That data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) suggests the effects of global warming aren’t as dire as some media reports would have you believe. A segment on ABC’s March 28 “Good Morning America” warned melting sea ice is endangering the global warming alarmists’ favorite mascot, the polar bear.
jreeves, you are the best! You make it so easy!

Stephen McIntyre is the primary author of Climate Audit, a blog devoted to the analysis and discussion of climate data. He is most prominent as a critic of the temperature record of the past 1000 years, particularly the work of Michael E. Mann, and the data quality of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies.

He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics from the University of Toronto.[1] He studied philosophy, politics and economics at the University of Oxford.

McIntyre has worked in hard-rock mineral exploration[2] for 30 years, much of that time as an officer or director of several public mineral exploration companies. He has also been a policy analyst at both the governments of Ontario and of Canada.[3] He was the president and founder of Northwest Exploration Company Limited and a director of its parent company, Northwest Explorations Inc. When Northwest Explorations Inc. was taken over in 1998 by CGX Resources Inc. to form the oil and gas exploration company CGX Energy Inc., McIntyre ceased being a director. McIntyre was a strategic advisor for CGX in 2000 through 2003.[4]

Stephen McIntyre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
jreeves, you are the best! You make it so easy!

Stephen McIntyre is the primary author of Climate Audit, a blog devoted to the analysis and discussion of climate data. He is most prominent as a critic of the temperature record of the past 1000 years, particularly the work of Michael E. Mann, and the data quality of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies.

He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics from the University of Toronto.[1] He studied philosophy, politics and economics at the University of Oxford.

McIntyre has worked in hard-rock mineral exploration[2] for 30 years, much of that time as an officer or director of several public mineral exploration companies. He has also been a policy analyst at both the governments of Ontario and of Canada.[3] He was the president and founder of Northwest Exploration Company Limited and a director of its parent company, Northwest Explorations Inc. When Northwest Explorations Inc. was taken over in 1998 by CGX Resources Inc. to form the oil and gas exploration company CGX Energy Inc., McIntyre ceased being a director. McIntyre was a strategic advisor for CGX in 2000 through 2003.[4]

Stephen McIntyre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here's the data discredit this..
its the same
I'm sorry Jreeves

That data has red in it which is a clear symbol of the GOP which therefore makes it more right partisan hack data which I must not give any credit too.
Jan. 29 (Bloomberg) -- NATO’s chief played down the risk of military confrontation in the Arctic as the melting polar ice cap threatens to trigger a race between Western countries and Russia for oil and gas resources.

Increased Russian bomber patrols over the North Atlantic and the planting of the Russian flag on the seabed are not even a “nuisance,” North Atlantic Treaty Organization Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said.

“The word threat is unjustified and inappropriate in this regard,” De Hoop Scheffer told reporters today in Reykjavik. “I would be the last one to expect or to make any reference to military conflict, definitely not.”

The U.S., Denmark, Canada and Norway -- all part of NATO -- and Russia have staked claims to Arctic raw materials, as thawing sea ice eases access to 90 billion barrels of oil, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Arctic sea ice shrank to the second-smallest size on record in 2008, and the breakaway of an ice shelf nearly the size of Manhattan island from the Canadian mainland offered dramatic evidence of the pace of global warming.

Jan. 29 (Bloomberg) -- NATO’s chief played down the risk of military confrontation in the Arctic as the melting polar ice cap threatens to trigger a race between Western countries and Russia for oil and gas resources.

Increased Russian bomber patrols over the North Atlantic and the planting of the Russian flag on the seabed are not even a “nuisance,” North Atlantic Treaty Organization Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said.

“The word threat is unjustified and inappropriate in this regard,” De Hoop Scheffer told reporters today in Reykjavik. “I would be the last one to expect or to make any reference to military conflict, definitely not.”

The U.S., Denmark, Canada and Norway -- all part of NATO -- and Russia have staked claims to Arctic raw materials, as thawing sea ice eases access to 90 billion barrels of oil, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Arctic sea ice shrank to the second-smallest size on record in 2008, and the breakaway of an ice shelf nearly the size of Manhattan island from the Canadian mainland offered dramatic evidence of the pace of global warming.

Bloomberg.com: Canada

OMG..arguing in circles, here is an article that I posted from earlier in this thread...damn your dense...
Meteorology News » Features » Global Sea Ice on the Rebound?
Sea ice has quickly re-taken previously thawed regions of the ocean at both ends of the globe, according to satellite observations recently published by NOAA’s National Snow and Ice Data Center.

While global sea ice extent has only been measured with high resolution since 1979, the recent increase in sea ice coverage now puts the start of 2009 in the same place as the year when records started: 1979. While the extent of sea ice in the northern hemisphere is currently slightly below the 30-year mean, the coverage in the southern hemisphere exceeds the thirty-year mean by approximately 500,000 square kilometers. While some scientists argue this is a clear and obvious sign of catastrophic global warming, others have urged restraint. They argue this data cannot be reliably compared to older historical records that had less resolution and reliability.

BTW you can find the graph I posted there Chrissypants...
Inhofe, former chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, is a strong critic of the scientific consensus that climate change is occurring as a result of human activities. In a July 28, 2003, Senate speech, Inhofe claimed to offer "compelling evidence that catastrophic global warming is a hoax. That conclusion is supported by the painstaking work of the nation's top climate scientists."[12] He cited as support for this the 1992 Heidelberg Appeal and the Oregon Petition (1999), as well the opinions of individual scientists that he named (although most climate scientists, as represented by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), now believe that climate change is an existing phenomenon). In his speech, Inhofe also claimed that, "satellite data, confirmed by NOAA balloon measurements, confirms that no meaningful warming has occurred over the last century."[13] However the satellite temperature record corroborates the well-documented warming trend noted in surface temperature measurements.[14] Additionally, the satellite record begins in 1979 and the balloon record effectively in 1958, so it is unclear what Inhofe means by "last century". Inhofe's views have been opposed by climate scientists.[15]

In a 2006 interview with the Tulsa World newspaper, Inhofe said regarding the environmentalist movement, "It kind of reminds... I could use the Third Reich, the Big Lie... You say something over and over and over and over again, and people will believe it, and that's their [the environmentalists'] strategy... A hot summer has nothing to do with global warming. Let's keep in mind it was just three weeks ago that people were saying, 'Wait a minute; it is unusually cool...." He then said, "Everything on which they [the environmentalists] based their story, in terms of the facts, has been refuted scientifically."[16] Inhofe had previously compared the United States Environmental Protection Agency to the Gestapo[17] and he compared EPA Administrator Carol Browner to Tokyo Rose.[18] He had also made allegations that the Weather Channel is behind the alleged global warming hoax, so as to attract viewers.[19][20] Inhofe had previously claimed that Global Warming is "the second-largest hoax ever played on the American people, after the separation of church and state."[21]

Inhofe, claiming uncertainties related to climate science and the adverse impact that mandatory emissions reductions would have on the U.S. economy, voted on June 22, 2005 to reject an amendment to an energy bill that would have forced reductions in emissions of greenhouse gases and created a mandatory emissions trading scheme. "Global warming is still considered to be a theory and has not come close to being sufficiently proven", he said.[citation needed]

Inhofe has similarly criticized predictions of ozone depletion, particularly in relation to the Arctic.[22]

In 2006, Inhofe gave a speech in the Senate in which he argued that the threat of global warming was exaggerated by "the media, Hollywood elites and our pop culture." Inhofe claimed that "From the late 1920s until the 1960s they [the media] warned of global warming. From the 1950s until the 1970s they warned us again of a coming ice age. This makes modern global warming the fourth estate's fourth attempt to promote opposing climate change fears during the last 100 years." He also accused the media of ignoring scientists such as Roger A. Pielke and William Gray who, Inhofe claims, disagree with global warming.[23]

Only Texas senator John Cornyn received more campaign donations from the oil and gas industry than Inhofe in the 2002 election cycle.[24] The contributions Inhofe has received from the energy and natural resource sector since taking office have exceeded one million dollars.[25]

Jim Inhofe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jan. 29 (Bloomberg) -- NATO’s chief played down the risk of military confrontation in the Arctic as the melting polar ice cap threatens to trigger a race between Western countries and Russia for oil and gas resources.

Increased Russian bomber patrols over the North Atlantic and the planting of the Russian flag on the seabed are not even a “nuisance,” North Atlantic Treaty Organization Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said.

“The word threat is unjustified and inappropriate in this regard,” De Hoop Scheffer told reporters today in Reykjavik. “I would be the last one to expect or to make any reference to military conflict, definitely not.”

The U.S., Denmark, Canada and Norway -- all part of NATO -- and Russia have staked claims to Arctic raw materials, as thawing sea ice eases access to 90 billion barrels of oil, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Arctic sea ice shrank to the second-smallest size on record in 2008, and the breakaway of an ice shelf nearly the size of Manhattan island from the Canadian mainland offered dramatic evidence of the pace of global warming.

Bloomberg.com: Canada

OMG..arguing in circles, here is an article that I posted from earlier in this thread...damn your dense...
Meteorology News » Features » Global Sea Ice on the Rebound?
Sea ice has quickly re-taken previously thawed regions of the ocean at both ends of the globe, according to satellite observations recently published by NOAA’s National Snow and Ice Data Center.

While global sea ice extent has only been measured with high resolution since 1979, the recent increase in sea ice coverage now puts the start of 2009 in the same place as the year when records started: 1979. While the extent of sea ice in the northern hemisphere is currently slightly below the 30-year mean, the coverage in the southern hemisphere exceeds the thirty-year mean by approximately 500,000 square kilometers. While some scientists argue this is a clear and obvious sign of catastrophic global warming, others have urged restraint. They argue this data cannot be reliably compared to older historical records that had less resolution and reliability.

BTW you can find the graph I posted there Chrissypants...

BTW you can find the graph I posted there Chrissypants....:cuckoo:
Jan. 29 (Bloomberg) -- NATO’s chief played down the risk of military confrontation in the Arctic as the melting polar ice cap threatens to trigger a race between Western countries and Russia for oil and gas resources.

Increased Russian bomber patrols over the North Atlantic and the planting of the Russian flag on the seabed are not even a “nuisance,” North Atlantic Treaty Organization Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said.

“The word threat is unjustified and inappropriate in this regard,” De Hoop Scheffer told reporters today in Reykjavik. “I would be the last one to expect or to make any reference to military conflict, definitely not.”

The U.S., Denmark, Canada and Norway -- all part of NATO -- and Russia have staked claims to Arctic raw materials, as thawing sea ice eases access to 90 billion barrels of oil, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Arctic sea ice shrank to the second-smallest size on record in 2008, and the breakaway of an ice shelf nearly the size of Manhattan island from the Canadian mainland offered dramatic evidence of the pace of global warming.

Bloomberg.com: Canada

OMG..arguing in circles, here is an article that I posted from earlier in this thread...damn your dense...
Meteorology News » Features » Global Sea Ice on the Rebound?
Sea ice has quickly re-taken previously thawed regions of the ocean at both ends of the globe, according to satellite observations recently published by NOAA’s National Snow and Ice Data Center.

While global sea ice extent has only been measured with high resolution since 1979, the recent increase in sea ice coverage now puts the start of 2009 in the same place as the year when records started: 1979. While the extent of sea ice in the northern hemisphere is currently slightly below the 30-year mean, the coverage in the southern hemisphere exceeds the thirty-year mean by approximately 500,000 square kilometers. While some scientists argue this is a clear and obvious sign of catastrophic global warming, others have urged restraint. They argue this data cannot be reliably compared to older historical records that had less resolution and reliability.

BTW you can find the graph I posted there Chrissypants...

BTW you can find the graph I posted there Chrissypants....:cuckoo:

http://arctic.atmos.uiuc.edu/cryosphere/IMAGES/global.daily.ice.area.withtrend.jpg for the really dense...
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